After the voting ended, the two small suns on the basketball court went out and the villagers dispersed, but Zhang Xiangbei, Pang Shuangxi and the others were still there. They had a meeting around the table tennis table and discussed what had just happened.

For them, it was still a bit incredible that Erpi was elected as a village representative. Pang Shuangxi asked:

"Could it be vote-buying? This guy has a criminal record."

"Impossible." Ma Damian immediately said, "He just wants to bribe votes, so he also needs to be rich. If he has shitty money, he only receives 20 yuan a day for living expenses. The rest is just to look at it every day to satisfy his eyesight. It’s still here with me.”

"I know how he was elected." Ma Touqin said.

"Speak, speak, speak quickly." Pang Shuangxi urged.

"I also felt strange when the votes were being counted, so as soon as the meeting ended, I asked my mother if you voted for the second skin. My mother said that she also voted." Ma Touqin said, "I Asked her why, she said she had no intention of voting for him when she came here, but when she got here and listened to what others said, she felt it made sense, so she voted for him."

"What did others say?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Someone told my mother that the selection of village representatives is different from other people. From now on, the company will be a three-way cooperation between Zhaixianshui, the village committee and all of us. If the elected representatives can only be good people, It's not okay to flatter the secretary and director. We don't even know we were betrayed by them. We must choose someone who is willing to be a villain.

"Think about it, who else in this village will be considered a villain. The first one must be Erpi. He is a villain to begin with. Whether it is Secretary Pang, Uncle Jiao, or Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiang, he will do that..."

"Dick hair!"

Feng Shengkuan said, Ma Touqin nodded and said yes:

"He won't be polite to anyone. There's nothing wrong with choosing him to be a villain. That's what everyone said below, so when we came up, we selected him."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that no wonder Erpi would be elected. This may sound funny, but the logic is correct.

Pang Shuangxi scolded: "This is the truth. You can choose village representatives, but you choose a second skin. This is unjustifiable."

"I think it's normal. The reason for choosing village representatives is to allow everyone to fully express their wishes. It's not about selecting three good students or judging the best. Whether this person is good or bad, as long as the villagers themselves choose him, They themselves must bear it, and we must respect everyone's choice, otherwise voting will be meaningless," Zhang Xiangbei said.

Pang Shuangxi felt very awkward in his heart. In his mind, village representatives must be representative. The word "representative" naturally symbolizes advanced nature. It was unjustifiable to choose a scoundrel as a representative. Pang Shuangxi had old problems. Mention, he said:

"Then there's also the matter of vote-buying. Don't forget that Daniel's mother came to the village committee to file a complaint."

Lao Jiao said: "That thing hasn't happened yet. How can it be regarded as vote bribery? Besides, it's only a matter of eighteen yuan."

"It's not a matter of more money or less, it's a matter of the nature of the matter." Pang Shuangxi said.

"If we decide now, after the election, that the elected person premeditated vote-buying before being elected, and allowed the election to continue even though we already knew about it, in what sense? , it can’t be justified.” Xiang Yiyun said.

"Mr. Xiang is right," Lao Jiao said.

"We just took it as a joke," Pang Shuangxi said.

"Secretary Pang, that's what I said, but we can tell you that we thought it was a joke at the time. Now that the election is over, we think it is not a joke. We have to go back and re-examine the candidates' qualifications. How should I tell everyone?"

Asking Yiyun, Pang Shuangxi also fell silent. He felt that it was really difficult to say this.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Also, don't forget, if we overturn the election of an elected person now, it is not a matter of one person, but the results of the entire election must be overturned, and the election must be re-elected. It's expensive." Time is a trivial matter, and the most terrifying thing about the entire election is that it is questioned by everyone."

When Ma Damu heard that the entire election result was going to be overturned, he became a little anxious. If that happened, his wife's election would not count. Ma Damu said:

"Actually, for our family's ticket, I also asked my wife to choose Erpi."

"Oh." Pang Shuangxi said, "Come on, Ma Damu, I'm so fucking surprised that you would choose Erpi. Tell me the truth and I'll listen. If it makes sense, I'll admit it."

Ma Damu said: "I have also heard what Ma Touqin said before. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, in fact, everyone has seen it in the past few days. This Erpi goes there every day before dawn. He patrolled the trash cans one by one and asked everyone to throw the garbage into the trash cans. He really took care of the garbage in the entire village. Who else would be so concerned about this matter except him?

"Erpi is a bit crazy. If everyone takes him seriously, he will do things for everyone more seriously than anyone else. There is nothing wrong with such a person being a village representative. That's what I think. , so when I asked my wife to check the ballot, she also checked the second skin."

"There are still some people. I think they are probably worried that others have chosen them and they have not. Sorry, Accountant Ma, I'm not talking about you." Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile, "They have to check eight, and they don't want to do anything else." When someone is selected, he simply picks the worst person in the village and the person he thinks is the least likely to be chosen to make up the numbers, and he ends up with a second-guess."

"This pair, this pair, there must be a lot of people like this." Pang Shuangxi shouted.

