The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2234 It’s just like that

After finishing the chicken shit and vine cake seeds in front of them, the three of them ordered three more bowls. It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon, and they were a little hungry, but it was still too early for dinner. Bao Tianbin told them that after watching the sunset, it was almost We can't eat until around eight o'clock in the evening, so we fill our stomachs first.

After eating, we got on the bus and drove down the streets in the center of the town. The residents in the town basically built new three- or four-story buildings. The styles and shapes of the houses were different, and there was no unified plan, so although the houses were all new, But the overall feeling is very messy.

Especially on the roadside, even the thickness and specifications of the telephone poles are different. The power supply department goes one way, the telecommunications department goes one way, and the cable TV goes another way. Cables and optical cables go vertically and horizontally, dividing the sky into pieces.

All houses also have one characteristic, that is, the yard is very tidy inside, but once outside, it seems that no one cares about it, it is very casual. There are piles of yellow sand and bricks left over from building the house outside the yard wall, and there are buildings against the wall. The formwork and even the various cables and optical cables that connect the new house to the outside are messy, as long as they can be pulled into the home.

Zhang Xiangbei is too familiar with such small towns and has seen too many. Whether it is a village or a town that wants to change its appearance in a hurry, or an individual, for them, the rush to change is the most important, and there is no time to consider the details. In other words, we still need to give them time.

At the end of the street was a park, and behind the park was a white sky. Bao Tianbin told them, here they are, after passing this park is the seaside.

Bao Tianbin pulled over the car. There was almost no one here, let alone tourists. The three of them got out of the car and walked through the park towards the seaside.

The park is very small, just a narrow strip of beach next to the sea. There are flower beds, several sculptures of crabs and swans that resemble children's toys, and long, wavy steps leading step by step to the beach below.

The park is very clean, and the ground is covered with a layer of fine white sand, which must have been blown up by the wind.

Outside the park is the beach. The beach here is very long and the sand is very fine. If it is close to Sanya, it will definitely become a beach that tourists flock to after Dadonghai, Yalong Bay and Sanya Bay, and even before. But here, It can only be a fishing port, with dozens of small fish boats moored here and there.

Outside the fishing port is a breakwater. In bad weather, it can block the huge waves of the Beibu Gulf from invading the fishing boats in the harbor. Today, the entire Beibu Gulf is calm, and there are no people on the beach and fishing port. The fishing port Quietly, only a fisherman in his fifties or sixties spread a piece of white canvas on the beach and sat on it to mend his fishing net.

The sun has set in the west, and it is still hot on people's faces and arms. Fortunately, the wind blowing from the sea is cool, and the two offset each other. Even standing on this beach, you will not feel hot.

Bao Tianbin said that the fishing boats have not returned yet.

There was a swing more than ten meters high on the beach. When Xiang Nan saw it, he ran over and sat on the swing. Zhang Xiangbei was pushing it beside him. When Xiang Nan was in the air, the straw hat on his head fell off, and he was frightened. Zhang Xiangbei jumped, and the straw hat was carried by the wind and rolled on the beach. Zhang Xiangbei hurriedly chased after him. When he got closer, the straw hat ran forward again, as if he was playing hide and seek with him.

Xiang Nan and Bao Tianbin looked at it and laughed. Zhang Xiangbei chased it forty or fifty meters and finally caught it and folded it on the straw hat on his head.

Zhang Xiangbei came back and continued to push Xiangnan. Xiangnan giggled and kept saying higher, higher. Even Bao Tianbin came over to help. The two of them pushed hard together, and finally pushed Xiangnan. When he reached six or seven meters in the air, it was frightening to watch, but Xiang Nan said it was fine, and he wanted to go higher.

The rope connecting the wooden board facing south was almost level with the top of the swing stand.

"I can see the whole town from the air." When they came down, Xiang Nan said to them eagerly.

Then he went up, then came down, and shouted to the south: "I can see the sea outside the breakwater!"

Their actions attracted two six or seven-year-old children, a boy and a girl, to come over and stand there, looking enviously at Xiang Nan who was going up and down, with a silly smile.

"No one has ever been this high." The little boy told them.

"Is your boat here?" Bao Tianbin asked.

The boy looked at them and didn't know how to answer. The girl said, "No, our boat is there."

She pointed at the dozens of boats in the harbor. Zhang Xiangbei and Bao Tianbin laughed. Zhang Xiangbei said that she was still accurate.

After Xiangnan came down from her enjoyment, she told Zhang Xiangbei and Bao Tianbin, there is a road there, where you can walk to the breakwater, and we can go there to watch the sunset.

The three people walked towards the end of the beach and looked back south. They saw the little girl sitting on the swing and the little boy pushing. They walked back south and told the little boy, don't push too high. Is this your sister or your sister? , she won't be able to hold the rope.

Xiang Nan said, stretching out his palm to show the boy: "See, my hands are all red."

The boy looked at her and said disdainfully: "My sister has fallen down many times. She said it doesn't hurt at all when she falls on the sand."

