The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2236 Walking the Village

The next morning, when Bao Tianbin arrived at the World Tropical Botanical Garden Hotel, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan were already up and waiting for him in the lobby of the hotel below.

"Did you sleep well?" Bao Tianbin asked.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan both nodded and said they had slept well. Zhang Xiangbei said that maybe it was because the air in Sanya was so good. He slept very deeply here. After sleeping for four or five hours, he felt as if he had slept for seven or eight hours in Hangzhou. It's about the same hour and I wake up feeling the same.

Bao Tianbin laughed and said: "The air you are in this mountain is better than that in Sanya city. But what you said is true. Hainanese people generally sleep for a short time. They have entertainment and snacks at night." , it’s normal to wake up at two or three o’clock every day, sleep for four or five hours, and then take a one-hour nap at noon, that’s it.”

The three people got in the car. Bao Tianbin handed them two bags of breakfast. He started the car and set off. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan sat in the back seat and had breakfast.

What Bao Tianbin brought them was Hainan pickled rice noodles, which are rice noodles mixed with a special marinade, topped with chopped green onion, beef, pickled bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, peanuts and sesame as toppings, and drizzled with sesame oil. I personally mixed all these together into rice noodles and tasted it. I found it convenient and delicious. It is very similar to the lard and green onion noodles that people in Shanghai and Hangzhou like to eat.

There are also braised eggs and milk in the bag. The braised eggs are very similar to tea eggs, but they are not. There is no tea flavor, but they are braised with marinade.

There were very few vehicles on the round-island expressway in the morning. Bao Tianbin drove very fast. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan had finished breakfast. The car had already passed Haitang Bay and was almost at Lingshui.

Along the way, Bao Tianbin continued to explain the public period in Hainan to them. He said that the public period in Hainan is very strange. It commemorates the ancestor. Today is the birthday of the ancestor. There are public temples in the local area and many people have shrines in their homes. , worshiping Gongzu, but Gongzu is not a belief, unlike the Hakka people who believe in Mazu. Wherever they go, they go to Mazu temples and worship Mazu.

The ancestors of the Hainanese people are diverse and include everything. Like the Junpo I told you a few days ago, it mainly commemorates Madam Xian, but there are also places commemorating Guan Gong, Yue Yun and Confucius. This is especially true for public periods. It commemorates the ancestors of a village, a clan or a surname, but they are all realm lords.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Jing, the border, is this Gongzu. He only cares about this place. The same person. When you are in Wenchang, you worship this Gongzu. When you go to Lingao, you worship another Gongzu, the local Gongzu. Zu will not leave the country unless it is for loan." Bao Tianbin said.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and said, "It's really casual."

"That's it. Hainan's public holidays are very open, and even more so now." Bao Tianbin said, "In the past, a village basically had people with one surname. Now it's mixed. There are people with several surnames in a village. In this way, everyone worships The ancestors are different, they are divided into the grand ancestor and the minor ancestor. Those who have a public temple are the elder ancestors in the village, but many families also have their own minor ancestors.

"Who these little princes are, they probably don't know for sure. Anyway, if there are statues of gods passed down, they will offer them and worship them. When the day comes when the great prince celebrates his official period, these families will also take this opportunity to give them to themselves. During the period of the Little Duke period, the powerful family would have a banquet for guests in their own family, while the weak ones would have a clan and several families banquet guests together.

"Anyway, the more guests who come, the more face they will have, so everyone brings out good things to entertain the guests. It is very expensive to do a public holiday. A year's savings will be spent in almost one public holiday, so this is The public holiday is more lively than the Chinese New Year.”

"Isn't that a lot of pressure?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Yes, many people have been unable to build new houses, and the money was spent on the public period. It is indeed an exaggeration. In the past few years, they had some "civilized public period", and the results were neither fish nor fowl. Now, Hainan's public period application After the intangible cultural heritage was approved, everything came back, even more exaggerated than before."

