The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2131 Zhang Xiangbei in Kan Village

"Mr. Zhang, if what you said comes true, then our place will change drastically and we will become well-off ahead of schedule." Mr. Kan and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei said that not only will these things be realized, but it will also be better. With the transformation of the village's appearance every year in the future, it will become more and more attractive.

Mr. Kan nodded, but he still didn't have much confidence in his heart, especially about convincing those few people to come work here.

Xiaobian seemed to be thinking about a similar question. He asked Zhang Xiangbei: "After gathering those few people here, what will happen to the original village committee?"

"When converted into workshop offices and warehouses, workers also need a place to rest. However, when renovating, we must pay attention to the fact that the standard of the workshop office must be lower than that of the workers' rest room, and air conditioning is not allowed in the office." Zhang Xiangbei said .

"Why is this?" Xiaobian asked.

"These people are vice presidents here and bosses there. If the office environment there is too good, do you think they would rather be here or there? Then, they will occupy an office here, but in reality It’s all over there.”

Zhang Xiangbei said, and Xiao Bian laughed and understood. He said: "It is better to cancel the separate office altogether."

"Okay." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Just change the original village committee into a workers' lounge and workshop warehouse. The workshop director's desk should be placed in the workers' lounge. There is no need to set up a separate 's office."

"This matter is still difficult." Mr. Kan said.

"What's the difficulty?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"It is still difficult to get them to work here in the company. It is difficult to convince them." Mr. Kan said, "They say they would rather be the head of the chicken than the tail of the phoenix. You are right, they are the most important person when they are there. Chicken head.”

"I have thought about it, and I can use financial means to redeem it." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Kan asked.

"Have you heard the story about Zhao Kuangyin releasing his military power over a cup of wine?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "When we take away part of their power and give them another part of the power or sweetness, their hearts will be balanced and they will be willing to accept us. It’s arranged.”

"What exactly do you want to say? I still don't understand." Mr. Kan said.

"We must admit the fact that these four vice presidents are also village directors and need to be responsible for the affairs of the village. Although as I said before, roads, sanitation, tap water, public toilets, five guaranteed households, etc. are controlled by the company. The package has solved most of the problems in the village, but there are still some that we cannot cover, and there will still be expenses.

"Now, these villages are under great financial pressure. I asked Xiaobian to investigate. Even when they were in office, they already owed debts ranging from more than 70,000 to more than 110,000, right? , Xiaobian?”

Xiaobian was right, "This does not include the debts accumulated over the years. I talked with Lao Shoutou this morning. He said that the village director is almost as if he has lost all his relatives and friends. The money owed by the village is all his own. Come forward and borrow it from relatives and friends.”

"There is such a situation. We were like this before. Now we have no new debts and we are gradually paying off the old debts. We have not paid them all off yet. The earliest IOUs were made in 1993. They are almost older than me. ." Mr. Kan said.

"When we move them here, we also need to help partially solve their problems." Zhang Xiangbei said, "That is, we give each of their vice presidents a business fund of 50,000 yuan every year. This business fund , Xiaobian does not need to check whether the purpose has anything to do with the company. In fact, he just lets them use it to subsidize the village's financial shortcomings.

"I have calculated that, excluding the expenses our company has undertaken, at 50,000 yuan a year plus the transfer payment from the superior finance, each village can have a slight surplus, allowing them to gradually solve the historical debt problem, so that they can The pressure is reduced and I can devote myself to completing various assessments of the company.”

Mr. Kan thought for a moment and said, "If that's the case, it would indeed be very attractive to them."

"If you don't review the usage, what will happen if they use it indiscriminately?" Xiaobian asked.

"Within the range of 50,000, the purpose will not be reviewed, and the report can be submitted with invoices. This authority will be delegated to them. The money will be distributed three times at the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, and the end of the year, allowing them to plan and arrange by themselves.

"Don't worry, there are so many eyes watching. If you can let them go, the debtors and villagers will not let them go. They will be dissatisfied with him... Yes, we just need them to have conflicts. Sometimes we still need them if there are no conflicts. Create contradictions."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled, and both Mr. Kan and Xiao Bian were baffled by his words.

"What do you mean, you still want to have a conflict?" Mr. Kan asked.

"Yes, contradictions can promote social progress and the development of things. How to create contradictions is the skill of mixing sand." Zhang Xiangbei continued to smile.

"I don't understand, I don't understand. What you said is too profound." Mr. Kan waved his hands and said.

"It's not profound at all." Zhang Xiangbei said, "For you, do you think it's better for the following to be monolithic or to have conflicts with each other? It's monolithic. When your decision conflicts with theirs, your decision can still be pushed forward. ? If they have conflicts with each other, they will definitely be unable to resolve the conflicts themselves and will definitely hand them over.

"When their conflicts are handed over to you and resolved by you, each time, do you think it is your prestige that is rising, or that of Li Dafu or Lao Shou Tou?"

Both Mr. Kan and Xiao Bian laughed, and Mr. Kan shouted: "I'm going to do it, you're a Machiavellian! I didn't expect you to be able to do this."