Xiang Nan laughed and she said okay, but be careful.

They walked to the end of the beach. There was a long plank road that stretched into the sea and connected to the breakwater. There were three sections of the breakwater, one on each side, and one in the middle. There were two gaps between the three sections of breakwater. , the fishing boats in this fishing port enter and exit through this gap.

They walked along the plank road with wooden railings on both sides, walked to the end, and walked onto the breakwater. At this time, the sun was as high as a Jinmao Tower above the sea, but the sunlight was already weak.

Touching the stone surface of the breakwater, it was still warm, but no longer so hot. Xiangnan took off the straw hat on his head, looked at it, hesitated for a moment, Bao Tianbin smiled and said, it doesn't matter, just use it to sit on. , we are not Li people.

Xiang Nan chuckled.

The three of them put their straw hats under their buttocks and sat down on the jetty.

The wind on the sea was blowing harder and harder, and the faces of the three people were reddened by the sunlight, and a rough edge was outlined, but the current sunlight was like just oil paint smeared on the face, and it did not feel hot at all.

They looked at the sea in front of them. There were a few fishing boats on the sea. They were walking on the way back, but they seemed to be fixed there, motionless.

The sun was setting lower and lower, and they all seemed to be able to visually measure the distance it fell.

When it was no longer a Jin Mao Building from the sea level, but as high as the center of Hangzhou, a light spot appeared on the sea below the sun. It was the projection of the sun. A little red began to appear from the junction of the sea and the sky. Seeping out from the inside out, the originally white clouds began to darken and turned into black, and the sky began to get a little dark.

The spot of light slowly expanded, starting from a bright color and turning into red, as if it was cooked and burned through. The setting sun also began to turn red, converging its light towards itself, and turned into There is a red halo around him, and the clouds across the sky are surrounded by a bright red edge.

The sun is still growing, growing continuously, from the size of a bowl to the size of a plate, and then to the size of a washbasin. Xiang Nan feels that the sun is really happy, so happy. She seemed to be able to hear its laughter.

Zhang Xiangbei turned to look at Xiangnan. He saw Xiangnan's eyes shining brightly. The red sun was dancing in her eyes. Xiangnan stared at it intently.

The red color on the sea spread out, and the area became larger and larger. From a distance, it spread all the way to the breakwater in front of them. Even the waves splashing against the embankment were red. This red color continued to spread upward, and now even the sky It is also red, the sea and the sky are the same color. I don’t know whether it is the sea that dyes the sky red, or the sky that dyes the sea red.

The clouds in the sky also lit up, surrounded by a circle of bright red and turning into dark red in the middle.

The sun is getting redder and bigger. When the sun gets bigger, it seems to be getting closer to them. They can see that among the red, the returning fishing boats have turned into dark red silhouettes. , the sun is about to set on them, and the red seawater makes a noise and surges upward, as if it wants to lick the strawberry-red sun.

When the sun was approaching the sea, a cloud moved in front of it, cutting it off. The sun seemed to be avoiding it, continuing to fall, and its round body emerged from under the cloud.

The three of them held their breath and reached out to Xiangnan to grab Zhang Xiangbei's hand. Their palms were so nervous that they were sweating. Zhang Xiangbei also became nervous. They saw that the sun was about to set on the sea.

The moment the red sun came into contact with the sea, both the sun and the sea seemed startled and shrank back. The sun jumped away from the sea again, but soon, they made contact for the second time. This time, Everyone is calm, the sun is not afraid of being cooled by the sea water, and the sea is open to accept it.

They stared there and saw the sun finally immersing itself silently into the sea, and then began to fall faster. At this time, everything between the sea and the sky, including the three of them, was red.

Xiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and then she heard Zhang Xiangbei also breathed a sigh of relief. The two looked at each other and laughed softly. Then they turned back and saw that only half of the sun was still on the water. For a moment, both of them were in a trance. They didn't know whether it was early morning or evening, or whether the sun was going to rise from the sea or set.

The sun finally fell into the sea, and all the red colors were sunk into the sea. They saw the fishing boats on the sea lighting up their fishing fires. Then, it got dark very quickly.

"Does it look good?" Bao Tianbin asked.

"I almost cried watching it," Xiang Nan said.

"Is the sunrise here also so beautiful?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"You can't see the sunrise here." Bao Tianbin said.

"Why?" Zhang Xiangbei asked, confused.

"The back of the sea here faces the sun, and the sunrise is on the other side of the mountain."

Bao Tianbin said, Zhang Xiangbei laughed dumbly, yes, he would ask such a mentally retarded question, do you think the sun is riding in an elevator, and the upper and lower doors are the same.

"Let's go."

Bao Tianbin stood up, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan also stood up, turned around, and suddenly found that the fishing port and beach behind him were already immersed in the night, and the street lights in the plank road and park were lit up. The town of Yinggehai was also lit up.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for the monthly passes of Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, Feng Conghu 1974, Actually, I Really Care, On the Road-Tiantian, Donglongdong, and protosstop! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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