The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 242 Ask for advice humbly

Liu Ligan became this representative. He had never even met the other party before he started to represent their bank and carry out business. The other party also relied on the assistant to the president, that is, Chen Qihang and their former classmates in the same dormitory, Chen Qihang and Li Yong packed Piao said that Liu Ligan was completely trustworthy, and he was also in a relationship with another classmate of theirs, Liu Yun.

Is there any reason for distrust? The salary given is 3,800 a month. The task of the job is to help them investigate and find good cooperation partners, negotiate the preliminary matters, and wait for the president's assistant to fly from Beijing. Come and sign the contract.

At that time, flying on business trips was a matter of rank. Even for a bank president, flying was a luxury. It was not something that could be done frequently. It was impossible to come and go from Beijing to Haicheng casually, and the train journey was too far. , it’s scary to think about it, so we need representatives like this.

Liu Ligan later found out that the other party was actually a financial company, which was derived from a bank, so their general manager was also called the president, because the president sounded better than the general manager, and the people below , they were all transferred from the bank, and everyone is still accustomed to the bank’s routine.

The good thing about a financial company is that it is backed by a bank and has deep pockets, but it does not need to be as standardized as a bank. The general manager can have the final say on all matters, big or small, and does not need to follow the rules exactly.

Although banks at that time were quite chaotic and everyone was running a variety of companies, compared with other units, banks still had their own set of work processes and systems that could not be exceeded.

After accepting this task, Liu Ligan was not sure. After all, he had been in contact with many companies, but he had never worked in a company, especially a joint venture company and real estate.

Damn it, you give me a car of hams and I know how to sell them, but give me a building and who am I going to sell it to? They also had to buy land and build a house. Zhang Chen knew a little about building houses, but he had no time to do it.

Liu Ligan thought of Jin Lili. He thought, isn't the investor in their company also from Beijing? The form is similar to this, and they should know how to do it. Liu Ligan called Jin Lili and told Jin Lili about the matter. Now, Jin Lili said, come on, I'll let Lao Xia teach you.

Liu Ligan then went to the Financial Garden.

Liu Ligan rang the doorbell, and Jin Lili opened the door for him and took him to Mr. Xia's office. Mr. Xia was very enthusiastic when he saw Liu Ligan. The three of them sat down. Mr. Xia asked: "Are you now?" A representative of the investor or a representative of the company here?”

"Investors, I just don't know how to talk about cooperation with companies here, especially what things should be paid attention to, so I came to ask Mr. Xia for advice." Liu Ligan said, Jin Lili was beside him, Chuckling.

Liu Ligan asked quietly: "Why are you laughing?"

Jin Lili said: "This is the first time I have seen you so serious and serious, and also so humble."

Liu Ligan rolled his eyes at her and said, "I'm running business outside, and it should be like this in every company I go to."

Mr. Xia laughed and said, "Yes, when we talk about things, we should talk about things as we should. A serious attitude is the first priority. Only then can we gain the trust of the other party. But Xiao Liu, when you get here, you can relax a little. We It’s not about business, it’s about communication, you can ask anything.”

Jin Lili stuck out her tongue: "Okay, my bad."

Liu Ligan quickly said, thank you, Mr. Xia!

"As a representative of investors, the most important thing for you is to grasp one thing. No matter what the situation, you must take the initiative in your hands." said Mr. Xia and Liu Ligan.

"What kind of initiative?"

"You have the right to terminate cooperation at any time, tell the other party to go away, and take over on your own, otherwise you will be restricted in everything." Mr. Xia said.

Jin Lili pointed her finger at Mr. Xia and said to Liu Ligan: "He, he is the right you have to hold on to to make him get out."

Liu Ligan felt that Jin Lili's words were a bit presumptuous, but Mr. Xia still smiled generously and said, "That's right. The investors can't replace me easily, so I have the initiative. As A, Fang, you just want to prevent phenomena like mine from happening."

"How can we do this?" Liu Ligan didn't understand and asked.

"There are many ways to achieve this. The simplest one is of course the equity setting. One is 51% and the other is 49%. Although the difference is only two points, there is no way to call it 49%. Those who are fifty-one should get lost, and conversely, those who are fifty-one can tell those who are forty-nine to get lost."

"I understand." Liu Ligan nodded.

