The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 237 The Unreachable Crater

Jin Lili walked up to a black Mercedes-Benz, patted the front hood of the car, and said to them, "Did you see it? This is my car. It turns out that Lao Bao drove it. Lao Xia said, I am a novice, first I'll practice with this old car, and after I pass it, I can match it with a car I like.

Liu Ligan shouted: "Fuck, you guys are so awesome, how about practicing with Da Ben?"

Jin Lili smiled and said: "What should we do? There are only two people in our company and two Mercedes-Benz cars. What can we do if we don't use this?"

"Okay, I'm about to cry. I'm such a business elite, and our company is even reluctant to give me a new bicycle." Liu Ligan cursed.

"Come to our company. If you come, I will give you this car. Really, didn't I tell you a long time ago that you should come to our company." Jin Lili yelled.

Liu Ligan quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, I'm going, and I have to be led by you, which makes me want to beat you every day, it's too hurtful."

"Go away, that's not the reason for you." Jin Lili scolded.

Liu Ligan and Jin Lili went back and forth. Zhang Chen listened silently, but felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He now concluded that that person should be Mr. Xia. Now in Jin Lili's mouth, even the title has changed. , Mr. Xia has become Lao Xia.

Thinking of them being together every day, Zhang Chen felt bored.

He opened the back seat door, got in, and slammed the door. Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, and said to Jin Lili: "Zhang Chen, you are afraid of death, okay, I'll sit in front."

Liu Ligan sat in the passenger seat. Xiao Wu opened the car door from the other side and sat next to Zhang Chen. Liu Ligan asked Jin Lili: "You are not driving without a license, are you?"

Jin Lili took out a brand new driver's license from her bag, threw it to Liu Ligan, and said proudly: "Have a look, can you?"

Liu Ligan opened it, took a look, and shouted, "Yes, you are now a licensed killer."

"What are you talking about? It's unlucky, bah bah bah!" Jin Lili cursed.

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Okay, I'm sorry too."

Jin Lili started the car and looked back and forth, but she scratched her head. There were already densely packed cars in the parking lot. There were cars in front of and on the left and right. When Jin Lili arrived, she wanted to save trouble by going in from the front of the car first. She had to back out at this time. , in the aisle at the back, cars kept coming in, and people were coming and going. The aisle was narrow, and Jin Lili was really not sure about backing the car out.

"I'm not good at studying. Do you want me to ask for help?" Liu Ligan asked.

"don't want."

Jin Lili made a sudden move and stepped on the accelerator. The car rolled backwards and hit a security guard. Fortunately, the speed was not very fast. The security guard was only staggered by the impact. He stopped and was about to curse. , seeing it was Zhang Chen, Xiao Wu and the others, he quickly smiled and nodded, patting his hit thigh with his hand.

Xiao Wu quickly rolled down the window and asked him: "Are you okay?"

The security guard waved his hand and said it was okay, and walked away.

Jin Lili's face turned pale with fright. Liu Lizhan didn't say anything to Jin Lili. He opened the door and got out of the car. He walked over to Jin Lili, knocked on the window glass, and told her, don't show off, come down, don't just take it. The driver's license was revoked.

Jin Lili was scared in her heart and said stubbornly: "Humph, which bastard dares to take away my driver's license? I'll have him send it back in minutes and apologize to me."

Zhang Chen frowned, wondering why Jin Lili was so arrogant now?

When Liu Ligan saw a man coming with a car key in his hand, he quickly stopped him and said to him, "Master, please help me."

"What?" the man asked.

"Help us back this car out." Liu Li pointed at Jin Lili's car and said to the other party.

"You're driving a big Ben, can't you reverse?" The other party was surprised.

"No, I'm a newbie." Liu Ligan smiled.

The other party also laughed and said: "A newbie dares to drive the Daben. Your boss is really generous."

"This is our boss." Liu Lipole pointed at Jin Lili. The man looked at Jin Lili and said, okay, where to dump it?

"Pour outside on Haixiu Road." Jin Lili said.

"Haha, this is a bit far." The man smiled, took the key from Jin Lili, got into the driver's seat, backed the car out, and drove towards the exit.

Jin Lili and Liu Ligan ran behind. Jin Lili said, strange, why are they so simple?

