The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2263 The pasture on paper

Zhang Xiangbei stayed in Yongcheng for two days and then rushed back to Hangzhou. Zhang Chen called him and said that the renderings in Hainan had been designed and asked him to go back and take a look.

So fast? It seems that my father hasn't slept much these days, Zhang Xiangbei thought.

Zhang Xiangbei drove directly to the "Half Acre Field" building, walked into Zhang Chen's office, and found that Lao Tan was also here, and there was another person Zhang Xiangbei didn't recognize. He was in his thirties, looked a lot like Sun Honglei, and even had a hairstyle. It's very similar to the movements, and it seems that he himself is working hard to resemble it.

After the introduction, I learned that this was Fang Tiancheng, a designer from Lao Tan’s "Splendid China" Design Institute. The design of this project was left to Fang Tiancheng and his friends.

"Splendid China" has a cooperative construction company in Hainan, and the construction part is handed over to them. They are also familiar with Bao Tianbin.

On the conference table in the office, the renderings designed by Zhang Chen were spread out. When Zhang Xiangbei walked in, the three of them were discussing around the design. When Lao Tan saw Zhang Xiangbei coming in, he shouted:

"Beibei, come here quickly and take a look at your pasture."

Zhang Xiangbei walked over and fell in love with it at first sight.

The one on top is a rendering of a cowshed. There are two long cowsheds. The side near the stream is in the air, supported by wooden piles below. The upper part of this part is a wooden building, and the part closer to the inside is. That is to say, two-thirds of the walls of the cowshed look like earth. The top of the cowshed is not a tile or a cement cast-in-place roof, but a thatched roof.

There are long thatch hanging down around the arched thatched roof. The whole shape looks like the bottom of an upside-down ship, and it also looks like a thatched house building in tropical Africa.

"This is a boathouse. The boathouse is like a boat turned upside down. The boathouse is a traditional architectural form of the Li people."

Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei were also talking to Lao Tan and Fang Tiancheng:

“Foreign cowsheds generally prefer wooden houses, which are tall and spacious. Wooden houses have good thermal insulation effect. They are tall and spacious because cowsheds need ventilation and air circulation so that pests and diseases are less likely to breed.

"The buildings of the Li people, also called stilt houses, are generally divided into two floors. The upper floor is for people, and the lower floor is used to raise livestock. The roof is covered with grass woven from baye or sunflower leaves, which is waterproof, moisture-proof and heat-insulating. All are very good. The walls are made of fence-like rafts made of wood, and then mud and grass tendons are put on the outside. The insulation effect is also very good.

“The disadvantages of stilt-style buildings are that the houses are relatively low and the ventilation conditions are not good enough. In addition, there are almost no windows and the indoor light is very poor. It is not that the Li people like dark rooms, but they are affected by their material conditions and construction level at the time. Due to the limitations, there is no way to deal with windows on such a wall.

"Their entire houseboat is made of thatch, wooden sticks, moso bamboo, mud and rattan. The entire house has no metal components and no mortise and tenon design. It is mainly made of red vines and white vines to form various shelves. Where there are mortise and tenon joints, they are tied with rattan. On the roof, horizontal moso bamboo is used to fix the thatch pieces.

"The reason why we do this is still restricted by objective conditions. The conditions we have now are different from those at that time. Of course, there is no need to stick to the old ways and stick to the same set of building methods. The overall structure of the house still looks like the boathouse style of the Li people. But architecturally, I think it’s better to combine it with our southern residential buildings.”

Fang Tiancheng nodded. He saw it and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are you going to use a beam structure, but use thatched roof instead of tiles?"

"Yes." Zhang Chen said, "Use a beam frame structure. First lay a layer of waterproof membrane on the top, then cover the membrane with grass pieces woven from sunflower leaves, and then fix it with thin steel wires. Although Qiongzhong is from Hainan Island, In the central mountainous area, we still have to take into account the factors of typhoons every year.”

Zhang Chen pointed at the house on the paper and said to Fang Tiancheng:

"The weather in Hainan is hot, so we don't have to think about cold protection. What we have to consider is insulation and ventilation. If we use the Li people's method of building walls, the wall will not be strong, nor will it be able to bear the load, and it will not be able to erect the entire beam frame. ."

"It won't hurt either." Lao Tan said, "If two cows fight, they might both break through the wall."

"Yes, yes, brother is right." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "So for the wall, I am considering using the rammed earth wall that was common in rural areas in our area. There is no problem with the rammed earth wall being four or five meters high, and the wall is enough. It is strong, has no problem with load-bearing, and has no problem with opening windows. At the same time, rammed earth walls are also the walls with the best thermal insulation effect.”

