The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2286 About Cows

When Zhang Xiangbei came back this time, he was much darker than when Xiangnan left him from Hainan.

Xiang Nan looked at him and laughed, and asked, "Why are you so dark?"

After the Yongcheng International Street Theater Festival ended, the troupe had a half-month vacation and flew south to Hainan. Every day, together with Zhang Xiangbei and the others, they haunted the mountain valley in Qiongzhong. Of all the people, the others The more they tan, the darker they get. Only Xiang Evian and Xiang Nan can't tan no matter how much they are exposed to the sun.

Their skin will become red from the sun, just like a cooked lobster. It will peel off in the sun, but it will not be tanned. It doesn't matter how many men there are, just be black. Zhou Ruoyi looked very depressed and bitter. With a sullen face, Xiang Nan said to Evian, "You guys, this is too bullying. Why am I the only one who will be sunburned into a black coal?"

"No." Zhang Xiangbei interjected from the side, "This is just right for you. Even if you have green hair, it's so dark that you can't see it."

The other people laughed, Zhou Ruoyi put her hands on her hips, glared at Zhang Xiangbei, and cursed: "Believe it or not, I sold Xiangnan."

Zhang Xiangbei said, OK, you can sell it to me.

I got a slap on the butt right away, but it wasn't Zhou Ruoyi, but Xiang Nan.

In fact, this is no longer surprising. When Zhang Xiangbei was still studying at Yale, he returned to China to Yongcheng during the summer vacation. Several people went to the countryside to help farmers rob. This was what happened to Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan at that time. Zhang Xiangbei was The sun turns into an African, and going south just turns into a cooked shrimp.

Zhang Xiangxi also laughed when she saw Zhang Xiangbei. She had not seen Zhang Xiangbei for a longer time than Xiangnan, so she felt stronger. She said:

"Beibei, you were a little white donkey when you went out, but now you are a little black donkey."

After dinner, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan carried Zhang Xiangxi and Liu Wenqian to Mishi River for a walk as usual. Zhang Xiangbei followed. When Zhang Xiangxi saw Zhang Xiangbei coming, she patted her father on the head and said:

"I'm going to ride a little black donkey, I'm going to ride a little black donkey."

Zhang Chen looked around, wondering what kind of donkey was there. Zhang Xiangxi pointed at Zhang Xiangbei. Only then did Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan understand that Zhang Xiangxi was going to ride on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulder. Zhang Xiangbei was the little donkey. Black donkey, two people laughing.

Zhang Xiangbei returned to Hangzhou and attended Lao Liu's memorial service. He stayed one more day and took a plane to Nanning. Gu Gong and Ding Miuli had already driven across the ferry from Hainan and entered Guangxi. Zhang Xiangbei was going to Guangxi to meet them. , they then drove from Guangxi to Yunnan, then to Sichuan, from Sichuan to Guizhou, then to Guangxi and Guangdong back to Hainan, and visited the entire southwest region.

The more remote the place, the more they need to go this time. The purpose is to find cattle that they think have delicious meat or are large in size.

Gu Gong and Zhang Xiangbei said, In fact, if we find good cattle breeds and breeding cattle in China, use them as our base cattle, and then improve them, the possibility is greater than searching abroad.

"Why?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"In ancient China, the status of cattle has always been very high. When ancient emperors offered sacrifices, cattle were the first of the three animals. Only when there were sacrifices and feasts of cow heads and beef, they were called Tailao. Cows were also called Lao cattle and special cattle. Sheep and pigs were called Tailao. Less prison.

"In "Guoyu·Chu Yuxia", it is said that 'the emperor eats too much food, cattle, sheep and hogs are all available. The princes eat cattle, the ministers eat sheep, the officials eat hogs, the scholars eat fish and grilled fish, and the common people eat vegetables.' There are strict regulations. , only princes are qualified to eat beef, and scholar-bureaucrats can only eat pigs and pigs. Pigs refer to pigs, and pigs refer to piglets.

"There is also a record in "Book of Rites: Kingship": 'Princes do not kill cattle without reason, officials do not kill sheep without reason, scholars do not kill dogs and hogs without reason, and common people do not eat precious things without reason.' The hierarchy is clear, and cattle are not killed by anyone who wants to. Eat whatever you want.

"China is an agricultural society, and cattle are an important means of production. Therefore, killing cattle, according to current parlance, means destroying production. In the Qin Dynasty, the court clearly ordered that private citizens should not slaughter farm cattle privately. Don't think that only Kobe, Japan, Wagyu cattle have ID cards. In fact, in ancient China, every cow also had a household registration and was registered with the government office, although the purpose was different.

"In the Qin Dynasty, cattle could only be slaughtered for meat when they were old or dead. In the Han Dynasty, with the widespread promotion of iron plowshares and cattle farming, the importance of cattle became even more apparent. In order to develop agriculture, the imperial court began to impose restrictions on private individuals. The act of slaughtering farm cattle is more stringent. Han law stipulates that "young and middle-aged cattle are not allowed to be slaughtered." If someone violates the prohibition, they will be beheaded and the cattle will pay for it with their lives.

"Even if the cattle are very old and have died normally, if you want to sell the beef, you must first report to the Yamen. After the cattle are killed, the hides and tendons will be turned over to the Yamen as military supplies.

"In the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, cattle were not allowed to be slaughtered regardless of whether they were old, weak, sick or disabled. Only cattle that died of natural causes or disease could be skinned for meat. Those who slaughtered farm cattle privately were sentenced to one year in prison in the Tang Dynasty, and in the Yuan Dynasty they were punished with a rod. One hundred, the Ming Dynasty would send them to the frontiers for military confinement. The Qing Dynasty would fine them, slap them with a blackboard, or exile them according to the severity of the crime.

