The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2255 Valley Wind

When Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan came back, it was already dark outside. Zhang Xiangbei and Gu Gong were still in the hotel. When they came back, they had dinner together. Zhang Xiangbei didn't ask where his father was or how he was. Dad didn't say anything to him.

The two of them didn't even mention the farm again, but Zhang Xiangbei knew that his father went to Li Village today. Maybe he would have an idea on the way back and know what to do. When his renderings came out, Only his father would show it to him.

Zhang Chen asked Bao Tianbin if there was any place to eat mutton in Haicheng. Is there any place in Dongmen Market?

After leaving Haicheng, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan also went to Sanya many times and came to Haicheng very rarely. Haicheng already felt a little strange, and all they were familiar with were memories.

"Yes, yes, yes, on Wenming Middle Road, behind the garbage dump." Bao Tianbin said.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's eyes lit up. Zhang Chen asked, "Is it open-air?"

"Open-air?" Bao Tianbin scratched his head and said, "It seems that there is no place to eat mutton that is open-air. It turns out there was one next to Mingguang HNA. I remember it was open-air, but it is gone now."

"Tell me, where is the best place to eat mutton hotpot? The one where most locals go." Zhang Chen asked.

"There is a restaurant on Hongchenghu Road, and many locals from Hainan go there," Bao Tianbin said.

"Let's go, let's go to this restaurant to eat." Liu Ligan said.

This store is not on Hongcheng Lake Road, but on a newly opened branch road of Hongcheng Lake Road. There is no road sign yet. At the end of the road is a construction site. This road is not open yet.

The hotel is in a two-story iron house, which looks like a temporary building, but Bao Tianbin told them that this store has been open for many years, and he had eaten here three or four years ago, but at that time, There is still a dirt road in front of the door, and there are vegetable fields behind and around it.

Now, the vegetable patch can no longer be seen next to this shop. To its left and right, there are three or four mutton shops that are also made of iron sheets. However, in front of this shop, there are cars and cars parked. Motorcycles and electric vehicles are the most common.

Across the road is a new community that has not been moved in yet.

In the bright light at the entrance of the store, there was a circle of people playing cards. Lao Bao told them that these people were waiting here to serve as chauffeurs. From the open door of the store, there was air conditioning and from the hanging plastic curtain. It blows out of the cracks, and the area at the door is not hot at all.

Bao Tianbin led them in. The decoration inside was very simple. The floor was paved with tiles. He was worried that it would be too slippery. The floor tiles in the main passage were covered with a blackened red carpet. Every table inside was eating hot pot. It was very hot inside, but the air conditioner was on full blast. In the two-story shop, more than twenty tables on the first floor were already occupied, so they could only go to the second floor.

The stairs to the second floor are made of I-beam and angle iron welded with wooden boards. When walking on the stairs, it feels like the whole house is shaking with it.

From the first and second floors, everyone was talking in Hainanese. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing. This is certainly not the store under the Wenming Dongda tree back then, but the taste is right and the temperament is similar. If If you see a splendidly decorated hotel, even the baseboards have been wiped spotless, it is definitely not owned by Hainanese, nor is Hainanese willing to come here.

For many Hainanese, even their homes look like they were improvised. A dining table may be paired with three or four kinds of chairs and stools. The dishes on the table are served with both porcelain plates and stainless steel bowls and basins. Without a complete set of tableware, everything seems to be temporary, as long as it can be used, but once it is put together, it can last for a long time, and it can be temporary for many years.

The floor slab on the second floor is not cast-in-place, but also made of steel frame, covered with wooden boards, and it creaks as you walk over it.

Everyone sat down around a round table. The table was shorter than an ordinary table, not much higher than a plastic stool. When sitting, my thighs could not be placed under the table, so I had to sit with my thighs apart.

The round table is a wooden table painted with tung oil. It has been used for a long time, and the table top is greasy and black. Bao Tianbin said apologetically to Zhang Chen:

"Mr. Zhang, is this place too shabby?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing. What he was thinking in his heart was that if this place wasn't like this, I wouldn't want to come here.

However, Zhang Chen still looked at Xiang Nan. Among the people at the table, Xiang Nan should be the one who minded the most. Fortunately, after she sat down, she kept looking calm. She just took out two pieces of paper and helped Zhang first. Wipe the table in front of Xiang Bei, and then wipe the table in front of himself.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but nodded secretly. This is the benefit of people who come from the troupe. After running around the pier a lot, they have seen everything in the world, and they are no longer surprised, and all the squeamishness is gone. This aspect, to Nan looks very much like Tan Shuzhen when she was young.

