The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2154 A meeting of five people

Everyone went to the office. There were only three tables and three chairs in the office. One belonged to Pang Shuangxi, one belonged to Ma Damu, and one belonged to the village director who was still on his way back from Shenzhen.

Apart from this, there are no other stools or chairs.

Li Shengfeng asked Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun to sit. The three of them sat around Pang Shuangxi's desk. Li Shengfeng and Ma Damu sat behind them on Ma Damu's desk.

Pang Shuangxi took out a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes, which he brought specially today, and handed them to Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei said he wouldn't smoke, thank you.

"What about you?" Pang Shuangxi asked Xiang Yiyun, and Xiang Yiyun said, "I don't smoke either."

Pang Shuangxi hesitated for a moment, then thought about it and wanted to put the cigarette back. Zhang Xiangbei said, "It doesn't matter if you smoke."

Pang Shuangxi smiled and said, "Then I'll smoke it."

He put the cigarette into his mouth and lit it with a lighter.

Li Shengfeng came over. Pang Shuangxi knew his purpose and reached out to grab his cigarette. However, Li Shengfeng was quick and snatched it away, cursing:

"Stingy, even if there is good smoke, I won't care."

Pang Shuangxi retorted: "You are not my father, why should I respect you?"

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun laughed after hearing this. This means that just now, they were Pang Shuangxi's father and mother?

Li Shengfeng took out two cigarettes, threw the cigarette case back on the table, walked back and handed one to Ma Damu. Ma Damu held up the cigarette and said to Pang Shuangxi:

"You see, Shengfeng is a better person than you."

"Oh, he is borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha." Pang Shuangxi scolded, "No, no, what kind of Buddha are you? You look just like Jigong."

"That's also a Buddha." Ma Damu said proudly.

Everyone joked for a while and then started talking about business. Zhang Xiangbei told Pang Shuangxi the purpose of their visit. After all, Pang Shuangxi came from the government agency. When he heard it, he knew that something was going on. He shouted:

"That's a good thing, Mr. Zhang! If the corporatization transformation is completed, the farmers here will become workers. They won't have to go out to work. They can do farm work at home every day and get paid every month. This is my understanding. ,right?"

Zhang Xiangbei said that he was right, he would get a monthly salary and there would be dividends at the end of the year.

"Ma Damu, this is an opportunity for you to change your own destiny." Pang Shuangxi said, "To be honest, once my two years here are up, I will go back to the county seat. Whether it is good or not, it doesn't matter. I’m bullshit, but if you don’t seize this opportunity, you deserve it and make it clear to the villagers.”

"Is there any difference between this and now?" Li Shengfeng asked.

"There are still differences." Zhang Xiangbei said, "The biggest difficulty is that now this is the village that our 'Zhai Xianshui' and 'Suishui Help' are helping. As you know, those citizens who participated in the 'Suishui Help' activities Their starting point is to help farmers, not from a market perspective. Therefore, whether it is vegetables, pigs, sheep and poultry, the prices they give farmers are very high.

"Our company provides free distribution. Every cent of citizens' money will go directly to the hands of farmers. But after corporatization, everything must be operated in accordance with the market. We have calculated that this is the same for farmers." A piece of land, its output..."

"I understand, Mr. Zhang, the actual total income of farmers will be less than it is now, right?" Pang Shuangxi asked.

Zhang Xiangbei is right, "It will be like this for the time being, but it will eventually increase significantly."

"I don't understand this very well. Mr. Zhang, please tell me why it will decrease temporarily and then increase significantly in the end." Pang Shuangxi said, "Forgive me for saying it so directly. We have clarified all this. Then you can go talk to the villagers."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said, "It should have been made clear and the accounts settled."

"Although the farmers here have joined the 'Suishuibang' assistance program, what we do is actually just help them connect in the circulation link and make their channels clear, but we have not changed the factors of production or the farmers' operations. It is still extensive and is greatly restricted by natural conditions, such as seed selection and soil improvement. They do not do it well.

"The biggest shortcoming is insufficient investment. We basically rely on the weather. Take vegetables as an example. If the land is of the same size after corporatization, we will divide it into three types: open fields, arched greenhouses and four-season greenhouses. , production will be less restricted by natural conditions, and output will be greatly increased.

"At the same time, it can also ensure that vegetables are produced every day. It will not be like now, which is not available for a while. The growth cycle of vegetables will be shortened and the utilization rate of the land will be improved.

“Because our production is originally planned, what should be done in which field every day, when fertilizer needs to be applied, when it can be harvested, etc., are all carried out according to our plan, just like the products are produced in the workshop of a factory.

"Now, all vegetables grown here are open-field vegetables. Open-field vegetables have two characteristics. One is their strong ability to withstand natural conditions, and the other is their low value. Basically, they are mainly Chinese cabbage, radish, green onions, etc., with high value. High-quality vegetables are all out-of-season vegetables, which cannot be produced in the open field, only in greenhouses.

