The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2251 Haicheng walks slowly

Zhang Xiangbei got up in the morning, thought about it, and decided to call Wu Huan. As long as the agricultural reclamation office agreed, he would hand over to them in the early stage, sign a land transfer agreement with the village, and apply for an industrial and commercial business license, including removing the tea garden on the mountain. Leveling the land, etc., all need to be arranged by someone. Even if you recruit yourself, you will not be able to recruit anyone more suitable than Bao Tianbin.

In addition, he still has a lot of things to do outside. He has to consult experts and professors, hire researchers from the institute, and go to other pastures to learn from their breeding experience. He even needs to go to Japan to visit the old farm. Qiao family, please learn how to raise Japanese Wagyu beef.

Not to mention having to look for high-quality breeding cattle at home and abroad.

There are so many things to do, and it would be impossible without a person like Bao Tianbin.

Zhang Xiangbei felt that it would be better for Bao Tianbin to say hello to Wu Huan in advance before Bao Tianbin went to talk to Wu Huan.

Zhang Xiangbei dialed Wu Huan's number. As soon as the call came through, Wu Huan shouted on the other end of the phone:

"Oh Mr. Zhang, why are you thinking of me when you are not with your beautiful lady?"

"What, you want to refuse the call?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"No, I'm flattered." Wu Huan said with a smile, "What are your orders, Mr. Zhang?"

"How am I qualified to give you orders? I just want to ask you for help."

Zhang Xiangbei then told Wu Huan that he and Xiangnan were in Hainan. They had just visited a place yesterday and found it suitable. He was planning to build a cattle farm in Hainan.

"No way, Mr. Zhang, don't scare me. Are you going to raise cattle?" Wu Huan called on the phone.

"What, no, are you going to discriminate against me?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Don't dare, I'm thinking, Mr. Zhang, you are not old enough to live in seclusion yet. If you want to raise cattle, you will definitely have different ideas from others. Can you tell me?"

"Of course, it's not a secret." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Since it's a ranch, raising cattle and selling meat is of course a must. However, the more important thing is that I want to breed cattle here that are better than Japan's Kobe Wagyu is even better than beef.”

"Okay, then your beef is covered by our 'Zhaixian Delivery'. I will help you sell as much as you have, focusing on the introduction, so that the profit of your ranch can maintain your improvement plan without any problem." Wu Huan said.

Zhang Xiangbei quickly said thank you, Wu Huan.

"No, Mr. Zhang, when you called me, you didn't ask me to help you sell beef, right? Now you don't even have beef hair, so where can you get the beef?" Wu Huan thought for a while and said, "I understand, you Are you trying to poach me?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, I am alone now.

"Who do you want to poach? Bao Tianbin? Mr. Zhang, did I guess correctly?" Wu Huan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, it was Bao Tianbin. He was familiar with Hainan. I had to work here and I couldn't do it without his help. I didn't even speak the language.

"How about it, Wu Huan? If you agree, I will do his work." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"I don't have any objection to you poaching me. I definitely have no problem here, as long as Lao Bao agrees." Wu Huan said, "By the way, Mr. Zhang, no kidding, why don't you poach me too. "

Zhang Xiangbei laughed loudly: "I don't dare, my temple is small and I can't let you go yet. When I really breed the best beef cattle in the world, I will treat you again."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, we have made an agreement and we will not go back on it then." Wu Huan said.

"Of course not, thank you, Wu Huan!"

"Thank you. As long as you are nice, I will be happy." After Wu Huan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

There is nothing to do today. Zhang Xiangbei told Bao Tianbin last night that they are not going anywhere today and are just in Haicheng. Bao Tianbin should not worry about them and deal with the "fresh food delivery" matter first. They will meet again when there is news from Qiongzhong.

Bao Tianbin left his car with Zhang Xiangbei and told Zhang Xiangbei that he could drive around Haicheng during the day, going to the west coast, Haidian Island, and Qilou Old Street to survey the terrain.

