The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2169 Rules of Procedure

In the afternoon, Li Shengfeng came back on a motorcycle. The owner of the motorcycle was named Sanbao. His home was in Nianzigou Village. He was who Li Shengfeng said. He was affiliated with a construction company in the county and worked as a project manager, that is, the contractor. .

Next, there will be many large and small projects in the village, from the renovation of the village committee building to the road reform in the village, the leveling of the road leading in and out of the village, the establishment of the company, and the regularization of the land. Cement roads, like blood vessels, extend to every workshop, plus the construction of greenhouses and newly cultivated fields.

There is always more and more work to do, and it is impossible to leave all these tasks to others. This will not be able to afford the time delay and unbearable expenses. Zhang Xiangbei and the others plan to set up an engineering department under the company to handle these tasks. Leave it all to the engineering department.

Zhang Xiangbei, Xiang Yiyun, Li Shengfeng, Lao Jiao and others negotiated terms with Sanbao, and Sanbao agreed to return to the village and serve as the general manager of the engineering department.

The first thing the Engineering Department needs to do is to renovate the village committee and the roads in the village. To renovate the village committee, we will first build the building next to it with public toilets, bathrooms and canteens underneath, and dormitories and guest houses above. , after all the offices have been moved there, the old buildings here will be renovated, the existing public toilets will be bulldozed, and kindergartens and nursing homes will be built.

Sanbao and Zhang Xiangbei said that it will take about half a month to finish the work they are doing now, and they will not be able to come over until they are done. However, I will send two or three people back first, so that they can start some preparation work here. , and the wealthy labor force in the village can also be absorbed into the engineering department. The existing people alone are definitely not enough.

Zhang Xiangbei agreed that the most important thing was to make the road reform plan first and publish it so that everyone in the village knew that the road passing in front of every house would definitely have an impact on them.

Sanbao reminded Zhang Xiangbei and the others:

"Everyone is like this. He thinks that other people's interests are expendable, and only his own interests cannot be infringed. I work in engineering and I know that road reform in the village is a good thing. No one will object, but in reality As the project progressed, all kinds of people jumped out. They would charge exorbitant prices to move a chicken coop, and they would curse heaven and earth if they demolished even a little courtyard wall."

"They can't help it," Pang Shuangxi said. "If it doesn't work, I'll drive a bulldozer into the village myself. I don't believe they can turn the world upside down."

Sanbao smiled and said: "Secretary Pang, I'm not looking down on you. Go to the county and have a look. During the county's urban reconstruction, the county magistrate took the public security director to the scene with him, but they still have a headache."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded. He had worked in Chongqing and had personal experience of this.

The villagers signed and confirmed their participation in the shares faster than Zhang Xiangbei and the others expected. In just three days, all the people in the village signed the confirmation, and many people still didn't wait for them to come to the door and ran to the village committee themselves. , signed the confirmation letters, and those villagers who are out of town have their confirmation letters on their way.

The most important thing in the early stage was progressing so smoothly, which made Zhang Xiangbei and the others relieved.

In this kind of thing, someone will follow up from the beginning. The more people who follow up, the faster it will be. There is a saying in Hokkien that "watermelon leans on the big edge". That is to say, when most people see a cut watermelon, they will Subconsciously choose the biggest dish to eat, and follow what most people do when doing things, which is to follow the crowd and follow the herd mentality. If you don't follow the trend, you will feel that you will suffer a loss.

In addition, "Zhaixianshu" is doing this, and the villagers here have a sense of trust in "Zhaixianshui". After decades of poverty, from brigade cadres to village cadres, I don't know how many changes have taken place, and those who have been lifted out of poverty have No matter how many times they chanted the slogan, nothing changed. It was the "Sushou Help" activity of "Zhai Xian Delivery" that made their lives easier. How could they not trust it?

There is another point that Zhang Xiangbei and others did not expect, that is, this humble village has better connections with the outside world than Zhang Xiangbei and others imagined. The "Suishibang" activity allowed their products to be sold to big cities. At the same time, it also allows the villagers here to establish communication channels with the residents in big cities who help them.

Through the cameras, when watching the pigs, sheep and other products they ordered, these residents will naturally communicate with the villagers who raise them. In the eyes of the villagers, these people are their "benefactors". When encountering such If something happens, the villagers will naturally tell the "beneficiary" about it and ask them for help.

