The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2219 Cattle Auction

The auction hall is not big, about 100 square meters, like a lecture theater, with rows of long tables connected together, one step at a time.

There is an LCD monitor on the table in front of each seat. The monitor is connected to a smartphone-sized control panel. The buttons on it are used to enter membership codes and transaction codes. Only those who apply to become a member of the Central Wholesale Market and pay Only those with a deposit are eligible to sit here and participate in the auction.

Last year's Kobe Wagyu fraud scandal did a lot of harm to Kobe Wagyu. Now, from breeding to auctioning, to all Kobe Wagyu restaurants in Japan, the management of every link has been strengthened, and various procedures have become complicated.

There is a row of four buttons installed on the table in front of the LCD monitor, namely "1", "10", "50" and "100". For every auction, the auctioneer will first call out a starting price, and then everyone will press the button. The button starts bidding, and each time you press the button, it indicates how much you will increase your bid.

The auction is calculated per kilogram. My sister and Zhang Xiangbei said that the price increase for A5 and A4 Kobe Wagyu beef is usually 50 or 100 yen each time. Only the poorer beef, below A3, will be used in the auction. "1" and "10" buttons, because the starting price of beef like that is low, and the range of price increase is also limited.

In front of the auction hall is a huge glass showcase with a track on the top.

My sister and Zhang Xiangbei said that when the auction starts later, the meat from the branches they saw in the cold storage will be divided into two halves, divided into two pieces AB, and one piece of meat will pass through the glass Inside the display window, the staff inside will turn the meat and show both the front and back sides of the stick of meat to everyone.

Next to the glass display window, near the ceiling, there are two display screens. As the meat appears in the display window, one display screen will alternately display all the information about the cow, as well as close-ups of the meat, and the other screen will show the auction. After the bidder reports the starting price, the starting price will appear on the screen. This number keeps changing, indicating that everyone is constantly increasing the price.

The last number no longer flashes, this number is the transaction price. At this time, the bidder's code will be printed on the screen next to it that originally displayed Wagyu information, telling everyone who finally won the bid.

Zhang Xiangbei saw a banner hanging on the glass display window in front of him, which read "The 95th Himeji Wagyu Beef Evaluation Meeting".

Himeji is a city under Hyogo Prefecture. When Kobe Wagyu beef is auctioned here, it will be divided into more fine details. The batch of Wagyu cattle auctioned today are all produced in Himeji City. If they come from Toyooka City, here I will write about Toyooka so that everyone can understand it at a glance.

There were about thirty bidders at today's auction venue. The auction started. The auctioneer in a white coat appeared with a microphone in his hand. He first announced the start of the 95th Himeji Wagyu Meat Evaluation. The auctioneer's words The speed was very fast and he could catch up with Hua Shao. He told everyone that the first shot today was sixty-two wagyu cattle and one hundred and twenty-four pieces of meat.

Waiting for the second session at 10:30, there are still twenty-seven animals that will continue to participate in the auction. After this session, go to the clerk immediately to sign up.

After the auctioneer said this, he then asked a representative of the judges, a certain director of the Hyogo Headquarters of the Japan Agricultural Cooperative Association, to introduce the situation of the selection of twig meat.

Minister So-and-so was also wearing a white coat. He took the microphone from the auctioneer's hand, briefly introduced the general situation of the meat selection, and then handed the microphone back to the auctioneer.

The auction officially started, and a stick of meat hanging upside down appeared in the window. The information about the stick of meat appeared on the screen. The auctioneer typed a series of keys on the keyboard in front of him, and the number 3300 appeared on the screen. This The number is the starting price per kilogram. As soon as the number appears, it starts to change.

The auctioneer was not only sharp-tongued, but also had good eyes. He stood there, swaying back and forth, looking at the screen in front of him. The numbers on the screen kept changing, and he reported the numbers one by one in a cadence, just like The crosstalk actor spoke in one breath until the number stopped at 4350.

4,350 yen is the transaction price per kilogram of the first cut of meat.

The pace of the entire auction was very fast. No wonder the auctioneer had to speak as fast as Mr. Hua. It only took a minute or two for a piece of meat to appear in the window until the auction was completed.

As soon as the auction started, my sister was so focused that she didn't even have time to talk to Zhang Xiangbei. She had to keep calculating in her head and pressing the buttons with her fingers to bid, especially the ones she had chosen in front of her. When that meat appears.

Many times, the final auction price is, for example, 4350. No one bids more, and the transaction price is this price. However, at this price, several people may bid at the same time. At this time, it depends on who is the first to bid. If you If you are slow, you might not capture anything all morning.

My sister selected candidate beef at a ratio of one to three. After the half-price bidding started, it quickly exceeded her expectations, so she had no choice but to give up. This situation is even more serious during the peak tourist season when the supply of Kobe Wagyu beef exceeds demand. .

Only cattle sent from various places in Hyogo Prefecture can be named "Kobe Wagyu" after being selected and auctioned here and rated A3 or above.

My sister is an expert herself. She certainly knows what meat is good and what is bad, and her taste is no worse than those of the judges.

