July is the hottest time in Sanya. When you stand outdoors, even in the shade of a tree or under the eaves, or even if you stand still, your sweat will not stop flowing down. You are like a popsicle, melted by the high temperature. There was water sizzling out.

On the top of the mountain, there was a sea breeze flowing upwards from the valley below. It was not so boring, but the heat was still hot. As soon as Cao Minfang left, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan couldn't wait to take off their clothes and jump in. On the terrace in the swimming pool.

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the trees are shadowy. This is the highest point in the surrounding area. No eyes can peep at them. They can swim in the water with confidence, just like taking a bath in the sky. Sometimes the two of them are on the left and the right, and sometimes One up and down, like two playing fish, sometimes meeting together, hugging and kissing.

The sky cut out by branches and leaves above their heads fell into the pool. They swam in this broken sky. In front of them was the green valley, and in the distance was the blue sea. The sea looked a little sad in the sun, as if it was covered with a thin film. a layer of yarn.

They didn't know how long they soaked in the swimming pool, until the sun had already set from the top of their heads to the top of the mountain in the west, lower than where they were, dyeing the top of the mountain a bright red color.

The sea and the valley below became gloomy, and the blue and green were mixed with a touch of dark. The veil on the sea spread, first filling the valley, and then gradually climbing up, this light blue mist filled the air. Wherever we arrived, the light began to dim.

For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether the mist was rising from the valley or a veil falling from the sky.

Then, the sky became deep, and the sky and the earth, and the sea and the sky, began to become cloudy.

"Are you hungry?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"I'm starving to death!" Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed, and held the wall of the pool with both hands. With a little effort, he jumped out of the water with a splash, crossed his right leg, climbed out of the pool, and stood up on the edge of the pool.

"I'm going to order food." Zhang Xiangbei said and walked into the house.

When he came out again, he had a bath towel wrapped around his body and another in his hand. He stretched out his hand from the water to Xiang Nan. Zhang Xiang Bei bent down to hold it, pulled Xiang Nan out of the pool, and handed the towel to Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan, Xiang Nan wiped his head and body, and then wrapped the towel around his chest.

The two of them went to lie down on the deck chairs on the terrace. They were both a little tired and fell asleep in the half-dark sky.

"Ding dong, ding dong." Someone rang the doorbell, and the two of them opened their eyes. For a moment, they couldn't remember where they were. Then Zhang Xiangbei stood up and shouted:

"Dinner is here!"

"Wait, wait, put on your clothes first." Xiang Nan called.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at the bath towels wrapped around himself and Xiangnan, and said nonchalantly: "What's the big deal? This is fine."

"Oh, put it on!" Xiang Nan shouted, standing up as well.

The two people ran into the room barefoot and opened the cabinet. In the cabinet were the island uniforms prepared by Cao Minfang for them. The two people quickly put them on and put on their flip-flops. Zhang Xiangbei looked at Xiangnan and said to Xiangnan. Bar.

Zhang Xiangbei walked over and opened the door. The waiter was waiting at the door with a dining cart. She smiled and said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Mr. Zhang, your dinner."

Zhang Xiangbei said thank you and stepped aside. The waiter pushed the dining cart in and asked:

“Are you dining indoors or outdoors?”

Before Zhang Xiangbei opened his mouth, Xiangnan called out: "Outside."

The waiter pushed the dining cart to the terrace, and the lights on the terrace were already on. Around the botanical garden and the villa, a plant introduced from Brazil was planted. There will not be a circle of small flying insects around the open-air lights like other places.

The waiter placed the plates of dishes on the table, placed two sets of cutlery facing each other, laid out napkins, then placed the ice bucket with ice cubes and a bottle of chilled red wine on the table, and finally placed a plate The lids on the dishes were lifted one by one.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Thank you, we can do it ourselves, no need for service."

"Okay." The waiter bowed slightly, "Do you need to open the wine?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The waiter uncorked the bottle, poured half a bottle of wine into the decanter, said to them, "Wish you a pleasant meal!" and then walked out.

Xiangnan saw that Zhang Xiangbei ordered a lobster, but instead of sashimi and salt and pepper, it was stir-fried with Mexican deviled peppers, a curry crab, a steamed squid, and a roasted suckling pig. The two coconut cups contained three shredded fish maw soup.

When Xiang Nan sat down, he reached for the spicy stir-fried lobster with his chopsticks for the first time and exclaimed, "It's delicious, it's so spicy, this is so satisfying."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "Of course, this is the recipe left by Master Fu. I like to eat it most, and I must come to Sanya to eat it. Although the lobsters in Tuxiang Garden in Hangcheng are also live green dragons, I don't know why. , Eating in Hangzhou is different from eating in Sanya. Hangzhou always feels not as fresh as here.”

"It's psychological." Xiangnan said, Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Zhang Xiangbei asked Xiangnan, "Can you drink today?"

Xiang Nan shook his head: "I won't drink."