Although these citizens have never lived in rural areas, they know with common sense that large-scale agriculture and agricultural industrialization are the future direction. They naturally agree with this, and they all become Zhang Xiangbei's "fresh delivery" to his family. Volunteer counselors to persuade villagers to buy shares as soon as possible.

The promotional display windows at the entrance of the village committee and the village entrance have been installed. Zhang Xiangbei asked Erpi to move the six trash cans and place them next to the display window at the entrance of the village. He said it was a physical education for everyone to see. Such a person would do such a thing.

The trash cans were placed there, and everyone looked at them. Each one was brand new, but the bottom of the trash can was broken. It was indeed a pity and some couldn't stand it.

Ma Damu asked his wife to go there when there were the most people in front of the window to look at the window. Ma Damu’s wife was very knowledgeable in this area. She slapped the trash cans and yelled, scolding the person who took the trash cans and broke them for being unethical. , this kind of thing can be done, a bucket costs several hundred yuan, look, six buckets, how much money is wasted.

"The kind of people who would punch holes in here will have no buttholes after giving birth!"

Ma Damu's wife yelled and cursed, and other people also talked about it and condemned it together. It was not them who did it anyway. At this time, of course, they must stand on the side of justice and make themselves noble.

Erpi echoed the most enthusiastically, saying, "That's right, not only does it not have an asshole, it doesn't even have a mouth."

"If you don't even have a mouth, why do you need an asshole?" Ma Damu's wife looked at Erpi and was confused. She said, "If it doesn't go in from the top, it won't come out from the bottom. There's no need for a butthole."

The onlookers laughed, and the person who stole the trash can was in the crowd. Although his own child had all eyesight, being cursed in front of him still made his face feel hot, and he still felt very uncomfortable. Such a thing, I definitely won’t do it next time.

After all the villagers have confirmed, the next step is to enter the formal company formation process. "Zhaixianshui" is a pure cash investment. The village collective hires a third-party evaluation agency to evaluate the existing land and assets, and the village committee holds the responsibility. have.

For this part of the villagers' equity, because the company law stipulates that the number of shareholders cannot exceed fifty, it is impossible for all villagers to become shareholders of the company. Only eight villagers' representatives can hold shares on their behalf, and the villagers' representatives need to be elected by the villagers. and trusted people.

If elected, Lao Jiao will definitely be one of the eight people, but because he also represents the village committee, Zhang Xiangbei suggested that neither Lao Jiao nor Li Shengfeng will run for election, and the other people, as long as they are over 18 years old Anyone can sign up for the election on their own.

Pang Shuangxi didn't understand. He said, Lao Jiao, the director of the village committee, was also elected by everyone. Why can't the village committee directly represent all the villagers? Why go to all the trouble and elect another group of villagers' representatives? At that time, what if these village representatives disagree with our village committee?

"Then follow the company's articles of association."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "This company is composed of three types of shares, so the representatives must be representative. It cannot be said that it can be this way or that way. Like Director Jiao, he only represents the village collective. He has to serve the village collective." Protect the interests of the village collective and speak out. When there is a conflict between the interests of the village collective and the interests of our "Zhaixianshu" and the villagers, he only represents the village collective.

"Similarly, Li Shengfeng can only represent our 'Zhaixianshui'. Although his family's land has also become a shareholder, he cannot speak on behalf of the villagers. He can only represent us. When various interests conflict, the Company Law ", the shareholders' meeting shall vote. This is the meaning of establishing the shareholders' meeting and formulating the company's articles of association.

"This transformation of a village into a company is also a social transformation, which means the reshaping of various relationships and structures. We need to establish a more complete system and rules of procedure so that everyone can get used to learning and implementing Robert's rules of procedure."

"What rules are you talking about?" Pang Shuangxi asked.

"Robert's rules of procedure." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Robert is an American general and graduated from West Point Military Academy..."

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, we have to listen to an American general about matters in our mountains and valleys?" Pang Shuangxi asked in confusion.

Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile: "Robert is not because of his military talents, but because of the book "Rules of Procedure" he wrote. After this book came out in 1876, its influence expanded rapidly. It is widely accepted as the rules of procedure and organizational regulations for various meetings and organizational structures.

"Now, everyone from the United Nations and parliaments of various countries to a listed company or an entrepreneurial team is formulating their procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Procedure, including many provisions of the Company Law, and they have also absorbed the essence of Robert's Rules of Procedure."

"It's so powerful, why haven't I heard of it? What is this?" Pang Shuangxi asked.

