The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2149 Look down on me

The stairs leading to the second floor from the village committee were boarded up to prevent people from going up. There are three rooms on the first floor, two large and one small. Two large ones are classrooms, and one small one is the original teacher's office. , has now been converted into the village committee office. Ma Damu, the absent village director, and the village party secretary who loves to come or not work in this office.

There are two classrooms, one is used to store debris, the original desks and chairs from the school, and some old farm tools from the village committee. The locks on the doors are rusty, and the glass on the windows is broken.

Looking inside through the iron grille of the broken window, it was already filled with messy things. These things were still on the property account of the village committee. They were still money. They were piled here as garbage, but if someone took them away, just say Not sure, it could be considered theft or corruption.

Therefore, almost no one has touched these things since the day they were piled in. They are covered with a thick layer of dust. From the outside, it is difficult to see clearly what is there.

There are mice making their nests at one end of the classroom, and wild cats making their nests at the other end. When they arrive in this classroom, they become polite, enter and leave through the same broken window, and live in the same classroom, but they have always been in peace with each other.

There is also a classroom, which used to be the meeting room of the village committee. The meeting table was made of old desks from the school. Now that Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun have come, this place has been vacated and turned into a dormitory for the two of them. .

In the middle of the classroom, an iron wire was stretched about two meters high. A piece of cloth hung from the iron wire, which divided the classroom into two. One side was Xiang Yiyun's room, and the other side was Zhang Xiangbei's room. The classroom was originally There are two doors, one for each person.

Entering the room, Zhang Xiangbei knew why Feng Shengkuan had to leave first yesterday. He said he was here to make arrangements. He must have brought a truckload of things from the county. Zhang Xiangbei saw that the bed and bedding in the room were all new. Yes, there is a bedside table next to the bed, and there is a lamp on the bedside table.

In early June, the weather here had not yet started to get hot, but Feng Shengkuan probably didn't know how long they would stay, so he prepared a vertical electric fan for them. The blades of the fan were covered with a cloth cover.

Opposite the bed, next to the piece of cloth in the middle, there is a simple wardrobe. In front of the window at the entrance, there is a writing desk and a folding chair. There is an electric kettle, a cup, and a desk lamp on the writing desk. And a router, the router has a flashing green light, indicating that the network here is open.

This surprised Zhang Xiangbei, but he immediately thought that since this was the village they were helping with "Suishibang", the Internet must have been connected long ago. Otherwise, how could the citizens who ordered vegetables, pigs, sheep and poultry see this? Live streaming of your own vegetables, pigs, sheep and poultry?

As long as the Internet is connected, Zhang Xiangbei feels that this place is not so closed.

There was a note posted on the wall in front of the desk. It said that the user name was zhaixiansong, which is the pinyin of "Zhaixiansong", and the password was zhaixiansong123. Zhang Xiangbei quickly took out his mobile phone and connected to the Internet.

Near the door, there is a three-layer plastic washbasin stand with two washbasins on it. The upper one is for washing your face. It contains towels, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and shampoo. The middle one is just for washing your feet. Yes, there is also a towel inside, which is a foot cloth used to wipe feet.

Next to the washstand, there is a plastic bucket for carrying water.

There is no water in the classroom. If you want to get water, you have to go out and walk to a row of small bungalows next to this house. The small bungalows are public toilets, separated for men and women. In front of the public toilets, there is a row of millstones. The pool, the running water is there.

Zhang Xiangbei heard that on the other side of the cloth, Feng Shengkuan was saying to Xiang Yiyun: "Mr. Xiang, these are all bought according to what you wrote on the list."

Xiang Yiyun scolded: "Your aesthetics are too bad. Look at these beddings, including washbasins and plastic buckets. What have you bought? Do you think you are Zhang Yimou and they are all popular? And even this The cloth cover of the fan is all red, and what is embroidered on it, "A hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix? Oh my god!"

Feng Shengkuan chuckled: "There are only these supermarkets in the county. I have already chosen the most expensive one. There is nothing I can do about it."

"Okay, okay, I'll spare you." Xiang Yiyun said.

Zhang Xiangbei walked out of the door and walked to the door at the back of the classroom. The door was open. Zhang Xiangbei walked in. He looked at Xiang Yiyun and then at the piece of cloth in the middle, and laughed with a "Puch" sound. ,explain:

"You are really willing to take a long way around. The cloth comes right after you lift it. You still want to go in and out through the door?"

Zhang Xiangbei and Feng Shengkuan both laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei said, "I forgot."

Feng Shengkuan said from the side: "Mr. Zhang, this is a gentleman."

It's okay not to say it. After saying this, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun both blushed. Xiang Yiyun glared at Feng Shengkuan and said:

"So many words, you can leave."

Feng Shengkuan said: "Okay, I'm leaving. I'll come back tomorrow."

Tonight, mutton and vegetables are being distributed in the neighboring villages, and Feng Shengkuan needs to rush there.

When he reached the door, Feng Shengkuan remembered something, turned around and said to them: "By the way, you don't have to cook tonight. Li Shengfeng will call you and go to their house for dinner tonight."

Xiang Yiyun waved to him, meaning I got it, don’t be nagging.

