The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2279 Arriving at the hospital

"Tuk-tuk-tuk", someone was knocking on the car window. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan turned to look and saw a traffic policeman standing outside the car window.

Liu Ligan pressed down the window. The traffic policeman saluted him and told him, "You can't park here."

Liu Ligan said impatiently: "You write the ticket and stick it on the front. You can go on your own."

The traffic policeman frowned, saluted Liu Ligan again, and said, "Please show your driver's license..."

"Get out!" Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen shouted almost in unison. The traffic policeman was startled and trembled.

Liu Ligan immediately lowered his tone and said to him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we really have something urgent to deal with and we are saving people's lives. Please keep the ticket."

After saying that, he ignored him and picked up his phone.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Ask someone to come over." Liu Ligan said, "How can we do it without anyone here?"

Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and said to Liu Ligan: "Forget it, your people are all in the ravines. I'll call them. My people are all in Chongqing city."

Zhang Chen called Xu Yue, general manager of the Chongqing branch of "Food and Drink" and told him:

"You go to the car and wait now. I will transfer 100,000 yuan to you immediately. Just wait for my call and I will tell you which hospital. You go there immediately and find a man named Liu Xuanren who just sent him 120 yuan. After finding him, I told the doctors that they should use the best equipment and the best doctors to perform rescue operations. It doesn’t matter how much money they spend. Do you understand?

"If you don't have enough money, just call me. I will rush over from Nanjing to Chongqing right now. I will arrive tomorrow morning. You will stay at the hospital for me tonight. If anything happens, please contact me at any time.

"By the way, if you need rescue, if you need signatures from family members, etc., you'll sign them."

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang, I'll wait in the car now." Xu Yue said.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone and immediately transferred 100,000 yuan to Xu Yue.

The traffic policeman had left at some point without even issuing a ticket. He probably heard the phone call Zhang Chen and the others were making.

While Zhang Chen was on the phone, Liu Ligan had already used navigation to set a route from Nanjing to Chongqing. When Zhang Chen hung up the phone, he had already restarted the car.

"Now I can only pray that the girl doesn't run away in fear." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen's heart moved. He picked up his mobile phone and immediately called Xu Yue, asking Xu Yue to go to the hotel first to see if an ambulance had arrived.

Xu Yue said yes, I will go right away, Mr. Zhang.

As soon as they got on the highway, Xu Yue called and told Zhang Chen that he had rushed to the hotel and didn't see the ambulance. He asked the security guard, who said that an ambulance had just left.

"Is it an old man and a girl accompanying him?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xu Yue took his mobile phone and asked the security guard. The security guard told him that it was right, so Xu Yue told Zhang Chen that it was right.

"Then just wait there for my call and I will tell you which hospital to go to." Zhang Chen said.

"Mr. Zhang, would you like me to ask the emergency center? They should know which hospital the patient was taken to," Xu Yue said.

Just when Zhang Chen wanted to say yes, Liu Ligan shouted: "Stop running around and getting distracted. Just wait for the call. You shouldn't go to a hospital that is far away. It's just nearby."

Xu Yue said okay.

"Now that we're in the ambulance, this call will definitely come." Liu Li's good friend Zhang Chen said, "God bless us, we met a chicken with five eloquences and four beauties."

The car was driving on the southern line of the Inner Ring Road. Before it reached the Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel, the girl called and told Liu Ligan the name of the hospital. Liu Ligan said:

"Thank you, thank you, you can leave now."

Before Liu Ligan hung up the phone, Zhang Chen called out and told Xu Yue which hospital to go to.

When the car passed Pukou, Xu Yue called back and told Zhang Chen that he had found Liu Xuanren and the girl, and Liu Xuanren had been sent to the ICU for rescue.

"Is that girl still there when you arrive?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Here, she also advanced 10,000 yuan. I transferred the money to her and she gave me the bill. Now, now she seems to have left." Liu Xuanren said.

"I'll go. Not only is she nice, but she's also very honest. Come on, call her and thank her. After this thing is over, Lao Liu deserves to be her loyal customer." Liu Ligan shouted.

"Go away, if she sees Lao Liu again, she will probably have a psychological shadow." Zhang Chen said.

"Really, if it were me, I would be afraid too." Liu Ligan said, giving up the idea of ​​making a phone call.

Going from Nanjing to Chongqing is basically going up the Yangtze River. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan exceeded the local maximum speed limit of 110 and 120 yards all the way, and drove at 156 and 25 yards. Driving at a speed of six yards. On the highway, if the speed limit is within 10% of the speed limit, no violation will be dealt with. Even if they are photographed, it will not be considered a violation. They drove at this maximum speed all the way.

The two took turns driving, with almost no stops except for entering the service area to refuel and use the toilet. Liu Ligan bought a box of Red Bull drinks and returned to the car. When he was tired and tired, he drank it.

