The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2277 Difficulties

Chen Yaqin went to Qian Fang's company, which was the company where Meng Ping originally worked on the top floor of the building. After Meng Ping passed away, Chen Yaqin gave this place to Qian Fang and others. Chen Yaqin and Qian Fang said, I am alone, what do I want to do? It's fine at home. There's no need for an office. I don't want others to be in Lao Meng's office, so you should move in.

Qian Fang's real estate company specializes in villa projects. Villa projects are usually in the suburbs. Their offices in the city are still rented. In the years when Meng Ping disappeared, Meng Ping's company was empty, but the company was still there. Now, Qian Fang and the others are still helping to take care of it.

Chen Yaqin and Qian Fang said so. Qian Fang also felt that it was inappropriate to rent Lao Meng's office to others, so she agreed to Chen Yaqin, but she had to pay the rent. Chen Yaqin refused to accept it, so Qian Fang still transferred the money to the property company's account. .

Lao Meng is the only shareholder of the building's property management company. After Lao Meng's absence, Chen Yaqin became the only shareholder. This property management company only manages this building and has no other business.

Chen Yaqin entered the company and first went to Li Yang's office. In Li Yang's office, there were two people there, and they were arguing.

Party A asked Li Yang: "What about your guarantee measures?"

Li Yang spread his hands and said: "No, do you want the residual value that has been done for other items?"

Party B shook his head: "You want to spend time with me?"

Li Yang laughed and scolded: "What a big deal, I personally guarantee it, okay?"

Party A said: "You are worth 20 million, but not 50 million. You still need guarantee measures."

"It's too much." Li Yang said, "Then I'll borrow 20 million."

Fang A smiled and said: "If it's 20 million, you're worth 6 million, and there are 14 million left, and we need guarantee measures."

"You idiot!" Li Yang pointed at the door and cursed, "The door is there, so I can tip it off."

The other two people sat there, looking at Li Yang and laughing.

At this moment, Chen Yaqin appeared at the door. She looked at the two people and said to Li Yang:

"Li Yang, come here."

Li Yang stood up and walked over, and when he walked outside the door, Chen Yaqin told him, let's go to Qian Fang's place to talk.

Li Yang put his head in the door and said to the two people inside, "Wait here."

Party A waved his hand, meaning I understand, go ahead.

The two people walked into Qian Fang's office. Qian Fang's office was Meng Ping's office. When he saw the two of them coming in, Qian Fang's first question was to ask Li Yang:

"How about it?"

Li Yang said that they were still negotiating, but the deal was not settled. The next family would arrive at about two o'clock. There was no mortgage, and it was estimated that the maximum price per family would be 30 million.

Qian Fang nodded.

Chen Yaqin said: "Let them all go back, Li Yang."

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Yaqin, and then at Qian Fang. Qian Fang said:

"Chen Yaqin, don't even think about it. If your money comes in, I will let Ye Yilan return it the way it came."

"It's not me, it's Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang asked me to tell Li Yang not to touch the funds in the society." Chen Yaqin turned to Li Yang and said to him: "Mr. Zhang said, if you touch If you don't, he will fall out with you, these are his exact words, let me tell you."

"Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu are on their way here. He said he has the funds," Chen Yaqin said.

Qian Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Did you call Mr. Zhang?"

Chen Yaqin said yes.

"How could you make this call?" Qian Fang asked.

"Why can't you call me?" Chen Yaqin asked, "Between friends, just help if you can. If you can't help, it doesn't matter. There's no need not to say anything. Besides, I just wanted him to help me persuade me when I called him. I advise you to use the money I have here. Mr. Zhang said it himself. He has the money there, so don’t use my money, and you also asked me to come to the company to watch you."

"Why are you looking at us?" Qian Fang asked curiously.

"Don't touch the funds in the society. He knows that you will be sick and seek medical treatment now." Chen Yaqin said, "Who knows how many tricks are there."

"They don't dare." Li Yang said firmly.

"Li Yang, just wait until Mr. Zhang and the others arrive. If there is anything, you can tell Mr. Zhang directly when you arrive. If he asked me to take it, I have already brought it to him. Let's just wait." Chen Yaqin said that both Qian Fang and Li Yang were silent.

Qian Fang sighed: "You still shouldn't call Mr. Zhang. At least, you should tell me before calling."

Chen Yaqin laughed and asked: "Qian Fang, are you making a mistake? Before I call, I want to ask you, Qian Fang, I want to call Mr. Zhang and ask him to persuade you?"

