The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2258 First meeting

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen took Zhang Xiangxi on the road. It was summer vacation. Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan to take Zhang Xiangxi because he felt that if Liu Wenqian had something to say, he might not tell the adults, but would tell Zhang Xiangxi that Zhang Xiangxi would be there when they wanted to When leaving Hongling Reservoir, Liu Wenqian probably wouldn't be so sad.

Another purpose is to let Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen take Zhang Xiangxi to broaden his horizons. At Hongling Reservoir, there are vegetable fields growing vegetables, fish are raised in the reservoir, chickens are raised in the mountains, and pigs are raised in pig pens. These are things Zhang Xiangxi has never seen before, and she needs to get up close and personal with them.

Zhang Xiangxi could even see how the electricity needed for so many bright lights in the city, which he uses every day, is generated.

When Liu Ligan and the others arrived at Hongling Reservoir, it was already past six o'clock in the evening, and the sky was still bright. However, most of the guests who came to Hongling Reservoir for a day trip had already left, and the rest were filled with the smell of fish here. Eat in the hotel, or be a guest staying here.

The gate of Hongling Reservoir was closed, but the small door in the door was open for people to come in and out. Liu Ligan honked the horn, and a security guard came out of the communication room. Liu Ligan stuck his head out and cursed:

"Hurry up and open the door for me."

The security guard grinned: "I asked who it was, and it turned out that Mr. Liu is back."

He quickly ran over and opened the door, then walked towards Liu Ligan. When he approached, he stood at attention and saluted Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan laughed and threw a cigarette. Give it to him, and the security guard says thank you, thank you Mr. Liu.

"How is business now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It must be good. There seem to be more people coming this year than last year. Many people come to us for live broadcasts and wedding photos."

"What about Mango Channel's challenge show? Is it still being filmed here?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Now, the latest issue will start the day after tomorrow."

As the security guard said this, he saw Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Xiangxi in the car, was stunned for a moment, and asked:

"Mr. Liu, are these your wife and children?"

Liu Ligan didn't bother to explain, and responded in a haphazard manner. He waved to the security guard and drove in.

Liu Ligan stopped the car in the parking lot in the woods. The trees here had grown very tall. The parking lot was almost full of cars, and there were three tourist buses. It seemed that the security guard was right. Business was still good, and Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Liu Ligan has been worried about whether the business of Hongling Reservoir will not be as good as before. It is the same for every unit. As long as the business declines and the income decreases, all kinds of conflicts will arise, which will be very annoying. No matter, Qianqian will be under a lot of pressure.

Wenwen and Qianqian now rarely contact Liu Ligan, let alone discuss business matters with him.

Liu Ligan sometimes called Fool Wu to learn more about the situation here, but Fool Wu didn't grasp the core things after all.

Zhang Xiangxi got out of the car and became excited when he saw such a high dam in front of him. He asked, "Uncle Pole, where is Liu Wenqian?"

Liu Ligan pointed to the top of the dam and said, "Up there."

"Are we going to climb up from here?" Zhang Xiangxi asked with his eyes wide open.

Liu Ligan was right.

Zhang Xiangxi put his hands on his waist, looked up at the top of the dam, and nodded: "So high? I have no problem. Aunt Shuzhen, can you do it?"

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed. Tan Shuzhen said: "It's too high. I can't climb up. Xixi, you have to help me."

"Okay." Zhang Xiangxi nodded and said seriously: "After I climb up, I will find a rope to lower it down. Aunt Shuzhen, if you hold the rope, you can climb up, right?"

Tan Shuzhen nodded repeatedly and said yes, thank you Xixi.

The escalators and steps to the top of the dam are on the side of the dam close to the ridge. The flowers and trees on both sides of the passage have grown very tall. You can't see the escalators and steps from them, you can only see there and the surrounding area. It's the same green and brilliant color. People who don't know it think it's connected to the mountain.

Liu Ligan led them over. Zhang Xiangxi was disappointed when he saw that they were going up by an elevator. He walked to the elevator and looked up. The escalator was so long and covered by the ceiling above. It was like a tunnel climbing to the top of the dam. , Zhang Xiangxi became excited again, yelling that such a long elevator was the same as the one on the mountain in Hong Kong.

The three people arrived at the top of the dam and saw a lot of people waiting at the elevator exit. It seemed that the security guard had called up and informed them of the important points. These people came to see the excitement and to see Liu Ligan's wife. and children.

When some people saw Liu Ligan, they called him Mr. Liu, and more people were laughing. Liu Ligan cursed:

"What are you looking at and you don't recognize it?"

"We know you, Burnt to Ashes, and there are two others who we don't know. Mr. Liu, please introduce them." Braincase said.

"Okay." Liu Ligan introduced, "This is my wife Tan Shuzhen."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and nodded to everyone, saying hello!

A large group of people on the opposite side also nodded together.

"This is my niece, the daughter of Mr. Zhang who was here last time." Liu Ligan continued to introduce Zhang Xiangxi.

Zhang Xiangxi searched the crowd opposite, but did not find Liu Wenqian. She pulled Tan Shuzhen's hand and said, "Hey, where's my sister? Why didn't my sister come?"

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "You can see it later."

