Zhang Chen and the others returned to Hangzhou in the middle of the night. Zhang Xiangbei didn't sleep all night. Seeing that it was dawn outside, Zhang Xiangbei got up and went downstairs, walked to the next door, sat down to have breakfast with the four old people, and Zhang Xiangxi walked to At the top of the stairs, when he saw Zhang Xiangbei, he shouted:


Then he ran downstairs, and grandma and grandma shouted together, be careful, be careful.

A few people gathered around and continued to have breakfast. Zhang Xiangbei told his grandma and grandma, Xixi, I will take her to kindergarten.

Before grandma and grandma could speak, Zhang Xiangxi shouted: "Okay, Beibei will send me off!"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I will pick him up in the afternoon."

Zhang Xiangxi fell back, leaning his head on the back of the chair, giggling: "That will scare Zhao Zhiqiang to death."

"Why?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Zhao Zhiqiang always grabbed my pigtails. I told him that I would ask my brother to beat you. He always said, your brother won't come, so I'm not afraid. Beibei, you went today. Zhao Zhiqiang saw that, I'm sure I'll faint from fright when I say 'oh'."

Zhang Xiangxi said, Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help laughing.

"Beibei, you don't have to go to work?" Grandma asked.

Zhang Xiangbei did not directly answer whether he would go to work or not. He just said: "I have time."

Zhang Xiangbei pulled over the road at the entrance of the kindergarten, and got out of the car with Zhang Xiangxi. Zhang Xiangxi held Zhang Xiangbei's hand and walked towards the kindergarten. When Zhang Xiangxi saw a classmate, he shouted:

"This is my brother Beibei."

When he was about to reach the school gate, Zhang Xiangxi saw the teacher on duty standing at the school gate to greet the children from a distance. He quickly let go of Zhang Xiangbei's hand and ran over. She grabbed the hand of a little girl and shouted:

"Teacher Zhao, Teacher Zhao, Beibei sent me here today."

"Who is Beibei?" Teacher Zhao asked.

Zhang Xiangxi turned around and waved to Zhang Xiangbei, asking him to come quickly. Zhang Xiangbei walked closer. Zhang Xiangxi held Teacher Zhao's hand with one hand, and held Zhang Xiangbei's hand with the other, saying:

"Teacher Zhao, this is my brother Beibei, please shake hands."

This made Zhang Xiangbei and Teacher Zhao a little embarrassed. They could only shake hands. Zhang Xiangbei said, "Hello, Teacher Zhao."

"Hello, hello, Bei...Zhang Xiangxi's parent." Teacher Zhao blushed.

Zhang Xiangxi and Zhang Xiangbei said seriously: "Okay, Beibei, you can go. I tell you, drive carefully and pay attention to safety."

Teacher Zhao burst into laughter, and Zhang Xiangbei nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I understand."

He waved his hand to Teacher Zhao, turned around and ran away. After a few steps, he heard Zhang Xiangxi shouting "Beibei, Beibei" from behind. Zhang Xiangbei turned around, and Zhang Xiangxi shouted:

"Beibei, don't forget to pick me up this afternoon."

Zhang Xiangbei drove to the underground parking lot by the Mishi River. He parked the car and looked at his watch. At this time, Zhang Chen, Xiaofang, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were having breakfast. Zhang Xiangbei didn't want to meet them, let alone say anything. Zhang Xiangbei didn't get out of the car, but put his seat down, and they fell down.

He stared at the top of the car hood with wide eyes, thinking that they were escorting him back to Hangzhou from Chenzhou in the middle of the night, but he had a home that he couldn't go back to, and a company that he couldn't go to. He was like a lost dog.

Zhang Xiangbei felt sorry for himself. He had been thinking wildly all night without sleeping. By this time, he was really sleepy. After a while, his eyelids began to droop, his brain felt numb, and he fell asleep.

He woke up once in a daze. He looked at his watch. It was already past twelve o'clock at noon. He was still terribly sleepy. He turned over and prepared to continue sleeping. When he thought of something, he quickly took out his mobile phone and turned on the alarm clock. The setting was adjusted to 4:10, and soon, Zhang Xiangbei fell asleep again.

Xiaofang and Zhang Chen took a car together and went to the "Half Acre Field" logistics base in Jiubao. Zhang Chen drove the car to the door of "Zhaixian Delivery" and put Xiaofang down. He turned the car around and drove to " Diet Men and Women.”

Xiaofang went upstairs to Zhang Xiangbei's office door, opened the door and walked in. She put her bag away, sat down at her desk, then picked up the phone on the desk, dialed a few numbers, and waited. The other party picked up the phone and Xiaofang said:

"Wu Huan, I'm here, come here."

Wu Huan walked in from the door, Xiaofang said: "Close the door."

Wu Huan turned around and closed the door, then walked over and sat down across from the desk. Xiaofang asked: "Are Xiang Yiyun and the others here?"

"We're here, wait in the conference room, shall we go over now?"

Wu Huan stood up again as he spoke. Xiaofang stretched out her right hand and waved it twice with her palm facing down:

"There's no rush. Sit down first and I'll tell you what's going on."

Wu Huan sat down and Xiaofang told Wu Huan everything. Wu Huan felt cold in her heart and was shocked. She said:

"Boss, it was my mistake. Why didn't I think of this? I should have reminded Mr. Zhang."

"It has nothing to do with you." Xiaofang said, "Don't say it's you, even Liu Yun and I didn't think that it was his father who heard what Mr. Kan said and became alert. He told us and we realized what was going on. danger."

