The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 210 The Silence of the Lambs

Until getting off work in the evening, Zhang Chen didn't receive a call or page from Jin Lili, commenting on his performance in the middle of the night. Zhang Chen understood in his heart that Jin Lili didn't mind this matter, but didn't care at all. , and also don’t care about the people involved.

I am already the one who is not cared about.

Zhang Chen felt a little frustrated, a little angry, and a little sad. He felt that the road they had walked together for so many years should have come to an end. The next step was to continue, but they were still lingering. Even if Jin Lili changed her mind, with Zhang Chen , has also annihilated it little by little, and decided to let it become a dead end.

The past is like a dream, left in vain, it will only become a scab that can be constantly uncovered.

Zhang Chen is cruel in his heart and always so decisive when it comes to this kind of things. Just like when he walked away from Gu Shufang, he walked away as soon as he said to go away, but in terms of behavior, he was often dragging his feet. He knew that he would not And Jin Lili, seriously, let's break up, but he is already ready for Jin Lili to bring it up.

If she hadn't brought it up, their relationship would have been delayed by two people until finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and ran away.

Zhang Chen sneered, he didn't think that person would be him.

Zhang Chen felt that he had enough of a bystander's mentality. He could be the protagonist and an audience at the same time, participating in the performance and watching a group of people perform to their heart's content. He would hold his hands and watch coldly, no They will be the kind of audience who are carried away by the plot and the characters in the play.

In the evening, Liu Ligan came again. Zhang Chen knew in his heart that Liu Ligan had been here in the morning, noon and evening. In fact, he had already sensed some clues that he was here to be a nanny. He knew that there were many things between them, and he could not Open your heart and talk, and he will surround you and make jokes, so as to distract yourself and think less about those troublesome things.

Or at least, don’t get stuck in these things, be overwhelmed by them, and be unable to extricate yourself.

With him by his side, he could at least reserve a space for Zhang Chen to show his head and take a breath. As long as he could still breathe, he wouldn't be suffocated to death.

Zhang Chen was grateful from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't say anything, let alone express his gratitude.

It was like when Liu Ligan went to the airport every day to wait for Tan Shuzhen. Zhang Chen knew in his heart, but he could only pretend not to know, and just did something silently to share his loss and pain.

After being together for a long time, they have really established a tacit understanding that belongs to them, and a brotherhood that is similar to family affection.

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Xiao Wu took bowls to the cafeteria to get a lot of food. When they returned to the office, Zhang Chen took out the Jiugui wine that Liu Ligan had brought from Mr. Xie from the cabinet.

When Liu Ligan saw it, he immediately stood up and took two teacups from the table. He looked at the remaining tea inside, walked to the door and poured it. Looking again, there were still remaining tea leaves stuck to the cups, so he used The cold water in the electric teapot was swung and poured out.

Liu Ligan placed two teacups in front of Zhang Chen and himself. Zhang Chen had already opened the wine, half for each person, and the bottle of wine was divided into two. There were exactly two full cups. The two began to drink. Xiao Wu Sitting on the edge, eating his meal.

It was just getting dark outside when Yilin arrived on a broken bicycle. When Yilin arrived, Xiaowu stood up and went to train. He left Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan behind and continued drinking in the office.

Liu Ligan raised his glass, clinked it with Zhang Chen, and drank a sip of wine. Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Are you still getting along, you and Lily?"

Zhang Chen shook his head: "I don't know."

"Lao Xia still has buck teeth?"

"Buck teeth."

"Holy shit!"

The two of them continued to drink, and all the topics about Jin Lili and this matter ended here. Liu Ligan could talk about other things, but when he encountered this, he was frustrated. This kind of thing makes no sense in the first place. But, what more should be said?

Zhang Chen understood what Liu Ligan wanted to say. There was no need to say it. Zhang Chen also understood what Liu Ligan couldn't say.

Besides, Liu Ligan's own fall was worse than Zhang Chen's. What other experiences could he pass on?

Liu Li picked up the wine glass, twitched his nose, and shouted, the wine is really good!

Zhang Chen said yes.

