The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2119 What happened last year

Zhang Xiangbei and his colleagues set up the agricultural development company in Xiaofang's hometown in Chongqing. During the preparations, Zhaixianshuang and Director Kan's village cooperated and established it together. The villagers used their own land as shares.

For this matter, Director Kan went to the countryside after the New Year to report to the township secretary and mayor.

When the secretary and the township chief heard about it, they thought it was a good project. They were still worrying about how to lead the villagers to become rich and well-off this year and fulfill the requirements of their superiors. Unexpectedly, they were so happy that they suddenly became excited.

In addition, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Fang and Zhang Chen were already well-known in the local area. We knew that they were big bosses who had the ability to do big things and make a lot of money. Now I heard that the partners they were cooperating with were the sons of Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. Personally, I think this project is feasible.

Both the secretary and the township head believed that this was a good opportunity to change the face of their township, which had neither resources nor developed transportation. They felt that just one village, Director Kan, was not enough, and that the four nearby villages should be included. Incorporate it.

The township head asked Director Kan to call Xiaofang's cell phone. He spoke to Xiaofang himself. Xiaofang said, your idea is indeed good, but Zhang Xiangbei was the one who made the final decision on this matter. I can only tell him explain.

In her heart, Xiaofang actually disapproved of this, because she had known since she was a child that the relationship between these villages was not good. In the past, when they were competing for water, land and mountains, there were often armed fights between villages. In schools, students have naturally formed small gangs based on villages. Nowadays, there are fewer group fights, but the estrangement between each other has not been completely eliminated.

Most of the people in their village have the surname Kan. When the village was still a brigade, people used to call their brigade the Kan family brigade. The other four were the Wang family brigade, the Shou family brigade, the Chen family brigade and the Li family brigade. Today, those with the surname Kan rarely marry someone from the other four villages, preferring to look for someone farther away.

Girls from the other four villages are not willing to marry into the village with the surname Kan.

By forcefully bringing together several villages that were not very harmonious with each other, Xiaofang knew that this company would definitely be full of conflicts in the future.

She said yes but didn't take it seriously at all. She put down the phone and didn't even tell Zhang Xiangbei about it.

There was no news about Xiaofang here, so the mayor and secretary forced Director Kan to call Zhang Xiangbei directly in front of them.

Of course, Director Kan knew why there was no news about Xiaofang. In his heart, he also felt that it would be troublesome to bring these villages together, but he had no way to refuse. The phone was connected, and the township head and secretary took turns talking to Zhang Xiangbei. With.

Zhang Xiangbei didn't know the historical origins of these villages, but he just felt that the words of the township chief and secretary were very sincere. Based on their past experience in other places, the support of the local government was very beneficial to their work. Since the secretary and the township chief were so enthusiastic, Zhang Xiangbei agreed and agreed that the four villages would also become shareholders.

For them, the bigger a single supply base is, the better. The bigger it is, the more convenient it is for planting arrangements, daily management, logistics and distribution, etc.

Director Kan was listening secretly anxious, but he was helpless. He came out of the township government and quickly called Xiaofang. When Xiaofang heard this, he knew something was wrong.

Xiaofang called Zhang Xiangbei back home, told him about the historical origins of these villages, and clearly opposed the establishment of such a mixed company. Even her grandfather, who never talked much, heard it and talked to Zhang Xiangbei. Bei said it would be difficult to get those villages together, Beibei, don't ask for trouble.

Zhang Xiangbei felt in a dilemma at this moment. He had already promised the secretary and the township chief. How could he go back on what he said? This matter was just a stone. He could only find a way to swallow it, otherwise, he would kill both the township chief and the secretary. excuse me.

But what Xiaofang and Grandpa said are of course reasonable. As long as this company is established, it will probably be a trouble.

Xiaofang knew what Zhang Xiangbei was hesitating about, and knew that his face was difficult to pull off, and it was indeed difficult to pull it off. Xiaofang thought for a moment, and said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Beibei, I will find a way to deal with this matter, but if they call you again, don't answer it."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Xiaofang called Director Kan, and the two discussed it on the phone for a long time. Xiaofang and Director Kan both thought that this matter was a bit tricky. Since Zhang Xiangbei had promised the secretary and the township chief, if he regretted it now, the secretary and the township chief would definitely They will be offended, and it is very likely that even if their village wants to do it, they will disagree together.

"Beibei will definitely not come forward. Now you are the only one to come forward and talk to them." Xiaofang and Director Kan said.

Xiaofang explained to Director Kan on the phone. Director Kan kept nodding and finally said, I understand, Sister Xiaofang.

The next day, Director Kan went to the village and told the secretary and mayor that he had been thinking about setting up a company in the past two days. He felt that he had never set up a company before and had no experience. It’s a big place and there are too many people. I’m afraid I won’t be able to manage it. After much deliberation, I decided to go in separate steps.

The first step is for their village to cooperate with "Zhaixianxian" to see how effective it is. If it doesn't work well, our village will die, and the scope of influence will not be so large. Otherwise, everything will be affected by that time. If villagers from one or five villages come to the countryside together, the trouble will be big.

If the company's profits are good in the fall, we will expand the company's scale and include several other villages.

Of course, these words were all taught by Xiaofang, and there was also a foreshadowing. Director Kan did not tell the secretary and the mayor, but kept it in his heart.

When I was on the phone with Xiaofang yesterday, Director Kan said, I am very optimistic about this company, and I can’t be wrong. Sister Xiaofang, what if we escape the spring and come autumn, the secretary and the township head bring up this matter again?