Fang Tiancheng pointed to the two-thirds of the cowshed and asked, "Are these all made of rammed earth walls?"

"Yes, this part will be made of rammed earth walls, and the other third, because it is in the air, cannot be made into rammed earth walls, so it will be made into wooden walls."

Zhang Chen pointed to the pillars that Zhang Xiangbei thought were wooden piles and said to Fang Tiancheng:

"This is not made of wood, but of steel pipes, with the effect of imitating wood. The ground of this part is cast in place. The ground of the entire cowshed is slightly tilted towards this side. On the ground here, installation A long iron fence is treated like the floor in the back kitchen of a hotel. The cowshed needs to be cleaned every day, and the flushing water leaks from this iron fence to the bottom.

"This will make it easier to clean the cowshed. There is so much oil fume in the back kitchen of the hotel every day. After closing, flush it with a water pipe and rinse it away. I said that the weather in Hainan is hot, so don't worry about insulation. The cowshed is just There is no need to lay straw or anything else, the cattle can just lie down directly on the clean ground.”

Zhang Chen said, Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but nodded. He felt that indeed, if it were in Hainan, there was really no need to spread sawdust on the ground like Laoqiao and his family did at home. On the contrary, just because of the hot weather, the cowshed Cleanliness has become more important. If the floor is cleaned, the entire cowshed will not have that suffocating and unpleasant smell.

"In this case, even if it's not time to clean, if a cow urinates, it will leak from here because of the slope of the ground?" Fang Tiancheng asked, Zhang Chen nodded.

"Built a water tank under the house and introduce the stream water all the way to the septic tank. In this way, water will flow in the water tank all day long and dirt will not accumulate in the water tank," Zhang Chen said.

"Is this an open ditch, not an underground ditch?" Fang Tiancheng asked.

"It's an open ditch. In places where the weather is hot, you can't make culverts. If you do it, it will become a paradise for rats, and it will be inconvenient to clean." Zhang Chen said, and Fang Tiancheng nodded.

"People over there in Hainan don't know how to make rammed earth walls, right?" Fang Tiancheng asked.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "It's not just them, there are many people here like us who know how to make rammed earth walls. Now we probably can't even find coffin-like molds for making rammed earth walls. But there must be someone out there who knows how to do it.”

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said to Zhang Xiangbei, call and call Xiao Wu over. He happened to be at Zhao Jingjing's place today for something, and he also came to my place before.

Zhang Xiangbei picked up his cell phone and called Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu is now responsible for the management of the two logistics bases in Yongcheng and Hangcheng. When he received Zhang Xiangbei's call, he said yes, I will come right away.

Zhang Chen put this rendering aside. The next one is the rendering of the visitor center. The visitor center is a row of circular buildings, a total of four buildings with two floors, and the middle is empty, like four periods. , the top circle is also covered with thatch, and the thatch hangs down from the eaves.

"Tulou?" Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help shouting. He saw that the appearance of these houses was very similar to the Tulou in Fujian. The only difference was that the roofs of the Tulou were tiles, instead of thatch.

Zhang Chen looked at him and said yes, it was an earth building.

Zhang Chen turned around and asked Fang Tiancheng: "Have you been to the Tulou in Fujian?"

Fang Tiancheng nodded.

Zhang Chen said: "This is based on the design of earth buildings. The surrounding walls are also rammed earth walls. Like earth buildings, earth buildings are also rammed earth walls. The inner side of the courtyard is made of wood. These four There are three buildings, and in the middle of these three buildings is a garden. The outermost building is the main building of the visitor center, and the middle part is the dome restaurant."

"Why should the garden be built in the courtyard of the earth building?" Zhang Chen asked and answered himself, "It's very simple. Just close your eyes and think about it. This is thousands of acres of green grassland that you can't see at a glance. The grassland is here. The protagonist should not take over the main role. The rammed earth wall and thatched roof not only have good heat insulation effect, but also match well with the grass and will not destroy the overall effect.

"But the garden will. If the garden is placed outside, it will destroy the momentum, but it cannot be without the garden. Without the garden, it will be too monotonous, so the garden must be placed inside so that it cannot be seen from the outside."

When Zhang Chen was talking, Zhang Xiangbei and Fang Tiancheng really closed their eyes, and they kept nodding. This group of earth buildings are connected by thatched corridors. Zhang Xiangbei felt as if he was in Where have I seen it before? He closed his eyes and thought. Suddenly it occurred to him. Zhang Xiangbei opened his eyes and asked:

"Is there a hot spring here?"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, "This requires exploration. However, no matter where we dig in Hainan, it should not be difficult to find hot springs."