"By the way, is Xinbu Island developed now?"

Zhang Xiangbei asked, he remembered that Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, when they were in Haicheng, their biggest dream was to transform Xinbu Island, and they were also set on this dream.

When he was a child, Zhang Xiangbei saw the renderings and plan of Xinbu Island that his father helped Liu Ligan design in the study room at home. At that time, Liu Ligan entrusted Qu Tianlin to help print the plan in Shenzhen. After that, Zhang Chen kept two copies.

"It has been developed for a long time. By the way, tomorrow night, I will take you to Xinbu Island to eat seafood. There is the largest seafood hotel in Haicheng there." Bao Tianbin said.

Zhang Xiangbei quickly said, let’s talk tomorrow, don’t make any arrangements yet, maybe we wander somewhere and see something we want to eat, so we can go in and eat it.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan finished washing up slowly and went downstairs. Instead of going to the restaurant for breakfast, they drove to Guomao Yiheng Road to eat noodle soup at the same place they had eaten yesterday.

After eating the noodle soup, Zhang drove north to Xinbu Island and walked around the island. The dog-head-shaped island is now close to the Qiongzhou Strait in the north and the outlet of the Henggou River. It looks like an open sea. The entire bay in Gouzui is a Country Garden project. The central and southern parts, all the way to the Xinbu Bridge connecting Changdi Road, have been divided by countless small developers.

After going around in a circle, Zhang Xiangbei kept lamenting in his heart that it was a pity. He felt that the current layout of the island was incomparable with his father's original design. The so-called untimely birth is probably what he meant. , Uncle Zhanzi and Uncle Meng Ping, if they come here ten years later to spread their dreams, then this place will be theirs.

And Xinbu Island will definitely be more beautiful and attractive than now. Zhang Xiangbei doesn't know whether this is the regret of Uncle Ganzi and the others, or the regret of Xinbu Island, or even the whole Haicheng.

It is the tallest unfinished building in Haicheng, and the largest project in Haicheng. Liu Ligan was so high-spirited back then, but now, not only here, but in the entire Haicheng, there is no trace of him, nor is there any trace of Zhang. There are traces of Chen Chen, and the projects designed by Zhang Chen have already been replaced with new storefronts, or have been pushed and rebuilt, such as Wanghai Building.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't know if Tan Shuzhen knew what Liu Ligan had experienced in Haicheng. When she set foot in Haicheng, Haicheng had not yet become popular again. At that time, if she wanted to capture Xinbu Island again, she still had a chance. , but Zhang Xiangbei felt her and carefully avoided it.

Xiangnan saw Zhang Xiangbei walking and thinking, and Xiangnan asked him what he was thinking about.

Zhang Xiangbei said he didn't think about anything, but Xiangnan didn't ask again. She guessed that Zhang Xiangbei was thinking about the ranch. Zhang Xiangbei was very similar to Zhang Chen in that he didn't have anything in mind. If you tell others, you will just keep it in your heart and let things slowly improve and mature. When he figures it out, you can't stop him, and he will definitely tell you himself.

In fact, Zhang Xiangbei knew that Xiang Nan was not willing to talk about Liu Ligan, so he did not tell Xiang Nan what he was thinking.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, while they were still on Xinbu Island, Zhang Xiangbei's phone rang. It was Lao Xie. Zhang Xiangbei quickly picked up the phone and called Uncle Xie.

Lao Xie and Zhang Xiangbei said: "The boss of the farm and I are having tea, your matter is settled."

"Really? Great! Thank you, Uncle Xie!" Zhang Xiangbei shouted.

Lao Xie also smiled on the other end of the phone. He said: "You're welcome, it's a trivial matter. But, Beibei, just pretend you don't know about this. County Magistrate Zhen and others will come to the farm to find them in the afternoon, so let them use this favor." , let’s do it for the county, so that the relationship will be easier to handle in the future.”

"Okay, okay, I understand, Uncle Xie." Zhang Xiangbei nodded repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Xiangnan asked, "Is it done?"

