The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 267 You are so stupid

Liu Ligan called back, and it turned out to be Huang Meili. Huang Meili asked on the phone: "Lao Ma, where are you?"

Liu Ligan told her that he had just come out of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"Wait there, I'll come and pick you up." Huang Meili couldn't help but hang up the phone after saying that.

Liu Ligan walked back to the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, squatted on the curb, and finished smoking two cigarettes. He saw Huang Meili's convertible sports car in the distance, swaying all the way, and stopped in front of him. Huang Meili looked at Liu Li Zhan chuckled, and Liu Lizhan got into the car and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Lao Ma, let me tell you, you are squatting on the roadside smoking, you really look like a blind drifter."

"It's not like that, it's just that I drifted from Zhejiang to Hainan Island." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Haha, I almost stepped on the accelerator and passed by. I was too embarrassed to let others see that I knew you."

"You can throw me down now."

"Forget it, everyone is here, and the shame has been lost. Let's be tolerant to you." Huang Meili still smiled.

"I'm warning you, you are not allowed to insult a multi-millionaire casually like this. Do you believe I will throw money at you to catch a cold?" Liu Ligan imitated the tone of speech of a Hainanese.

"You, a multi-millionaire? Then you don't know how to support me?" Huang Meili also learned the same.

Liu Ligan took out the bankbook and shook it: "Don't think I'm lying to you."

Huang Meili turned to the direction, screeched to the side, stopped the car, and stretched out her hand: "Quickly show me, Lao Ma."

Liu Ligan handed her the bankbook. Huang Meili opened it, counted the string of zeros with her fingers, and shouted after counting: "It's true, Lao Ma, fifteen million!"

"Of course, for four minutes of the twenty-four hours today, I was a multimillionaire."

Huang Meili giggled: "Why don't you take care of me in those four minutes, Lao Ma, I am willing to work as a cow or a horse for you."

"It's okay to be a cow or a horse, cuddling is fine, but four minutes is a bit short, as you know." Liu Ligan joked.

Huang Meili blushed and cursed: "I understand, Lao Ma, you are not a blind person, you are a gangster."

"So what, it's not the first time I've been called a gangster, I've always been a gangster." When Liu Ligan said this, he thought of Liu Yun.

Huang Meili restarted the car and stopped talking. The car turned around and arrived at Binhai Avenue. Huang Meili kept driving, and Liu Ligan didn't ask her where she was going. Anyway, as long as she stopped disappearing out of thin air.

They drove all the way to Holiday Beach on the west coast. There was a sand-paved road on the right side of the road. Huang Meili turned the car in and drove to the beach below. Although it was summer, because it was too far away from Haicheng, there were only scattered Four or five cars were parked in an open space at the end of the road, and there were only a dozen or so people moving on the white beach.

At that time, people in Haicheng liked to go to Baishamen on Haidian Island for swimming. There were many simple shops and barbecue stalls on the beach there, as well as yurts for rent, where you could stay overnight.

Huang Meili parked the car in the shade of a mangrove tree, with the front of the car facing the sea, without turning off the engine. The air-conditioning in the car was blowing, making the surrounding hot and humid sea breeze pleasant.

"Lao Ma, I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?" Huang Meili asked.

"Have you missed me? He, he, he... look at your BB camera, how many times have I buckled you."

"Are you cheating?" Huang Meili was quite satisfied with this answer. She said, "I have left the island, how can I receive your page?"

"Have you left the island?"

"Yes, that night, I drove to Guangzhou, and you slept like a pig, unable to wake up even if you shook me." Huang Meili said, "Old Ma, if you miss me, why don't you hit me?"

"How do I know your eldest brother's number?"

"You, you, you, you... Huh! I didn't use Big Brother to dunk you that day, and I will also use it today."

Liu Li was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it. Really, this unfamiliar number to him started with 9. How could he forget that it was a Big Brother? Alas, in normal times, few people use Big Brother to punish themselves.

"I'm blind, how could I know that the number starting with 9 is the number of a big brother?" Liu Ligan chuckled.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! Okay, I forgive you. Anyway, if you hit it normally, I can't pick it up. It's too heavy. I threw it in the car. I only hear the call when I'm in the car. "

"By the way, why are you going to Guangzhou?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Nothing." Huang Meili shook her head, her eyes became cold, and her face became calm. She stared blankly at the sea in front of her and didn't speak for a long time.