“Is it really necessary to sell ‘Zhaixianzhi’?” Wu Huan asked.

Xiaofang nodded and said, "This is the only way out."

"In other words, after I've gone around in a circle, I might still have to go back to the treasure net?" Wu Huan asked.

"Yes, it depends on Beibei's choice. If he chooses to cooperate with Teacher Ma, this will happen. Wu Huan, I tell you all this to make you mentally prepared." Xiaofang said.

"I know." Wu Huan said, "Thank you, boss."

"We haven't officially started negotiating with the other party about the acquisition yet. Don't let any news leak out for the time being. We will talk to them later. We will use the same approach and just say that this is the plan proposed by the shareholders. Why? No need to elaborate. No need to elaborate. Remind them of the dangers involved," Xiaofang explained to Wu Huan.

Wu Huan said, "I know. If someone is interested, it may become our confession."

"Yes, that's it." Xiaofang said and stood up. "Let's go, let's go there."

The two people arrived at the conference room. Xiang Yiyun, Zeng Mingshan and Feng Shengkuan were already sitting here. They all received calls from Wu Huan the night before yesterday. They came from Yinchuan, Kunming and Lanzhou respectively yesterday and arrived at the company early this morning.

Wu Huan introduced to them that Mr. Zhang needs to take a break for the time being. During this period, Mr. Kan will take over Mr. Zhang’s work. He called you here to hold this emergency meeting. It is a shareholders’ meeting about our village transformation company project. There are New arrangements.

Although the three people felt a little surprised, they all knew the relationship between Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei and did not think of the worst.

Xiaofang explained to them in detail their exit plan for the village reform company project in these three places. All three of them felt a little confused and said to Yiyun:

"Mr. Kan, why do you do this? To be honest, I feel that this plan is like our suicide plan. Forgive me for saying it so bluntly. If we follow this step, we will be useless in those companies. In fact, he has already driven himself out."

Xiaofang said: "You are right. The reason for doing this is really a plan to actually withdraw ourselves without having such a big impact. The shareholders will think that our front should not be too long. On the supply side, we need to scale back our expansion ambitions.”

"If this is the case, then there is no need to advance this project in the first place. Now that we have invested so much money, if we just stepped in and then backed out, what's the point? We are not making ineffective investments. "?" Xiang Yiyun said.

"It can't be said to be an ineffective investment." Xiaofang said.

Xiaofang felt in her heart that it was really difficult to deceive Xiang Yiyun, but Xiaofang couldn't tell the truth to her. Xiaofang said:

"Although we have withdrawn from actual day-to-day management of these companies, they are still our subsidiaries, and their products are only supplied to us. Our investment can also get long-term returns. This cannot be said to be an invalid investment, you say Right?"

Before Xiang Evian could speak, Xiaofang continued:

"Of course, the return on investment may not be as good as before, but we can afford the loss."

Xiang Evian was still unconvinced. She said: "It is not a matter of investment efficiency, but that this will significantly reduce our control over these companies. Moreover, if we entrust our voting rights to the township, I can guarantee that , will definitely cause constant disputes between the township and village levels."

"We have also considered these, but a company is a company. In a company, the decision of the shareholders' meeting is above all else, so this plan must be implemented and fast. Wu Huan will have a timetable to ask you Everything must be completed within the specified time, do you understand?"

Xiaofang looked at Xiang Yiyun and said, Xiang Yiyun sighed, she said okay, in this case, I will execute it unconditionally.

"Also, you must continue to implement the original promises made by Mr. Zhang to all villages, such as improving roads, water, toilets, kindergartens and nursing homes. These must be implemented without compromise, but only as local projects sponsored by our company."

After Xiaofang and Zhang Chen discussed it, they decided to do this to save Zhang Xiangbei's face to the greatest extent possible.

Nodding to Evian, she said: "How to arrange the personnel stationed in the company?"

She was talking about people like Li Shengfeng.

"Let them return to each of your branches. Their salary and rank can be improved, but they are not allowed to be demoted. If your branch does not have so many positions, the old people have to make room for the newcomers. The old people from the three places can all report to Wu Huan Here, she will make unified arrangements across the country to go to new cities and new companies," Xiaofang said.

"Why can't they go directly to the new company?" Zeng Mingshan asked.

Wu Huan said: "Most of our new companies are engaged in fresh food delivery. Those cadres who were withdrawn from the village reform company project have no experience in this area. What they do have is basically experience on the supply side. They are withdrawn to you." The Yunnan and Ningxia Gansu branches still have the same business. No matter what the old people say, if they are transferred to the new company, their ability to adapt and change will be stronger than them."

At noon, Xiaofang and Wu Huan invited the three of them to dinner at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel in Xiasha. Knowing that the three of them still had doubts and emotions in their hearts, they used this to soften them. After lunch, the company had already After booking their return tickets, Xiaofang and Wu Huan took them to the airport in person.

At the airport, when bidding farewell to Evian and Xiaofang, she quietly asked Xiaofang:

"Mr. Zhang, is he okay?"

She knew that something must have happened to Zhang Xiangbei. It was not as simple as taking a temporary break for some reason, that is, he was a person who would not take a break.

"He is very good. Thank you, Xiang Yiyun. I think it won't be long before you come to Hangzhou and you can see him then." Xiaofang said.

He nodded to Evian.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from Guangchen-Tou, Doudou, On the Road-Tiantian, wangdq119, Daosheng123, If you don’t let yourself get mad, you have to be a demon, Book Friends 20161231003954299, Book Friends 20170803091728653! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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