The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2062: Sail against the current, you have to do it

When the two people were talking, there was a cookbook for "Eating for Men and Women" on the lower shelf of the coffee table. There are two types of recipes for "Eating for Men and Women". One is on the website, which has the name of the dish, the price of the dish, and the price of the dish. There are three types, large, medium, and small. The small portion is the small portion. Different portions have different prices. Family dinners usually focus on large portions, but it is written like this.

That's an entire recipe book. If all are priced in large portions, it will look very expensive and will scare away some customers. These customers are not necessarily because of money, but they feel that your store is ripping off customers. arouse their disgust.

Although there are very few people who actually order the sample portions, writing the price here will make the dishes on the menu look less expensive. Customers who place orders at "Food and Drink" are generally not short of money, but they If he goes to many hotels, he will subconsciously compare the prices on the menu with the hotels he has been to.

That is to say, because of the existence of examples, these people will have the illusion that it is not that expensive for chefs and waiters to come to serve. People will think it is very reasonable to charge an additional 10% service fee. After all, two people were sent over.

What they don’t know is that in fact, in high-end hotels, one waiter only serves one private room. In addition, the orderer is responsible for ordering and the orderer is responsible for passing the food. At home, the orderer and the orderer are responsible for passing the food. It can be omitted and the actual number of waiters is reduced.

Of course, a hotel's kitchen is not a chef serving a private room, but there is no service fee in the hotel. The 10% service fee here can generally cover the wages of the chef and waiters. In addition, the food is slightly more expensive than in the hotel because there is no shop. , the cost is lower than that of hotels, so the actual profit margin of 'Food and Drink' is even more impressive than that of hotels.

Next to the name of each dish on the menu, there are pictures, as well as the list of main ingredients and ingredients. There is no way, with Chinese dishes, you often can’t quite understand what kind of dish it is from the name. The more upscale the hotel, the better. The names of the dishes are more vague, and the pictures are all of the finished dishes. If you haven't tried it, you can't tell the reason by looking at the pictures. There is a list of main ingredients, and it's clear at a glance.

Valuable ingredients are also measured, indicating how many grams they are. This gives new and old customers a sense of honesty and clear consumption, and it is easy to gain the trust of customers.

This is the external recipe of ‘Eating Man and Woman’.

They also have an in-house cookbook, which is the one under the coffee table. It’s a big, thick book. This is the fruit of Fatty Fu’s hard work. The main ingredients, ingredients, seasonings and condiments of each dish are clearly written in it. Chu, the unit is accurate to grams, and all the steps of each dish are also clearly written. It is actually an operation guide.

As long as the chef takes this recipe and follows it, he can make this dish. No matter whether he is a chef in Beijing or Nanjing, Guangzhou or Lanzhou, the taste of the dish will be the same. This is standardization.

This recipe book is important information of their company and also a trade secret. Each store only has one copy, which is kept by the store manager. There are strict regulations that no photocopying is allowed and no one is allowed to take it home. The chefs can only do it in the processing workshop, under surveillance cameras. Reference is not allowed and copying is not allowed. The store manager will take away the recipe book at the end of each day.

Generally, the division of labor in the kitchen of a hotel is very strict. For example, the person standing at the head of the pot is always at the head of the pot, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, and the person standing at the head of the wok is always standing at the head of the wok, holding a spoon in his hand. The piers and woks are numbered, and the dishes in the entire hotel are also classified. For example, which dishes are usually cooked by the person who cooks the No. 1 wok, and which ones are cooked by the chef who cooks the No. 2 wok.

There is also a chef who is responsible for making lotus. There are carvings and carvings. The one who is responsible for making stewed vegetables only makes braised vegetables, roasted suckling pig and roasted chicken and duck. Every day, he is only responsible for roasting suckling pig, chicken and duck, and the one who makes stews. When making stews, those who steam them just steam them. There are few chefs who will start from chopping vegetables and cook all the recipes in the hotel.

The same is true in the processing workshop of "Food and Drink". Different people are responsible for the front-end processing of different dishes, and the chef who goes to the guest's home is only responsible for cooking. As for how these semi-finished products are marinated and what seasonings are used, The chef had no idea.

The same is true when they learn recipes. Everyone only learns the part they are responsible for. Who has so much time to learn such a thick book? Unless they are thoughtful, few people will learn the entire book. Memorize the recipe, which objectively achieves the result of confidentiality.

Xiaofang took out the recipe and said to Zhang Chen, "By the way, I discovered a secret on this recipe. Master Fu has really good intentions. I forgot to tell you."

"What secret?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I found that the seasonings used by Master Fu in this recipe are very special. They are used to make semi-finished products. He uses very unpopular seasonings and rarely uses seasonings that ordinary people have at home. For example, he does not use white wine. And cooking wine, instead use Korean super water soju, maple soju and jinro, or Korean confinement wine.

