"Why the hell didn't you call me back?!" Wenwen yelled on the phone.

Liu Ligan said: "How do I know it's you? This is not the store's phone number."

"The devil is in the shop, I'm in front of the fucking Industrial and Commercial Bureau, get over here!" After Wenwen said that, she hung up the phone.

At the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? Liu Ligan was shocked, knowing that something big had happened, but he didn't know whether it was a disaster or a blessing.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle to the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. He saw that although Wenwen was standing in the shade of a tree, she was still holding an umbrella in her hand and a piece of paper in her other hand, fanning herself constantly. Windy.

Liu Ligan asked, why are you here?

Wenwen rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "It's not because of you!"

She handed the paper in her hand to Liu Ligan and said, "Here you go, take a good look. Do you want this?"

Liu Ligan took a look and saw that it was a business license collection notice. Liu Ligan didn't seem to believe his eyes. He looked again and saw that it was really a business license collection notice. He was informed that the day after tomorrow, he would register with the enterprise on the third floor of the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau. (3) Office, with the original ID card, obtain the business license of Hainan Jinghai Real Estate Co., Ltd.

The edge of the notice was still wet with sweat from Wenwen's hand.

"That's great!" Liu Lizhan picked up Wenwen. If there weren't so many people walking around, he would have kissed her.

Wenwen hit his shoulder with her hand and cursed: "Let go, it's all sweat and it stinks."

Liu Ligan let go of his hand, chuckled, and asked, "Why did I just give it to you, Lao Ma?"

Wenwen said disdainfully: "What's so difficult about this? I sat in his office and told him, if you don't finish it for me today, I'll just sit here and not leave. How can he still eat me? I can only behave obediently." Ran upstairs."

Liu Lizhan gave Wenwen a thumbs up and sighed, "One thing really brings down another thing."

"Send me home quickly. I'm so sleepy that I woke up very early because of this stupid thing like yours." Wenwen said.

Although it is already past three o'clock in the afternoon, Wenwen's words are correct. They usually go to bed at dawn and don't get up until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Going out at one or two o'clock in the afternoon is not a good idea for her. He said, he really got up early.

This is also the reason why Wenwen must go home and refuse to stay in the hotel overnight no matter whether she is outside or tossing with Lao Ma until 2:00 or 3:00. For her, she has to get up before checking out at 12 noon the next day. , it is really uncomfortable to go home under the strong midday sun.

Liu Ligan quickly put the notice in his bag, patted the motorcycle seat, and said to Wenwen, "Come on, your Majesty, let's get off the road and our class will return to the court!"

Wenwen giggled.

After sending Wenwen home, Liu Ligan hurried to Longzhu Building. He did not go back to his office, but went to Li Yong. Li Yong smiled when he saw the notice Liu Ligan handed him: "Awesome, pole!"

The two of them went to Chen Qihang's office. Chen Qihang was happy to see it. He asked, had he told Sun Hou?

Liu Ligan said, it's not too late yet.

Chen Qihang grabbed the phone on the table and called Sun Hou to tell him that your license was ready. Sun Hou also shouted on the phone: "So fast? This guy is so awesome!"

Chen Qihang hung up Sun Hou's call, and Li Yong said, regardless of the monkey, let's celebrate ourselves first, or have hot pot at 11 o'clock tonight.

Liu Ligan said yes, and Chen Qihang notified Liu Yun and Zhang Chen on the phone at hand. Liu Ligan looked on with a little regret in his heart. He thought, it is a pity that the two major contributors to this license, Huang Meili and Wenwen, There is no way to attend.

When Liu Yun saw Zhang Chen, she asked, why didn't Lily come?

Before Zhang Chen opened his mouth, Lin Yiyan said that Lily was in Sanya.

Zhang Chen sat there, feeling strange in his heart. He felt like they were talking about a stranger to him. How could he not know that Jin Lili had gone to Sanya?

Liu Ligan and Liu Yun hadn't seen each other for several days. When they met, they were a little stiff and reserved. After sitting down, Liu Yun stretched out her hand and twisted Liu Ligan's thigh, complaining about his relationship. The disappearance of time.

Liu Ligan almost cried out in pain, but he held it back. He looked at Liu Yun, who smiled slightly. Their hands were held together under the table and they were shaking. Only then did he feel that everything was perfect as before. .

