The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 234 A first-class event

Today at dinner, Mr. Xie asked Manager Cao to eat with them. As soon as they sat down, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan immediately felt how powerful Manager Cao was. She was laughing and angry, making up one story after another to make them drink. The two of them had almost just put down their cups and were about to pick them up again.

Zhang Chen was always a shy person in this kind of situation, and the other party was a woman, with a sincere attitude and a full smile. Zhang Chen didn't know how to refuse, so he drank the most.

Liu Lizhan was better off. He laughed and cursed when the other party laughed and cursed. Of course, the curses and anger were all fake. Anyway, even Zhou Xuan found various reasons to refuse to drink.

Mr. Xie was on the side, watching them with interest. After reading the summary for a while, he said to Manager Cao: "You girls, if you want a husband, look for someone like Mr. Zhang."

Manager Cao smiled at Zhang Chen: "Yes, I liked Mr. Zhang as soon as I saw him."

She held the wine and leaned over as she spoke. Zhang Chen couldn't hide, and his face turned red.

Liu Ligan shouted: "As for me, Manager Cao, do you like me at all?"

Manager Cao glanced at Liu Ligan and cursed: "You? Marrying you is worse than marrying a stick."

Everyone laughed.

Mr. Xie then concluded: "To be honest, if I were looking for a partner, I would first choose Mr. Zhang. Xiao Liu, don't think too much about it. It doesn't mean anything else. I mean personality. Looking for someone like Mr. Zhang is down-to-earth. But if I If I want to find a general manager, then I will look for someone like Xiao Liu.”

"I know, I know, Mr. Xie's comments are accurate, that is to say, I am like a social butterfly." Liu Ligan said, and when he said that, he accidentally glanced at Manager Cao.

Manager Cao scolded: "Damn it, you call me a social butterfly, what do you want me to do?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed again.

After dinner, Mr. Xie told Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan that they had drunk a lot and went upstairs to take a lunch break before leaving. It was not good to ride like this.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan stood up and felt a little top-heavy, but they both knew what going upstairs meant, so they hesitated.

Manager Cao had already held Zhang Chen's hand and told them, "Let's go, let's go. I know Mr. Zhang doesn't like that. Our little girl here has good massage techniques. Go get a massage and relax."

When Manager Cao said that Mr. Zhang didn't like that, Mr. Xie looked at Liu Ligan and smiled. Liu Ligan also glanced at Mr. Xie and knew why he was laughing. Liu Ligan was so embarrassed that he could only make a face.

Zhang Chen was held by Manager Cao, unable to break free. When they got upstairs, the elevator door opened, and girls came to greet them. Manager Cao said to one of them, "Take Mr. Liu to your room."

Liu Ligan was taken away. Manager Cao continued to walk with Zhang Chen on his arm and opened a door. Zhang Chen saw a very clean room inside. Manager Cao took Zhang Chen in and pushed him to sit down on the edge of the bed. , pressed against his ear and said affectionately:

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you."

When Manager Cao walked out of the room, she seemed to have become a different person. Her voice was no longer so loud, but a cold professional voice. She told people:

"Take good care of Mr. Zhang and don't touch him."

A voice said softly: "Okay."

A pretty girl walked in and smiled at Zhang Chen. She walked to the window, closed the curtains with a sweep, turned around, and said to Zhang Chen: "Brother, let me massage you."

Zhang Chen feels that her technique is very similar to Xiao Zhao, but not as considerate as Xiao Zhao. When Xiao Zhao makes people feel where you want her to press, Xiao Zhao and him have the same mind. Without words, her hands will automatically go there. .

And this girl obviously followed her own set of procedures.

The most important thing was that Zhang Chen lay his head on the pillow. There was no faint cool aroma on the pillow, but a clean, detergent smell.

Having drunk too much wine earlier, Zhang Chen still fell asleep unknowingly under her hands...

The girl kept poking Zhang Chen's back with her fingers. Zhang Chen woke up, turned over and looked at her. The girl sat there and stopped moving her hands. She pointed to the bedside table and said to Zhang Chen: "Brother, your BB camera keeps ringing. Is there something urgent?"

Zhang Chen grabbed the BB camera and took a look. Xiao Wu had already detained him more than ten times, and all the contents were the same: "Go back to the construction site quickly, Assistant Xu is looking for you."