Liu Ligan didn't touch Zhang Chen. He took a sullen breath and then laughed.

The laughter was unprovoked. Zhang Chen looked at him and asked strangely: "What's so funny?"

"I suddenly remembered something." Liu Ligan continued to smile.

"What's up?"

"We are one-on-one, and we seem to be mismatched."

"What the hell?"

"Zhang Chen, think about it carefully, what would happen if you and Tan Shuzhen were together? I think you two must be fine by now. You are a match made in heaven."

"Fuck you!"

"Why are you so anxious? I mean, if this Tan Shuzhen is obviously the most suitable for you, why would she fall in love with me? Now she's going to marry the most unsuitable sissy."

"What do you mean? Then Lily is more suitable for you?" Zhang Chen also smiled, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Not suitable." Liu Lizhan shook his head, "You and Tan Shuzhen are suitable, but Lily and I are not suitable. Her heart is bigger than mine. I still don't know how big her heart is. Do you know? "

Zhang Chen was silent. He felt that Liu Ligan's words made sense. Jin Lili's heart was indeed big, boundless.

"You don't fucking know?" Liu Ligan cursed, "You don't even know how big her heart is, how can you contain her heart?"

Zhang Chen was still silent.

Liu Ligan looked at the last sip of wine in the glass and raised the glass: "Here, let's drink it."

Zhang Chen had sex with him.

"Shall we go play golf at Liu Yun's place?" Liu Ligan said, "Let me tell you, the more you play golf, the more interesting it becomes."

"No, what's the point? How is it different from the glass marbles we played with when we were kids? Isn't it just rolling the ball into the hole?" Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, awesome." Liu Lipole raised his thumb, "If you put it like this, we can't continue the conversation. You are the kind of person who must connect kickball and football."

Zhang Chen chuckled.

"Then let's go see a movie. It's been a long time since we've seen a movie." Liu Ligan suggested again.

"No, what's so interesting about two men?" Zhang Chen blurted out.

Liu Ligan opened his eyes wide, looked at him and shouted, "Oh, as far as I know, you and Jin Lili have not watched a movie this year. Which woman did you go to watch with?"

"With no one."

"No, no, your tone just now clearly confessed that you went to the movies with a woman." Liu Ligan thought for a moment and smiled: "I know, is it yours? It has a cool aroma." Xiao Zhao appears again?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Zhang Chen scolded.

"That's right. If it's her, she really showed up at the right time."

Zhang Chen knew what he meant and cursed: "You fucking think everyone is you."

Liu Ligan said nonchalantly: "I really understand that when the original soup is transformed into the original food, the harm caused by women still needs women to heal. Let me tell you, Zhang Chen, I am now full of gratitude for those Ding Dongs." .”

Zhang Chen burst into laughter and cursed: "Let's go, let's go, it's just a movie, it's so long-winded."

Zhang Chen cursed like this, and he really missed Xiao Zhao a little. He also remembered that the last time he and Xiao Zhao went to the cinema, they didn't watch Anthony Hopkins' "The Silence of the Lambs". Today, he could just watch this movie. I’ve watched the movie, but I don’t know if it’s still being released now.

They did not go to Tailong City, but to the cinema in Jiefangxi. When they arrived at the entrance of the cinema, Zhang Chen saw that "The Silence of the Lambs" was still playing in one hall, but the poster was pushed into the corner, and the door was crowded. The crowds came here for the newly released "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by Andy Lau and Anita Mui.

Before Zhang Chen could say anything, Liu Ligan pointed to the "Silence of the Lambs" poster in the corner and said to Zhang Chen, "Let's look at this."

Zhang Chen agreed. On this point, Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen's tastes were surprisingly consistent. This was probably one of the reasons why the two of them quickly became good friends as soon as Zhang Chen entered the troupe. There’s a reason, wine of course.

The two of them were sitting in the cinema. As soon as the movie started, the BB player in Zhang Chen's waist vibrated. He picked it up and looked at it. What was displayed on it was:

"Manager Yan: Mr. Zhang, something happened on the construction site. Come as soon as possible!"

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