Qian Fang and Li Yang both laughed, and Chen Yaqin said:

"Qian Fang, let me ask you, if something happens here, and Mr. Zhang doesn't even know about it, what do you think he would think?"

Qian Fang was asked.

"Also, I also told Mr. Zhang about Liyang." Chen Yaqin said, "This was after he said he wanted to lend you money. I thought that before he borrowed money, he should The risks are all told to him, and what he thinks and decides is his business.”

At almost four o'clock, Zhang Chen and Liu Lizhang arrived. After they arrived, Chen Yaqin stood up and said to Zhang Chen, "Sit down, I'll go out for a while."

As Chen Yaqin walked out of the door, Qian Fang said, "Yaqin, let's have dinner together later."

Chen Yaqin said yes, I'll be at Jiaqing's place.

Liu Ligan and Li Yang knew that Zhang Chen and Qian Fang had something to discuss, so they went to Li Yang's office. Zhang Chen and Qian Fang sat down. Zhang Chen asked Qian Fang:

"So many things happened to you, why didn't you call me to tell me?"

Qian Fang smiled and said nothing.

"Why, you look down on me and think I can't afford so much money?" Zhang Chen asked.

Qian Fang laughed and said, "Of course not."

"Then you think that if you want to talk to me, I might refuse?" Zhang Chen asked again.

Qian Fang looked at Zhang Chen and said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, I know you have the money. As long as I ask, you will definitely borrow it. But the more this happens, the less likely I am to ask. I would rather pay some cost and go outside." borrow."

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

Qian Fang lowered her head and said nothing. After a while, she raised her head and said, "It's stressful. I think it will be a lot of pressure."

"I see."

Zhang Chen nodded. He knew what Qian Fang was talking about. Just like if something happened, Zhang Chen knew that as long as he asked Li Yong, Li Yong would definitely help him. But every time Zhang Chen encountered something When talking, Li Yong was the person he was least able to speak to.

Zhang Chen sighed: "But Qian Fang, do you still remember that I told you that we are still here even though Meng Ping is gone?"

"Remember, but this will not relieve the pressure. I just can't say it, but to be honest, when Chen Yaqin told me earlier that you were already on the way, I felt a lot more relaxed." Qian Fang said with a smile.

Zhang Chen also laughed and asked, "Then why don't you allow Chen Yaqin to use her money in the stock market?"

"That was what Lao Meng left for Little Nail." Qian Fang said, "There are too many troubles in the company now. I don't know if something worse will happen. If so, what will happen to her?" If the money comes in, I might be trapped. I can't do such a thing, it's too... By the way, Zhang Chen, asking you to borrow money may also involve this risk."

"I know, Chen Yaqin told me, and Zhuangzi and I also feel that things are a bit strange. If they are all independent incidents, it doesn't matter. They will be resolved one by one. If they are related to each other, then someone is targeting you. "Zhang Chen said.

Qian Fang nodded: "Someone is targeting us. At least, how could the bank's phone number be called if it wasn't someone with intentions? It happened to be at this time. Li Yang is still investigating, and he hasn't found out who this person is yet. who."

"Then ignore him. Anyway, the troops will welcome the water to the weir. By the way, Qian Fang, apart from this, do you have any other debts due this year?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Next month there will be another 530 million corporate bonds that Lao Qiao and the others helped to issue." Qian Fang said, "But that doesn't matter. The bank here has assured me that the loan will be in place next week. They just want to Let’s see if we can survive tomorrow.”

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already 4:20. The bank ended large-amount exchanges at 4:30. Zhang Chen and Qian Fang said:

"It's too late today. Xiaofang will send you 1.5 billion early tomorrow morning and won't delay your payment..."

"No, no, no need for so much." Qian Fang said, "We will only be short of more than 300 million for tomorrow's payment. We still have some money in our account. Didn't I mention next month's loan from the bank? , will definitely be in place next week.”

"At the bank, you go and withdraw the loan. If they want to grant it, you don't want it. If you continue to make loans, find another bank."

Zhang Chen said: “What the bank will do is to add icing on the cake, but you have to tell them that they can’t just add more if they want, or when they want to add more, otherwise they will go even further next time. Also, other banks They will also imitate. If such a large loan fails, it will be a loss for them, and they must be taught a lesson.

"Otherwise, you will always be passive when dealing with them. Don't worry, if I spend 1.5 billion, I won't be poor. You don't have to be burdened here, let alone feel pressure. You can use this money whenever you want. Don’t touch Chen Yaqin’s money, you are right, Qian Fang.”

Qian Fang nodded and said okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang.

