The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 272 Fierce enough

"Now, is there any business in real estate?"

Liu Ligan asked this, feeling a little envious in his heart. He thought that the person in front of him was a pioneer. At least he had broken out of the army of license applicants, and now he could recruit talents at his fingertips. .

"Whatever, if you have business or not, let's set up the rack first. Then don't we also need a millstone for grinding tofu?" Meng Ping smiled.

Liu Ligan nodded, and he told Meng Ping, if you only recruit two people, then there is no need to advertise at all. We will advertise in the newspaper, and you will need at least three hundred yuan. Go to the East Lake recruitment wall and post a recruitment advertisement. , it also costs a hundred yuan. To recruit two people, you don’t have to spend any money. You can just hand out business cards on the spot. The company has just started, so you can save whatever you can.

Meng Ping was confused by Liu Ligan. He had only been in Hainan Island for a week, and he just wanted to set up a company. He didn't know about the East Lake recruitment wall. Also, you can recruit people by just sending a business card. What is the operation of this?

Besides, you are an interesting person. If I come to you to discuss business, it would be better for you to push the business outside. In this way, can you earn porridge money every month?

Liu Ligan smiled and asked, "Do you have your business card?"

"Of course, the troops and horses have not been moved yet, food and grass go first. We have just rented this place and have a phone. Haha, the first thing is to print business cards."

"Did you get your license?"

"I haven't done it yet. No, let's recruit people first. After recruiting people, let her do it. I went there that day and asked about the whole process. At the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, there were queues everywhere. It is estimated that it will be a protracted battle. The clerks are in place. Let her deal with it specifically."

Liu Ligan was surprised. He didn't expect anyone to do this. They didn't even have a license yet, so they just printed business cards to recruit people. What if the company on your business card couldn't use it?

"It's simple. Just change it. It's just a matter of changing a box of business cards." Meng Ping said with a smile.

Liu Ligan understood why he wanted to rent this place. Although there was no license here, the phone was readily available, which would not delay his business discussions. Liu Ligan believed that this was a guy who was very aggressive and could act boldly when necessary. I liked it immediately.

"Do you have time now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, I belong to myself 100% now."

Liu Ligan said: "Okay, bring your business card, and I will take you to the East Lake Recruitment Wall. When you get there, you say you are recruiting people, and many people will come around. You tell them your requirements. If you are willing to come, you give them your business card. Just ask them to come here for the interview in the afternoon."

"So simple?"

"Of course, you are not going on a blind date, how complicated it would be. Besides, it is a blind date, and there is love at first sight."

Meng Ping laughed and said yes, seniors will give you more advice.

"Am I that old?" Liu Ligan said with a smile, "You seem to be a few years older than me."

"Well, regardless of age, if you have a longer island citizenship than me, you are the senior."

"That's true."

The two of them laughed and went out, went downstairs, and sat on the back seat of Liu Ligan's motorcycle. Meng Ping said again, look, you are already riding the motorcycle, and I am still on the 11th road. I am the senior after all.

Liu Ligan asked curiously, where do you live? Walk to work every day?

"If you live in the company, you can just use a straw mat on the floor at night and a few books as pillows. Why waste money on renting a house?" Meng Ping said, "I want to live there, and I will build it myself in the future." in the house.”

"Good, you have courage!" Liu Ligan praised.

The two of them arrived at the East Lake Recruitment Wall. It was the same place as when Liu Ligan and the others arrived a year ago. Although the sun was shining brightly at noon, the place was crowded, which made Liu Ligan feel that the water in this Spring River should be warm.

Meng Ping stood there and called out: "We are recruiting accountants and clerks."

Many people gathered around in a buzz, and Meng Ping shouted again: "Only women."

Half of the people cursed and dispersed, leaving a large group of women surrounding Meng Ping, who became a little green among the flowers.

Liu Ligan stood outside the crowd, feeling quite emotional in his heart. This was how Jin Lili was recruited at the beginning. Unexpectedly, she seemed to be gone completely after leaving. Could there be Jin Lili among these people today?

A security guard saw something going on here and hurried over. Liu Ligan saw him and waved his hand. The security guard approached and asked, "Director Liu, do you know him?"


"Are you fucking eating everything inside?"

Liu Ligan smiled, took out his cigarettes, gave one to the other party, and one to himself. They both lit it. Liu Ligan took a puff of cigarette, and then said to the security guard: "Friends, just recruit two people, don't do it." There’s such a big movement.”

