The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 262 Before and after ten o'clock

The food here is delicious. Liu Ligan admired it secretly in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face or words. He didn't want Huang Meili to think that he had never seen the world.

Huang Meili was also very considerate. Although the food and wine were not cheap, she never talked about them, nor did she advise Liu Ligan to eat this or that. Everything seemed very calm, even a little careless, as if they were not having a big meal. And it was just commonplace, or to her, it was commonplace.

After the two of them finished eating, they went downstairs. Liu Ligan saw Huang Meili's difficulty again. When they passed the counter, Huang Meili didn't say to pay, but just looked at each other and smiled at the girl at the cashier. The girl took He picked up a pen and handed it to Huang Meili. There was already a settlement form spread out on the counter. Huang Meili signed it without even looking at it.

It all seemed so casual too.

Liu Ligan took a sneak peek behind him and was shocked. The two of them had a meal in such a leisurely manner, but it actually cost 2,800 yuan. What surprised Liu Ligan even more was that Huang Meili was there. There is actually the right to sign orders here. That does not mean that you have money. You must be a regular customer here and the store has full trust in you.

How much money do you have to eat here to get this dignity?

The three words signed by Huang Meili were obviously carefully designed and practiced repeatedly. Liu Ligan didn't see what the words were, but only vaguely recognized a yellow character. After Huang Meili signed, he went with the cashier. The girl on the stage said thank you softly and walked out with Liu Ligan.

When she got to the car, Huang Meili was not in a hurry to drive. Instead, she sat there, rubbing the steering wheel with her hands, dazed for a while, as if she was thinking about where to go next, and seemed to be waiting for something to happen.

The shadow of the coconut tree above her head and the moonlight in the gap between the trees fell on Huang Meili's face. The moonlight illuminated the right half of her cheek, making her face seem to grow a layer of white down. Her eyes narrowed slightly. He stood, looking ahead, in a daze, giving people a melancholy feeling. The part of his face immersed in the shade of the trees was charming and mysterious.

Liu Ligan looked at her and was stunned for a moment. He just thought she was so beautiful. Naturally, the word "charming" came to Liu Ligan's mind.

Liu Ligan couldn't help but leaned over and got very close. Huang Meili had no intention of evading or refusing. Liu Ligan continued, gently touched her cheek and whispered: "You can't blame me, you are too beautiful."

Huang Meili pursed her lips, tapped her hands on the steering wheel, turned around and asked Liu Ligan: "What time is it?"

Liu Li was confused, looked at the time, and said to her, "Nine forty-eight."

Huang Meili breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed: "Okay, it's perfect. I set a rule for myself. If you don't kiss me before ten o'clock, nothing will happen to us tonight. "

Huang Meili said and started the car.

Liu Li was confused. What do you mean? If you didn't kiss at ten o'clock, nothing would happen next. Then if you kissed, would it...

Liu Ligan's heart was beating wildly. Although he could be said to have loved countless women, in front of Huang Meili, he vaguely felt something different. Huang Meili seemed to have an awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament. If If she doesn't want to, you won't get anything. If you force it, the consequences may be serious.

This kind of temperament made Liu Lizhan dare not make mistakes.

When Liu Ligan was with other women, he always did as he pleased, reaching out and grabbing them. Even when he was with Liu Yun, he would often use a playful smile like this to cover up his recklessness and boldness. But in the beginning, Liu Yunhui refused directly.

Liu Ligan didn't take it personally when he was rejected. He failed and fought again and again without any worries. He failed again and again and would continue to try again and again until Liu Yun accepted him.

But when he first approached Huang Meili, Liu Ligan felt uneasy. He felt that success or failure depended on this one move. He would just gamble on whether it would work. Huang Meili didn't seem to be someone who would give people a second chance, let alone give him a second chance. He suffered repeated defeats.

If Huang Meili's calm expression hadn't encouraged him, he thought he would have retreated.

Huang Meili drove her car directly to Guoshang. She didn't park her car in the parking lot under the steps at the door, but parked it directly next to the gate. Here, the hotel's own cars are usually parked, or simply the hotel's. The boss's seat was reserved for the hotel's doormen and security guards. They didn't stop him when they saw her. Instead, they all waved and greeted Huang Meili.