"Thank me for anything. That's what I should do. To be honest, Qian Fang, I'm a little angry with you. I'm angry that you refused to tell me something. Just like Meng Ping and Zangzi back then. Even if the sky fell, they would We shouldn’t run away, not to mention that the sky hasn’t fallen yet. If they tell us about the matter and we all think of a solution together, we can still solve it, don’t you think?”

Qian Fang said yes.

"So, next time you encounter something, you must tell me. If it is beyond my ability, I will also tell you clearly. If one more person comes with ideas, there may be more ways to solve the problem."

Qian Fang said okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang.

Qian Fang's company's main business is villa projects. In the past few years, the sales of the villa projects were very good and they made a lot of money. However, in recent years, the sales have been average. The company's inventory is relatively large and the profit level is relatively low. However, the operation is still going well. Very tough.

Firstly, because of the poor ability to monetize villa projects, those investors have now given up investing in villa projects. For the same money, they are more inclined to buy large flat-floor buildings in the core areas of the city, houses in the core areas, and raise a house on the side. At the same time, you can rent it out and get part of the benefits, but it is difficult to rent out a villa.

The second reason is that those who have actually lived in a villa feel that it is very inconvenient to live in a villa. The villa is far from the city, traffic is congested, and it takes too much time to go back and forth. Zhang Chen himself has always been unwilling to live in Peach Blossom Spring. I find it too inconvenient to go there.

The most important point is that the purchase restriction policy in each city is getting tighter and tighter. The first people to be hit are the people who can afford to buy villas. They must have several houses in the past and are no longer qualified to buy houses.

Qian Fang has the same worries as Tan Shuzhen. They also want to transform, but they don’t know what transformation can do. Starting from Hainan, what they have been doing all the way is real estate. Apart from real estate, they have no idea about other industries. No.

"Really, Zhang Chen, if you give me a small supermarket or a flower shop now, I will be at a loss. I don't know how to run it. Doing this crappy real estate business will increase people's appetite. Hundreds and tens of millions are enough to look at it." It's just a small amount of money, but in fact, it makes people stupid. Apart from buying land and building houses, they can't do anything else." Qian Fang and Zhang Chen said.

During dinner in the evening, halfway through the meal, Zhang Chen got up and went to the bathroom. When he came out, he saw Chen Yaqin waiting for him in the corridor. Chen Yaqin and Zhang Chen said, I saw Qian Fang and Li Yang, and they were already a little panicked. What? I dare to borrow money, and I will agree to any conditions, so I called you.

"I'm really a little panicked. Their situation today is very similar to that of Lao Meng and Zhuangzi at that time. They were a little reckless. In fact, one thing I always regretted later was that I didn't call you in time at that time. , if they were beaten and you could stop them, the result would be different.

"Even when Lao Meng fell ill later, I should have called you earlier. Alas, I actually delayed many things by myself." Chen Yaqin and Zhang Chen said.

"You did the right thing, Chen Yaqin. I also mentioned Qian Fang earlier." Zhang Chen and Chen Yaqin said.

The next day, Qian Fang and the others took Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan to see one of their projects in Zijin Mountain. This project had been launched, but the sales situation was not ideal. They also went to see the project in Liyang. The project is located on the edge of Tianmu Lake, and the scenery is very good.

This project is the same as what Chen Yaqin told Zhang Chen and others on the phone. The legal person of the local company they were cooperating with was arrested by the local public security agency for bribery and bid-rigging in another project. In the cooperative project, the other party held 51% of the shares and was the major shareholder, so the project was also sealed by the police.

Li Yang was trying to figure out a way to unblock this project. The suggestion from the police was that it would be best for them to transfer all the shares, so that they would be completely out of touch. Li Yang went to the detention center and met the other party's legal person, and the other party also Agree to transfer all shares to them.

Liu Ligan and Qian Fang said that in the project here and in Purple Mountain, our Renjia Tourism Company bought three villas each to be used as bed and breakfasts.

"Why, sympathize with us?" Qian Fang asked with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Ligan laughed and said, "Sympathy and need. I was originally in Nanjing and wanted to add more projects. Also, the VIP members of my 'Renjia Tourism' are all potential customers of your projects. Generally speaking, Wherever our projects are located, we will bring them sales.”

"This is good, this appeals to me." Qian Fang said.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Zhongkai 727, Hua'er and Youth, Zhongxing Mingchen, Zhou Shui, Hu Hu, the villain among villains, Book Friends 160529232957000, Book Friends 20220324185843375 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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