"If there are hot springs, can this be turned into a hot spring hotel? An open-air hot spring pool in these gardens?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Zhang Chen and Fang Tiancheng looked at each other. They both thought Zhang Xiangbei's suggestion was good. Zhang Chen pointed at the renderings and said:

"If you want to make an open-air hot spring, it's not enough to do it in the garden. It's too monotonous. You can also do it here. Just by the stream, using the stones by the stream, you can make a pool casually, and do it on top of the pool. A pavilion with a thatched roof and ventilation on all sides leads the corridor here."

When Zhang Xiangbei heard what Zhang Chen said, he seemed to have seen this scene before his eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Wu walked in and asked what happened?

Zhang Chen told him what had happened, pointed to the renderings and asked him, is there anyone in your village who knows how to build the kind of earthen wall that was used in the countryside?

"People around my father's age can do it. Young people just can't do it. They can learn it in just two days. What's so difficult about it? Tamping a wall is similar to making coal cakes. You pour the mud into the mold and use a wooden hammer. In this way, hammer down and hammer down. Once the hammer is strong, remove the mold and proceed to the next section.

"In the past, everyone built houses with mud walls, and there was no construction team. During the off-season, we would ask people from the team to come over and help. You help me this time, and I will help you next time. A house is built, as long as you can afford the timber and tiles for the beams, you can have at most three meals, one to start the work, one to put the beams on, and one to finish the building."

"You didn't even care about the food?" Zhang Xiangbei asked curiously.

"I don't care, I can't take care of it. If I do, it will take away the money you spent to build the house. Everyone will go back to eat, at most in the afternoon, to make some snacks." Xiao Wu said.

"No need for reinforced concrete?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"No, many people have built their houses, but their homes still have mud floors. Or after the houses are built, they have some money to buy some sand and cement and pour some ground. No one has the ability to pour the ground of the entire house at once. Come down, people will live in the mud as well." Xiao Wu said.

"I'll go, it's really simple." Zhang Xiangbei shouted.

"It's not surprising. The exchange of physical strength is also a kind of exchange." Zhang Chen said.

"That's it. At that time, when doing big things, it was all about helping. You helped me, I helped you, it was actually a return of favor." Xiao Wu said.

"Xiao Wu, please call and ask if your village can organize a team to go to Hainan to make money by ramming mud walls." Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu said.

Xiao Wu said yes and walked away while making a phone call. Several people here continued to look at the renderings.

The next picture is of offices, research institutes, slaughtering workshops, maturation workshops and dormitories, which is where the tea factory is now. This group of buildings is no longer earth walls and turf roofs, but has A group of modern and simple buildings, but each building has one characteristic, that is, it is built against the mountain and is integrated with the mountain, as if growing out of the mountain.

Each building also has a characteristic, that is, it has a large slope with green grass and many functional spaces hidden under the slope. Because of these large slopes, these buildings look like It's hidden in the mountains, hidden in the pasture.

But looking out from inside the building, it must be very eye-catching. At the same time, the space structure inside can be very practical and comfortable.

Xiao Wu came back after making the phone call and said to Zhang Chen, "No problem."

"Do you still have the tools?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Just do it, it's very simple." Xiao Wu said.

Zhang Chen nodded and said to Lao Tan: "Then let Xiao Wu and the people from the village go over and do it."

Lao Tan said yes.

Zhang Chen then asked Zhang Xiangbei: "Are you free these two days? The drama festival starts next week. Your Japanese friend will arrive on Tuesday, right?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, there is still time in these few days.

"Tomorrow we will go to Hainan together to see the scene. If you have any other requests, please go to the scene to mention them. We will go tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow." Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Zhang Chen then said to Fang Tiancheng: "Take the renderings with you and take a closer look first. If you have any questions or doubts, you can ask them at the site tomorrow."

Fang Tiancheng said yes, we will go with three people. Mr. Zhang, you will come back the day after tomorrow and we will continue to stay there. By the way, are the people from the exploration team already there?

"Already here. If you have any requirements, just call Lao Bao. Do you have Lao Bao's phone number?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Yes, yes, I have Lao Bao's phone number. I will contact him." Fang Tiancheng said.

Thank you to Xiaosheng, who is only 48 years old and has two fishes for the reward! Thank you Mu Ziqing, Bolan Que, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, Titian, Jiang Ni Is Mine, Lao Shen Xisang, Mu Zi Shi Xin Ren Wei, The Villain Among Villains, Captain Jim, Purple Hey, Book Friends 854* **009, Xixi Zi, Zhongkai 727, ZHAO1017, Qdragon, Donglongdong, Guandian Electrical and Mechanical, Makino Fengge, zdlm001, Baicheng Distribution, You know whether a book is good or not, Sanddust Mood, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, Light, Titian, Book Monthly ticket of friend 20201109111351923! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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