"Farmers with single households have to invest a lot in transforming their land into greenhouses. As the saying goes, 'a greenhouse will last three years.' How can the farmers here survive these three years? But for the company Say, this is normal investment.

"This is true for vegetables, and it is also true for pig and sheep breeding. We will carry out large-scale scientific breeding. As long as our investment here is in place and the transformation of production factors is completed, the output and price will increase exponentially, and everyone's income will naturally increase. A rising tide will lift all boats..."

"This is the relationship between a bowl and a pot. If everyone only focuses on their own bowl, the bowl will always be empty. But if everyone works together to find a way to keep the pot cooking, it will always be cooking. In everyone's bowl It will still be full, that’s how I understand it, right?” Pang Shuangxi asked.

"That's true in a sense." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Also, 'Suishoubang' is just a charity activity. Giving love is a feeling of the citizens, not an obligation. He gave it today, and we thank him. If we don’t continue to donate tomorrow, we still have to thank him, instead of scolding him and asking him to continue to donate, so there is a long and short relationship here.”

"You might encounter trouble at home, and you might be unkind and unable to help you," Li Shengfeng said.

Zhang Xiangbei is right. After corporatization, it will be a long-term guarantee for everyone. What we rely on is not love, but the sustainable operation of the company.

"Ma Damu, what do you think?" Pang Shuangxi asked.

"I'm an accountant, so it's up to you to decide what I think." Ma Damu said.

"Slippery! You are not an accountant now, but a villager. Just say that you are a villager and I ask you to take out the land. Are you willing? Don't you know how to settle accounts? Even if you do it, will the account be settled?" Pang Shuangxi explain.

"Whatever accounts are being settled, the accounts have not been settled yet. I'm listening to them all." Ma Damu said.

"What I said before is just one of the accounts. There are still other accounts that I have not settled." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Tell me, tell me, Mr. Zhang, tell me quickly." Pang Shuangxi urged him.

"Based on our experience in other places, I also took a look here. The conditions here are better than other places. For example, in Chongqing, we also cultivated fields, but due to the restrictions of the mountains and forests, the mountains and forests cannot be moved, so we can only cultivate wasteland. , after this part of the field is transformed, the benefits will be huge.

"The initial investment in building land is huge. This is something that individuals cannot do, but companies can do it. I say the conditions here are good because there is no vegetation in the surrounding mountains. There is no problem of destroying the mountains and forests. Farming can be done The area will definitely be larger than other places.

"After this part of the land is built, its use rights belong to the village. The village can use it to invest in the company and participate in dividends, which can increase the income of the village collective."

Zhang Xiangbei said, everyone else nodded, and said to Yiyun:

"By the way, when it comes to land construction, I used to work in a real estate company. I know that in coastal provinces, you can get quotas for land construction, and this quota can be sold.

"For example, if you build farmland in the mountains and valleys of Zhejiang, the indicators you get can be sold to Hangzhou. This will increase the developable land in Hangzhou. I don't know if this is the case in Gansu. If so, we can increase this by building farmland. income."

"Great, I'll go and ask about this." Pang Shuangxi said, "Mr. Zhang, is there any more accounts that can be settled?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiangbei said, "A village with thousands of people can create GDP wherever there are people. Rural areas and farmers are not only the primary industry, they are also consumers, which can bring benefits to the tertiary industry." .”

"Are you talking about doing farmhouse entertainment or something here?" Pang Shuangxi asked.

"This is also one of the projects that can be developed. What I am saying is that the villagers here are also consumers. It turns out that their main consumption is to buy something from Accountant Ma's agency store. That is because they have no money in their hands. After receiving wages every month, their consumption habits will also change, just like in the city.

"When farmers go to work in cities, don't their consumption habits have to change like those in cities? Here, farmers have become workers, and their consumption habits will also change. Besides, every household's fields have become company fields. They What is still usable is the little private land in front of and behind the yard. How can we maintain the life of the whole family?

"They also need to buy rice, vegetables, oil, meat and clothes. The company develops the tertiary industry, opens supermarkets, markets, and restaurants. These are the company's income. To use Secretary Pang's words before you, the pot is full. , everyone’s bowls will naturally be filled.”

"It can be done!" Pang Shuangxi patted the table and said, "I think there is no problem, what do you think?"

"I don't think there's any problem." Li Shengfeng said.

"Other people want to do it. It's a bit difficult to convince everyone. What's in the bowl is in the pot. Farmers, you can accuse them of being short-sighted. What they're looking at is what's in their own bowl. Who cares about what's in your pot?" , However, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiang, I don’t think it’s a big problem if you do the ‘fresh delivery’.” Ma Damu told them.

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "Why?"

"You have a foundation here. Listen to what you say. To put it bluntly, even the things in the bowl now are all given by you as a 'Zhaixian'. There is a big difference between them and not. If even you don't believe it, , who else will they believe?" Ma Damu said.

"It makes sense, Ma Damu, what you said makes sense, and it shows your level as a village accountant." Pang Shuangxi said.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Donglongdong, Pinglecun Changle, and Bolanque for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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