The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2267 The past that cannot be brought back

Inside the dimly lit boat-shaped house, there was a smell of rotten grass and a musty smell. Even if the door of the house was kept open, the musty smell would not go away.

Zhang Chen is very familiar with this kind of smell. The construction sites he used to work in Haicheng often had such a musty smell in every corner. It was very strange. This musty smell seemed to scare people. The same space, the same With good ventilation conditions, as long as there are people moving in this space, it is difficult for moldy smell to grow, but as long as people leave for five or six days, moldy smell will come here.

Zhang Chen had discovered this a long time ago, but he still couldn't figure it out.

The ground inside the boat-shaped house is mud, and there are several potholes on the ground. When the flashlight light is swept over, you can see that there is no water in these potholes, but they are wet. Huang Damao raised his head and looked at the grass roof above. , and told them that the roof should be renovated.

Then, he whispered to himself, who will take care of it, no one will.

Fang Tiancheng asked Huang Damao: "Brother, do you have any particular requirements for making this boat-shaped house?"

Huang Damao cleared his throat, spat out a mouthful of phlegm on the ground with a "bah" sound, rubbed it with the sole of his shoe, and said:

"When it comes to this, there are many things. The most important thing is the preparation of materials. The wood used to build the house is all lattice wood found in the mountains, that is, iron wood. It is cut down from July to September. The wood at this time is If there are no insects, after cutting it back, it should be stored for at least one year. If it can be stored for two or three years, it is best. Wait until the wood is completely dry before using it.

"There is also bamboo. Bamboo should be cut after the late rice blooms, and it is best to cut it around the winter solstice. Bamboo at this time is not prone to insects. After cutting it, it must be kept for a year. It must be dried in the shade and watered from time to time. Don't Let it dry and crack. I told you that the sunflower leaves on the top are best grown in autumn and winter. They are harvested and dried in the sun.

"There is also the red and white vine. This is the easiest. You can use it anytime you pick it. You just need to dry it. Others are, the ground is made of clay. It is smoothed, tamped, and dried in the sun. This Clay soil is as hard as cement. Before building a house, you need to lay the foundation first, and then wait for the foundation to dry in the sun before you start building the upper part."

When Huang Damao was talking, the two flashlights in Zhang Chen and Fang Tiancheng's hands were shining upward. The two light beams seemed to be chasing each other in the house. They saw that the internal structure of the house was actually very... Simple, there are three upright pillars about 20 centimeters thick in the middle, more than three meters high, and three pillars about two meters high on each side. On the middle pillar, there is a ridge purlin.

On the short pillars on both sides, there is a beam on each side. From the ridge purlin to the beam, there are rafters one by one. The rafters are very messy, including moso bamboo and wood. There are also rungs in the middle, also moso bamboo and wood, and These rafters cross each other horizontally and vertically, forming a grid.

Whether it is between the columns and the ridge purlins, or between the rafters and the crosspieces, they are all wrapped with rattan. There are no nails or mortises and tenons. The entire roof is supported by these woods and bamboos.

Zhang Chen discovered that the biggest difference between this thatched house and the old buildings in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is that there are no herringbone beams on it. This is probably because the weight of the thatched roof is lighter than that of the tile roof.

Huang Damao told them that the three tall pillars in the middle are called "Ge'e", which means men, and the six short pillars on the side are called "Geding", which means women. Indicates that a family is composed of men and women.

"This ratio is wrong, two to one. Brother, can't that one man have two wives?"

Bao Tianbin said, everyone laughed, and Huang Damao asked: "You Han people, in the past, every man only had one wife?"

"There are groups of wives and concubines," Zhang Xiangbei said.

This boat-shaped house is about fifteen or six meters long and more than six meters wide. The total area is eighty or ninety square meters, which is not small. However, because the roof is low, especially when it reaches the edge, the roof almost touches the head. , so it doesn’t feel very spacious.

In addition, it is divided into two rooms with a straw mud wall as high as one person. The front room has a three-stone stove and is a kitchen and dining room, and the back room is the bedroom for the whole family.

They walked out of the boat-shaped house and saw that there was a much smaller thatched hut next to it, about eight to ten square meters per room. The roof of the big hut was arched, and the top of the small hut was made of people. Font type.

Zhang Xiangbei asked, is this small straw shed used to raise pigs?

Huang Damao said: "No, in our stockade, the pigs are all free-range. They run around in the stockade during the day, and at night, they go to sleep in the pig pen under the eaves. This small thatched cottage is called 'Longgui'. It means a small house without a stove.

"We Li people, when children reach the age of fourteen or five, they have to separate from their parents. Boys have to go to the mountains to fetch wood and thatch to build themselves such a 'long boudoir'. For girls, their parents help her prepare , help her build it.”

