The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2289 Let’s talk about the auction

Wu Zhaohui asked Zhao Xin: "Director Zhao, what did you say, you took a picture, but you didn't actually pay that much? What happened?"

"That's the other way around." Zhao Xin and Wu Zhaohui said, "For example, in an auction, if there is a work that we are determined to win and must take the photo, we will also go to the auction company and the seller to sign a guarantee first. The guarantee agreement for the reserve price promised that we would buy the painting for, say, five million.

"Generally speaking, many other people will definitely like the works we like, but the sellers and auction companies need us to hold up the sign, because once we hold up the sign, other buyers will see it, even the 'Riverside Oil Painting Gallery' If they have all been raised, there is no mistake. They will follow suit and raise the price. Therefore, sellers and auction companies like to sign an agreement with us, so that they can buy with peace of mind first.

"During the actual auction, we participated in the bidding. If the price exceeded our expectations, we gave up and waited for the money. If it was within the acceptable range, we bought it. For example, we bought the last work If we bought it for 8 million, in fact, we don’t need to pay 8 million, only 6.5 million is enough.

"There is also the 1.5 million, which was agreed when we signed the guarantee agreement. If we bid for the work at a price exceeding the guaranteed price, the seller needs to give us 50% of the so-called financing for the part exceeding the guaranteed price. Fee, this way, 1.5 million will be saved.

“After a work goes through an auction, it is like a person opening a door and entering the public eye. Everyone can see your path map. If our museum wants to continue collecting this work, then Collection, if we don’t want to continue collecting it and we sell it again, at this time, the starting price will generally be higher than our last purchase price.

"That is to say, the last record I made public was not for eight million. This time, the starting price is nine million, otherwise no one would sell it, right? But no one knows that we actually bought it for six hundred and five million. I bought it for 100,000 yuan and sold it at the lowest price, and I made a lot of money.”

Liu Yun also became interested after hearing this. She said, "I didn't expect that an art museum like yours would be a literary and art institution. It should be very simple and far away from the smell of copper. I didn't expect it to be like a profiteer."

Zhao Xin smiled and said: "There are dozens of us who also need to eat. Of course we can't compare with you who work in investment banks. You are so tall."

"Wrong, those of us who work in investment banking are not high-ranking people, but the lowest and most secular industry. To say high-ranking is a misunderstanding from outsiders. If someone in investment banking thinks he is high-ranking, then he is a liar. Undoubtedly, the best we can do is to be well-dressed." Xiaofang intervened.

"Oh, Xiaofang, what's wrong with you, do you look down on yourself so much?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"That's right." Xiaofang said, "We use money to make money, and we deal with money every day. What is money? Put it in front of you. You see that the printing is very beautiful, and you shake it in your hand and scratch it. Yes, but are there any good words that are closely related to money? For money, there are things like killing, deception, robbery, speculation, cheating, being unjust, duplicitous, etc.

“Isn’t this what we are born with money?

"Of course, wages and income from labor are related to money, but to be honest, don't you think that money is not very good-looking and is synonymous with poverty? Salary and income from labor are not things that fools do. Is it? Being looked down upon by others. On the contrary, those rich people who get rich overnight will be sought after by everyone, and no one will care about what is behind this overnight success.

"Back to the investment bank itself, what we think about every day is how to make money. In order to make money, we can do whatever it takes. Brothers can turn against each other, and fellow countrymen can insert knives in your back. Today I call you brother and sister, but tomorrow, as long as you fail to achieve your goal, I'm sorry. I have to kick you out. How noble do you think you are? It can be said that this is the most ruthless industry.

"People who are not ruthless can't be an investment banker, and those who can't let go of their figure can't be an investment banker. If you can only sit in an office building, you are basically committing suicide. I want to invest in an agricultural project. I don't want to go to the fields like farmers? What if I invest? In an urban renewal project, I don’t want to dig into sewers? Look at septic tanks?

“It’s just that in the past few years, everyone in China has focused on the Internet and real estate, and investment banks have also focused on the Internet and real estate. This makes people think that investment banking is very high-end, but in fact, this is not the essence of investment banking.

"Don't look at today's happy dance. If there is another Internet bubble crisis, a large number of investment banks will be unlucky, including those who invest in real estate. Every real estate giant collapses, and a series of investment banks will lose their money."

"Let me go, Xiaofang, are you confessing yourself?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's not self-repentance. Xiaofang is right. In fact, the road to investment banking is still a bloody road. You only see those who make money, but you don't see those who jump off buildings. Like Lehman Brothers, the scale is so big. It will still fail. During the financial crisis, how many investment banks died on Wall Street in one night? One day, those people were the proud ones of heaven, and the next day, they were sleeping on the streets."

Liu Yun said, looking at Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, and said to them: "It's just me. Isn't it the same? I almost can't sit here with you now?"

