The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 22 Where did Jin Lili go?

The two of them went back and when they passed by the entrance of Haicheng Park, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said, "Send food to the pole first, otherwise it will all go sour."

"You go ahead, I'll go there and take a look." Jin Lili wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

Zhang Chen hesitated, and Jin Lili said impatiently: "Let's go, let's go, it's such a small road, how can I, an adult like me, get lost?"

Zhang Chen could only walk into the park alone. He didn't know whether Liu Ligan was still awake or had woken up. He was reading the newspaper, holding a pen in his hand and drawing on the newspaper.

Zhang Chen handed him the meal and told him about Jin Lili's application. Liu Ligan said, wasn't that a slap in the face?

"Already have two sticks." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "The coconut is not bad, the coconut has the same taste, and it is not milky white."

"Soul-destroying!" Liu Ligan wailed, "But the food is good, the intestines and pig's feet are so delicious."

Zhang Chen picked up the newspaper, looked for the place where Liu Li's pole had crossed, and asked, "What did you find?"

"I found a few newspapers that are recruiting journalists, and I'm going to apply." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, they are also recruiting art editors, let's go together."

"Going in the afternoon?" Zhang Chen asked. He thought that with Liu Lipole's brilliant writing skills on the king, being a reporter should be a piece of cake. And although he didn't know what the newspaper's art editor did, he just painted pictures. Painting or painting? This is not a problem for me.

"I can't do it in the afternoon. I have to take a shower first and get myself clean before applying for the job. Otherwise, how can I look like an uncrowned king?" Liu Ligan said.

"That's true." Zhang Chen agreed.

After finishing the meal, Liu Ligan stood up and said to Zhang Chen, "You look at the bag, and I'll feel the atmosphere there."

Zhang Chen knew that he was talking about the open space, so he said to him: "Lily is still there, you can come back together."

In the park, the crowds of people are now gone. Sitting under the shade of the trees is much cooler than downstairs in the hotel, and the wind makes it cool.

Zhang Chen didn't sleep much from last night to now, and he didn't talk to Jin Lili. He straightened his body and felt tired. Zhang Chen arranged his bag and prepared it to be used as a pillow. He checked several other bags. Once the locks were locked, he piled the bags beside him, put the straps on his arms, and fell down to sleep.

Zhang Chen was kicked awake from his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw Liu Ligan standing beside him, holding a copy of today's "Talent Information News" and a Haicheng city map in his hand.

"Lily didn't come back?" Liu Ligan asked.

"No, you didn't see her there?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, I searched for a long time, but I couldn't see her shadow." Liu Ligan said.

When Zhang Chen heard this, his sleepiness disappeared. He jumped up and said to Liu Ligan as he ran, "I'll go take a look. You guard the bag."

The sun has gone to the west. The open space is now blocked by the large coconut trees at the back, and a whole block of shade has fallen. There are more people in front of the advertising wall, and more units are recruiting. Two jobs The staff held a stack of posters in their hands and pasted them on the wall one by one. Each time they pasted one, it caused a small commotion below.

However, Zhang Chen no longer bothered to look at the recruitment notice on the wall. He shuttled through the crowd, looking for Jin Lili, but after searching for a long time, he could not see Jin Lili.

Someone tapped Zhang Chen on the shoulder. Zhang Chen took a closer look and saw that it was a joint defense team member. He asked Zhang Chen, "You are sneaking around in the crowd. I don't think you are looking for a job. Give me your ID card." Let me see.

Zhang Chen showed him his ID card and said, "I'm looking for a job, but now I need to find someone first. Have you ever seen such a girl?"

Zhang Chen made a few gestures and then gave up immediately. He wanted to follow what he said, and the other party should see the person he mentioned countless times a day.

The joint defense team member returned his ID card to him and told him that he had never seen the girl you mentioned. After saying this, he shook his head.

Zhang Chen continued to search in the crowd, but still didn't see Jin Lili. When he met the joint defense team member again, he asked, "He hasn't been found yet?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"The girl you are looking for is also from Zhejiang?" the joint defense team member asked.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Then she might have gone to find you fellows. In front of Wanghai Mall and DC City are all you fellows from Zhejiang. She may have met some acquaintances." said the joint defense team member.