"It's done." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Then are you going to call Lao Bao?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Wait a little longer. When County Magistrate Zhen calls, I will talk to him again."

Xiang Nan nodded.

The two of them arrived at the bridgehead of Xinbu Bridge and had lunch at the Jinshuimen Riverside Seafood Restaurant at the bridgehead. In the afternoon, the two of them drove to Haicheng Park for a stroll. The park was very ordinary and far inferior to the World Tropical Botanical Garden in Sanya. The two of them went in. I went in with a sense of nostalgia. After going in and looking around, Zhang Xiangbei said:

"It wouldn't be too painful to sleep on the grass in a park like this in summer like this."

Xiang Nan looked at him and both of them laughed. Of course Xiang Nan knew what Zhang Xiangbei was talking about. When they were children, they heard their parents, especially Liu Ligan, talk about their first visit to Haicheng countless times. , the story of sleeping in the park at night and having the flashlight stolen.

When Liu Ligan talked about it, he was very tragic and impassioned. Listening to Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan, they felt that it was similar to the Red Army's long march climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands.

After seeing it on the spot, they felt a little romantic. It's no wonder. If they were like Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen at that time, they were short of money and didn't know how they would survive in this strange city. They can no longer be romantic.

Just like reading a poem like "The summer insects are also silent for me/Silence is tonight's Cambridge", you feel that the summer insects are all romantic and considerate, but if you sit outside on a summer night, the summer insects are silent to you When you swarm over, you must feel that they are annoying and there is no trace of romance.

We parked the car at the entrance of Haicheng Park, and walked hand in hand to visit Haicheng Old Street. Haicheng Old Street spans several blocks. It is a large and well-preserved old block in China, and is similar to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. The ancient towns and old streets of Haicheng are different in location, but generally they have different faces. The architectural style of Haicheng Old Street is different from that of all old streets in mainland China.

The old street buildings here are basically in the Nanyang arcade style. They were all built by overseas Chinese from Nanyang when they returned to China. After 1949, the entire Hainan Island has been the most underdeveloped administrative office in Guangdong. Because of its backwardness, no major construction projects have been carried out. The old streets here The whole thing was preserved.

After Hainan was established as a province, Haicheng became the new provincial capital. In order to save the trouble of demolition, it started from Haicheng Park and the original provincial capital road, now Haifu Road, and expanded to the southwest. There are large tracts of the original The land belonging to the China Southern Airlines troops has forgotten the old city in the northeast.

So much so that Haicheng became two distinct urban areas in those years, starting from the triangle area at the intersection of Shengfu Road, going north and entering Boai South Road, and all you can hear in your ears is Hainanese. Going south, Walking along Haixiu Road, you will hear mostly Mandarin.

Even in the craziest years of Hainan real estate, those who speculated on red line plans and off-the-plan properties were all eager to make quick money. Who was willing to waste time on protracted demolition? The entire old area of ​​Haicheng still did not rise. The climax of demolition.

Everyone's attention and interest are still extending along Haixiu Road. After the construction of the past Guomao block on Longkun North Road, the farther World Trade block will be built.

The area around Longkun South Road is well laid out, and the airport has begun to be demolished again, releasing a large amount of land. In the past, Jinniuling still had land for farming. After the Century Bridge was opened, more land was brought to Haidian Island.

In the waves of development, Haicheng Old Street was completely preserved because of being forgotten and the trouble of demolition. It was not until everyone was shocked that it turned out that the old town is also an unreplicable wealth of the city, let alone People will have no idea about the old city.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan were shopping here, from Boai South to Boai North, and from Deshengsha to Zhongshan Road and Jiefang Road. The two of them walked and ate street snacks, feeling that their stomachs were always full. , if there is a slight gap, food will fill it, stuffing it completely.

The old arcade streets here are not like many places where they are newly built "old buildings", or so-called "renovated as before", but they are originally well preserved, and people have always lived and lived in them. Despite the renovations, it is basically still original. The window lintels, pillars, wall shapes, waist lines, balconies, railings, carvings, etc. all have an obvious exotic feel.

