The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2294 Wenwen’s live broadcast room

After lunch, Zhang Chen originally wanted to lean on the sofa and rest for a while. He remembered that Wenwen told him yesterday that she would broadcast live at 12 noon every day. Zhang Chen could no longer remember the last time he watched Wenwen. When was Wen's live broadcast? It should have been several years ago.

Yesterday I met Wenwen in the podcast town. Zhang Chen asked Wenwen if she was now behind the scenes and doing management work. Wenwen is now the general manager of Fanhua Network.

Wenwen said that management needs to be done, and live broadcasting must also be done. If you have no performance, how can you teach the people below? It is difficult to lead people now. The third and fourth children will not obey you if you have no ability. Qian and I Qian is still the number one in the company.

Zhang Chen didn't believe it and thought Wenwen was bragging.

In Zhang Chen's impression, live broadcasting is only for young and beautiful girls. Only they can attract those fools to come in and give rewards. Wenwen and Qianqian are both over forty, although they don't look like that. Old, still around thirty, but still incomparable to these pink girls on the street, how can I compete with them?

But from what Ge Ling said before, it seemed certain that Wenwen was not bragging and that she was really popular. Zhang Chen became curious and wanted to see what kind of magic Wenwen had.

Zhang Chen was sitting on the sofa. He looked at his watch. When the time came, he picked up his mobile phone and clicked into Wenwen's live broadcast room. Zhang Chen was shocked.

He saw that Wenwen was not the only one in Wenwen's live broadcast room. There was also a person with Down syndrome sitting beside her, wearing a black tuxedo, a white shirt underneath, and a red t-shirt. The bow tie looks like this, as if I’ve seen it somewhere.

Zhang Chen looked at Wenwen and was shocked again. Wenwen had completely started selling things in the live broadcast room. This was different from their early days when they embedded products into gags and started selling them directly. Nowadays, the live broadcasts are all Is it that simple and crude?

Zhang Chen, the founder of Fanhua Network, can be said to be the earliest builder of live broadcast platforms. He feels that he has become alienated from the live broadcast industry and cannot keep up.

No wonder I saw so many little girls on the streets of the podcast town yesterday with no tags on their clothes. Those were not their work clothes, but the clothes they wore and sold. They sold them in the live broadcast room. If I want clothes, I will go shopping and eat. When I go back later, I will continue to sell my clothes.

In the live broadcast room, Wenwen was selling a cake. After introducing it for a while, she asked: "Zhouzhou, is it delicious?"

The patient with Down syndrome in the back kept clapping his hands, his head was not nodding, but he was shaking back and forth quickly, and he was shouting loudly:


When he said "eat", his eyes narrowed into slits, looking very funny. Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing.

A few years ago, after Zhou Zhou, a patient with Down syndrome who could conduct a symphony orchestra on stage, it seemed that the names of all patients with Down syndrome had been changed to Zhou Zhou. Zhang Chen remembered it, no wonder he looked familiar. Dressing up, isn’t it just like Zhouzhou’s look?

Wenwen shouted: "Did you hear that? Zhouzhou said it was delicious. My darlings, my glib tongue may lie to you. Will Zhouzhou lie to you? If you want to buy, prepare to start grabbing. If you don't want to buy, you will die. , now I’m going to start counting, one, two, three, start!”

When Wenwen said one, two, three, Zhouzhou stretched out his hand from behind and gestured, but it was chaotic. When he said "one", he had five fingers, when he said "two", he had three fingers, and when he said "three", he had one finger, and he was still grinning. Mouth, kept shouting: "Grab it, snatch it."

After selling out the cakes, they then sold a facial massager. Wenwen asked Zhouzhou if it was good, and Zhouzhou said yes. Wenwen asked Zhouzhou if her sister's face was slippery after using it.

Zhouzhou was very honest. He stood up and walked to the front, wanting to touch Wenwen's face. Wenwen cursed:

"If you die, don't move, sit back!"

Zhouzhou sat back, and like a scholar like Wenwen, he also touched his face and shouted: "Slip, slip, sister's face is very slippery, grab it, grab sister!"

Inside and outside the live broadcast room, everyone was laughing. Zhang Chen’s stomach almost hurt from laughing. Liu Ligan walked in, looked at him, and asked:

"What's so funny."

"Come and see Wenwen." Zhang Chen greeted him.

Liu Ligan came over and sat down on the sofa. Zhang Chen put his mobile phone on the coffee table. The two of them watched Wenwen selling goods and were overjoyed. Wenwen was in the live broadcast room, cursing without covering her mouth, and she used her fingers to He was scolding the fans watching the live broadcast, but because he didn't specifically mention it, everyone didn't think he was scolding himself, but some idiot. Not only were they not annoyed, but they also laughed and scolded him.