The security guard nodded.

"How is it here? Compared with last year, are there more people?"

"It seems there are more. I heard from them that the sales volume of newspapers has gone up now, right?"

"Yes, I estimate that your bonus this month will be a little more than last month." Liu Ligan smiled.

"That's great!" The security guard also laughed.

Meng Ping's face was covered with sweat, and his face was flushed by the sun and the enthusiasm of the women. He walked to the two of them, and Liu Ligan asked: "How is it?"

"Okay, okay, there are a few people who fall in love at first sight."

Liu Ligan laughed loudly. The security guard looked at them and didn't know what they were talking about. This is a recruitment place. What's love at first sight? Are you here to play hooligans?

Liu Ligan patted the security guard on the shoulder, gave him another cigarette, and said to him, let's go, thank you!

The two of them walked to the motorcycle. Meng Ping looked at his watch and said to Liu Ligan, "No, no, no, you buddy, I must treat you to dinner today."

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Why, you must eat up the money you saved?"

"We are poor now and can't afford a big meal. Even fast food, we have to pay for it," Meng Ping said.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Liu Ligan said, "You treat me to pig's trotter rice. The first meal I had on the island was here."

"Okay, that makes so much sense."

Liu Ligan took Meng Ping to the pig's trotter restaurant. The business here was still as good as before. There were no seats. The two of them carried stainless steel bowls for rice and vegetables. They went to the motorcycle and put the dishes on One person sat on the motorcycle seat, holding a rice bowl in his hand, and started eating.

"Not bad, these pig's feet!" Meng Ping shouted.

What's good? You have no fat in your stomach, right? Liu Ligan thought that his first meal was what Zhang Chen and the others brought to him in Haicheng Park. At that time, he was amazed when he took the first bite. Later, he would always Thinking of that delicious food, I was tempted to come here. However, after I came here a few times, I felt that no matter how much I ate, it was not as enjoyable as the first time I ate it.

So the visits became less and less. After all, neither he nor Zhang Chen had come to eat the pig's trotter rice for several months. Today, he was here and saw the scene a year ago again, which triggered his emotions and teased him. The taste buds came to mind again. Of course the taste was still good, but the expression was not as exaggerated as Meng Ping.

"By the way, how much money did you bring to Haicheng to start a real estate company?" Liu Ligan felt that Meng Ping was not a stingy person and could ask such a sensitive topic.

Meng Ping raised a finger with the hand holding the chopsticks.

"Ten million?"

Meng Ping shook his head while eating.

"One hundred million?"

Meng Ping laughed and almost spit out his rice. He quickly pursed his lips and curled his upright finger downwards, meaning to guess.

"one million?"

Meng Ping still shook his head.

No way, Liu Ligan was curious and asked: "One hundred thousand?"

Meng Ping nodded.

Liu Ligan almost spit out his rice at this moment. This bastard dared to come to Hainan to set up a real estate company with 100,000 yuan. Once the office rent is paid, this guy probably doesn't have much money in his pocket. No wonder he only has 100,000 yuan. I can lay the ground floor, but I can only treat myself to fast food.

"That's not right. You can't even register a company with 100,000 yuan. To register a company, the minimum registered capital is 500,000 yuan." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping swallowed a mouthful of rice and said to him: "It doesn't matter. I have already agreed with my friend that he will lend me 500,000 yuan to register a company. After registration, I will return it to him. It's okay, but he won't even accept the interest." Accept it, saying it’s just a favor.”

Liu Ligan thought to himself that he was much luckier than him. With a big tree like Sun Hou and the others, he didn’t have to worry about the registered capital or the office. The upfront cost alone was only 250,000 yuan. Damn it, if you still can’t handle it, do you still have the nerve to act like this?

"You're like this, why the hell are you recruiting people?" Liu Ligan scolded, "They've only been following you for two months, and you can't even pay the damn salary, right?"

"What does that matter?" Meng Ping said, "If I don't have money, I can talk about my dreams with them. I can also give them options. There are many ways to keep them."

Liu Li laughed loudly: "Damn it, that's just a blank check."

"Yeah, so what if I have a blank check, as long as I have the ability to realize it." Meng Ping said nonchalantly.

Damn you, you are so fierce! Liu Ligan cursed.

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