Everyone knows what Liu Yun is talking about and the obstacles she encountered. If it weren't for the help of her friends, Liu Yun might have gone to jail at that time.

"Thank you, Zhang Chen. You told me all about it later."

After so many years, Liu Yun finally said thank you. At that time, Zhang Chen rushed to Beijing for Liu Yun.

Zhang Chen shook his head and quickly changed the subject. He said:

"Let's talk about auctions. Nowadays, the auction industry is also full of filth. Through auctions, money laundering, bribery, asset transfer, and corruption can be found in all kinds of ways."

"I like to hear this, Mr. Zhang, please tell me." Wu Zhaohui said.

"Do you want to give or accept bribes?" Zhang Chen asked Wu Zhaohui.

Wu Zhaohui said: "It's better to pay bribes. People like us can accept bribes of any kind. The most we can accept is a cigarette."

"It's simple. The auction market doesn't care whether the auction is genuine or not. Even if you spend 100 million, it's normal to find a fake. You have to pay a bribe and let the guy spend a few hundred yuan to buy a fake painting and let the family Send it to the auction market, and then you can buy it for 5 million to 10 million, and the money will be given away.

"This is the simplest. With a little more technical content, you can buy an authentic painting, and then find a small auction company to hold an auction that no one knows about. You can buy a painting for five million for five thousand yuan. Bid it to him there, and after a few months, he would send the painting to a big auction company. If someone bids it for a high price, he would make money.

"In the auction market, buyers and sellers can be anonymous or entrusted. In this way, everything is done without anyone noticing. If something goes wrong, and it is investigated, he can also say that he has good vision. In the auction market I picked something up."

As Zhang Chen spoke, Wu Zhaohui kept nodding his head. He said, "It seems more powerful than just sending money directly. What about corruption? How can you be corrupt?"

"Corruption is also very simple. If you have real power in a certain unit, you can collude with the pole, for example. He will take a piece of work to the auction market, and you can buy it at a high price, and you can divide the money privately. Now there are This bank is doing this. Obviously the painter is a second-rate artist, but his paintings have been auctioned for tens of millions. In the past few years, they have been auctioned off by the same bank.

"If there's no tricks or corruption, I definitely won't believe it." Zhang Chen said, "There are also people who use art to launder money. This requires some discernment. It's not enough to buy fakes. You can buy them at an auction company in Beijing or Shanghai. , sent to an auction company in Hong Kong to be sold. After selling, the money is transferred out. If it is done well, not only will there be no loss, but also a profit.

"Zhao Xin said before that generally speaking, art will increase in value once it is auctioned. If you bought it for 50 million in Shanghai, it is normal to sell it for 60 million in Hong Kong."

"Is there anything else? Is there anything fishy?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

"That's a lot." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Wu Zhaohui, do you want to eat this kind of food?"

"No, I just understand." Wu Zhaohui said.

"Okay, for example, if the company spends 20 million to buy a piece of work and hang it in the company's conference room, this can be registered as a fixed asset in the books. Fixed assets can be depreciated. The depreciation is 100% per year. Ten times, after ten years, this work will have no value on paper. You can buy it home for a dollar, but its actual value will still be there.

“Twenty million yuan is actually not only a penny less, but it has also probably increased in value. If you buy it for one yuan, your account will be even.

"You are a private enterprise, so you can't just take away 20 million from the books. That's fine. On the one hand, you have evaded taxes. On the other hand, your actual wealth has increased. If you are the head of a state-owned enterprise, do you understand the little Jiujiu here?"

"I understand, I understand, there are really pitfalls here." Wu Zhaohui said, "They are all tricks, it just depends on how you play."

The attendant came over and urged them to board the plane. Everyone stood up, left the VIP lounge, and walked to the boarding gate.

On the plane, Tan Shuzhen put down her seat and was about to go to sleep. There was an aisle between them, and Xiaofang, who was sitting in the back row, came over and said to Tan Shuzhen:

"Sister Shuzhen, let's change seats. He's looking for you."

Tan Shuzhen turned around and saw Zhang Chen waving to her. Tan Shuzhen stood up and walked over and sat down in Xiaofang's seat.

"What's the matter?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I just looked at this screen and thought about what should be done with the square in the podcast town." Zhang Chen pointed to the small screen in front of him and said.

"How to deal with it?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Projectors can be set up around the square to project images onto the square," Zhang Chen said.

"Project the image?" Tan Shuzhen wondered, "Will it be clear?"

"You can use a high-lumen projector, and it doesn't need to be very clear. It just needs to be able to render out the atmosphere. For example, in summer, you can show the heavy snow in the square, or the petals and leaves falling from the sky. The image, like the one we shot on the stage curtain, was just shot on the ground," Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, this is okay." Tan Shuzhen understood immediately.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Hu Hu, windinwing, and Void Broken Dream for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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