But that's it, no matter how good the meat quality of her own cattle is, she can't sell her own beef directly to customers. What the customers want is "Kobe Wagyu". Without beef auctioned here, there is no way to get "Kobe Wagyu". "Wagyu" certification, and as long as the cattle are sent here, they must go through such a public auction.

Even if it is her own cow, as long as it is sent here, my sister has no way to say that she will buy it back directly. She will still sit here and take pictures of it.

Wagyu beef that has not been auctioned in the auction market cannot be labeled as A5 or A4. You can only hang the sign of Matsuzaka beef like "Wada Gold" and press "ume", "bamboo", "pine", " Sell ​​it as a "rattan" grade, or sell it as Tajima beef like "Gyushou Ueda", but not "Kobe Wagyu".

My sister was very lucky today. She got all the beef she needed in the first session. There was no need for a second session. She went to the front and stamped her seal on the delivery book. Next, the batch of meat she photographed , because it is to be exported to Europe, it will be entrusted to the slaughterhouse to directly freeze and acidify at minus 60 degrees.

The two of them walked outside and got in the car. My sister sent Zhang Xiangbei to the train station. There were many trains from Kobe to Tokyo. Zhang Xiangbei didn't even eat lunch. He wanted to rush back to Tokyo as soon as possible. Once he had the idea of ​​returning to China, he would He seemed to be anxious, and his mentality was completely different from when he was in Kinosaki. This was probably because he felt like he was returning home.

After buying the ticket, my sister gave Zhang Xiangbei the Oxford cloth rice bag and sent him to the entrance. The two stood face to face. For a moment, neither of them knew what to say.

It was Zhang Xiangbei who spoke first and said to his sister, "We have agreed to call me if you need anything."

My sister smiled and said yes, then spread her arms and said, come, let's hug.

The two hugged each other. The sister hugged Zhang Xiangbei without letting go, and her body began to tremble. Just as Zhang Xiangbei was about to say something, the sister suddenly let go of him, then turned around and said to him:

"Come on, goodbye."

Zhang Xiangbei didn't dare to stay. He was afraid that he would cry too, which would be too embarrassing. He quickly said "goodbye" and turned around and walked into the entrance.

Zhang Xiangbei sat in the waiting room and opened the Oxford cloth lunch bag. There was a bottle of milk and a lunch box in it. Zhang Xiangbei opened the lunch box and saw a lunch box of sushi inside.

Zhang Xiangbei picked up one and bit it in his mouth. His eyes turned red when he thought that this sushi was made by his sister.

Zhang Xiangbei returned to Hangzhou from Tokyo, and Uncle Xiaoshu drove to Xiaoshan Airport to pick him up.

Nowadays, Zhang Xiangbei is alone in Hangzhou. He is too embarrassed to ask someone from "Zhaixianshui" to pick him up. Calculating the time, even Sun Xiangyang is at work now, so it is inappropriate for him to pick him up. Among the family members, Uncle Xiaoshu was the freest one, so Zhang Xiangbei called him.

Xiaoshu picked up Zhang Xiangbei and told him, your house is ready, do you want to take a look?

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

After leaving the airport, they went to Qianjiang New Town without even returning home.

Zhang Xiangbei walked into his new house and was stunned. He didn't expect that his new house would be so beautiful after it was decorated, especially those that he and Xiangnan went to Jiubao "Half Acre Field" Logistics Base They had seen the piles of old furniture there, and to be honest the two of them were disappointed.

Looking back now, the furniture collected by these little trees from all over the world seems to have come to life and is renewed.

Each piece of these furniture looks particularly suitable and coordinated in its position, as if they grew out of here.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Xiaoshu asked.

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled.

"Don't just smile, tell me whether you are satisfied or not." Xiaoshu shouted.

"Satisfied, satisfied, 111 million satisfied, that's awesome!" Zhang Xiangbei said.

Xiaoshu smiled: "Of course, otherwise your father and I would have been in vain."

"Thank you, uncle." Zhang Xiangbei clasped his hands and arched towards the small tree.

Xiaoshu said: "I am nothing, thank you dad."

Zhang Xiangbei raised his hands to the sky: "Thank you, dad!"

Xiaoshu glared at him and cursed: "Where are you worshiping? Where is your father?"

Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

The two of them went downstairs to the underground parking lot and walked to Xiaoshu's car. Zhang Xiangbei said, "Give me the car keys."

Xiaoshu gave Zhang Xiangbei the car keys without thinking. Zhang Xiangbei said:

"Lend me the car and you can take a taxi back."

"Where are you going?" Xiaoshu said, "I'll take you there."

"No, I'm going to Yongcheng." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Xiaoshu was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smirk on his face: "So impatient?"

Zhang Xiangbei rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "I am disrespectful and have such a dirty mind."

Xiaoshu laughed and shouted: "Tell me, why am I thinking dirty?"

Zhang Xiangbei was too lazy to pay attention to him and got into the car. Then he stuck his head out of the car window and asked:

"Can you get in the car? Get in the car and I can take you to the gate."

Xiaoshu quickly ran to the passenger seat, opened the door and got in the car.

Thank you Guandian Electromechanical for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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