"The main reason is that at this age, children have become sensible. It is not good for children to see what adults do at night. It is also inconvenient for adults to still live together, right?"

Bao Tianbin said that everyone laughed. All the people present were men. When men are together and familiar with each other, they are not so particular about their words.

Huang Damao also laughed and said: "Our Li village is backward, but we are not as conservative as you Han people. We are relatively open to the relationship between men and women. When we were young, our favorite thing to do was to 'play with the boudoir.' '."

"Playing with Longgui? What do you mean?"

Zhang Chen became interested and asked. At the same time, he handed over a cigarette. Huang Damao caught the cigarette and Zhang Chen lit it for him. Huang Damao took a breath, blew out the cigarette, calmed down, and said to them:

"'Wanlonggui' is mainly antiphonal singing. In the evening, with nose flute, dongxiao and mouth bow, one goes to the female's 'longgui' and sings, while the male sings 'opening the door song', which means I'm here, you Do you want me to go in? If the woman doesn't want to, she will sing the "Barring Door Song" to reject you and let you go to another "long boudoir" to play. If she is willing, she will sing to you and open the door at the same time.

"After entering, the man will sing 'please sit down' and ask the woman if she would like to sit down. The woman will sing in antiphonal and agree. The next step is to sing in antiphonal ballads, play bow and flute, and play like this all night long. .”

"That's it, nothing else?" Bao Tianbin asked.

Huang Damao laughed and knew what Lao Bao meant. He said:

"If you want to play something else, just sing it, such as courtship songs, loyal love songs, etc. If you like the other person, give her your straw hat. If a woman gives you a straw hat or a flower ribbon in return, it means that she also likes you. , between men and women, it is not uncommon to have children while they are 'playing in the boudoir'. The adults at home will not scold you, and the people in the village will not gossip about you."

"Brother, when you were young, you must have been suave, talented, and had a lot of girls, right?" Bao Tianbin asked.

Huang Damao chuckled and said:

"My son is the one I had when I was 'playing in the boudoir'."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Bao Tianbin shouted: "It's really amazing, brother!"

"Come on, brother, sing for us and let us see something." Zhang Chen said, and the others also applauded.

Huang Da Mao sat down on a wooden board that was stretched horizontally under the eaves and was set up on two mud piers. It was used as a bench. The other people were standing or sitting, waiting. Huang Da Mao started to sing, and his voice was a bit loud. He was hoarse and spoke Li dialect. Others could not understand what he was singing, but the affection on his face and the mischief in his voice made them feel the love between a man and a woman.

As Huang Damao sang, his eyes crossed the rows of roofs of houseboats that undulated like waves in the stockade. There were coconut trees and wooden telegraph poles scattered in the stockade. Outside the stockade, there was a patch of green, with tall coconuts and betel nuts. Trees, the short one is the palmetto tree.

The stockade is located on a flat piece of land on a hillside. The wind blows from the woods around the stockade and then to the woods on the other side. Huang Damao looked at the coconut trees and betel nut trees swaying in the wind, and his voice slowly began to change. The low tone was no longer the relaxed and playful style. When Zhang Chen listened, he felt a sadness in his voice.

Everyone fell silent and listened silently.

Huang Damao finally finished singing, his eyes were still in the distance and he didn't speak. The other people were also silent and didn't speak. After a long time, Huang Damao sighed and said:

“The village where we have lived for several lifetimes now doesn’t even have a dog.”

Zhang Chen took out a cigarette and handed it to Huang Damao. Huang Damao took it and lit it. Zhang Chen asked:

"Brother, do you miss life here?"

Huang Damao thought for a while and said: "It's hard to say. At that time, the hardship in the village was really painful, but everyone was suffering, so we didn't feel the pain. In addition, he was young and carefree every day. Nothing happened, just a few people, each holding two sweet potatoes, started gambling, the winner went back with a bunch of sweet potatoes, and the loser went back empty-handed."

Zhang Chen and the others laughed softly, and Huang Damao said:

"At that time, everyone in the same village was more like a family. We would either lower our heads or raise our heads to see each other. When entering someone's home, you have to lower your head. When walking on the road, you have to raise your head. It's such a big village. Take a look. , what you do can be seen by everyone in the village. If you fart in your own home, everyone in the village can hear it.

"When you encounter someone who needs help, just stand at the door and shout, and the person will come running over. It's different now. Now everyone has moved into the building, and once the courtyard door is closed, no one cares about who is doing anything else. Not to mention, I don’t know many of the juniors in the village now. How could this happen at that time?”

