The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2291 A false alarm

Zhang Chen's mother had no serious problems except for back pain and some difficulty walking. Dr. Zong said that there was nothing that could be done about it. The muscles and bones had been damaged for a hundred days, so she could only recover slowly. I was prescribed Yunnan Baiyao aerosol. Spray the medicine on the painful area three or four times a day. After four or five days, the symptoms will be relieved.

Zhang Chen's mother was half lying on the hospital bed. She said, "I think I'm fine too. Look, I'm not dizzy or blind. You go, so you can go back to have dinner. What are you doing in the hospital?" ?”

Although a nurse has been hired, Dr. Zong has always emphasized that Zhang Chen’s mother is fine, but it has been the first time in decades for Zhang’s mother to be admitted to a hospital. Everyone feels that she still needs family members to accompany her, and no matter how considerate the nurse is, she will always be able to survive. Not as considerate as family members.

Xiaofang's mother said that it would be fine if she stayed here with her, but Zhang Chen said no, how can you two old people stay here? It's better for me to stay here.

Xiaofang said: "It's not convenient for you either. Mom needs to urinate or wipe herself, so I'd better stay here to help. If she gets sleepy at night, I can just sit at the foot of Mom's bed or sleep on the sofa." , my mother will come over to replace me during the day tomorrow, Mom, do you think this is okay?"

When Zhang Chen's mother heard this, she said, "Okay, it's best for Xiaofang to be here. You are usually busy and don't have time. Tonight we can talk together."

The matter was settled. Xiaofang stayed in the hospital with Zhang Chen's mother. The others went back to have dinner. Zhang Chen's mother urged them, saying, "Go quickly, go quickly. There are still four starving ghosts at home. Why don't you go back quickly?" , they will howl with hunger.

Everyone laughed, knowing that she was talking about the two land reclamation warriors, Zhang Xiangxi and Liu Wenqian.

Zhang Chen and the others returned home and saw Xiaofang's father sitting in the living room, watching TV. Zhang Xiangxi and Liu Wenqian were lying on the sofa nearby, playing with game consoles in their hands.

Seeing them come in, Xiaofang's father quickly stood up and asked, how is it?

Zhang Chen said it was okay, it was okay, he would stay in the hospital for one night and he could come back tomorrow.

Xiaofang's father said "oh".

When Zhang Chen's mother had just been sent to the hospital, Xiaofang's mother called him and told him that her mother-in-law had fallen. At the hospital, the two land reclamation warriors wanted to go there, but Zhang Chen's mother told him not to come. Don't let them come. Take good care of the two children at home. It's best for the children to come to the hospital less often.

Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang's mother went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. On the way back, Zhang Chen called Tuxiangyuan Hotel and asked them to deliver food. Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang's mother went to the kitchen to make a soup and stir-fry two vegetables, and cook the rice in a rice cooker.

Zhang Xiangxi came over and said to Zhang Chen, "Dad, I want to go to the hospital to see grandma."

Liu Wenqian, who was following her, said, "I want it too."

Zhang Chen said: "Children go to the hospital for what? Grandma will be back tomorrow. Your mother is with grandma in the hospital. Go and do whatever you need to do."

Zhang Xiangxi pursed his lips, and Liu Wenqian looked at her and pursed her lips too. However, Zhang Xiangxi turned to Liu Yun, and Liu Wenqian pestered Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen asked Xiaofang’s father: “Where is Lao Zhang?”

Xiaofang's father looked around and said with some confusion: "It was still here before, but now I don't know where it went."

Zhang Chen went upstairs to take a look but saw no one. He walked to the door and saw no one either. He walked towards the underground parking lot and walked to the workshop of two land reclamation warriors in the corner. The door of the workshop was ajar. Then, Zhang Chen opened the door. It was dark inside. Zhang Chen was about to exit when a voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, which startled him:

"How is your mother?"

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand to turn on the light, and Lao Zhang turned his head hastily. At that moment, Zhang Chen saw tears flashing in Lao Zhang's eyes, and Zhang Chen was startled.

"Oh, nothing's wrong. I just got hit on the waist. I'll have a comprehensive checkup tomorrow and then I can go home. Xiaofang is with me in the hospital," Zhang Chen said.

Lao Zhang let out a long breath, his voice was very soft, but there was a slight echo in the silent basement, and his body that had been tense seemed to relax.

Zhang Chen said: "Go up and eat. I asked the hotel to deliver the food. It should be here soon."

Lao Zhang snorted.

Zhang Chen turned around and walked outside, leaving Lao Zhang alone to collect himself.

Zhang Chen shook his head and couldn't help but laugh again.

After breakfast the next morning, Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang's mother went to take Xiaofang's place to rest. Today, on Sunday, Tan Shuzhen is not at work, so she will accompany Zhang Chen's mother to complete all the examinations.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, the two land reclamation warriors went to the city exhibition hall to continue making the sand table. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan stayed at home to take care of their children.

In the afternoon, Tan Shuzhen called and said that Zhang Chen's mother had completed all the examinations and there were no problems and she could be discharged from the hospital.

Xiaofang also got up at this time. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang went to the hospital to pick them up, leaving Zhang Xiangxi and Liu Wenqian with Liu Ligan. He took them to Xinhua Bookstore to buy books.

