The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2105 War is everywhere

Several things happened at about the same time. Citizens in Hangzhou and Shanghai saw the headline online that Daubao was being sued. Looking at the content of the news, they found that the person who sued them was "Zhaixianshui" and the reason for the lawsuit was that Daubao was sued. Baowang's "Daily Fresh", their fresh-keeping cabinets and production lines all infringe the patent rights of "Zhai Xian Delivery".

Everyone knows about "Zhai Xian Delivery". Many people have used the fresh cabinets they set up in every community. The advertisements in the elevators are also very familiar. Later, "Daily Fresh" came out, and everyone When I saw their safe, I felt that the cabinet was made exactly like that of "Zhai Xianshui". If it weren't for the different color and logo, everyone would have thought it belonged to the same company.

After seeing the news, everyone realized that this fresh-keeping cabinet for "fresh delivery at home" was patented. The "Daily Fresh" fresh-keeping cabinet had plagiarized the patent. This case hardly had to wait until the court hearing. The majority of citizens had already There is an answer, and they become the judge.

Sure, they are almost exactly the same. If this is not an infringement, then what is an infringement?

Does this kind of case still need a judge to decide? We will know after a look. It is a bit cheap for a company as big as to commit plagiarism.

When I walked into the elevator, I saw the advertisement of "Daily Fresh" and "It's better to come early than to come". I felt a little disgusted. What are you doing? You stole other people's things and you still come here. What a ghost.

Let’s look at the original advertisement for “Zhai Xianshui”. It has changed from one advertisement to two advertisements, and the content of the advertisements has also changed. Both advertisements have the “Zhai Xianshui” logo followed by a line of large characters: “With you. Together!" The combination means "Zhaixiansuang is with you."

An advertisement shows a beautiful woman with long hair, wearing a set of navy blue "Zhaixiansheng" work clothes. The two pieces from the chest to the shoulders of the work clothes are green, and she looks very energetic and eye-catching. This beauty Standing in front of a large field of tomatoes hung like red lanterns, at first glance I thought they were invited models, but then I thought otherwise.

The text on the side explains the name and identity of this beautiful woman: "Xiang Yiyun, 24 years old, general manager of the Ningxia branch of 'Zhai Xian Shou'".

Such a young and beautiful girl was actually the general manager of the branch. Everyone was immediately curious. Here are Xiang Yiyun's words:

"I am in Ningxia. I am in charge of our company's 11 large-scale farms and 366 family farms in Ningxia. In Ningxia, we have a vegetable supply base of 33,417.5 hectares. I am very proud. Fresh vegetables from Ningxia will be on the table of every customer of our 'Zhai Xian Delivery' across the country."

There was also a QR code for the girl’s Weibo account on the advertisement. Many people in the elevator secretly scanned it when no one was around or they weren’t paying attention.

There is also an advertisement, which shows a young man, also wearing "Zhai Xian Delivery" navy and green overalls. The background is also a large vegetable field, but the vegetable field is a busy scene, with many farmers bending down to harvest vegetables.

The description on the side is: "Salih, 21 years old, quality control officer at the Ningxia branch of 'Zhaixianshui'."

Here are Saleh’s words:

"I am familiar with every piece of land here. The work of our quality controllers is not in the workshop, let alone the office, but in the fields. From seed selection to sowing, fertilizing, insect removal and harvesting, I supervise the growth of vegetables. Every step of the process is just to be with you and provide you with the best quality vegetables. This is my job."

The two people stood there, with the blue sky of the northwest behind them. Their eyebrows were straight and their smiles were bright. In such a small space as the elevator, they were very contagious. People who came in couldn't help but take a second look. , especially those with gloomy expressions. When they see these two smiling faces, they feel like they have been hooked, and their mood becomes better.

In contrast, many people glanced at the "Daily Fresh" advertisement, and no one paid any attention to what was written on it.

Almost at the same time, there were many reports on major websites interviewing people related to "Zhaixiansu", including interviews with Wu Huan and many other managers and employees. Some reporters asked about the prosecution of "Zhaixianshui" The reason for using, Wu Huan said:

"I came out of I am grateful to Dabao for cultivating me. Now I am working in Dabao, and I have many friends and former colleagues. It can be said that I have a deep feeling for Dabao, but the relationship lasts only for a while. Things and facts are one thing. We just want to use this case to arouse the attention of all companies to intellectual property rights.

"Whether it is a large company or a small company, everyone will make mistakes just like people. As long as you can recognize your own mistakes and correct them, the mistake itself is not that great, but the act of having the courage to correct it. I hope to use this sentence I would like to encourage all companies, including Dabao."

In the report interviewing Li Wei, the reporter asked:

"You, Zhai Xian Delivery, have always said that your dishes are the freshest. How do your dishes compare with another brand?"

Li Wei said: "We never compare with others, we just do our own thing well. As for the freshness of the dishes you mentioned, people who have bought them must know that they will compare themselves.

"Our company has had a principle since the first day, that is, we will not sell the next day's vegetables. We will not say that we have not sold out today and continue to sell them the next day. Although these vegetables themselves are not bad, they are affected. , that’s what you call freshness.”