Zhang Xiangbei said with a smile: "I only know the basics. If you want to truly know what China's power tactics are, go to Hangzhou and ask Gu Gong to explain it to you."

The next day, Zhang Xiangbei took a late nap and didn't get up until about eight o'clock in the morning. He didn't know if Xiaohu had gotten up at this time, but Liu Yun must have gotten up.

Zhang Xiangbei called Liu Yun and told her what happened here, saying that they needed to do this if they wanted this place to become a stable supply base for their "fresh home delivery" in the southwestern region.

"If you do this, it is of a public welfare nature." Liu Yun said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, I want to explore a model, a base like this. Our local cooperation with them is not only economic cooperation, but complete integration. Our company and the local area are integrated together. In this way, others do not have Ways to compete.

"If I understand correctly, Beibei, this is actually another form of 'Suishibang', or an upgraded version of 'Suishibang', which has risen from one household to the whole village's cooperation. We are in rural areas , it does not make a profit in the local area and gives all the profits to the local area, but it makes a profit in the delivery of fresh food in the city.

"Wait a minute, Beibei, let me think about it, this is equivalent to completely connecting the city and the countryside through our platform and becoming a whole. Every customer of ours in the city, when they buy every vegetable, In fact, they are also helping rural areas, because they give us greater ability to help more such villages. Is my understanding correct?"

Liu Yun asked, and Zhang Xiangbei laughed and said, "Godmother, I didn't think about it that deeply, but when you said it, it really is like this."

"Then tell this story well, Beibei, you are right. If we can tell this story well and do this well, we will be at a higher level than other competitors. This will be our Our core competitiveness is something we can afford from a financial perspective," Liu Yun said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, this is actually something that is beneficial to both parties. Although it seems that our profitability in Yubei Company has weakened, it is beneficial to our company as a whole.

Liu Yun said okay, then I agree with your idea.

Zhang Xiangbei then called Xiaohu. Zhang Xiangbei talked for a long time, and Xiaohu also understood half of it. The main reason was that he didn't understand the situation in rural areas in mainland China. What Zhang Xiangbei said was about the village committee and the secretary's arrangements. Wait, I have no idea at all, Xiaohu asked:

"Zhang Xiangbei, were you the last one to call me?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

"Have Liu Yun, Xiaofang and your father all agreed?" Xiaohu asked.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, they agreed.

"Okay, you do it, I agree." Xiaohu said.

As soon as Zhang Xiangbei hung up Xiaohu's call, his cell phone rang immediately. It was Mr. Kan. Zhang Xiangbei picked up the phone. Mr. Kan told him that he had arrived at the intersection outside.

"Okay, I'll be out right away." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Mr. Kan came to pick up Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei predicted last night that he would be able to convince Liu Yun and Xiaohu. He made an agreement with Mr. Kan to pick him up the next morning. They went to the countryside together to report to the secretary and the mayor. report.

Of course the secretary and the township head knew about the internal strife in Yubei Company and the things that several villages were doing to each other. Especially this time when the villagers of Licun Village were clamoring to withdraw their shares, they felt that something was wrong.

The two of them went to Hangzhou specifically to persuade Zhang Chen and Xiaofang to establish the Yubei Company. This company has changed the face of their hometown and made them feel proud. Now it has appeared Of course they were anxious after seeing such a thing, and they didn't want to see problems with Yubei Company.

They knew that Zhang Xiangbei had arrived in the village, and they had originally decided to go to Kan Village to meet Zhang Xiangbei today. Mr. Kan called early in the morning and said that he and Zhang Xiangbei would come to the village to report on their work. The two of them did not He left, but waited in the countryside.

When Zhang Xiangbei and the others did not arrive, the two of them discussed it and felt that Zhang Xiangbei must have come to ask for help from them today. If so, the township would immediately set up a working group to go to various villages, especially Li Village, to do work.

During the Spring Festival, it is the busiest time for the supply of "fresh food at home". They must help the Yubei company overcome this hurdle first. Production cannot be stopped. Other issues will be discussed after the New Year.

The two of them were very happy after hearing Zhang Xiangbei's plan, especially seeing that he had such a high profile and decided to keep all the profits locally to solve local problems. They felt that Zhang Xiangbei's plan was also in line with the above. Both of them expressed support for Zhang Xiangbei's plan to combat poverty.

The last problem was to convince the four village directors. When Zhang Xiangbei and Mr. Kan came back from the countryside, he went to communicate with the four village directors separately. It was better for him to come forward than Mr. Kan.

Xiao Bian said: "Why are you running away? Just make a phone call and call them all over."

"This kind of thing cannot be discussed together." Zhang Xiangbei said, "When we talk together, if one person asks one question, four questions will come up, if one person asks two, it will be a lot of questions. The problem will become everyone's problem. Let's talk about it individually. If he raises the issue, I will resolve it. Only in this way can we straighten it out. Only then can everyone sit together."

Thank you, Tin Soldier, for the reward of two fishes, one up and one down! Thank you winsonliu and lw_norvy for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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