"It's a very thick book. The revised version in 1915 is the most important version. It has more than 600 pages in English. I don't know if there is a Chinese translation. I have these 600 pages in the Yale Library. After reading all the books, in our Department of Economics, Robert's Rules of Procedure is also a must-read, because only after reading this book will you have an understanding of the origin and structure of various organizational types.

"There is no economic or social organization that does not hold meetings, right? Even a small village committee will often be called to attend various meetings, and it also has to organize various meetings itself. It can be said that meetings are The cornerstone of every organization’s existence.”

"That's right." Pang Shuangxi said with a smile, "Don't talk about other things, the Two Sessions and the Party Congress are even said in the newspapers to be major events in our political life."

"The same is true for a company, so if your company's major matters change, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau will require you to issue a shareholders' meeting resolution. The company also relies on meetings to exist." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Since meetings are so important, how to hold a meeting and hold a good meeting , making the meeting run effectively is a university question, like the minority obeying the majority, which is part of Robert's rules of procedure.

"Although Robert's Rules of Procedure have more than 600 pages, if simplified, they are twelve principles. From the initiation to the end of the meeting, these twelve principles should be followed. I will tell you about this later.

"Why is it important to set rules? If there are no rules, I am sure that even if eight people are elected, these eight people will hold a meeting for a day, and they will get together from east to west, from north to south, and get into a ball. Or there will be a quarrel that lasts from morning until dinner, and everyone ends the meeting and goes home without any resolution."

"That's for sure." Ma Damu nodded and said, "Meetings in our village have always been like this."

Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile: "So I say that the process of corporate transformation is also a social transformation. We not only need to formulate rules, but also make all people accustomed to doing things according to the rules, including the village representatives elected this time. Not only do they hold shares on behalf of the villagers, they must also serve as a discussion and decision-making body in the future.”

"Decision-making body?" Pang Shuangxi asked, "They are the decision-making body, so what do they need our village committee to do?"

Zhang Xiangbei said: "The decision-making body I'm talking about makes decisions on their own affairs and their own interests. Many times, it is not a good thing to overstep one's authority. Many times, we just like and are used to overstepping our authority. This is The source of all kinds of conflicts."

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Pang Shuangxi and Lao Jiao and said:

"Do you still remember what Sanbao said? He is right. Everyone knows that things like road reform are a good thing and no one will object to it. But once it starts, all kinds of contradictions will break out. This kind of How will your village committee deal with the problem? Now it is no better than before. You can still bring the militia to kill them. What can you do?

"If this kind of thing is not done well, it will become a conflict between the villagers and the village committee. With the village committee involved, it will not only be difficult to reduce the conflict, but it will intensify it. Am I right?"

"That's right, it's like this in rural areas." Lao Jiao said.

"But think about it, if there is a village representative organization elected by the villagers themselves, and it formulates strict rules of procedure, and they make decisions based on the rules of procedure, which places should be demolished and which places should be diverted, then those who don't agree to the changes will Man, he is going against all the villagers, but your village committee can stay out of it, right?"

Zhang Xiangbei asked. Pang Shuangxi and Lao Jiao both laughed. Pang Shuangxi said, "That's dog eating dog."

"The words are ugly, but they are right." Zhang Xiangbei said, "To be more precise, if villagers have conflicts with their elected village representatives, it is not dog bites dog, but the tail bites dog. At this time, your village committee He will appear as an arbiter and can determine right and wrong according to the rules of procedure and organizational rules. The villagers will probably only accept it.

"This is what I mean by letting everyone get used to the rules of procedure. In Robert's rules of procedure, there are principles of fully expressing opinions, principles of debate, and principles of final ruling. Let people fully express their opinions and positions, and then fully Only through debate and resolution formed on this basis can we truly achieve the result of convincing people with reason.

"Not allowing people to speak, or allowing only your family to speak, is never the best way to resolve conflicts. The best you can do is bury the conflicts and not see them on the surface. But in the end, if they accumulate for a long time, they will still explode."

Pang Shuangxi looked at Lao Jiao and said, "This sounds very new, but it's not that new and complicated. Or, let's try what Mr. Zhang said? Try the social transformation that Mr. Zhang said?"

Lao Jiao said yes.

Thank you Sichuan Forest, Brokeback Mountain, and two fish for the reward! Thank you to Chuan Lin, Fantasy in the Wind, Lao Dibowei, Romantic Sakura Qin Fanshu, Wu Yuehou, Qingbo, Hu Sansi, zpengyong1, Pi Wusun, Yunlong Frog Fish, and Hu Hu for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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