The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 264 Reached the second step

Liu Ligan took the documents and immediately went to the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce. This time he was familiar with the road. He went directly to the third floor and lined up outside the office of Enterprise Registration (1). When it was Liu Ligan's turn, he saw Sitting there was the middle-aged woman from yesterday.

Liu Ligan still took out a pack of Zhonghua, put it on the table, and pushed it over. This time the other person raised his head and saw that it was Liu Ligan. He smiled, opened the drawer, swept the cigarettes in, and closed it. When I opened the drawer, I said thank you!

Liu Ligan handed her two forms. She seemed surprised and asked, "Are you really flying back to Beijing so soon?"

Liu Ligan didn't bother to explain. He said "hmm" and what he was thinking was, fly back to Beijing? I have grown so old that I have never even flown on a plane, so I just walked around the airport.

"ID card."

Liu Ligan handed her his and the president's ID cards. She looked at them, gave them back to Liu Ligan, and told him to go to the first floor to make copies, and then bring them up to me.

Liu Ligan ran to the first floor and saw that in the corridor on the left side of the first floor, there was a big sign with the word "Copy" hanging on it. There was a queue under the word, and Liu Ligan got into the queue.

Looking at the slowly moving team, Liu Ligan wondered who these people were. Now that the economy is so sluggish, so many companies in Haicheng can't survive. He didn't expect that the person who applied for the business license could still There are so many.

Liu Ligan thought of what Mr. Xia said, that there are three types of companies in the world every day. It really makes sense.

It costs two yuan to make a photocopy of an ID card. Liu Ligan paid four yuan and went upstairs. There was no need to queue up this time. He went straight in and gave the photocopy to the staff member. She said give me the original too. .

Following Liu Ligan, a colleague from their unit who was similar in age to Liu Ligan came in. He stood between Liu Ligan and the middle-aged woman. He didn't say anything, and just rummaged through the dozens of cigarettes on the table with his hands. After looking for it, the middle-aged woman tapped his hand with the pen in her hand and cursed: "Some of them were drawn, but they still picked."

The man chuckled: "I'll just pick two Chinese ones."

As he spoke, he picked up two pieces of Chinese medicine and went out. Only then did Liu Ligan understand why when he pushed the whole package of Chinese medicine to her, she had to quickly sweep it into the drawer, otherwise the whole package would be taken away by her colleagues, and she would suffer too much loss. .

Liu Ligan gave her two ID cards. She compared them with the photocopies, and then wrote "verified with the originals" on the photocopies. After writing, she returned the ID cards to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan asked , do I still need the original ID card?

"Yours is required. When you finally get the license, you still need your ID card. His is not required, just a copy. However, if you go to the bank and tax, they should still need it. Who asked you to register this company? He is the legal person.”

Liu Ligan thought to himself, I hope the legal person is me, but will they be willing?

"Okay, young man, it will take three working days. If we check that no one has already used these three names of yours, then I will have no problem here."

"What if someone has already used it?"

"It depends on the industry. If he is not in the same industry as you, that's fine."

"Okay, thank you sister!"

Liu Ligan left the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and walked back. He passed by a public phone and called Huang Meili. He did not dare to call Chen Qihang or Li Yong's office. If they knew that he was having sex with other women besides Liu Yun, If you do it four, you will be angry, especially Li Yong.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan squatted beside the shop and finished smoking a cigarette. Huang Meili didn't call back. He stood up, dialed the paging station, and asked the other party to press the button three times in a row.

Liu Ligan squatted aside and continued to smoke. After finishing another cigarette, Huang Meili still didn't call back. What the hell, Liu Ligan stood up, paid the money, got on his motorcycle and left.

While riding on the road, Liu Ligan thought to himself, would Huang Meili be discovered by the old man and put under control? Or perhaps, he was just an appetizer for her, and after eating it, he didn't bother to talk to her. Didn't she say that she stayed at Wanghai Tower a few nights ago? Who knows who she is with.

In the next few days, Huang Meili seemed to disappear out of thin air. Liu Ligan docked her once every morning and evening, but she never called back once.

Three days later, Liu Ligan went to the business registration office on the third floor of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau (1), and got the company name pre-registration approval letter. Of course, he also gave him a pack of Zhonghua. The staff member was an old acquaintance of Liu Ligan. , when she handed the approval letter to Liu Ligan, she said to him:

"You are lucky. There is a hotel in Haicheng called Jinghai, Jinghai Shenzhitou. However, it has nothing to do with real estate. It is a hot spring bathhouse."