The other furniture on Xiang Yiyun's side is the same as that on Zhang Xiangbei's side, but there is an extra refrigerator, a folding table for eating, four stools, and two desks with microwaves and rice cookers placed side by side. Induction stove and a complete set of cooking utensils, Xiang Evian and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"I feel sorry for you. This is the only condition here."

"What are you wronging? Do you underestimate me too much?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Okay, don't you dare." Xiang Yiyun said, walked over to open the refrigerator door, and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Come over and have a look. If you are hungry at night, just shout and I will make you whatever you want to eat." , of course, it’s the same during the day, I’ll be your cook, you probably don’t even know how to cook.”

"Look down on me." Zhang Xiangbei said, "One day I will show my skills and open your eyes."

Xiang Eyun winked and asked with a smile: "At this time, should I make an expectant expression?"

Zhang Xiangbei laughed loudly: "Whatever."

Zhang Xiangbei saw that the refrigerator was stuffed to the brim, with everything from pork, beef, chicken wings and feet, to frozen dumplings, egg yogurt, beer and cola, as well as boxes of microwaveable food. The variety was very complete, and everything was available in the refrigerator. Next to it, there were two boxes of instant noodles stacked.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said, "Yes, very well prepared."

"Of course, we are not here for a day or two." Xiang Yiyun said.

"Let's go, take me to the village." Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun said.

Say hello to Evian, let's go.

"I'll close the door."

Zhang Xiangbei said and walked towards the door. When he reached the door, a string of laughter from Xiang Yiyun came from behind him. Zhang Xiangbei realized that he was laughing at him for doing something unnecessary, and he walked to the opposite side without lifting the cloth. , Zhang Xiangbei himself also laughed. People have such a subconscious mind. When there is a door, they will definitely go to the door habitually.

Zhang Xiangbei was still in the corridor when he heard Xiang Yiyun's door slam shut behind him. When he walked back to his room, he saw Xiang Yiyun already standing inside, looking at him with a smile. Yun said:

"Let me borrow your door for a walk."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Zhang Xiangbei took out two boxes of cigarettes and a lighter from his bag and put them into his jacket pocket. As usual, he put two packs of cigarettes on him. If he met someone in the village, cigarettes were the best way to start a conversation. good idea.

The two people walked out, closed the door, and asked Yiyun: "By the way, are there any valuables? If you have any, take them with you. It's not safe here. Ma Damu has also gone back."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I will have some valuables."

"Okay, I get it. I know that what you use and wear are all famous brands that people here don't know. Others... you don't even bring cash, right?" Xiang Yiyun asked.

Zhang Xiangbei patted the butt pocket of his jeans: "Only two thousand yuan, here it is."

"Okay, let's go." Xiang Yiyun said.

The open space in front of the classroom used to be a basketball court, but the concrete basketball stand is still standing here, and the backboard has been removed long ago, probably because the wood of the backboard is thick enough and used for other purposes.

One of their cars was still parked on the court, but Feng Shengkuan's car had already driven away.

The two of them did not drive, but walked to the village.

Although he had long known that this was a poor village, the scene in the village still shocked Zhang Xiangbei. He had never seen such a dilapidated village. Not only was there no way to compare with him before, he followed Xiangnan and his troupe to perform in the countryside. Compared with Yongcheng's rural areas, Laoshoutou's village cannot compare with Chongqing's Li Dafu.

Most of the houses here have rammed earth walls covered with black tiles, and some are even covered with thick thatch. The houses were built a long time ago, giving the impression that none of them are straight and all are crooked. It was leaning crookedly, looking like it was about to collapse.

The earthen walls of some houses have cracked, and a fist can fit into the gap. In other houses, the walls are crooked, and wooden heads are used to push against the walls outside.

Looking through every open door, everything inside is dark.

The roads in the village are still dirt roads, filled with chicken excrement, duck excrement, dog excrement, bits of sheep excrement, and even piles of cow dung. The whole village is full of garbage, piled up at every corner. A pile of garbage. When they walked past, the rats on the garbage pile didn't even bother to look at them.

There are pigs on the village road, swinging slowly, looking for and chewing the weeds at the foot of the roadside wall.

Some people saw them coming from a distance and walked out of the house, but they did not go any further. Instead, they leaned on the door frame and watched them. Many people knew Xiang Yiyun and greeted her from a distance. , she also smiled and greeted them.

It can be seen that Xiang Yiyun is very popular here.

Two little girls walked out of the house and followed them. They bumped each other with their shoulders and shouted loudly on purpose, obviously hoping that Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun would hear them.

Xiang Yiyun turned to look at them and said to them: "Sister, I didn't bring anything to eat today. You go to the village committee to find me tomorrow."

The two girls nodded desperately, but there were still disappointed expressions on their faces. They stood there hand in hand and did not follow them anymore.

There are three or four two-story new houses in the village, but the area is not large. Moreover, the new houses are built next to the old houses. After the new houses are built, the old houses are still reluctant to be demolished. Xiang Yiyun and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"These are all families with people working outside. The biggest wish of people here working outside is probably to make money so that they can build new houses when they come back."

Thank you Xiaoxiao, Tianya Fengyue MZ, and Book Friends 20201109111351923 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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