Regarding "not selling next-day vegetables", Xiao Wenwen was even more harsh. She said:

"There are tens of thousands of people in our company, and there will also be people who leave our company. Logically speaking, there is no need for them to lie for us anymore, right? I am here to offer a reward of one million in my own name. If anyone, including These employees who resigned had evidence to report that we had a fresh vegetable that was still being sold the next day, so the money was given to them."

Some of them used to buy food at "Zhaixianshui" and now buy it at "Daixianxian". When everyone sees these reports, they really know whose food is good and whose food is bad. Everyone has eyes. You can see that choosing "Daily Fresh" is just to get a bargain, otherwise no one would continue to buy there.

These people just didn't transfer the order immediately, and they also had a good impression of "Zhaixian Delivery" in their hearts. They knew that it was not easy for them. It turned out that this was how they took care of our food basket.

In Xiang Evian’s report, the reporter asked Xiang Evian:

"You have become the general manager of a branch at such a young age. At this age, many people have just graduated from college and are looking for jobs. I heard someone tell me that you are the one who wins at the starting line."

"No, on the contrary, I am actually a person who lost at the starting line. I was born in a very remote village in northwest Ningxia. My family is poor. The school there is terrible, and my academic performance is not good. I can't even I didn’t even get into college, but I started working right after graduating from high school. Do you think I was the one who lost out at the starting line?

“After coming out of the countryside and arriving in the city, I realized how big the outside world is and my own shortcomings. I envy those who have gone to college.

"It's because I know that I am already lagging behind before I even start. To catch up with others, I have to work harder. I am very grateful to 'Zhaixianshui', which provides me with a platform for development and allows my efforts to With the results, I may be lucky. Many people have worked hard, but their efforts have not been seen. I happened to be seen.

"'Zhaixianshui' is such a platform where gold can shine and everyone's efforts will be fully recognized. Here, everyone's value will be discovered. You know when I applied for a job and entered 'Zhaixianshui' At that time, what position was it? Purchaser, yes, that’s right, it was a purchaser.

"Fortunately, that was the early stage of our company. After the company was officially launched, it developed very rapidly. We grew rapidly along with the company."

Said this to Evian and reporters.

It's no wonder that Xiang Yiyun has become a star. You see a beautiful girl who smiles at you every day when you get in and out of the elevator. You can't even remember her name, not to mention her last name is so special, so It's rare, and it's normal for everyone to be curious about her.

Through those reports, everyone also knows that she is such a girl. She is very able to endure hardships. Many times, she is still harvesting vegetables with farmers in the vegetable fields in the middle of the night. In the early morning of winter, when it is freezing outside, she still has to work with The farmers were together in the vegetable field. The reporter interviewed many farmers. The farmers all praised the girl and said that this girl is very capable.

A reporter was very curious and asked Xiang Evian, you are the general manager of the branch. Logically speaking, things like going to the vegetable field to collect vegetables are not done by you. Why would you do it?

Xiang Evian said that we are in contact with more than 300 family farms. The farmers will not make any big ideas, but they will see whether you are trustworthy. As long as he trusts you, it will be easy for you to communicate with him. .

Besides, I come from the countryside. I have been doing these jobs since I was a child, and now I don’t feel that it is hard or tiring. By working with them, I can also remind myself that you are a farmer’s child. There is nothing amazing about you.

This girl has a celebrity face, but she doesn’t look like that at all. She is just like all of us, working hard every day, which makes everyone feel friendly and even feel sorry for her.

Xiang Yiyun called Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei and told them excitedly:

"It's great. My Weibo followers have increased by more than two million."

Wu Huan said: "A lot of people are showing love to you, right?"

Xiang Yiyun chuckled, neither saying yes nor no.

Zhang Xiangbei reminded: "Xiang Yiyun, the more fans there are, the more people there will be. There will be all kinds of people. Let me remind you that now your Weibo account is not your own, but represents In the company, everything you say and do in the company will be linked to our company by others, so you must pay special attention to what you say."

"I know, I will let myself be both moral and artistic." Xiang Yiyun said, Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"You're right to remind me. I want to tell everyone right away. Don't let one word ruin a person or one person ruin a company, especially Xiao Wenwen."

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "Although she doesn't hide her words, she is the one who needs the least reminder. She is not tied to the company today. She has been tied to the company for a long time. Ever since she started working on 'Wenwen's Entrepreneurship', she has been very good at it." , you can see her laughing and joking, but actually every word goes through the brain first."

"It's true, otherwise the boat would have capsized long ago." Wu Huan laughed.

Thank you winsonliu for the reward of two fishes! Thank you winsonliu, xiezhiwww, Ermao, Yue 9 6 Birds 33, lcs0001, pengbei4844, Tamagotchi, Tianying 1978, Shouwang, Youzi Xiaoliu, jumpfly, light dust-, Dachuan Dachuan, freedom after rain and clear sky, random bomb invincible hand, Mike, Changsha Huisheng, forget the future but remember the original intention, Nanke Yimeng 79, the fisherman at the dock, the administrator on the third floor of the library, Lao Chentang, a leisurely look, sand dust mood, humorous tribe, abc19791205, Yunlong Frogfish, Qidi Sun , monthly tickets for book friends 20180906223204934, 20180508205547324, 20171122204203851, 20171012184736962, 20210814024051886! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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