The colorful porcelain flower patterns on the walls, parapets, arcades, colonnades, and loggias are in the Baroque style, with mixed cultural characteristics of Europe and Asia. The herringbone roof is covered with blue tiles, and mascots are placed on it. It has traditional Chinese and Western styles. South Sea, Indian and Arabian styles all blend together harmoniously here.

On some houses, shop names and signboards in traditional Chinese before the 1949 Movement were written and made with plaster, as well as slogans in simplified Chinese characters after the 1949 Movement. The long live script solidified the vicissitudes of the years and the traces of time. it's here.

In the summer afternoon, the sunshine outside was very fierce. The promenade under the arcade was connected to a long and winding road. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan walked hand in hand on the promenade. They did not feel the hardship of being exposed at all. They could I walked in and out of each store very calmly and browsed leisurely.

At around four o'clock, Zhang Xiangbei's phone rang. This time, it was County Magistrate Zhen. Magistrate Zhen was still farming. He called Zhang Xiangbei directly from their office.

County Magistrate Zhen and Zhang Xiangbei said that several leaders of the farm appreciate your project and support the economic development of our county. They have agreed to transfer the tea factory in Qiongzhong to you as a breeding farm.

Zhang Xiangbei pretended to hear the news for the first time and shouted happily: "That's great, Magistrate Zhen, thank you for making a special trip from Qiongzhong in such a hot weather."

County Magistrate Zhen chuckled: "What does it matter if you make one trip? As long as your project can be implemented in our Qiongzhong, I will make ten trips or one hundred trips. Fortunately, several leaders here are very considerate of me. They didn’t even let me run away the second time.”

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Thank you, and thank you to the leaders of the farm. In this way, County Magistrate Zhen, I will treat you to dinner tonight, and you will definitely appreciate it."

"Okay." County Magistrate Zhen was also happy and agreed immediately, saying, "But when we get to Hainan, of course I will treat you."

Zhang Xiangbei immediately said: "This is Haicheng, and you are also a foreigner here. Please let me fulfill my wish."

"Okay, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful. I will drag these guys along as well." County Magistrate Zhen said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, I will send you the address later.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiangbei was worried about where to treat guests in the evening. He was not familiar with Haicheng. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan said:

"Now I have to call Lao Bao. I want him to book a place for the evening and he has to come to participate. He will inevitably have to deal with these leaders in the future."

Xiang Nan said: "Lao Bao wants to participate in the meal, but as for where to eat, I think you'd better ask Mr. Xie."

Zhang Xiangbei thought it made sense, Lao Xie was the one who dealt with people like them every day, and he knew where the arrangement was appropriate.

Zhang Xiangbei called Mr. Xie and told Mr. Xie about the matter. Mr. Xie said that although it is not a violation of discipline to entertain or be invited to dinners for investment promotion and united front work, it is always not good outside and he will not be able to enjoy the meal. You'd better come to me.

"The company's canteen?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Lao Xie laughed on the other end of the phone and said, "Beibei, you're treating me to a treat. Of course it's your restaurant. I'll call their boss now."

Zhang Xiangbei suddenly realized that what Lao Xie said was that the place was placed at his place and the cook was from the Haicheng branch of "Catering Men and Women". How could he have forgotten this? This was really better. Treating guests is more natural.

Zhang Xiangbei called and told County Magistrate Zhen the address. Magistrate Zhen took the phone and said it again. Zhang Xiangbei heard someone next to him say:

"Isn't this Lao Xie's place? I know, I know."

Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but smile as he held the phone.

Thank you to Tin Soldier, Brokeback Mountain, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, two fishes at one time, and three o'clock in the middle of the night for the reward! Thank you to 瑬絳, zpengyong1, Qingbo, Youzi Xiaoliu, Little Gatekeeper, Zhongkai 727, and Bu Dexian for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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