"I heard it, brother, you don't really want to move here." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"So what if I don't want to move? Life is gone. The life in this mountain is gone. Everyone else has moved down. People are starting to compete with each other. They are building new houses, but you don't want to build them? Do you want to live like this anymore? Even if we, the old ones, are willing to live in the thatched hut, even the younger ones are not willing to do it. Others are building new houses, but you don’t. It’s a shame. Besides, the government still provides subsidies.”

Huang Damao sighed again as he spoke.

Fang Tiancheng had nothing to say and asked, "Brother, how many layers does this roof usually have?"

"Two to four layers, a little more on the top, a little thicker, and a little less on both sides." Huang Damao said.

In the middle of the arched ceiling, at the position of the ridge purlin, a row of straw rows is added. This row of straw rows turns the roof into an arc instead of a herringbone shape. The top of this row of straw rows is parallel to the roof. Two moso bamboos were removed to hold down the straw rafts. In this way, the roof could not retain accumulated water and would not leak easily. At the same time, the straw rafts would not be blown away by the wind.

"Brother, how often does this roof need to be replaced?" Fang Tiancheng asked.

"Minor repairs are not necessarily necessary. Just repair any leaks. The grass roof is not reinforced concrete. No matter how easy it is for sunflower leaves to rot, there will be times when they rot. Generally, the entire roof will definitely need to be replaced every five or six years." Huang Damao said. .

Zhang Chen looked at the roof in front of him. It was obvious that it had passed the age that Huang Damao had mentioned that the entire roof should be replaced. The grass roof was no longer the withered yellow color, but had turned black. The bamboos pressing down on the grass roof had also turned black. It turned black, and the sunflower leaves in the rows on the thatched roofs of several buildings were broken and looked confused instead of one by one.

"Brother, the thatched houses in this village were built a long time ago. Are they hundreds of years old?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No." Huang Damao said, "The first batch of thatched cottages have been demolished. These are only twenty or thirty years old, and they were all rebuilt later."

"What, did you encounter a typhoon or something?" Zhang Chen's first thought was the invasion of natural disasters.

"No, it's the wood that those thatched houses were originally made of. It's not lattice wood, but huanghuali. Huanghuali is hard and won't rot. In those years, Hainan huanghuali became valuable, and many people came to our place. Not only us, There are people going to all the Li villages to collect huanghuali, and if the money is enough for you to build a new thatched house, everyone will definitely sell it..."

"So all those old houses were demolished and rebuilt?" Zhang Chen asked, and Huang Damao nodded.

Hainan huanghuali, which is more than 20 centimeters thick, is not generally expensive, but can be said to be expensive. When someone knows that many of these old boat-shaped thatched houses in Li Village use huanghuali, come and buy huanghuali. People must flock to him like ducks, just like when Zhang Chen was a child, those people were recruiting "Yuan Datou" everywhere. No matter how simple the folk customs in Li Village are, they can't resist those clever tongues.

Even the home has been demolished. How could the "life" here mentioned by Huang Damao not change? Even if he could sing again, he probably wouldn't be able to sing about the changes of the years, nor the misery and sadness inside.

A group of people went down the mountain and returned to Huang Damao's house. Bao Tianbin showed Huang Damao the renderings drawn by Zhang Chen, and told Huang Damao their purpose of coming this time. They wanted to invite Huang Damao to Qiongzhong to visit them. At work in the company, they were responsible for collecting sunflower leaves, drying them, and knitting sunflower leaves. Bao Tianbin and Huang Damao said:

"Brother, you don't need to do it yourself. I will pair you with a few young men. You can just teach them how to do it. You will be the technical consultant."

Given such an opportunity, Huang Damao immediately agreed. He said, "I can still do it. If I were not asked to do it, I would be afraid that something would happen to me."

Zhang Chen thought about it and told them that in fact, we can plant a batch of sunflowers in the pasture, which can be used as shade and landscape. The most important thing is that in autumn, we can collect the sunflower leaves and dry them for later use. Such a large area of ​​​​roof will definitely need daily renovation, so that Brother Huang can work on the ranch for a long time instead of just doing this one project.

Both Zhang Xiangbei and Bao Tianbin thought Zhang Chen's idea was good.

Thank you Tian Wai Wai Wai Wai, Tiger, Li Ruijin, On the Road-Tian Tian, ​​Zhen Wu Long Yi, Feng Cong Hu 1974, zpengyong1, Zhongkai 727, Quadratic VC, Hu Hu, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang Forty Eight, Romantic Sakura Qin Shu Shu, Girl Killer VIP, Tamagotchi, 999 Little Stupid Cow 999, ﹉Love Purple﹉, Happy Liu Hong, Void Broken Dreams, Yunlong Frog Fish, Sand Dust Mood, Looking for Plums but Not Thirsting, Book Friends 20170105213311538, Book Friends 20201109111351923, Book Friends 20170303195839050 Monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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