Liu Ligan held this thin page and felt it was heavy. He saw the bottom three columns. The section chief, division chief and director signed their signatures respectively. Liu Ligan opened his eyes wide. He saw "Enterprise Registration" In the "Science Opinion" column, I agree that the name below is "Mazhiguo".

Liu Lizhan lowered his voice and asked the staff member: "Sister, is this hemp section chief really the hemp section chief?"

The other party obviously knew what he meant. She looked at the door, smiled and nodded.

Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing and shouted: "This is really destined by God!"

The other party rolled his eyes at him and cursed softly: "Are you cheating? Keep your voice down."

"Okay, sister." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Can I just use this to go next door to get the form?"

The other party waved his hand: "Go ahead, go ahead."

Liu Ligan retreated to the corridor and queued outside the office of Enterprise Registration (2). After queuing for more than half an hour, it was his turn. The staff member inside was a young man. Liu Ligan walked over and handed over a bag of three and five Hand it to him and say, "Please smoke."

The other party glanced at Liu Ligan, took it, opened the drawer on the side, and threw the cigarettes in. Liu Ligan saw that there were many loose cigarettes inside.

Liu Ligan took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed another one to the other person. He held one in his mouth, lit the lighter and stretched it out. The other person quickly put the cigarette in his mouth, and Liu Ligan lit it for him, then lit it again. Hold your own.

Liu Ligan handed him the business name pre-registration approval letter. He took it, glanced at it, and said casually: "Strange, why have you registered a real estate company in the past two days?"

Liu Ligan was shocked and asked quickly: "Boss, are there many registered real estate companies now?"

"Not many." The other party corrected, "But there used to be only one or two a month, but now there are several every day. Yours is already the second one today."

Liu Ligan's heart brightened. Based on his intuition, he had a premonition that the water in Chunjiang had warmed up, and he needed to hurry up.

Liu Ligan took out another pack of cigarettes from his bag and handed it to the other party. This time, the other party was a little surprised. Liu Ligan said, I have never gone through the company's procedures before. Please help me. Can you remind me to fill in these? Regarding information, where is the most likely place to go wrong? We also have a shareholder in Beijing. It would be too troublesome to have to fly back and forth just once to make any changes.

"It should."

As he spoke, the other party took the entire set of information from the shelf on the side, and took out a pencil from the pen holder on the table. He flipped through the stack of information page by page, and explained to Liu Ligan all the things that needed to be covered. Where the seal was to be stamped, he used a pencil to draw a circle, where the signature was required, he drew a triangle, and where both the seal and signature were to be stamped, it was a combination of a circle and a triangle.

Liu Ligan thanked him repeatedly and left the Industrial and Commercial Bureau with this set of information. Although it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Ligan went directly to the airport.

One flight to Beijing had just left, and there was another flight at 8:40 pm. Liu Ligan found the check-in counter. Check-in had not started yet, and the counter was empty.

Liu Ligan leaned against the counter and waited. After waiting for more than half an hour, he saw a couple approaching with bags on their backs. Liu Ligan quickly asked them if they were going to Beijing. The other party said yes. Liu Ligan told them the matter and took out a hundred yuan to give them. The other party happily accepted it. Liu Ligan stuffed the documents into the portfolio in front of them.

This portfolio came from Beijing in the afternoon. Liu Ligan wrapped the white cotton thread on the seal of the portfolio and handed it to the other party. The other party took it and said to Liu Ligan, "Don't worry, buddy."

When Liu Ligan rushed to Zhang Chen's office from the airport, it was almost seven o'clock. Zhang Chen was not there and the office door was closed. Liu Ligan cursed, "There must be something wrong with this bastard."

He walked to the work shed but couldn't find Cao Guoqing, so he went to the training hall to have a look. It was still early and there was no one inside. When Liu Ligan walked back, he saw Cao Guoqing standing in the big building heading towards Wuzhishan Road. At the door, I was standing chatting with three or four people.

Liu Ligan shouted: "Xiao Cao, Xiao Cao!"

When Xiao Cao heard the shouting, he turned around and saw Liu Ligan and ran over quickly. Liu Ligan told him, "Open the office door and I'll make a call."

Cao Guoqing opened the office door, and Liu Ligan said to him, "Go ahead. I'll hold the door when I leave."

Cao Guoqing walked towards Wuzhishan Road again.

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