Zhang Chen's mother came back, and everything at home returned to normal, but this incident also made Zhang Chen alert. The elderly will eventually grow old, and so will he. There will be a day when he will leave, and this world will always exist, no matter what. Whether they are there or not, no matter who is there or not, the world will not even yawn, it will continue to exist at its own pace.

No one should think how important or amazing they are.

When thinking like this, people will become peaceful.

In December, the year is almost over. Everyone is very busy. Liu Yun and Xiaofang went to the United States again. They have to get everything done and sign all the agreements before the Christmas holiday. That’s it.

Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to go to the United States with them this time, but after what happened to Zhang Chen's mother, Zhang Chen and Xiaofang agreed. In the future, if there is no way to refuse, it would be best for the two of them. If one of you stays at home, you cannot leave a room full of old people and children here.

Although Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen would take care of anything when they were away, and they didn't have to explain it to them, but for the elderly, it was different whether they had their children around or not. In fact, their hearts were deeper than what they showed on the outside. Much more fragile, just like the scene when Zhang Chen saw Lao Zhang in the underground parking lot, which touched him a bit.

Xiaofang also said that after Xiaozhao's death, her parents had been in a state of panic for a long time, always feeling that something bad would happen.

"Dear, do you still remember that time when Xiaoshu couldn't be found?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen said, of course he remembered.

"That time, my parents almost collapsed. They knew you were looking around, but they didn't dare to call you. My mother called me in almost five minutes. The more I comforted them, it was okay. Even Xiaoshu was like this. The older they get, the more they suspect that something bad has happened and I have been hiding it from them.

"My parents didn't dare to call you. Another reason was that they were afraid of hearing bad news from your phone. Later I told them that Xiaoshu was found. My mother kept crying on the phone. I Dad cried too."

Xiaofang said and Zhang Chen nodded. He said: "Actually, everyone is like this. The older you get, the more fragile you are and the more you worry about gains and losses. When you were young, nothing mattered and you were not afraid of death. Now you are afraid of everything. Often It’s okay.”

"Are you talking about yourself?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen nodded: "I also have this tendency."

Xiaofang giggled.

Zhang Chen wrote several pages of authorization letters. Xiaofang took his authorization letters with Liu Yun to the United States, but he did not go with him.

Zhang Xiangbei sent Zhang Chen a WeChat message and told him that they had returned to Hainan, and the previous batches of cattle had also arrived at the ranch. The ranch had officially started operating, and the staff of the research institute were basically in place.

Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Chen said that the institute has a strong lineup, including three Ph.D.s who have returned from overseas, as well as two professors from South China Agricultural University and Huazhong Agricultural University, who have led several research groups respectively, including one from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and A double academician of the Academy of Engineering and their chief scientist, Gu Gong invited him to his house after cooking for him for more than a week.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly after seeing it.

Zhang Xiangbei also sent him a lot of pictures, especially when Zhang Chen went to Hainan, explaining what Bao Tianbin needed to change.

Zhang Chen is now used to it. When he wakes up every morning, the first thing he does is open WeChat to see if Zhang Xiangbei has left a message for him. People in Hainan go to bed late at night, and there are a lot of people together. It's very lively. Zhang Xiangbei usually sends WeChat messages to Zhang Chen at three or four o'clock in the morning. By that time, Zhang Chen has already fallen asleep.

Anyway, Zhang Xiangbei doesn't care whether Zhang Chen calls back or not. Sometimes Zhang Chen wakes up in the morning and sees that Zhang Xiangbei's side is quiet when he calls back. In the afternoon or evening, he only replies with "Oh" or "Hmm" ,"Uh-huh".

Father and son didn't communicate much before. Zhang Xiangbei talked a lot with Xiaofang, and would ask Xiaofang to tell Zhang Chen if something happened. Now, he knows how to send Zhang Chen a WeChat message directly. This matter itself makes Zhang Chen feel... He was very pleased. He felt that Zhang Xiangbei had really matured after getting married, and he felt that something hard between them was quietly melting.

Just like something was quietly melting between Zhang Chen and Lao Zhang.

Tan Shuzhen's podcast town has completed the reconstruction part and the new part is still under construction. Tan Shuzhen originally planned to wait until the three buildings were capped before holding the opening ceremony of the podcast town, but the Jiubao Town Government refused to do so. They urged Tan Shuzhen to hold the town opening ceremony now.

Tan Shuzhen understands them. Now that the town opening ceremony is held, the podcast town can be included in the year-end summary of the town government, which is the performance of this government. In March next year, the two sessions will be held, and the members of this team will be changed by then. They don’t know if they will continue to stay here. They don’t want to leave such fresh peaches in Podcast Town for others to pick.

In addition, starting this year, the provincial government has encouraged everyone to create various characteristic towns to cooperate with the rural revitalization plan. All regions have taken action. The opening ceremony of the town is in front, and each one is a hot topic in the news. Later, the hot pot will also cool down.

The mayor came and told Tan Shuzhen that now the provincial government has an incentive policy for characteristic towns. If you open a town here, we can immediately fight for you and strive to be included in the key characteristic towns in the province and city next year. For you, Don’t overdo the benefits.

Well, this money and these benefits are not free, so Tan Shuzhen and her friends chose to open their podcast town on December 18, 2018, at the end of the year.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Zhongxing Mingchen, Hu Hu, Nevin Moore, End Hao, and book friends 20180224112201712 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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