The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 25 No Black Gloves

After the three of them took a shower, Jin Lili spread the sheets on the floor, and the three of them could finally have a good sleep. When they woke up, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Ligan went downstairs and found the little boy. It seemed that the little boy often dealt with such inquiries. He took a book and wrote and drew on it with a pencil until Liu Ligan understood how the flea market works. When leaving, the little boy tore off the paper from the notebook.

Very considerately, he also wrote clearly on the paper how much it would cost to ride a motorcycle or take the bus, including calling a tricycle and pulling the furniture back.

When the little boy handed the paper to Liu Ligan, he also told him, don't be deceived. They like to deceive you mainlanders the most.

The three of them went downstairs. They felt more relaxed than they had in the past few days. It seemed that even the sun was not so harsh.

They saw a young man sitting on the stool where the woman was sitting in the morning at the gate. He was smoking silently and glanced at them without saying anything.

They went to the flea market and bought a wooden single bed, which Zhang Chen and Jin Lili slept on, a wire bed where Liu Ligan slept, and a table for eating. It can be used in common with writing.

They hesitated in front of an old cabinet for a long time, and finally gave up. Jin Lili said that they would buy it when they found a job and received their salary. They used the fifty yuan they spent on the cabinet to buy two cars that didn't even have a bell. Noisy, broken bicycle that is noisy as the others.

Finally, I also added a few new things, including two straw mats, a plastic bucket, a hot water bottle, one that heats quickly, and three plastic cups that can be used for brushing teeth and drinking water.

They called a tricycle and put all their belongings in the tricycle. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan each rode a bicycle. Jin Lili sat behind Zhang Chen and they walked back together behind the tricycle.

Jin Lili shouted excitedly: "I finally have a family. Do you feel that you are a Hainanese now?"

After Jin Lili said this, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan thought about it and realized that it really happened. They felt that the coconut trees and blue sky above their heads, the pedestrians walking on the road, and the strange satisfaction they felt yesterday. The Mercedes-Benz running on the street seems familiar to me now.

When they arrived at the downstairs of the rented room, the young man was no longer there, and the stool was still empty. They moved their things upstairs, and were surprised to see the young man standing in the corridor at the first door, leaning on the railing and talking. While smoking, I looked back at them, but still had no words.

Hearing the commotion, a woman with a pretty face came out of the room. When she saw them, she smiled at Jin Lili: "New here?"

Jin Lili quickly said, yes, yes, I live next door to you. Only then did they realize that the silent young man was their neighbor, and the woman was obviously his wife or girlfriend.

They put their things at the door. When Jin Lili used the key to open the door, she spotted the woman who wanted to follow her, but the young man pushed her back into the door.

They moved the things in, placed the two beds side by side to the left and right of the window in the back, and placed the table under the window in the front near the corridor. There was not much free space in one room.

Jin Lili took out a piece of cloth from her bag and told Zhang Chen to nail it to the back window to serve as a curtain. Zhang Chen nailed the curtain. Jin Lili took out another piece of cloth and told Zhang Chen to nail it to the front window. As curtains.

When she picked up the third piece of cloth, Liu Ligan laughed: "You didn't bring a pack of cloth, did you?"

Jin Lili opened the cloth, and it turned out to be the sheets they had used in the morning. Jin Lili asked Zhang Chen to pull a rope between the two windows, then hung the sheets up, and told Liu Ligan that they would pull them away during the day and put them on at night. Use it as a curtain to block the eyes of you peeping tom.

Liu Ligan laughed. He said that you should speak softer, or simply say hello when you want to come. I will also go downstairs to smoke a cigarette. One cigarette is enough for Zhang Chen. Bar?

"Rogue!" Jin Lili cursed.

In fact, their troupe performs outside. Every night, everyone makes a floor together in a house, with a piece of cloth stretched in the middle. The men sleep on one side and the women sleep on the other. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan have long been accustomed to this. Jin Lili went out with the troupe several times, and every time she and Tan Shuzhen were squeezed together. She was not surprised by this.