In the middle of the table, there is a single-head gas stove. The gas stove has a long handle extending out, a valve for igniting and adjusting the size of the flame. On this long handle, a cylinder is made of tinplate around the gas stove. , so that the casserole sits on the gas stove for a while. The gas stove is lit and there is no open flame.

Two middle-aged women brought over a stainless steel basin, a stainless steel teapot, and a rectangular plastic basket. In the basket were the tableware for their table.

After putting it down, one of them left, and the other asked, which order is better?

Bao Tianbin talked about him, and then the two started chattering in Hainan dialect.

Xiang Nan used the hot water in the teapot to wash their tableware in the stainless steel basin and distributed it to everyone one by one.

The woman who left in front came up with a tray. In the tray was mixed sauce in a stainless steel jar, minced garlic in the other jar, a bottle of Haitian soy sauce, a bottle of Qiongjiang King's chili sauce, and a bowl of Xiaoqing. Orange, a bowl of minced coriander.

Everyone started to season the meat, but Gu Gong sat there without moving. He said he wanted to see what kind of meat was served before starting to season it.

A young man came up with a casserole, sat the casserole on the gas stove, and lit the gas stove. At this time, everyone realized the rationality of the height of the table. The height of the table made it possible to place a gas stove on the table. Another casserole sat on the gas stove. The casserole was still under their sight, making it easy to operate later.

There was boiling water in the casserole, and the clear soup was filled with wolfberry and angelica, and it boiled in a short while.

Two women, one holding a large stainless steel basket in each hand, put it down. One plate was white-cut Wenchang chicken, and the other was white-cut mutton. The other one was holding a plastic basket of vegetables, including lettuce, spinach, and green vegetables. Yes, there is also a pot of braised mutton in a stainless steel pot.

Bao Tianbin asked everyone to eat first. The two portions of mutton and chicken were finished products and could be eaten directly.

The white-cut mutton is skin-on. Gu Gong poured a little soy sauce into his small bowl, dipped a piece of mutton in the soy sauce and tasted it. The mutton had no smell at all. The mutton was already crispy and very delicious, especially the The sheepskin is a little crispy and a little tough. It doesn't taste as soft and smooth as pig's trotters, but like thickened fish skin.

"This mutton is good. It's different from mutton from the northwest and Hu mutton." Gu Gong said.

"What is sold here is Hainan's local Dong goat." Bao Tianbin said, "Try this braised mutton again."

Gu Gong took a piece and tasted it, nodding his head repeatedly.

Next came two large pots of five-spice mutton, which were used for hot pot. The mutton was half-rare and had been marinated. It was sprinkled with a layer of five-spice powder and scallions. Bao Tianbin picked up one pot first. Pour the whole thing into the casserole and cover the pot.

The dishes continued to be served, and then came a pot of haggis, yuba, radish, etc. These were used to continue making hot pot after the mutton was finished.

Zhang Chen asked: "Are there any duck intestines?"

"What duck intestines?" Bao Tianbin asked.

"It's the kind of marinated duck intestines." Zhang Chen said, and Bao Tianbin shook his head.

Liu Ligan burst into laughter. He looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Are you eating Yiku rice?"

Zhang Chen choked back: "Aren't you?"

The two of them laughed. The other people didn't know what they were laughing about or what Yikufan was about, so the two of them didn't say much.

The casserole was opened, and the mutton in the pot was already delicious. Everyone started eating. The mutton was tender and fresh. After a while, they finished the casserole, and Bao Tianbin poured it into the second pot.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't say anything, and Zhang Chen didn't ask. After eating mutton and drinking wine, Liu Ligan began to ask Zhang Xiangbei what his plans were.

Zhang Xiangbei told him that he planned to start a ranch here, and also wanted to open beef shops in Haicheng, Hangcheng and Shanghai. The beef shops would not only sell beef raised by himself, but also the best beef from all over the world. Let customers have a free choice. They can choose Kobe Wagyu beef, Australian fattened beef, or our own cattle.

"That's the second step. You need to finish the ranch first. When the beef from your ranch can be put on the market, which will be a year and a half at the earliest, the hotel will be considered in the second step."

Zhang Chen did not look at Zhang Xiangbei, but he said the words to Zhang Xiangbei:

"If you really want to open a hotel, remember, the hotel house must be your own. The biggest expense of the hotel, besides labor wages, is the rent. Hotels change too much and are greatly affected by external factors. The hotel house belongs to you. Yes, the cost pressure is not that great, and the hotel management staff will not be under such great pressure. If the pressure is too great, the tricks and movements will be deformed. Hotels are most afraid of this.

"Opening a hotel is all about steady flow. If you want to make quick money through it, if you can't make it, you must have a good mentality.