"Don't look at those thieves in "Water Margin" or the bullshit heroes in martial arts novels. As soon as you sit down, you will eat three or five pounds of beef. In fact, eating beef is not that simple, and it does not form a habit. Beef It was actually only in recent decades that it became popular on everyone's dining tables, but at this time, it was also the time when foreign beef cattle, such as Angus cattle, were introduced in large quantities.

"Unlike our country, foreign countries, especially the West, have always had a tradition of eating beef. Therefore, their cattle have been improved countless times and are constantly improved. In comparison, the pedigree of our domestic cattle and bloodline, on the contrary, they are relatively simple and have little chance of being improved. Only when we go to those nooks and crannies can we have a greater chance of discovering good original breeding cattle.

"Why did Yuan Longping go from Hunan to Hainan and finally find wild rice seeds in Hainan? Because Hunan was developed early, and 'Huguang is ripe enough for the whole world.' Hunan has no growing land and no soil for wild rice seeds to survive. It was not until July 7 In 2000, Hainan was still very backward and had a lot of uncultivated land, so it was possible to find wild rice seeds here.

"The principle is the same. Compared with foreign countries, our country may retain more and richer types of cattle. Only by improving and crossbreeding on this basis can we achieve success. If nothing else, let's talk about Ding'an. The calf's pedigree must be very pure. As long as we change the feeding method from grass-fed to grain-fed, we can increase its weight and have more fat."

Zhang Xiangbei felt that what Gu Gong said made sense. Next, they would start a long journey to find cattle and introduce all the best breeds of cattle in the country to their pasture. This was the foundation. With this foundation, Only the scientists and engineers at the institute will be useful.

Zhang Xiangbei stayed in Hangzhou for one more day. This afternoon, he specially ran to Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen was a little surprised when he saw him coming in and asked:

"You're looking for me?"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said a little embarrassedly: "I want to talk to you."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. Do you want to talk to me? In the past, it was too late for Zhang Xiangbei to hide from him. If he asked him anything, he would be unable to do anything with three fists. Even if he wanted to talk, he would go to Xiaofang to talk, and would not take the initiative to talk to Zhang Chen.

Today, the sun comes out from the west? He actually took the initiative to come and talk to me, haha, which made Zhang Chen feel a little flattered.

Zhang Chen thought a lot in his heart, but remained calm on the outside. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, sit down."

Zhang Xiangbei sat down on the sofa. Zhang Chen went to the water dispenser and poured him a glass of water. Zhang Xiangbei stood up quickly, bowed slightly and said:

"Thank you dad!"

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes at him and said, "Are you so polite?"

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled.

Zhang Chen took his cup, walked over and sat down on the sofa on the side.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Xiangbei first took out his mobile phone and showed the pictures inside to Zhang Chen. The entire mountain col was now covered with a green lawn, the cowshed had been built, and the main construction of the visitor center had been completed. The open-air hot spring on the edge of the stream has also been constructed, and the construction of the ripening workshop, slaughtering workshop, office building, research institute and dormitory on the hillside is in full swing.

Zhang Chen nodded while looking at it, and said, "Not bad, the movements are quite fast."

"There are so many people." Zhang Xiangbei smiled.

Zhang Xiangbei told Zhang Chen that he would go and take a look when he had time to see if there was anything that needed to be adjusted or modified. Zhang Chen agreed and told him, wait until I go to Beijing and participate in the autumn auction of your aunt's works. When you come back, you will go to Hainan. By the way, how long will it take you to go out this time?

"It's okay, I can go back at any time, Gu Gong and the others can just continue looking." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will give you a call when I get back from Beijing.

Zhang Xiangbei then asked many questions about opening a hotel, and Zhang Chen answered them one by one, very carefully.

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "Dad, can I record it?"

"You've recorded it." Zhang Chen said, laughing in his heart. Is this too serious?

Zhang Xiangbei turned on the recording function of his mobile phone and recorded everything Zhang Chen said to him.

"Dad, there is one more thing that I think is a bit troublesome." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Chen looked at him and almost laughed. Oops, I really feel a little shameless today.

Zhang Chen asked: "What's the matter?"

"In the early days, Bao Tianbin was busy with things in Hainan. At that time, he was the only one around me. Later, Gu Gong, Xiang Yiyun, and Fatty all went there..."

"I understand, it's because the job is difficult to arrange, right?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, it turns out that Bao Tianbin has the lowest position in 'Zhai Xianshui'. Gu Gong and Xiang Yiyun all have higher positions than him. Fatty and Zhou Ruoyi are several levels higher than him. Now, everyone Went to Hainan..."

"You have made Bao Tianbin the general manager. Now these people have become Bao Tianbin's subordinates. You think it is a bit unjustifiable, but you can't adjust Bao Tianbin's position as general manager, right?" Zhang Chen asked .

Zhang Xiangbei said right, "I'm afraid that everyone has their own thoughts. I see people in your company making adjustments over and over again. It seems that everyone is quite happy. How did you do it?"

Zhang Chen listened and nodded.

He did not speak to Zhang Xiangbei immediately, but remained silent. He was thinking about how to explain this matter clearly to Zhang Xiangbei. It was rare that this was the first time that he took the initiative to talk to him. He should give him a satisfactory answer. .

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for the monthly ticket from the wooden man, who only remembers his original intention and has no future but empty and broken dreams! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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