Huang Meili looked at her watch, pursed her lips and said to Liu Ligan: "Lao Ma, the time is up, please send me in."

The two of them got up, Liu Ligan paid, and walked back to the waiting hall together. When they reached the security checkpoint, the two of them stood face to face.

Huang Meili stretched out her finger, drew on Liu Ligan's chest, and murmured: "Lao Ma, Zhejiang is so far away. If you miss me, you won't be able to find me, and I can't find you either. I won't do it."

"You didn't bring Big Brother with you?"

"It's useless to bring it. Guangdong and Hainan are connected to the Internet, and Zhejiang is not connected to the Internet yet." Huang Meili said.

"By the way, you can call my office number. I will be there during the day." Liu Ligan remembered, "Also, if you encounter any trouble in Zhejiang, call me and I will ask my friends to help you. .”

Liu Ligan thought of Xiao Wu. He missed Xiao Wu. If he came to find him, he would definitely be obliged to do so.

As he spoke, Liu Ligan took out his business card from his bag, wrote down his office number on the back of the business card, and gave it to Huang Meili. Huang Meili took the business card and chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Liu Li asked curiously.

Huang Meili pointed to the three characters Liu Ligan on the business card and said with a smile: "So your name is very funny, but I still like to call you Lao Ma."

"Okay, I am your boss."

"Lao Ma."


"hug me."

Liu Lizhan hugged Huang Meili, and the two of them felt a trace of reluctance in their hearts.

Huang Meili pushed Liu Lipole away gently and said, "Okay... otherwise I won't be able to bear to leave."

Huang Meili turned around and walked towards the security checkpoint. Liu Ligan stood there and kept looking at her. Huang Meili passed the security check and walked far away before turning around and saw Liu Ligan still standing there. , Huang Meili raised her arm, waved at Liu Ligan, turned around and continued, turned a corner and disappeared from Liu Ligan's sight.

Liu Ligan continued to stand where he was, feeling lost.

With Huang Meili gone, there is no need to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau anymore, or even prepare for dinner and activities with Lao Ma in the evening. Now Wenwen is representing him. Liu Ligan feels that he is free all of a sudden. He seizes this afternoon and runs I contacted two companies and implemented the intentions discussed with them on the phone over the past two days into contracts.

Liu Ligan returned to the newspaper office with the contract and saw the director. As expected, the director told him about donating money to the floods in East China. The director said that everyone had registered and it would be deducted from the salary. In our department, everyone else had five Ten, you and me, one hundred each.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Why should I be like you?"

The director scolded: "Because you and I are on the same level, whether you are the director's director or not, of course it's a hundred."

"Okay, you always make wise decisions. Just ask the leader not to give me a high hat when I need money."

The director glared at Liu Ligan, who laughed and ran out of his office.

At around four o'clock, Liu Ligan arrived at Zhang Chen's place and told Zhang Chen that he was free today. How about asking Meng Ping to have dinner with him? My treat.

Zhang Chen hesitated, and Liu Ligan said suspiciously: "What, are you in trouble?"

Zhang Chen quickly said it was okay, just call him.

Meng Ping was very happy to receive Liu Ligan's call. He immediately took a taxi and arrived at Zhang Chen's office. As expected, he and Zhang Chen hit it off.

Liu Ligan asked him how the interview went. Meng Ping said that the recruitment had been completed. He smiled and said, my interview was very simple. I just told them that I don’t care if you are smart or not, let alone which one you are. As a graduate of school, if you don’t understand something, it doesn’t matter, I will teach you. I only care about whether you are loyal to the company or not.

"You are asking in vain. Who would tell you that he is not loyal?" Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, then I will tell them that you will spend more time in the company than with your boyfriend. No matter what you are doing now, you are the core of this company. You don't care about your boyfriend." Loyalty, at worst, we will have a big quarrel and break up. If you are not loyal to the company, then you will kill the company and my life, think about it clearly."