After an hour, Wenwen's live broadcast at noon ended quickly. The live broadcast room was taken over by other anchors. The live broadcast they took over was normal, but Zhang Chen and the others immediately felt that it was too bland. They were not the only ones who felt this way. What was displayed on the screen The number of fans is decreasing rapidly, and the host's face is starting to look ugly.

"She must regret it so much that she took over from Wenwen." Liu Ligan said, "The little girl is still inexperienced. She didn't know that there were so many people watching from the beginning. It started well. As long as she can support her Stay and get up, maybe Wenwen thinks highly of her and puts her in this position."

Zhang Chen turned off his phone and said with a smile: "There is really no fucking bottom line."

"What's the bottom line? It's not a performance or a TV series. Of course it's how to attract people's attention. I can guarantee that Zhouzhou may be an Internet celebrity now."

Liu Ligan said as he picked up his mobile phone and searched it. Indeed, the first "Zhouzhou" that appeared in Baidu said that he was an Internet celebrity and Wenwen's live broadcast assistant.

"You see, the purpose has been achieved, attracting people's attention, and also solving the employment problem of a disabled person. Wenwen's trick is good." Liu Ligan said, "People nowadays are just itchy and have not heard the radio. There are so many people here who call me just to scold me, and they feel better after being scolded."

Zhang Chen listened and couldn't help but be silent. It's true. Live broadcasts are all about attracting attention. Just like in a market, if a seller doesn't know how to shout, his goods will definitely not be sold. To perform a circus, you have to send a monkey first. Walking in circles, beating gongs and drums to circle people.

"Nowadays, those who do live broadcasts can do anything. As long as you have characteristics, it doesn't matter whether you are fat, thin, male, female, old or young, as long as you can attract fans." Liu Ligan said.

"It seems that Wenwen really knows how to keep pace with the times. No wonder she is always popular. She has too many tricks." Zhang Chen sighed.

"Of course, we don't care who brought it out." Liu Ligan said proudly.

"Just blow it."

"What are you bragging about, Zhang Chen, if I were twenty years younger and had nothing, in this era, I would definitely not sell houses or clean buildings. I would just do live broadcasts, and I guarantee that I can make a difference." Liu Ligan said.

"That's right, if you go to the live broadcast room and perform Hey Hey Hey, it will definitely attract people's attention." Zhang Chen scolded.

The two of them were chatting. Zhang Chen talked about the feeling in his heart when Ge Ling was there in the morning. He said, young people today are so powerful. If I were thirty years younger, I would be thrown to this moment. , I’m really not sure whether I can compete with them.

"Don't underestimate yourself." Liu Ligan waved his hand and said, "Their current situation was also created by us. Without the efforts of our generation to advance the entire society to the current level, they would have such strong competitiveness. ? Don’t worry, gold like ours will shine wherever you put it. If you don’t do this, you do that.

"Just being thrown in with a bang, two paupers, didn't I say it before, I can do a good job just to do a live broadcast. What about you, can't you be a designer? Just do it. Now I have my own studio and a company, it’s the same thing.

"You think there was no competition at that time. I went to the fucking newspaper office, and there were more than twenty people who were recruited to pull advertisements with me. The others all ran away the next day. I was the only one who was stupid enough to insist on sweeping the building every day. I If he didn't sweep the building, how could he have met Chen Qihang and Li Yong, and how could anything happen later?

"You arrived at Lao Tan's company and drew a painting on the spot. Lao Tan admitted you. He kept saying later that he had picked up a treasure. What kind of treasure was he picking up? If you didn't have the ability, how could you be a treasure? Including that Many companies want to take over Wanghai Tower, but Haibatian likes your design at a glance. Didn't you come out of competition?"

Liu Ligan's words left Zhang Chen speechless.

"By the way, do you still remember the director of Danzhou Farm?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We wanted to plant rubber with him, but he persuaded us to persist in Haicheng? Of course, remember, he is one of the noble people we met in Hainan. Without him, we would have lost our lives. If there is a delay, maybe we are still growing rubber on Wuzhi Mountain now, and we have a Hainanese mother-in-law and four or five children at home." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

Zhang Chen nodded: "Later, when I went to Danzhou, I also thought about whether I might bump into him by chance. If I did, I would definitely thank him properly."

Liu Ligan stared at Zhang Chen, as if he wanted to carve out a piece of flesh from his face. Zhang Chen cursed: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Zhang Chen, is there something wrong with you? Why do you always bring up things from the past?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Didn't you mention it too?"

Zhang Chen cursed, then immediately lost his temper and said:

"It's true, I often think about people and things from the past. This morning, I went to the Sijiqing Fabric Market and looked for the Taiwanese but couldn't find him. He went back to Taiwan. When I saw Ge Ling, I wanted to I really want to meet Ge Donghai and Liangfen."

"You're so damn old!" Liu Ligan shouted.

"When you're old, just be old. There's no shame in being old." Zhang Chen muttered.

Thank you Mike, on the road-daily monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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