"What are you doing? You're not rehearsing or performing, so why aren't you drinking?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Xiangnan shook the chopsticks in his hand and said to Zhang Xiangbei, "How long have you been caring about your throat?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "If you want to talk about this, I really want to get serious with you."

Xiang Nan put down his chopsticks, sat up straight, looked at Zhang Xiangbei and said, "Come on."

"You don't drink to protect your throat, right?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Xiang Nan nodded.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Then why do you eat spicy food? Spicy food won't damage your throat?"

"Tch!" Xiang Nan clicked his tongue and slumped down: "I'm naturally adapted to spicy food. You know, spicy food can't hurt me. The milk Yongcheng people drank when they were young was spicy. Hey, I'm a hybrid with you." can not say it clearly."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and choked back: "My cross is also a cross between Chongqing and Yongcheng. Chongqing people will lose to Yongcheng if they eat spicy food."

"That's right." Xiang Nan said, picked up the chopsticks, tapped the rim of the spicy fried lobster, and said to Zhang Xiangbei, "Then eat quickly."

Zhang Xiangbei also took a piece of lobster and put it into his mouth. After eating, he picked up the cup and took a sip of wine. When he put the cup down, he muttered: "Prude."

Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him and said, "You don't understand. I am a gentleman who does not avoid the dark world."

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that no matter how dark the world is, a gentleman should maintain his behavior and demeanor. For example, when crossing the road in the early morning, as long as the light is red, even if there is no car, he should stand there and wait obediently. For example, no one will care about him. I don’t drink, even here, at the beach, I just don’t drink.”

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and asked, "Where did you learn the words?"

"It's in the play." Xiang Nan said.

Xiangnan said, remembering something, she reached out and moved the cup in front of Zhang Xiangbei, looked at Zhang Xiangbei and asked:

"Do you want to complete grandma's mission? If you want to complete it, you are not allowed to drink."

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "What mission?"

"Grandma asked us to take a baby back." Xiang Nan giggled.

"Too fast, too fast. The world between the two of us has not been enough. Let's talk about it next time." Zhang Xiangbei moved the cup back and looked at Xiang Nan with a smirk on his face: "Maybe it has been planted in front."

"Go!" Xiang Nan glared and cursed.

After it gets dark, the lights of the Tropical Ocean Park outside the valley come on. It is open until ten o'clock in the evening, and the glass restaurant will also be open until ten o'clock in the evening. From here, the entire Tropical Ocean Park can be seen. The building is like a shining conch, floating in the night and ocean.

"This is really a bit exaggerated, Zhang Xiangbei, we should either come here to retire." Xiangnan said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, but first we need to have a group of children, and then a family full of descendants, otherwise we will not be able to grow old.

"Do you think of me as a pig?" Xiang Nan asked.

"No." Zhang Xiangbei shook his head, "I regard myself as a breeding pig."

After saying that, he laughed loudly, stretched his feet under the table to Xiang Nan, and kicked him.

After finishing the meal, the two people did not call for the battery car to pick them up. Instead, they held hands, wore island uniforms and flip-flops, and walked down to the parking lot. The two people got in the car and changed to a pair southward. The sneakers drove to the city, and they drove slowly along Sanya Bay Road, admiring the light show of Coconut Dream Corridor.

From Xinfeng Street, we turned to Shengli Road, parked the car, and the two of us strolled around Jiefang Road Pedestrian Street, went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things, and then went back.

After sweating again while shopping, the two of them took a shower, got into the swimming pool again, and swam for a while. They sat in the swimming pool and watched the lights of Ocean Park gradually go out, while the starry sky above them became brighter.

The two people came out of the swimming pool and lay on the lounge chairs, covered with bath towels. The wind in the valley began to become cool and pleasant, and the two people lay down for a while and then fell asleep.

When Zhang Xiangbei woke up, it was already past one o'clock. He looked at Xiangnan beside him. He had already woken up before him and was browsing Weibo. Zhang Xiangbei thought about it and said, let's go to Chunyuan Seafood Stall. How about seafood?

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Xiangnan stood up and stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Xiangbei up.

The two of them put on their island clothes and drove to Chunyuan Seafood Plaza. It was almost two o'clock when they arrived, but the place was still very lively and crowded. The two of them ordered a few seafood, made a side stove, and ate Sweated all over.

Back in the room, Xiang Nan took off his clothes and said, "Damn it, damn it. In Sanya, I don't know how many showers I have to take in a day, and my skin is all bruised."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and said, "So, Hainanese people only say it's a shower, and they don't let you wash it. You just need to rinse it under the faucet."

Xiang Nan reached out and pushed, Zhang Xiangbei fell into the swimming pool with a "plop", Xiang Nan giggled:

"Just give me a good flush."

Instead of going down to the pool, she went to the showers on the terrace.

Thanks to Brokeback Mountain, Hui Mo Mo, and Two Fish for the reward! Thank you End丶Hao, Tiger Dazzles the World, Manman Zaizai, Four Plus One Equals Five, Tiger, Lao Shen Xisang, Book Friends 20211001001619272, Book Friends 20180906223204934 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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