Meng Ping said, Liu Ligan said disdainfully, it was still nonsense.

"It won't be the next thing." Meng Ping said, "I asked them, what if the company can't pay wages for three months and you can't even pay the rent? One of them said, I will find a way to see I wanted to see if I could help the company borrow some money. Another person said that he could only take care of the food, not the food. Another person said that he would sleep in an office like you. I saw straw mats and blankets.

"Haha, I told them that you have one night to think about it and think about it carefully.

"I hope you come to the company, not to work and make money, but to start a business together. If you are still willing to come, I will go to work at nine o'clock tomorrow. If you regret it, it doesn't matter. In the future, when you see me getting rich, no matter where you are, please Come to me and I will give you 10,000 yuan. I have no other intention than to show you how the person who stayed behind is doing now."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan laughed loudly, and Liu Ligan said, "In the end, you didn't recruit anyone?"

"Wrong, all three people came the next day. I originally planned to recruit two, but ended up keeping all three."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, you are not recruiting people here, it is completely a gathering in the Juyi Hall.

"Yes, that's right. At noon that day, I invited them to dinner and told them that from today on, we will live together. From now on, if your parents don't want you, I will want you. You will If your husband kicks you out of the house, it doesn't matter, I will still want you. I will never leave you here, and I hope you will never leave the company."

As Meng Ping spoke, he changed the subject and asked Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan: "Do you know why I always recruit women?"

"Huabei, I want to turn the company into a harem." Liu Ligan said.

"Fuck you!" Meng Ping scolded, "Let me tell you, this is the result of my long-term observation. Women are more loyal than men. Men will stab you when you drink today, but they will do it behind your back tomorrow." Women can't stab you twice, so when you meet a good woman, you must treat her well, I mean the company, they will really be your treasures from now on."

"Okay, let's go eat mutton with two ribs." Liu Ligan shouted.

The three of them went to eat mutton hot pot. Meng Ping sat down and after a few bites, he shouted that it was delicious. He said no, I must bring the three of them to eat tomorrow.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen knew that the three of them he was talking about were the employees he had just recruited. When he said this, it was completely subconscious, and it really felt like sharing blessings and sharing hardships.

Continuing to chat, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan found out that the place where Meng Ping came from was not far from them. He was from Wuxi, Jiangsu. He turned out to be a cadre of the local personnel bureau. He had studied in the unit organization a few years ago. Wen Yuankai’s report on reform and opening up is no longer good. He said:

"I realized that I was someone who wanted to do big things, and I could no longer hang out in the agency day after day, so I thought about resigning, but my girlfriend stopped me. Later, I read Li Ka-shing's biography and researched it. Regarding real estate in various countries around the world, I can tell you that no advanced country has a welfare housing allocation system like ours. This system will definitely be changed in the future.

"Now, like us, if people in rural areas have money, it's easy to build new houses by themselves. But what about people in cities? How can the needs of those households with 10,000 yuan that get rich first be met? Most of the current houses are Either the work unit or the housing management committee, it is not their turn to allocate houses, and there is no place to buy a house, it is definitely not possible, it will definitely change, and real estate will become a market.

"I decided that I would be in the real estate business for the rest of my life. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to leave the company. People told me that I could find a way to stay on without pay. But I didn't want to, so I had to burn the boat and push myself into trouble. My daughter and I My friend, probably my fiancée, had an in-depth conversation, and she was finally persuaded by me to agree to break up.

"My family prepared to give me the money for my wedding, and my fiancée also lent me the money she had saved. I also borrowed money from classmates, friends, relatives, and everyone who could borrow money. Only then did I get together ten Ten thousand yuan, I came to Hainan, haha, let me tell you, if I don’t get famous in Hainan, I won’t be able to go back.”

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were all sighing after hearing Meng Ping's words. They felt that this guy's determination to come to Hainan was much firmer than theirs, and the price he paid was much greater than theirs. .

The three of them raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

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