"By the way, you can look for houses in Haicheng and Shanghai early and buy them when you find them. In Hangcheng, in another year, the house of the original 'Half Acre Field' store on Jiefang Road will also expire. Here you go, that place is suitable for opening a hotel, and your beef restaurant has such a big store."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded "hmm". He was not facing Zhang Chen, but was responding to him.

The next day, Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, Gu Gong, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan were all preparing to go back to Hangzhou. Before leaving, Zhang Chen called Bao Tianbin over, and Bao Tianbin entered Zhang Chen's room. Zhang Chen looked at him and told him, call him and ask Mr. Zhang to come over too.

Bao Tianbin laughed, and Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Bao Tianbin was laughing about, but then he understood and he laughed too, feeling a little embarrassed.

Bao Tianbin called Zhang Xiangbei's room and asked him to come over.

Zhang Xiangbei came over and the three of them sat down on the sofa. Zhang Chen took out a stack of paper and held a pencil in his hand. While drawing, he talked to Bao Tianbin and Zhang Xiangbei.

With a few strokes, he drew the entire terrain there, and then told them that there was no need to make any changes in other places. On the slopes on both sides, the tea trees were removed and replanted with pasture. The key points needed to be changed. The area is on both sides of the stream and the location of the original tea factory.

Zhang Chen and Bao Tianbin said: "We will wait for my renderings of the specific plan to come out, and then let the design institute come over to do it. I will tell you a rough layout first, so that you will have a good idea. During this period, it will be smoothed out. Know what to do.”

Bao Tianbin nodded.

"The most important thing is this stream. Don't destroy the original stream beach. Don't build stone blocks or anything like that. Just go to the local area and ask the villagers to find out. When the stream rose to its highest level in previous years, where did it rise? We When doing construction, just move back two or three meters. The original creek beach is very beautiful, so don't destroy it."

Zhang Chen drew on the paper, first drawing the location of the tea factory, and told them that the offices, research institutes, slaughtering workshops, underground maturation workshops, etc. would be placed here, and a dormitory could also be built. This place is enough.

"Here, on this side of the stream, are used to build two rows of cowsheds, right on the edge of the stream." Zhang Chen drew the appearance of the cowshed.

"Yes, it's a water view room." Bao Tianbin said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "That's right, a water view room, but you have to drain it well so it doesn't flow into the stream."

Bao Tianbin said yes.

Zhang Chen drew casually and drew a winding road on the other side of the stream, stretching along the stream into the valley. He said to Bao Tianbin:

"Here, I plan to build a group of Li-style buildings. This is the tourist reception center. They can live here and eat here."

Bao Tianbin looked at it, a little confused, and asked:

"Mr. Zhang, why should the tourist reception center be placed inside? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to place it outside? When tourists arrive, they can enter as soon as they get off the car."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "You are right. It would be more reasonable to build the cowshed outside instead of building it inside. But there are two points we must pay attention to."

"What two points?" Bao Tianbin asked.

"First, the lighting inside is not good. I also want to make a glass skylight above the cowshed, so that even if the cows are in the cowshed, they will have enough light every day. On the contrary, people like to stay in a dark place because of the hot weather in Hainan. The place, I prefer to be in the valley.”

Zhang Chen said, Bao Tianbin and Zhang Xiangbei nodded, Zhang Chen said:

"And the most important thing is that there is a steakhouse in the visitor center, and steakhouses usually get busy in the evening. Don't you think it's too cruel to let the cows smell the fragrance of beef every day? Are you afraid that they will smell it for a long time? Suffering from depression?"

Bao Tianbin and Zhang Xiangbei both laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"Then they can't smell it here?"

"Do you know what valley wind is?" Zhang Chen said, "In a valley like this, during the day, the wind blows from the valley to the outside. It is called valley wind because the temperature outside is high. In the evening, because the heat dissipates quickly outside, The wind blows from the outside inward, which is the mountain breeze, so in the evening, the cows outside cannot smell the smell inside."

"Awesome!" Bao Tianbin shouted.

Zhang Xiangbei was also puzzled and couldn't help but ask: "How do you know this?"

Zhang Chen said: "Why do you think the designer has to go to the site to see it? He just wants to take everything into consideration at the site. Otherwise, I don't even have to come here. I can just take your photos and floor plans." ”

When Zhang Chen was talking, he thought of the Canadian Jacques. As a designer, he could even touch the soul of a place. He would bring a sleeping bag and sleep there at night.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes on the road - Tiantian, Hu Hu, Forgot your password, Zhongkai 727, Four plus one equals five, zpengyong1, Civilized Reading, Void and Broken Dreams, Doraemon, Book Friends 090624111512009! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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