The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2076 Everything is uncertain, please ask dad

There are only four days left until September 15th, the day when "Daily Fresh" will be launched. The entire "Fresh Delivery" has entered a state of war. Everyone is excited and nervous. The opponent is not others, but themselves. The strength of their opponents aroused their competitiveness and fighting spirit as they were on every day.

A month ago, each of them would have thought that their relationship with was just strolling around and clearing their shopping carts every day in their free time. They did not expect that they would be in close combat with them so soon. Hand-to-hand combat.

The smoke of gunpowder has begun to fill the air, and the horn of war is ringing everywhere. First, there are overwhelming advertisements, from Weibo to On Weibo, if you open it, you can see the advertisement "Want fresh, fresh every day" on almost every page. There is no way, this is their advantage, who knows that the owner of Weibo is also Teacher Ma.

In the elevators of every building in every community in Hangzhou and Shanghai, their "Daily Fresh" advertisement appeared in the elevator. It was like a prank. The advertisement was located opposite the "Zhai Xian Delivery" advertisement. Residents walked into the elevator and saw To the left is the advertisement for "Zhai Xian Delivery", and to the right is the advertisement for "Daily Fresh".

Zhang Xiangbei and the others expected this situation to occur, and Zhou Ruoyi also specifically asked the advertising company whether the elevator advertising company and Zhou Ruoyi's "Fresh Delivery Advertising" were partners.

They told Zhou Ruoyi, "Don't worry, this won't happen. There are only four advertising spaces in an elevator. At that time, they are all full. In Hangzhou, next to you is an advertisement for an education and training institution, and opposite is an advertisement for a fund." Advertising for companies and dental clinics.

Here in Shanghai, there are milk advertisements and hair transplant advertisements, and there is also a fund company like Hangzhou. They are a national company.

Zhang Xiangbei and the others were really relieved. As a result, starting yesterday, in all the elevators in Hangzhou and Shanghai, the fund company advertisements on the opposite side disappeared and turned into advertisements for "Daily Fresh". Zhou Ruoyi called and asked, The advertising company said helplessly, Mr. Zhou, there is nothing we can do. Who knows that this fund company is still a company controlled by Dibao after eighteen generations.

"They deliberately occupied this place, and they didn't want you to discover it beforehand. In the contract they signed with us, they signed an advertising space, and specifically when and what content of the advertisement will appear. As long as the content is not illegal, we have no right. Interference, so we have nothing to do except review the content.”

The other party said to comfort Zhou Ruoyi: "Mr. Zhou, it's not that we don't help, we can only blame the enemy for being too cunning."

What is even more irritating is that the slogan of "Daily Fresh" on the elevator advertisement is not "Want freshness, daily freshness", but the rather challenging "Earlier is worse than later". Everyone knows this is What does it mean? I just want to tell everyone that although the "Zhai Xian Delivery" opposite came early, it is not as good as us.

The advertisement also specifically added the sentence "Company owned by". This is using the reputation and popularity of to endorse "Daily Fresh", for fear that others will not know.

Including the advertisements on the radio stations, they almost always squeezed in to which station and time slot "Zhai Xian Delivery" was on. If Zhou Ruoyi hadn't greeted every radio station in advance, and the radio stations saw that they were regulars. In order to save customers' reputation, the "Daily Fresh" advertisement had to be pushed ahead of the "Home Fresh Delivery" advertisement. Fortunately, it did not succeed.

Now it has become an advertisement for "Fresh Delivery at Home". Once the advertisement is over, the advertisement for "Want freshness, fresh food every day" immediately comes out. "Fresh Daily" has become an advertisement that "Fresh Delivery at Home" cannot get rid of. Tail.

On the evening of the 14th, it was said that they would have a party to celebrate the launch of "Daily Fresh". Wu Huan got the program list and watched it with Zhang Xiangbei. The more they watched, the more they watched.

For this party, "Daily Fresh" invested heavily and invited more than a dozen popular traffic stars to participate. It is said that three satellite TV stations will join forces to broadcast the live broadcast.

Xiao Wenwen called Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan and told them, "What are you afraid of? We will come too."

"Why are we here too?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"We're also going to have a party." Xiao Wenwen said, "It's also on the night of the 14th. Aren't they broadcasting it live on satellite TV? We're also going to have an online live broadcast. I'm here, and there's that die-hard Jean Qianqian, All the anchors of Fanhua will come together. Our total fans are hundreds of millions, and the number of people watching will not be less than them."

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan's eyes lit up, and they both felt that Xiao Wenwen's idea was good. If there were dozens of anchors on the entire Fanhua Network, if they started broadcasting at the same time that day, the momentum would indeed be huge. To move all the anchors, as long as Liu Yun just gave the order. Zhang Xiangbei was confident that as long as he went to his godmother and told her this request, the godmother would definitely agree, but——

"The 14th is to celebrate the launch of 'Daily Fresh', so what's the reason? We can't just celebrate the launch of 'Zhai Xian Delivery', right?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

This question also stumped Wu Huan and Xiao Wenwen. They also felt that this was a big problem. If there was no reason for it, it would look like they were just here to make trouble with "Daily Fresh". That would be too much. Xiaojiazi was angry.