In the distance on the sea, there are boats moving slowly, as if they are parked there. You have to look again after a while to see that they are farther or closer. These are the ferries between Haicheng and Hai'an. .

Liu Ligan looked at her and saw that her face was a little pale, her brows were furrowed, and she was biting her lips. She looked worried and pitiful. Liu Ligan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and held her hand. Only then did she realize that her hands, and even her whole body, were trembling slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Ligan asked.

Huang Meili still shook her head: "It's okay, it's okay, Lao Ma."

She looked at him and smiled reluctantly.

The sky gradually darkened, and all the people and cars on the beach left. Huang Meili turned off the car. After the car motor finally made a sudden and slight crackling sound, everything was silent, and the sea breeze became cooler.

The two people got out of the car, holding hands, and walked on the beach. The two people separated, leaning to the left and right, and the hands they were holding were stretched straight. Without this hand, the two people would have fallen to the side.

They leaned to the farthest distance, and they used strength in unison, leaning in opposite directions. Their shoulders touched each other, and Huang Meili giggled.

Then come again.

They just played like this and walked towards the end of the beach. They couldn't stop. As soon as they stopped, mosquitoes would bite them. Even when they walked around, they could always hear these mosquitoes following them and buzzing. murmured.

At the end of the beach was a huge rock. The two people climbed up and sat down on the top of the rock. When they arrived here, the buzzing sound finally disappeared, and their ears became clearer.

The buzzing insects suddenly sounded again, and with a "pop", Huang Meili slapped her thigh. She jumped up and giggled: "No, no, Lao Ma, these mosquitoes are just like you, too A gangster."

She said and jumped off the rock. Liu Ligan had no choice but to jump down too. Before he could stand still, Huang Meili shouted: "Let's compete to see who can reach the car first. One, two, three starts."

Before counting to three, she ran out by herself. When Liu Ligan came to his senses, Huang Meili had already run far away, and Liu Ligan started running after her.

In the end, Huang Meili ran to the car first. The two of them stopped panting, and the buzzing sound started again.

"Oh, it's here again, run!"

As Huang Meili said that, she got into the car and started the car. Liu Li climbed up, but before he could sit firmly on his butt, Huang Meili stepped on the accelerator, and the car turned in a semicircle in the open space and headed towards the road paved with sand. .

"Lao Ma, I wronged you!" Huang Meili shouted as they drove onto Binhai Avenue.

"What's the injustice?"

"Those mosquitoes are more rogue than you!"

"Yes, they are my fellow villagers, I brought them here from Zhejiang!" Liu Ligan shouted.

Huang Meili patted the steering wheel and giggled.

They still went to the hotel near the Wugong Temple, and it was the same box they had that day. It was already past eight o'clock when they arrived today. Xiaolan took them into the room, and Huang Meili said to her, "Xiaolan, help me." Close the curtains.

After sitting down, Huang Meili asked Liu Ligan: "I see you have all the registered capital in place. How is it going? Where are you now?"

Huang Meili looked at Liu Ligan's bankbook earlier. Without asking, she knew that this was the company's registered capital. It came from the company in Beijing. After registration, it had to be returned to that company.

Liu Ligan told her that all the materials were ready and asked me to wait for notification.

"Then they will make you wait, and you will be chopped up by them. You will not come down if you press every day. If you wait stupidly, you will not come down."

Liu Ligan nodded: "I think so too, but it seems that it's not just Lao Ma who needs to be dealt with, but also the director and director. They all need to sign."

Liu Ligan then told Huang Meili what the young man said to him. After Huang Meili listened, she thought for a while and said, among these three people, you have to figure out who is the most critical, otherwise, this horse will If your fart hits a horse in the face, bad things will happen.

Liu Ligan said distressedly: "I just don't know who is the key person."

"As a treat, invite that young man out for dinner. Only their insiders know the internal situation best. Start with him and find this key person."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Huang Meili chuckled and said, "You are so stupid, how could you even think of that."

Huang Meili stretched out her hands across the table, held Liu Ligan's face, and said sympathetically: "Lao Ma, you are like this, what should you do?"

Liu Li laughed loudly and cursed: "What happened to me?"

"Okay." Huang Meili sighed, "Looking at how pitiful you are, I will be your girlfriend tomorrow. Men like to brag when girls are around. When they brag, they can't control their mouths and will say anything. .”

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