Huang Meili took Liu Ligan in. As they approached the front desk, the two waiters at the front desk saw Huang Meili with smiles on their faces. Huang Meili stretched out a finger to signal. When they approached, the waiter had already picked up the A key tag was given to Huang Meili, and there was no need to register it.

The two of them took the elevator upstairs and entered the room. Huang Meili threw her bag on the sofa, turned around and looked at Liu Ligan, and giggled: "Lao Ma, go brush your teeth quickly."

Liu Lipole looked at her puzzled.

Huang Meili blushed, which was caused by Liu Ligan's stupidity. She turned her eyes away and said coquettishly, "Do you still want to kiss me?"

Liu Ligan realized that he had just eaten seafood, and he quickly went to the bathroom.

When Liu Ligan woke up, it was already past two o'clock. He looked around and saw no one. Liu Ligan thought Huang Meili was in the bathroom, so he put up his pillow and sat up on the bed, leaning against his back. Taking the pillow, he took the cigarettes on the bedside table, took out one and thought about lighting it, then put it back. He was not sure whether Huang Meili disliked the smell of cigarettes.

The bathroom door was open and the lights were on, but it was quiet inside. Only the ventilation fan and the central air-conditioning outlet made rustling sounds. Liu Ligan thought, would she fall asleep sitting in the bathroom?

Looking around the dimly lit room, Liu Ligan gradually realized something was wrong. Huang Meili's clothes were not seen on the sofa, carpet, or table. Even her bag was missing. Liu Ligan got out of bed and left. I went to the bathroom and saw that there was no one inside. The towel thrown on the sink was still a little damp, so it was obvious that someone had just used it.

Liu Ligan returned to the room and concluded that Huang Meili had left.

Liu Ligan took the TV remote control from the desk and turned on the TV. The TV here can receive overseas channels. Liu Ligan saw that the news screens of BBC and CNN were all Yeltsin. Liu Ligan's English was very poor. , couldn't understand what the announcer was saying, and relying on the picture and his own guessing, he knew that Yeltsin had become the first president of the Russian Federation.

Liu Ligan crawled back onto the bed, took the cigarette on the bedside table and smoked it. Yeltsin blurred in the smoke, and all he thought about was Huang Meili.

He is becoming more and more curious about her now. Sometimes this girl looks very simple, sometimes she seems very complicated, sometimes she has great energy, whether in that hotel or downstairs here, but sometimes she seems very ordinary, like At the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, logically speaking, she shouldn't be the kind of person who would queue up and look at the looks of the petty officials.

That's why Liu Ligan mistook her for a clerk of some company at first.

This puzzled Liu Ligan.

He thought that even if Jin Lili took action, she would not queue up in the corridor obediently. According to Jin Lili's style and energy, her approach must be to find a relationship first and give it directly to Lao Ma. Even Lao Ma thinks it is too young. The section chief is nothing, Jin Lili will definitely say this. She will find someone to call the director directly, and then show up in the director's office, and the director will call Lao Ma in.

Huang Meili should also have such energy. Why should she wait in line and cry again and again? Isn't queuing just for people like me who ride broken bicycles?

Liu Ligan was curious not only about Huang Meili, but also about the man behind Huang Meili. Who was this man?

Liu Ligan now believes that the reason why Huang Meili left in the middle of the night was of course because of this man, and she could not stay out all night without returning home.

Liu Ligan looked at the time. Wenwen and Qianqian should have gotten off work. Why should he guard the empty bed here? He got out of bed, got dressed, and the TV was playing Yeltsin's right hand on the red According to the oath sworn in the constitution, the person standing behind him in black robes should be the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church.

Liu Ligan didn't bother to turn off the TV, so he pulled out the room card and went out.

When they arrived at the front desk downstairs, two waiters were sleeping on the table inside. Liu Ligan clicked the room card twice on the marble table. One of them raised his head and looked at him sleepily. Liu Ligan and She said check out and handed over the room card.

The waiter said "Oh", took the room card, looked at the room number on the room card, put it aside, and continued to sleep. Liu Ligan stood for a while and understood. This meant that even the room fee No need to tie it yourself.

Liu Ligan walked out of the door and took a deep breath. In the second half of the night in Haicheng, the sea breeze finally felt a little cooler.

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