Zhang Chen thought about this possibility and asked urgently: "Where are we fellow villagers?"

"From Haicheng Hotel to DC City, the entire Haixiu Road, the shoe polishers sitting on the roadside are all from Zhejiang," the joint defense team member said.

Zhang Chen hurriedly ran to the other side of the road. He saw under the shade of a tree and at the door of a store. Sure enough, a few steps away, there was a shoe shiner sitting. Zhang Chen asked if he was from Taizhou. He asked again if he was from Taizhou. He asked the third question. One of them said he was from Taizhou. Zhang Chen asked him, do you know if anyone from Yongcheng had their shoes polished here?

The other party looked confused. He didn't even know where Yongcheng was in Zhejiang. The other party told him that the shoe polishers on this road were all from Taizhou.

Zhang Chen stopped. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out whether Jin Lili had any relatives or friends in Taizhou. Could Jin Lili have gone back to the park when he came out? There are so many forked roads in the park, who knows if she will take a new path.

With Zhang Chen thinking like this, he crossed the overpass not far from Wanghai Shopping Mall and walked towards Haicheng Park. He saw Liu Ligan still sitting alone on the grass. Zhang Chen felt dizzy and his legs were numb. Weakened.

Liu Ligan became anxious when he heard this. The two of them hung all the bags back on their bodies and were about to look for them again, but they saw Jin Lili walking back from the road, and Zhang Chen shouted at her: "Where have you been? We've been looking for you for a long time!"

Jin Lili glanced at him and said strangely: "Why are you looking for me? Of course I'm looking for a job. Do you think that, sitting here like you, jobs will fall from the sky?"

Zhang Chen was speechless for a moment. After a while, he whispered: "What kind of job are you looking for?"

"A company is looking for clerks. I run over and take a look. Damn it, they want to graduate from college." Jin Lili scolded.

The number of people carrying large and small bags gradually increased in the park. As the day passed, I don’t know how many people found a new place to go and left the park. How many people crossed the sea with border defense passes in their hands, and new people joined the park. The famous schools in this park gathered together and found their own classmates.

"Shall we go eat pig's trotter rice?" Jin Lili suggested.

They arrived at the pig's knuckle restaurant. There were more people in the restaurant than at noon. They waited in line for more than ten minutes before their turn came. There were no empty seats inside, so the three of them sat on the steps and ate their food. Fortunately, here At that time, there was no sun on this street.

After eating, they walked along the street. The street was crowded and messy, and there was a strange smell evaporating from the sewers. Although it was exotic, this rag was not what they were looking for. They were looking for rags. Just stay in Yongcheng.

They walked back, and the four-way intersection was indeed the dividing line between the two worlds and the two sea cities. On one side was the old city. Walking on the streets of the old city, all you heard was Hainanese. But on the other side, All I heard was Mandarin. This side of the four-way intersection is the world for outsiders.

At the intersection, opposite the Haicheng Hotel, they saw two armed police soldiers standing there on duty with submachine guns on their backs.

Zhang Wei thought of the Hainan Bandit Suppression on TV, which was broadcast on CCTV for several days. He clearly remembered that when the armed police soldiers fired a series of bullets at the gangsters who appeared in the distance, the gangster Fu Lianrong jumped on the spot. He was jumping in such a funny way that he hid in the bushes, where he was eventually shot dead by the armed police.

Zhang Chen didn't know that the armed police in Haicheng were on duty with guns. Does it have anything to do with this incident? He felt that this aspect seemed to confirm the rumors outside the island about the chaos in Haicheng, but more importantly, it gave people a sense of security.

It's funny. Every time a place is newly developed or opened to the public first, when people talk about its gold and various interesting stories, they always say that it is a mess. A few years ago, it was said that Guangzhou was a mess, and then Shenzhen was a mess. , then Hainan was in chaos, Wenzhou was in chaos, Xiamen was in chaos, Kunshan was in chaos... After the chaos was over, these places all flourished.

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