Liu Ligan looked around the crowd, but did not see Wu Fool and Qian Qian. Liu Ligan asked, "Where is Wu Fool?"

"He must be reading in the office." Big Brain said.

Liu Ligan was hesitating whether to ask Qianqian again. The hotel manager Xiaomei seemed to know what Liu Ligan was looking for. She came over and said to Liu Ligan:

"Qianqian is waiting for you in box number one. I will take you to stay first, and then go to dinner."

Liu Ligan said yes, and he scolded the group of people opposite: "I've lost so much popularity. I've been driving for a day and my back is sore. When I get here, no one can even help me carry my luggage?"

The group of men and women on the opposite side laughed and immediately swarmed over and took away the luggage from Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen. Even the schoolbag Zhang Xiangxi was carrying was helped by a little girl.

At night, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen slept in the houseboat, and Zhang Xiangxi slept in the small villa with Liu Wenqian.

At this time, the sun has just set, and there is no sunshine. It is the time when the swimming pool in the reservoir has the most people, and the people rowing in the reservoir. It will be more than an hour before it gets completely dark. After dark, Rowing is no longer allowed. This is still the system established by Liu Ligan back then.

As soon as Zhang Xiangxi saw these scenes, he wanted to go swimming and rowing. Liu Ligan quickly told her that he should go to eat and see his little sister first, and we can row the boat tomorrow.

The three people arrived at the No. 1 box of the fish restaurant, opened the door, and saw Qianqian and Liu Wenqian here. Liu Wenqian had an iPad in front of her and was watching cartoons. When she saw them coming in, Liu Wenqian did not call them, nor did she say anything to them. They ran over, but stood up, ran behind Qianqian, hid, and couldn't help hiding, and stuck out a head from behind Qianqian.

Zhang Xiangxi walked towards her and stretched out his hand. Liu Wenqian continued to hide behind Qianqian. Zhang Xiangxi took her hand. Liu Wenqian hesitated for a moment, stretched out her other hand and took Zhang Xiangxi's other hand. Holding hands together, Liu Wenqian grinned.

"Call me sister." Zhang Xiangxi said.

Liu Wenqian called: "Sister."

"Wen Qian, don't call me anymore?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Liu Wenqian turned her head and called: "Big Mom."

"Where's me?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Dad." Liu Wenqian laughed and called.

Qianqian smiled at Tan Shuzhen and said to her: "It's like this when you first meet people. It gets better once you get to know them better."

Tan Shuzhen nodded, took Qianqian's hand, sat down next to her, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm just busy. I've been busy all day long. It's the peak season here." Qianqian smiled.

Qianqian looked a little nervous. She led Liu Wenqian to hide here. Liu Ligan knew that she just didn't want to meet them in public, even though she was very decisive on the phone yesterday, saying that she had already lost all the shame she deserved. lost.

The manager of the restaurant opened the door and came in. He glanced at Tan Shuzhen the first time he came in. Then he looked at Qianqian and asked, can the food be served?

Qianqian nodded and said, okay.

The waiter who brought the food in also looked at Tan Shuzhen when he came in, and then turned his eyes to the table. Liu Ligan also looked at Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen didn't seem to see anything, and turned her head away to talk to Qianqian.

When the waiter served the dishes for the second time, the moment the door opened, Liu Ligan saw four or five people standing in the corridor at the door. They were all chefs and waiters here. He looked inside and met Liu Ligan's gaze. He quickly got out of the way.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen said: "I will show you around this fish restaurant."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, stood up, smiled and said to Qianqian, I will come back as soon as I go, Qianqian said yes.

The two children have long since returned to normal and are now together. They are crowded on a chair and chattering. Zhang Xiangxi is talking to Liu Wenqian about why "Beyond the Realm" is so good. She is on the iPad. Helped Liu Wenqian find resources.

Qianqian sat there alone, picked up her phone to look at it, put it down, and picked it up again to look at it. She didn't even know what she wanted to look at.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen came back and sat down. Tan Shuzhen and Qianqian said that the hotel business was good and there were many guests. Qianqian smiled.

Liu Ligan had just led Tan Shuzhen around the restaurant, and even went to the back kitchen. Since they were curious, he let them see enough at once. When the waiter brought food in, the first thing he saw was not to see Tan Shuzhen. Instead, he looked at the countertop. There were no more people poking around in the corridor outside the door.

Liu Ligan said to the waiter: "Go and call Guan Ke and Wu Fool for me, and ask them to come over and drink with me."

After a while, the waiter came back and said to Liu Ligan, "Mr. Wu said he had already eaten."

"Let him come over after eating." Liu Ligan said, and the waiter said "oh".

After a while, Big Brain and Wu Shazi opened the door and walked in. Liu Ligan scolded: "When did you become so polite? I can't even see your shadow even if I drink wine?"

Big Brain and Wu Shazi laughed. They looked at Tan Shuzhen, but didn't say anything they wanted to say. Liu Ligan and Wu Shazi said, come on, let me introduce you formally. This is my wife Tan Shuzhen.

"I know, I know, I've seen Director Tan's style from the Internet." Wu Fool said.

Thanks for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from Yunlong Frog Fish, End丶Hao, Breeze365, Tamagotchi, Happy Liu Hong, and Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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