"Why are you so stupid? When the time comes, you won't blame the villagers for this matter. You just say that everyone disagrees with the cooperation. Let's do it well. Why should we do it with them? If we want to do it, let those villages do it on their own. Come on, public anger is hard to offend, what else can the village do to you? Just avoid the limelight first." Xiaofang said.

Director Kan chuckled.

The township chief and secretary heard what Director Kan said. They thought it was reasonable at the time and had nothing to say. After Director Kan left, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that something was wrong. When had this person named Kan ever been so high-profile? If he wanted to die, he would kill them. The village must be good to benefit everyone?

The two of them felt that there must be something fishy here.

The secretary and the mayor were not fools. They murmured for a long time and felt that something must have happened with Xiaofang or Zhang Chen. Otherwise, Director Kan would not have the courage to overturn what their son had decided.

The township head picked up the phone and called Director Kan and asked him for Xiaofang's phone number. He decided to call Xiaofang himself.

Xiaofang and Director Kan had told them not to give Zhang Xiangbei's phone number to the secretary and the township chief, including hers. Now the township chief asked Director Kan for Xiaofang's phone number. Director Kan quickly said that the phone was in the office. I'm outside now. I'll tell you when I get back.

After waiting for a long time and no call came, the township head called again. This time he did not call Director Kan's mobile phone, but called the village committee. The person who answered the phone was the village women's director and asked where Director Kan was. After the village committee meeting, she was asked to ask Director Kan to answer the phone.

Director Kan came here bravely and told the township chief that he remembered it wrong and left Xiaofang’s phone number at home. Wait a minute...

The mayor suddenly got angry and shouted into the microphone:

"You still have a safe at home, and you put your phone number in the safe, right? Damn it, come to the countryside right away!"

Damn it, nowadays, whose phone number is not stored in a mobile phone, but written in an address book like in the early years? Is the address book stored here and there?

Director Kan didn't come to the village that day, and he even turned off his phone. When he called the village committee, everyone who answered the phone said that Director Kan was not there, and he didn't know where he was going or when he would be back.

The mayor and secretary were so angry that their suspicions were confirmed. The secretary had an idea and shouted:

"Call Lao Niu and ask Lao Niu for it."

The Lao Niu the secretary mentioned is Xiaofang's uncle. He used to be the deputy mayor and township chief in this township. Then he went to the county to become the deputy county chief. Now he is the county chief of the neighboring county. The old township chief will definitely have Xiaofang. Telephone.

"Don't fight. Why don't we go to the head of the village and ask him to take action?" the head of the village said.

In the countryside, uncle is the eldest. If this uncle, Lao Niu, is willing to speak, there is no reason for Xiaofang to be disobedient. The secretary agreed that the two of them would take some local specialties and drive to the neighboring county. On the way, the township head gave Xiaofang Her aunt, Mayor Niu, called her and told her that she wanted to eat the food she cooked.

"Come on, come on." Chief Niu said.

The secretary, the mayor, and the mayor of Kan County, the mayor of Niu, are old acquaintances. The mayor of Kan is the deputy township chief here. When the mayor of Niu was cooking in the township canteen, the secretary was the clerk of the township at that time, and the mayor worked at the agricultural machinery station. personnel.

The township chief and Niu Township Chief said that he and the secretary happened to be in a neighboring county for business, and wanted to see the fellow township chief and Niu Township Chief. Niu Township Chief was very enthusiastic and said, come directly to the house, I am at home, and I will be at home in the evening. have dinner.

The two of them arrived at County Magistrate Kan's house. When they had dinner together, they told Magistrate Kan about the joint venture. Magistrate Kan still had feelings for his hometown and the place where he worked. After hearing this, he also felt that It was a good thing. He told them that if Xiaofang wasn't his niece and needed to avoid suspicion, he would have lured "Zhai Xianshui" to their county.

The head of the township and the fellow head talked about the phone call. County Magistrate Kan immediately said, if you want a phone number, I will call Xiaofang now. I will tell her that she must support you.

"Xianren Banban, you three are harried!" Mayor Niu couldn't sit still and cursed: "People have to go to the United States to attract investment. For such a big thing, you two have to go there. Will Hangcheng die? This kind of thing means beating gongs and drums face to face, and having a hammer on the phone!"

As Mayor Niu said, he picked up his phone and called Xiaofang, chatting here and there.

After putting down the phone, Mayor Niu and the secretary said, "I'll tell you if you heard anything. Xiaofang is in Hangzhou and won't go out recently. In their home, Xiaofang is the one who makes the decision. Zhang Chen and Beibei They all listened to Xiaofang.

"Yes, you go there as soon as possible. When you get to Hangzhou, find Xiaofang and call me right in front of her. I will ask her to help you. After all, the countryside is also their hometown. When Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao came back, you forgot Yes, Xiaozhao’s household registration has still been moved out from the township. This is a good thing. You can go over." County Mayor Kan and Secretary Township Chief said.

As soon as the two people heard that it made sense, they immediately decided to take a trip to Hangzhou.

Chief Niu told them, "Take that Kan Wa'er and the village's carrot seal with you. When we get there, we'll meet with you. Once we've negotiated, we'll sign and stamp it, and it's a done deal."

Thank you book friend 854***974 for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for knowing whether the book is good or not, the boy who time-traveled into the uncle's body, lemon stone spring hodgepodge, Qidi Sun, winsonliu, End丶Hao, White Horse Xiaolong, zpengyong1, take a look at it, and the monthly pass for Tampao! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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