When the car arrived in Wuhan, Xu Yue called and told Zhang Chen that he was out of danger, but he was not awake yet, and he had to stay in the ICU for continued observation. I was with him in there.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you for your hard work.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan rushed to the hospital. Old Liu was still in the ICU and was not awake yet. Xu Yue had already hired a nurse. He took Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan to find the attending doctor. The doctor told them that they were lucky. Fortunately, they were sent here in time and their lives were saved, but it was hard to say what the reason was now.

"We will organize consultations with relevant departments in the morning to rule them out one by one." The doctor said, "By the way, according to my experience, his symptoms are very likely caused by drugs. Do you know if he has been taking anything recently? medicine?"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both shook their heads. The doctor and Liu Ligan said:

"Your father-in-law seems to be in good health. I checked his medical insurance file and found that he has not been to the hospital in recent years and has not bought any medicine, not even cold medicine. Maybe my judgment is wrong. I will wait for a consultation. Bar."

Liu Ligan said yes, he is in good health. He has been in good health since my mother-in-law passed away and he should not take any medicine.

In fact, Liu Ligan thought about it, but he couldn't tell the doctor. When he thought about Lao Liu, he might often go to a store with pink lights to buy aphrodisiacs of unknown origin.

Of course, Liu Ligan had no way to tell the doctor this. Even so, there were many kinds of aphrodisiac drugs, and he didn't know which kind of drug Lao Liu was taking.

Liu Ligan thought about it and asked Xu Yue: "By the way, did that girl give you a bag?"

"Yes, yes, there is also a bag of clothes. He came here wearing a hotel bathrobe. They are all in my car. I will bring them to you." Xu Yue said.

The three of them walked to the parking lot. Xu Yue took a handbag from the car and a paper bag from the hotel, which contained Lao Liu's clothes, pants and shoes.

Liu Ligan opened his handbag and took a look. It contained Lao Liu's ID card, his previous work permit at the school, a senior teacher's professional qualification certificate, and a wallet. There was nothing in the wallet except Liu Ligan's business card. .

In the handbag, he did not find any aphrodisiacs that Liu Ligan hoped to find.

Zhang Chen asked Xu Yue to go back and rest. It was none of his business here, and none of their business. He had hired a nurse to take care of him, and the doctor would conduct consultations and examinations step by step. If there was any new situation, he would contact Liu Ligan, his son-in-law, on WeChat.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan got into the car. Liu Ligan said: "This woman's psychological quality is too strong. Under such circumstances, she actually thought of collecting Lao Liu's clothes and pants and bringing them over. No, no, I need to call that girl."

"Why, you want to be brother-in-law with Lao Liu?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Screw you, your thoughts are really dirty. I'll call her and ask her if she has seen Old Liu take any aphrodisiacs." Liu Ligan said.

He dialed the phone as he spoke, but all he heard were busy signals.

Liu Ligan sighed and put down his phone. He said to Zhang Chen, "You can call Liu Yun now."

"Why don't you fight?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "You are more deceptive than me. She will believe whatever you say. Just start making it up."

"screw you!"

Zhang Chen cursed, but still picked up the phone and dialed.

"Zhang Chen, why are you calling me so early?" Liu Yun asked on the other end of the phone.

"Liu Yun, Ganzi and I are in Chongqing..."

"Why did you go to Chongqing? Didn't you say you were going to Nanjing?" Liu Yun was confused.

"Yes, we went to Nanjing. Last night, we drove from Nanjing to Chongqing and are now in the hospital."

"In the hospital, what are you doing in the hospital?" Liu Yun asked.

"Your father is in the hospital, Liu Yun. Your father fainted while dancing in the square yesterday and was sent to the hospital. The doctor found a pole's business card from his body and called pole. We rushed right away. Come here, your father is still under observation in the ICU, don’t worry, although he is still unconscious, he is out of danger."

Liu Yun was stunned on the other end of the phone. She asked, "Zhang Chen, why didn't you call me last night?"

"What's the use of taking a shot last night? You can't come and you have to worry all night. Anyway, we have already arrived. There was someone here with us last night. He will tell us at any time if there is any situation." Zhang Chen said.

"Thank you, Zhang Chen. I'll buy a ticket and come over right now. You can send me the address of the hospital." Liu Yun said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen immediately made another call to Xiaofang. Over there, Liu Ligan also called Tan Shuzhen. His statement was the same as what Zhang Chen had just said to Liu Yun. This was considered a consensus.

They rushed to the hospital in the afternoon, but Lao Liu still didn't wake up. The result of the consultation did not find the specific cause. The doctor told Liu Ligan:

"Although no specific cause was found, other doctors agreed with my judgment and said that it was very much like a drug reaction. I would do dialysis first and then have a consultation tomorrow."

Liu Ligan said yes, it doesn’t matter if you hire the best doctors and experts and consult ten times a day.

While they were talking, Liu Yun and Xiaofang arrived.

Thank you for your monthly pass for not seeing a future but only remembering your original intention, being a villain among villains, and reading in a civilized manner! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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