After packing up, the three of them felt that the day was about to pass and they would be wasted today, so they decided to go to the open space to take a look.

"By the way, I didn't even buy today's Talent Information Newspaper." Liu Ligan shouted.

When they went out, the door next door was closed, and they could faintly hear that the two people seemed to be arguing in the room. When they reached the door below, the stool was still empty.

They arrived at the open space, stored their bicycles, and squeezed into the crowd. This time, their mood was completely different. They were all focused on finding jobs. The three of them copied all the jobs on the wall that might be related to them. After coming down, I decided to go to the interviews one by one as soon as I left home tomorrow. I didn’t have time to come here.

When they finished copying what was on the wall and new ones were posted, they continued to copy. They were busy until about eight o'clock in the evening. Before leaving, Liu Ligan did not forget to buy a copy of "Talent" Information Newspaper".

Feeling hungry, they decided to eat pig's trotter rice. When they got there, the pig's trotter rice was sold out. They continued walking inside and saw a noodle shop. Jin Lili and Zhang Chen wanted Bao Luo Noodles, and Liu Ligan I ordered a Hainanese rice noodle dish and after finishing it, I felt it was much more delicious than what I had in Zhanjiang. Maybe it was because my mood was different.

It was not enough. Liu Ligan wanted to have another Baoluo fan. Jin Lili shouted: "No, no, no, you can't overspend on food until you find a job."

The three of them rode a bicycle and walked back along Haixiu Road. Jin Lili sat on the back of the car and saw the girls standing on the street again. They were all gorgeous, more than the day before. Jin Lili cursed in her heart, I'm full. Why are you standing here in such hot weather?

When passing by the entrance of Wanghai Mall, she saw many people in the mall, who seemed to be rushing to buy something. It must be some bargain.

"Wait, wait." Jin Lili shouted. She jumped out of the car and ran in. It turned out that they were buying FORTEI long-sleeved shirts. Jin Lili asked the price, which was 138 yuan a piece.

She walked out and Zhang Chen smiled and said, have you seen enough?

Jin Lili sighed. The shirt was torn and expensive. She didn't know what they were robbing. However, Jin Lili told them that none of you seemed to have clothes suitable for the interview.

"No need, we are naturally beautiful." Liu Ligan shouted.

They returned to the rented room downstairs and saw the young man sitting at the door again, smoking a cigarette. When he saw them, he turned his head away.

Zhang Chen and the others pushed the car into the yard and parked it. When they returned to the room, they passed the door next door. The door was closed, but someone seemed to be talking inside. When they returned to the room, Jin Lili shouted:

"I need to take a shower again!"

The next morning, the three of them were going out to apply for jobs. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were going to "Haicheng Evening News" and "Haijiao Literature" magazines. One of them was recruiting reporters and art editors, and the other one was also recruiting editors and art editors. Jin Lili is going to two companies recruiting financial personnel and one recruiting clerks.

Jin Lili said, you go to a place anyway, ride a car, and give me another car, which can save a lot of three or four yuan.

Liu Ligan said yes.

Jin Lili took Zhang Chen's bicycle key and was about to leave. Zhang Chen stopped her. Zhang Chen told her that you should go for a ride. If it's really not possible, even if you take a taxi, don't ride a bicycle.

"Why? I'm in Yongcheng, don't we all ride bicycles?" Jin Lili asked puzzledly.

Zhang Chen told her about the black gloves. Zhang Chen said, there are so many people interviewing, and their hands are all tender and tender. Just you, stretching out a pair of black gloves, how can you look like a financial person?

"That's right, you can't save money, image is the most important thing, black gloves, for us men, it means hard work and is a bonus, but for you women, it's different." Liu Ligan said.

"When the sun is strong at noon, you have to take an air-conditioned taxi. This way, you can bring a fresh breath to your workplace and feel like you are sitting in an office." Zhang Chen said.

Jin Lili thought about it, and what these two guys said made sense. As the saying goes, if you don't want to give up your children, you can't catch the wolf, so don't you just spend some money. Spending money now is not to make money in the future.

it took!

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