"But, no matter what, it is still what I said before. Whether it is good or bad, now that you have been elected, you must accept it in general, including us. If Erpi is really not good at his job, there are still relief measures. For example, the villagers can initiate a recall, and they can tolerate him for two years and let him go after two years." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Lao Jiao and Ma Damu kept nodding, and Pang Shuangxi said, "Okay, Mr. Zhang, what you said makes sense, so let's do it."

As he spoke, Pang Shuangxi turned around and said to Ma Touqin: "Write the election announcement and post it tonight."

Ma Touqin said yes, then flattened her lips and cursed: "It's bad luck, I'll lose fifty yuan."

Everyone laughed. Everyone here knew about the bet between Ma Touqin and Erpi. Ma Damu said, "I made fifty yuan, when will you spend it tomorrow?"

"Die early and ascend to heaven early. This guy Erpi will definitely be sitting on the doorstep of my house early tomorrow morning. I don't care. When he comes, I will bring him over and knock on your door."

As soon as Ma Touqin finished speaking, someone laughed outside the window. Pang Shuangxi slapped the table tennis table and cursed:

"Okay you idiot, you are eavesdropping on our meeting to see if I don't catch you!"

By the time he chased him outside, Erpi had long disappeared. This time, Erpi escaped silently and did not respond to him with a "Dick!"

The village representatives were elected. The next day, Xiang Yiyun and Ma Damu went to the county to apply for the company's business license. The name of the company was "Nianzigou Agricultural Development Co., Ltd."

Zhang Xiangbei took matters into his own hands. He wanted to train the newly elected village representatives. From his memory, he wrote out the twelve principles of Robert's Rules of Procedure. These twelve principles are the cornerstone of the operation of the village representative committee. He It is necessary to make every village representative familiar with these twelve principles and implement them in future agendas.

These twelve principles are:

Article 1: The principle of topic centrality means that before a meeting, the topic of the meeting must be clearly defined. This topic must be specific, clear, and operational, and it must be fully discussed by everyone.

Article 2: The principle of neutrality in hosting. At each meeting, a villager representative must be elected as the moderator. The moderator is responsible for controlling the direction of the discussion of the topic and not going astray. He also controls the speaking time of each speaker. The moderator does not express opinions and will not go astray. No taking sides is allowed.

Article 3: The principle of equal opportunity. If any participant wants to speak, he must first raise his hand to the host. He can only speak after being approved by the host. The person who raises his hand first speaks first. Those who have not expressed an opinion have priority over those who have spoken previously. If there are different opinions during the meeting, the moderator should allow both parties with different opinions to take turns to have the opportunity to speak to maintain balance.

Article 4: The principle of clear position. The spokesperson must first state his position, whether he supports or opposes the issue, and then explains his reasons.

Article 5: Principle of complete speech. Except for the host who wants to control time, no one else is allowed to interrupt other people's speeches.

Article 6: In the face of the principle of hosting, the spokesperson must face the host, and participants cannot debate directly, which is likely to turn into a verbal battle. In the end, one party will leave the meeting and the meeting will have to be interrupted.

Article 7: The principle of limited time and limited times. Before the meeting starts, the host will announce the number of times each person will speak on the same topic, and the length of each speech, so that everyone can get used to thinking before speaking and organize their language well. Instead of talking nonsense as soon as you open your mouth.

Article 8: One time, one thing principle. Within a period of time, only one topic and one thing are allowed to be discussed. Discussions of other topics are not allowed to be inserted in the middle. Only after the discussion of this topic is completed, the next topic is allowed to be introduced. The moderator Spokespersons who go off topic need to be stopped in a timely manner.

Article 9: In compliance with the principles of refereeing, the host should stop behavior that violates the rules of procedure. Anyone who commits such behavior must immediately and unconditionally implement the decision of the host.

Article 10: Principle of civilized expression. You are not allowed to make personal attacks or question other people's motives and behaviors during your speech. All speeches must be based on the facts and are limited to discussing current issues.

Article 11: Principle of full discussion, voting must be carried out only after full discussion.

Article 12: The principle of majority ruling. When voting, the votes in favor must be more than the votes against. A simple majority is adopted. Abstentions are not counted. The eight village representatives and the moderator do not participate in the voting. In this way, the actual voting With only seven people, a tie can be prevented to the greatest extent. If a tie occurs, the moderator will decide whether to continue the discussion or discuss it at another time.

After writing the twelve rules of procedure, Zhang Xiangbei showed them to Pang Shuangxi. After reading them, Pang Shuangxi said, we can't even do these in meetings now, let alone the meetings of village representatives. These twelve rules seem very simple. , it is difficult to do in practice.

Zhang Xiangbei said right, "That's why training is needed to make everyone accustomed to such rules of procedure. Otherwise, villager representative meetings will turn into disorderly and inefficient meetings. In the end, these villager representatives will be equal to He killed himself."

"Is this the social transformation you're talking about again?" Pang Shuangxi asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiangbei is right, society is made up of people, and only by transforming people can the society be transformed.

Pang Shuangxi stared at Zhang Xiangbei. After a while, Pang Shuangxi sighed and said:

"Mr. Zhang is an idealist. Nowadays, idealists like Mr. Zhang are rare. They are rare animals."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just afraid you'd say I'm a romantic."

"Actually, people with ideals are also very romantic." Pang Shuangxi said, "At least that's how I understand it."

Thank you xiongtj for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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