Mr. Xia waved his hand: "This is the simplest, but it is also the most difficult to achieve, because no one is a fool. Everyone is very sensitive to this. It is very difficult for you to fight for these 2%. There are many others. Methods, such as agreement restrictions, although everyone is 50%, spend a little more money to strive for voting rights, which stipulates that you have the final decision-making power on major matters.

"This method is more subtle and easier to negotiate than the previous method. Some people will covet the extra money you give and think they are getting a bargain. They think there is nothing wrong with this. But in the end, it may be the part of this agreement that kills them. You must know that things that are usually written down and that no one cares about, in court, even a single punctuation mark will be very different.

"Another way is to limit goals. Don't talk to him about how you can control him and relax his vigilance. You talk to him about tasks and goals, set time points and make an agreement. If the task indicators are not completed by the time, he will How much equity must be given to you? This is called a gambling agreement in foreign countries. This is often the easiest thing to get hooked on.

"The biggest problem of business people is that they are blindly confident in their own abilities. Especially after they succeed in one or two things, this self-confidence will be inflated. If you doubt that they can complete the target, they will I think you are insulting him, how is that possible? Don’t people all like to say that if I do something like this, you just let him do whatever he wants.”

Liu Ligan laughed: "I learned it. I didn't expect that there is also psychology in it."

"Yes, negotiation is a psychological game." Mr. Xia said, "You just have to take advantage of his inflated psychology, plant a thunder for him, and induce him to despise the thunder. When the thunder really explodes, he I don’t even know how he died.”

"Vicious!" Jin Lili cursed.

"Otherwise, do you think the saying that shopping malls are like battlefields is just for fun? Those who are bankrupt and jump off the stairs are the losers in this battlefield. There is no smoke in this battlefield, but it is still a matter of life and death."

Mr. Xia said, Liu Ligan nodded.

Mr. Xia picked up the cigarette case on the table, shook out half of a cigarette, and stretched it out. Liu Ligan smoked out the cigarette. Mr. Xia shook out another cigarette for himself. Liu Ligan quickly picked up the cigarette on the table. Light the machine, light it for Mr. Xia, and then light your own.

"If none of these work, there is another trick." Mr. Xia said.

"More?" Liu Lizhan was a little surprised.

"Yes, there are many tricks. You have to be able to adapt to different situations." Mr. Xia said, "I know a little bit about the current situation of these real estate companies in Haicheng. They have a common characteristic at the moment, which is Lack of money. By the way, what kind of company is this in Beijing?"

"Bank." Liu Ligan and Mr. Xia said.

"Bank, haha, then they are not short of money, so there is no problem about the size of the investment. How do you plan to cooperate?"

Liu Ligan thought for a while and said: "I think if it is 50% each, then we need to evaluate their assets. For example, if they are worth 5 million, Beijing will pay 5 million. Form a 10 million joint venture."

Mr. Xia shook his head and asked, "Can these assets be liquidated?"

Liu Ligan also shook his head: "It's difficult. Who would want it now?"

"I think so." Mr. Xia said, "If they could be cashed out, these companies wouldn't be so miserable. They wouldn't even need to cooperate with others at all. They could just dispose of some assets and live on. Xiao Liu, you know how to cash out What does it mean to lose assets?”

Liu Ligan really didn't know this, and he shook his head.

"It means that this asset can still depreciate. The more you squeeze it, the faster it will depreciate and the greater the depreciation will be. Do you know what to do?" Mr. Xia looked at Liu Ligan and asked.

Liu Ligan pondered for a long time, and finally said: "I can't think of it."

Liu Ligan looked at Mr. Xia, and Mr. Xia smiled softly: "This is what I said about another trick, use debt to control him."

"Use debt to control?" Liu Ligan was confused. Where did this debt come from, and how could he control others?

Mr. Xia looked at his watch, then at Jin Lili, and said, "Okay, now that I've said that, I'd like to say that we go to dinner together and chat while we eat."

Liu Ligan wanted to refuse, but also wanted to continue this topic. When he was hesitating, Jin Lili cursed:

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, you still have to pay tuition for school. Damn it, you can earn a living by studying for free. Why do you still want to put on airs?"

Mr. Xia pointed at Jin Lili with his finger and laughed. Liu Ligan also laughed.

"Let's go, we are all our own people." Mr. Xia and Liu Ligan said.

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