Bao Tianbin shook his head as he spoke, and said: "There is no way, we can only rely on young people. Now young people are becoming less and less enthusiastic about public holidays. After they are all in charge, this custom may change a little, but it is still possible." It’s hard to tell. In the past, Haicheng urban villages would still hold public holidays, but now we can’t see them anymore. However, those who made money in the city are becoming more and more interested in returning to the village to do public holidays.”

"Staying in the limelight, right?" Xiang Nan said, "Just like in the past, most of the villages approached our troupe to perform. Now, it's these people who make money. They go back to do weddings and weddings, and like to invite our troupe to perform. The more famous they are, the better they will perform." The higher the fee, the more people come to invite him, and people who have been dead for ten or twenty years are still doing activities for him."

"That's what I mean." Bao Tianbin said with a smile, "When you make money, go back and have a good time. First of all, Bao Bao thinks it is a very honorable thing to honor your ancestors."

"What time do they start in the morning?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Bao Tianbin looked at his watch and said, "It's about to start. It's usually half past eight. We invite the father-in-law and his parents-in-law out of the temple and start walking through the village. In Hainanese, it's called Ta Village, but the rituals in each house are similar. , the family we went to lives at the end of the village, and it usually takes more than ten o'clock to get to their house, and we can still make it in time. The real climax is after we set foot in the village."

As they approached the village, they heard the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums coming from the village. There were stalls on both sides of the road entering the village, mainly selling fireworks and mineral water. Selling refreshments, tonics and other things, the situation really looks like a market or temple fair in rural China.

Bao Tianbin parked the car and bought five boxes of coconut mineral water and a lot of fireworks. They couldn't fit in the trunk and put them on the front passenger seat.

After starting the car and driving forward, Bao Tianbin told them that this was the best gift today.

Zhang Xiangbei understood and asked, "Does it mean that the louder the fireworks and firecrackers of someone else's house, the more respect they gain?"

"That's right." Bao Tianbin said with a smile, "There's nothing we can do. Let's do everything together and we'll start to compare."

This village seems to have been re-planned, with all the housing sites concentrated and all new houses built outside the village. One-third of the old houses in the village are already empty. This is to replace the new ones. The old house was vacated.

Bao Tianbin drove the car in front of a three-story new house. The courtyard door was wide open, and Bao Tianbin turned the car in. At this time, the father-in-law left the village and was still walking in the old village. The sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums were all heard. It came from over there.

As soon as their car stopped, six or seven people came out of the house. Three people got out of the car. A young man came over with a smile and shouted to Zhang Xiangbei:

"boss Zhang!"

Zhang Xiangbei was shocked. Does anyone know him in this place?

Bao Tianbin introduced them to them, saying that it was Xiaoqin, from the Hainan branch of "Zhaixianshi".

Zhang Xiangbei suddenly realized that no wonder this young man knew him, but he did not know him.

Bao Tianbin greeted Xiaoqin and the others and moved everything out of the car. Everyone moved happily. Zhang Xiangbei saw many boxes of water and fireworks piled under the eaves of the new house.

Two more young men came over, named Mr. Zhang Xiangbei and Mr. Bao Tianbin. They were Xiaoqin's colleagues at "Zhaixianshu". One was in charge of the Wenchang area, and the other was in charge of the Qionghai area next door. They It was at Xiaoqin's invitation that I came over for a public holiday.

When the two young men saw the box of five thousand electro-optical cannons they bought, they grinned and carried the box upstairs.

From the corridor on the third floor, there are already more than a dozen firecrackers hanging down from above, touching the ground below, arranged in a neat row.

There are two brothers in Xiaoqin's family. He and his elder brother both work in Haicheng. There are only two parents in the family. This time they took leave because there was a business holiday at home.