"Ask your dad." Xiao Wenwen said, "Beibei, when you don't have any ideas, just ask your dad. He has many ideas."

Zhang Xiangbei actually called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was not at Banmutian Group today, but at the "Food and Drinking Man and Woman" opposite. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan hurried over.

Zhang Xiangbei told Zhang Chen about the matter. Zhang Chen thought for a moment and finally had an idea. He said:

"They are inviting popular celebrities. Looking at the list, they have almost invited all the ones that should be invited. No matter how much you organize it here, you will not be able to organize a more eye-catching party than theirs. How about this? Since they are purely commercial events, Just come to a charity party."

"Charity gala?" Wu Huan asked puzzledly, thinking to himself, how can he compete with the other party at this charity gala?

"Think about it, two companies with such opposing competitive relationships hold a party on the same day and at the same time. This is eye-catching in itself. With so many people looking at you, what do you compare to? To compare with wealth and wealth, of course you compare. But if you want to dig out your treasure, how about finding another way to compare your corporate image with them?

"One company is engaged in commercial activities, and the other is engaged in charity activities. Think about it, in the eyes of the public, who will give a thumbs up, and whose corporate image is better?"

Zhang Chen asked them, and Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan suddenly realized that if this was the case, everyone would only scold the "Daily Fresh" slut while watching their party. Isn't it just a few stinky money? What's going on?

On the contrary, their "Zhai Xian Delivery" party may not be as eye-catching as "Daily Fresh", but they are a charity party, and the connotation of the party will be praised by others. It is imaginable that many people on the Internet will even Scolding each other, you are so rich and can afford to hire so many celebrities, why don't you do charity like "Zhai Xian Shou"?

"Daily Fresh" may be scolded for this.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both laughed. Wu Huan and Zhang Chen said:

"Mr. Zhang, your idea is great. A charity party is the best choice. However, what kind of charity event should we do?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and said:

"You do charity every day, and you still ask me what charity activities I do? It's your 'Suishibang', a charity fund-raising performance to help farmers in need. The QR code is published so that everyone can scan the code to donate while watching the live broadcast. One point No money is too little, and ten thousand is never too much.

"By the way, ask the notary public from the notary office to come to the scene for notarization. The number of donations is displayed in real time at the bottom of the screen. This rolling number is getting bigger and bigger, which is a stimulus to those watching the live broadcast. It will also become a topic in itself."

"You are so awesome, Mr. Zhang. Why do you have so many ideas? You are like the king of ideas!" Wu Huan shouted.

Zhang Chen was a little proud and said:

"I'll help you come up with ideas. The time is short now. It's too late to arrange the program temporarily. The main team of the performance will be Xiang Nan and the others. There is no need to rehearse. We will add a few guests in the middle and create a show for the evening party. Just come down, by the way, ask Wenwen to help you invite the guests, she has this way and this ability, she can drag others here."

Wu Huan laughed when he heard this, and Zhang Chen asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Wu Huan said with a smile: "You and Wenwen, you two really have a good understanding. We had no idea before. Wenwen asked us to find you, and now you ask us to find Wenwen. You really understand each other."

When Zhang Chen heard this, his expression suddenly became unnatural. Fortunately, neither Wu Huan nor Zhang Xiangbei noticed it. Zhang Chen quickly changed the subject and said to Wu Huan:

"Of course, she was my agent."

Wu Huan immediately called Xiao Wenwen and told her what Zhang Chen said about the charity gala. Wenwen shouted:

"Great, this is a great idea. I know Mr. Zhang has a way. Wu Huan, give Mr. Zhang a kiss for me."

Wu Huan said with a smile: "I don't dare, I'm afraid Zhang Xiangbei and Mr. Kan will come together to beat me."

Wenwen giggled and said: "Since it is a charity party to help poor farmers, and they invite popular celebrities, I will invite important ones, such as Liu Huan, Han Hong, Zhang Yimou, Chen Daoming, Lao Cui, Zhang Ziyi, etc. They will all go to charity events, and I will invite Hu Ge and Wang Zhiwen to Shanghai."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, and you will implement it immediately.

"Okay, right away, don't delay for a minute." After Wenwen finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Wu Huan put down the phone and looked at Zhang Xiangbei. Both of them laughed, feeling that a big deal had been finalized.

Zhang Chen looked at them and said: "This alone is not enough. If we want to increase the topicality, we must also add more activities."

"Can we add more activities? What should we add?" Wu Huan asked.

"Charity sale." Zhang Chen said, "Charity performance plus charity sale."

Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and said to them:

"I'll make two phone calls first to see if it's possible. If so, your party may be the one that raises the most charity funds in the country this year. It's hard not to make headlines."

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were stunned when they heard this. They looked at Zhang Chen and held their breath while listening to his call.

Thank you Tin Soldier for the tip! Thank you for the monthly votes of Four plus one equals five, Feng Conghu 1974, The Far Place is Not Far Nor Near, Edison, Windinwing, Book Friends 20190609114042978, Book Friends 20170105213311538! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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