"After you hit it five times, it will become easier." Liu Ligan smiled.

"Go away, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!" Jin Lili scolded.

They walked along Haixiu Road, passed the Lion Tower and Nanzhuang Hotel, passed the Provincial Military Region Headquarters and Xiuying Slope, and when they arrived outside the city, Jin Lili and Liu Ligan said, "There is a map in the bucket in front of you. Quickly Help me find the way to the crater.

"Fuck, you've never been there, yet you dare to take us there?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I've been there, but I wasn't driving." Jin Lili said.

Liu Ligan looked at the map and pointed Jin Lili in the direction of Shishan Town, where the crater is located.

When we got to the front, the road in front of us was interrupted. The road was under construction and we had to take a detour. Fortunately, there were simple signs on the roadside from time to time with the word "Shishan" written on it. The road was full of potholes and the car swayed.

Jin Lili straightened her back and sat on the chair with only half of her buttocks, staring straight ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She felt like she was lying on the steering wheel. She felt that her palms were so nervous that they were sweating.

They walked forward for more than ten minutes, and the words "Shishan" could no longer be seen on the side of the road. When they reached a fork in the road, Jin Lili and Liu Ligan didn't know which direction to go. The map was of no use at this time. , Jin Lili could only park the car on the side of the road and wait for someone to come over.

This place was very remote and not many people passed by. Liu Ligan and Jin Lili said that we must have taken the wrong route. There could not be a single car on the road to Shishan.

When Liu Ligan said this, Jin Lili was also confused. She thought, so many people went to eat in that place, all from Haicheng. How could there not be a single car on this road?

Although they were anxious, they had no choice. They waited on the roadside for more than ten minutes before a tractor came over. Liu Ligan quickly stopped it and asked the tractor driver how to get to the crater.

Sure enough, they were going the wrong way. The tractor driver asked them to go back. When they got to the village they passed in front of them, they should go through the village instead of outside the village.

They returned to the village that the tractor driver had mentioned. After passing directly through the village, they found that they were back on the road from Haicheng to Shishan Town. Jin Lili was relieved.

Zhang Chen was sitting in the back seat, looking out the window, his face was ashen, and he remained silent. Xiao Wu looked at him and said nothing, so he simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

It was just getting dark outside, and they had already walked for two hours from Haicheng to Shishan Town.

Liu Ligan rolled down the car window, and Jin Lili shouted: "Close it, it's full of dust, it's so dirty."

"I want to ask for directions." Liu Ligan said.

"No need to ask, I know this."

Jin Lili became confident again. She drove on the only street in Shishan Town and told Liu Ligan that after crossing this street and walking a few minutes further, she would reach the Crater Park. There was a gate there. The large area inside the door is the hotel.

"Open-air?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, there are open-air ones, with tables placed in the woods, and private rooms with pavilions next to each other. There is also a hall with ventilation from all sides, where there are performances. Lao Xia and I came that day and went in for a walk. We had to queue up. , we were in a hurry to get back to Haicheng, so we didn’t eat it, but it looked delicious. Lao Xia has been here many times and he also said it was delicious."

Jin Lili said as she drove the car. The road ended, but there was no road. There was a pond in front of it.

"It's strange, why is there no road? You're on the right track. This should be the way to the crater." Jin Lili muttered.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Could it be the fork in front of you on the right?"

"Is there a fork in the road ahead?"

"Yes, I saw one."

"Oh." Jin Lili moved left and right on the road, finally reversed the car on the road, and drove back along the street for fifty or sixty meters. Liu Lipole pointed to the fork in front of the road and said: "This one."

Jin Lili turned left and drove forward for three or four minutes, but the car came to an open space. There were two basketball stands at both ends of the open space. Directly in front of them was a two-story dilapidated building, and the car lights shone in the middle. The sign hanging on the door turned out to be the Shishan Town Government.

Liu Ligan laughed.

Jin Lili was surprised. She stopped the car and muttered: "Why the hell are you here? I came with Lao Xia that day, and it was obviously this way. When we came out, I asked Lao Xia, he and Lao Xia I said, when you get to Shishan Town, keep driving..."

Zhang Chen, who was in the back seat, suddenly roared: "Eat your mother's food!"

He opened the car door, got out of the car, opened the door and left.

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