The two brothers usually don't have time to go home, but their parents are here and their home is here, so they came back and built a new house. Their parents live on the first floor, their brother lives on the second floor, and Xiaoqin lives on the third floor. But in fact, this Both floors were empty.

Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiangbei said that in fact, they were very indifferent to the public period, but they had no choice. Since the village wanted to do something about it, they had to come back, including their clan's public period, which was led by his uncle. If they didn't come back, There is no way to explain, parents will be told that it is not a good life here.

The sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers was getting closer and closer. Some people walked out of the gate to take a look, and ran back and shouted: "Come here, come here, come here."

Everyone in the yard ran out, and Zhang Xiangbei, Xiangnan and Bao Tianbin also followed Xiaoqin out.

The team carrying Gong Dou had already reached the top house in their row of houses. The sound of firecrackers in that house was deafening. Fireworks and firecrackers shot into the sky one after another, and firecrackers "bang" in the air. A ball of fire, and fireworks exploded in the daytime, only a ball of smoke.

But it doesn’t matter, what everyone wants is for the green smoke to explode in the air one after another. The denser the frequency, the better. It doesn’t matter whether it is beautiful or not.

There was someone at the front of the procession carrying the official, holding an upright flag and flag. The flag was fluttering in the wind, and it was hard to see what was written on it. It was always something like a certain great god.

Someone at the back was carrying a wooden shrine that looked like a sedan. The person sitting in it was Gongzu. The one at the back was the mother-in-law who was being carried to accompany Gongzu through the village. The two people at the back were carrying an incense burner. There were densely packed incense sticks on it, and the smoke was lingering.

Behind these three lifters is the blessed lion. The lion here is very simple, just a lion head carved from wood. The weather is too hot, so the lion dancers do not put their heads into the lion's head, but use both hands to lift the lion's head. Above the head is a lion's head, and below is a human head wearing a red T-shirt.

Behind the lion's head is an embroidered brocade, which is the lion's body, and behind it there is a person holding the end of the brocade, which is the lion's tail.

The two of them didn't dance, they just carried it and walked around. It can be seen that Fu Shi is just a prop here, not a very particular prop.

When the team arrived at the door of Xiaoqin's house, a young man immediately lit up a row of electro-optical cannons on the ground, while others set off fireworks and firecrackers.

Xiang Nan covered his ears with his hands and fled into the house. The whole yard was filled with smoke and the sound of explosions was loud. The whole building felt like it was about to be blown up to the sky. Zhang Xiangbei saw what Bao Tianbin was saying to him. But he couldn't hear anything, he only saw the other person's mouth opening and closing.

The firecrackers lasted for seven or eight minutes before they stopped, which seemed to last longer than other firecrackers. Zhang Xiangbei's ears were still buzzing, and when he heard people talking, it seemed as if they were far away. He saw the little boy The Qin family all laughed happily, they had some face today.

After the sound of firecrackers stopped, the team carrying Gong Dou entered the yard. The lucky lion's head nodded three times towards their home, which brought Gong Dou's blessing.

Then, the whole family, from the oldest to the youngest, shook and offered incense to the grandfather, worshiped the grandfather and mother-in-law with the lit incense, and put the incense in the incense burner.

Xiaoqin handed the lit incense to Zhang Xiangbei, Xiangnan, and Bao Tianbin. They also followed the same example and bowed and put the incense into the incense burner.

The last step is to dig into Gong Dou's buttocks. The two people who are carrying Gong Dou lift him up. The people here lower their heads and crawl under the shrine one by one, thus receiving Gong Dou's blessing.

Zhang Xiangbei, Xiang Nan, Bao Tianbin and others also got in. After getting in, Zhang Xiangbei thought of a question. Didn't he say that Gong Dou was a border lord and could not leave the country? So if he was so far away from Hangzhou, he How to protect yourself?

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Gongzi Mianzhi, winsonliu, Donglongdong, zpengyong1, Hai Kuo Tiankong, and Jamechen for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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