Zhang Chen quickly turned around and sat up. He glanced at the girl who was stunned and said to her, "It's really urgent. Thank you, I'm leaving right away. Thank you for your hard work!"

The girl giggled, "Why bother? This is what we do."

"By the way, do you want me to help you call that companion?" the girl asked Zhang Chen.

"What is he doing?" Zhang Chen blurted out.

The girl giggled and said ambiguously: "What do you think he can do?"

Zhang Chen also laughed and said, forget it, when he gets up, help me tell him that I will go back if there is an emergency.

"I know, and you said you didn't want to spoil his good deeds." The girl said in a long tone, and then laughed. Zhang Chen couldn't help but look at her one more time, and then he realized that this girl was actually quite beautiful.

Zhang Chen rushed to the office. Xiao Wu was sitting there, waiting anxiously. When he saw Zhang Chen come in, he quickly pointed to the intercom on the table and said, "Assistant Xu called you many times, and he came twice."

"What's up?"

"I don't know, it feels pretty important."

Zhang Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and prepared to call. Xiao Wu and Zhang Chen said, Assistant Xu and I told him that you went to the stone market.

Zhang Chen nodded and called into the intercom: "Assistant Xu, Assistant Xu, this is Zhang Chen, I'm back to the office."

The intercom continued for a while, and Assistant Xu replied: "I'll be right over."

As soon as he finished speaking, Assistant Xu appeared at the door. He told Zhang Chen that I happened to be on the way over.

"What's the emergency?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's not urgent, but it's a big deal."

Xiao Wu stood up and gave the chair to Xiao Xu. Xiao Xu was not polite and sat down. Across the table, he could smell the smell of alcohol coming from Zhang Chen's mouth. He thought he was being raped by some stone. Boss, I delayed drinking. No wonder it took so long to come back.

"I'm here to inform you that at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the new mayor who has just taken office will come to inspect the reconstruction project of Wanghai Tower." Xiao Xu and Zhang Chen said.

"Come on then, we are proceeding normally." Zhang Chen said nonchalantly.

Xiao Xu glanced at Zhang Chen and said with a smile: "Brother, are you still drunk? You put it so lightly. When the new mayor comes to inspect Wanghai Tower, it is equivalent to inspecting Mr. Fu. Do you understand?"

When Zhang Chen heard this, he sat up straight. Xiao Xu looked at the door behind him and continued: "I heard that the new mayor is still a ruthless character and acts vigorously and resolutely. If he blows up on the construction site, The person will be removed from his position on the spot.”

Zhang Chen felt that this matter was serious. He looked at Xiao Xu and said seriously: "Hey, dear, this is the style of the eight governors. Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

"First, the sanitation on the construction site must be improved. We don't know where the mayor will go. There must be no blind spots, especially those with nooks and crannies and those with urinary odor should be washed away with water. Secondly, all the people on the construction site must be washed away with water. The materials are all neatly stacked, including outside here; thirdly, the lighting is in place. I see that the corridor of the guest room upstairs is dark. If the mayor goes up there, won't he be shocked?

"Fourth and most important, everyone must dress neatly, wear safety helmets, and behave in a civilized construction manner. Mr. Fu means that starting at seven o'clock tonight, all places will stop and start working. Hygiene, everything will be over by eleven o'clock, and we will go check it out together.

"Tonight, everyone is not going to work. By the way, I have notified the canteen. Everyone is working hard on hygiene. Let's have a meal in the canteen at 11 o'clock in the evening. After that, we will go back to sleep. We will go to work at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

"Don't be too early. Too early will mess up the place that was cleaned tonight, and you have to do it. Otherwise, when the mayor arrives, it will look like no one has worked on the construction site. That would be too fake. Do it. During the half hour of their lives, they must keep themselves tidy. It is up to you to control this.

"By the way, also, all the workers below should be trained. The mayor will probably catch the workers and ask them, so they should all answer with some good words. By the way, where is your reporter friend? Ask him to help write some good words. , and give them to workers to carry. Note that each place is different. Don’t let the mayor go to a few places and ask a few people. If they all say the same thing, then it’s a gang.

"How about it, Mr. Zhang, are there no problems with this?"

Xiao Xu counted them one by one. Zhang Chen listened and cursed in his heart. Damn it, how could this be like a theater rehearsal? I left the theater and ran to Hainan. I didn't expect to have to act, and it was the director and screenwriter. Be an actor as well.

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