At about one o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the entire Longzhu Building, including Li Yong's company, fell into silence. It spread to every building in Haicheng. This was the unshakable nap time in this city. The whole city doesn't start to wake up until at least two o'clock, and it doesn't fully wake up until three o'clock.

The air conditioner was blowing. Li Yong took a cushion and lay on the table to sleep. He didn't dare to sleep on the sofa. Even if he slept on the sofa until four o'clock, he would not get enough sleep. He would still yawn when he sat up. .

Someone knocked twice on the door. Li Yong didn't hear it. He might have heard it, but he was too lazy to pay attention to him. None of the people who came at this time were talking about anything serious. All serious people were taking a nap now. Haicheng people who don’t take a nap.

The door was pushed open, and the man walked in from outside, threw the bag in his hand on the sofa, walked to Li Yong, stood for a while, stretched out his hand, grabbed the corner of the cushion, and twitched Li Yong hard. His skull hit the table with a thud, he raised his head angrily, but was stunned, and the visitor burst out laughing.

"Sun Hou, why the hell are you here!?" Li Yong shouted while touching his forehead.

"My company is above yours, why the hell can't I come?" Sun Shengguo yelled back.

Li Yong didn't bother to argue with him. He grabbed the phone on the table, dialed a few numbers, and shouted into the phone: "That monkey is here, come here."

After a while, Chen Qihang came in from the door with red and swollen eyes. His first words were: "Why the hell are you here?!"

Sun Shengguo waved his hand and told them that the matter was urgent and I would leave in a few days. Is the pole upstairs?

Li Yong said that he should not be here at this time. Who knows which company he is in? This bastard doesn't take a nap, so he will go around disturbing others while they are sleeping.

As he spoke, Li Yong called Zhang Chen's office and asked Zhang Chen, is the pole at your place?

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Tell him to come over immediately, Sun Hou is here."

Sun Hou said from the side, ask Mr. Zhang if he has time, and come with us if he has time. I still have something to ask him.

Zhang Chen had already heard Sun Hou's words on the phone. Before Li Yong said anything, he said yes, let's come over.

Li Yong and Zhang Chen said: "We are waiting for you upstairs."

Li Yong took out the key upstairs from the drawer, stood up, and said to Sun Hou Chen Qihang, "Let's go up."

The three of them went upstairs and reached the office door. Li Yong opened the door, but Sun Hou was not in a hurry to go in. Instead, he walked to the closed door on the side to look at it, then looked at the opposite door, and asked Li Yong if there was any room between these two rooms. Not rented out?

Li Yong said there shouldn't be one. Otherwise, there wouldn't be anyone at this point. I'll call the property management company and ask.

"Ask them to send someone up." Sun Hou said.

Li Yong made a call. After a while, the real estate agent came up. Sun Hou asked him about the situation of the two offices. The other party told him that the one next to him had not been rented yet, and the one opposite had four months left to rent. It's due, but it can't be opened. The people inside have already left. If you want to rent it, I can contact you. Let them sublet it to you for these four months. For the rest, you just need to sign with us.

"If I rent both rooms, can I connect them?" Sun Hou asked.

"Of course you can. In this case, the half floor on the elevator side, more than 800 square meters, will be yours, so there must be no problem." The other party said.

"Okay, just help me implement this matter. I will finalize it in the afternoon." Sun Hou said to the property manager. Of course the property manager was happy. He had never seen such a cheerful tenant before, so he left happily.

Chen Qihang asked: "Sun Hou, what are you going to do? Are you going to make a big fuss?"

"Hey, isn't it just to make it bigger?" Sun Shengguo said with a smile.

While they were talking, Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole arrived. Sun Shengguo saw them and told them that they came just in time, we were just chatting about this matter.

Sun Shengguo told them that there is clear news now. In just a few months, and no later than the end of this year at the latest, the higher authorities will issue a document to comprehensively promote the reform of the urban housing system. The general direction is to commercialize housing and develop real estate. With the development of the industry, we will eventually realize the complete abolition of welfare housing allocation. We are taking the first step.

Now Hainan Company, not only our bank, but also the higher-level banks are watching and expressing their strong support. We held an interim executive meeting last night and decided to expand the scale of Hainan Company. So I rushed here today, just to Finalize things here.

"Gangzi, when you get the business license, the documents will come out. You will be the general manager of the Hainan company. Our bank will send a vice president in charge of finance to assist you in your work. You will recruit other personnel locally. .”

Sun Shengguo and Liu Ligan said.

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