"The same goes for other seasonings. It's obviously Chinese food, but he uses a lot of seasonings from Western and Southeast Asian food, and doesn't use dark soy sauce or light soy sauce very much."

Xiaofang said, Zhang Chen took the recipe book and opened it to look at it. It was really like this. Why didn't he pay attention before? He looked at Xiaofang with some confusion, and Xiaofang asked:

"Do you know why this is happening, Master Fu?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while, but still didn't understand, and asked, "Do you know?"

"Of course I know, so he has good intentions." Xiaofang said with a smile, "He just wants to create the uniqueness of the dishes. Think about it, in ordinary families, who would prepare these seasonings? But if you Without these seasonings, the same ingredients will taste worse.

"That's what Master Fu wants to do. It's obviously my chef who made the dish in front of you at your home. It seems very simple to you, but as long as you don't have this recipe book, you don't know what these ingredients are used for. No matter what seasoning you want to learn, but you can't make a delicious dish, and you still want to eat it, then you have to go to the 'Food and Drink' point."

As soon as Xiaofang said this, Zhang Chen understood and couldn't help laughing. It was true. It looked like Fatty Fu had good intentions. There was another trick here.

Xiaofang took the cookbook back from Zhang Chen's hand, closed it, and put it again on the lower shelf of the coffee table. After Zhang Chen got the cookbook back, he didn't look at it much, but he saw that the cover of the cookbook had been rolled up. Obviously Someone often read it. Zhang Chen asked Xiaofang:

"Do you read this cookbook often?"

"Yes, when I sit here and have nothing to do, I will look through it, looking at each dish, seeing how they are put together, the different flavors of various ingredients and seasonings, and finally mixed into the taste of the dish. It is very interesting, just It’s like doing a chemistry experiment in a laboratory.”

Xiaofang said, pressed her hand on the coffee table, and asked Zhang Chen: "Shall we continue the previous topic?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiaofang then introduced the senior, as well as what happened yesterday afternoon when he came to his office to chat with her and Liu Yun, and basically told Zhang Chen.

Xiaofang said: "He is currently one of the best in China and in our industry, whether it is the size of the funds he manages, the projects he invests in, or his judgment on the projects. 'Eating Men and Women' From the day you told me that I designed a road map for its entire development for you, I knew that it could not escape and would definitely take this path.

"My dear, whether you want it or not, whether you want it or not, you have to take this path... Don't worry, let me analyze it for you slowly.

"First let's talk about how big the market for 'food for men and women' is. Our country, excluding Taiwan, has a total of 333 prefecture-level units and 2,851 county-level units. Among them, except for the central and western regions It can be said that 60 to 70 percent of poverty-stricken areas are suitable places for our "food and drink men and women" to open branches. In super cities like Beijing and Shanghai, one store is not enough.

"In the southeastern coastal areas, in some places, you can even open one restaurant in a town. My most conservative estimate is that it is two thousand. 'Food and Drinking' must reach the scale of two thousand. Moreover, it does not mean that there will be time. You develop slowly over five or ten years, but within one or two years, you must complete the layout of 2,000 companies.

"With such a large scale and front, think about it, how can it be enough if you only rely on your own accumulation? Although the current profitability of 'Food and Drink' is very good, it is in a static state, that is, you are no longer expanding rapidly. However, once it starts to expand rapidly, funds will definitely not be able to keep up, and it is necessary to raise larger funds through continuous financing and finally through listing.

"You have no problem if I ask you to take out 100 billion, but if you are asked to take out 51 billion in cash at once, can you do it? 'Half Acre Field' is constantly giving blood transfusions to 'Eating Men and Women'? Does 'Half an Acre' itself not need development?

"'Diet Men and Women' has now completed its start-up period. It has reached the stage where it can rely on its own capabilities and conditions to obtain more funds from the capital market. Therefore, it will not only start Series A, but also Series B and Series C." N rounds, through continuous financing, the funds needed for rapid expansion are obtained.

"While branch stores are expanding, there is one more thing that must be done, and it must be done immediately, that is, when so many branches are opened, employee training, whether it is chefs, waiters or managers, relies on the Jiubao Logistics Base This place is definitely not enough. 'Food and drink men and women' need their own schools, vocational skills training schools..."

Xiaofang said, Zhang Chen couldn't help but want to say something, Xiaofang waved his hand to stop him, Xiaofang said:

"Honey, I know what you want to say. You must be trying to say that you don't think it's necessary to expand so fast, right?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"It has to be so fast, otherwise it will be too late." Xiaofang said, "Now, it is not a senior student who is optimistic about this area, but a lot of capital. They come to me, Liu Yun, and even Xiaohu and others to inquire about our financing status. There are quite a few people. What do you think they would do if they didn't have the chance to enter the 'Food and Drinking Men and Women'?

"Because of this, they gave up investing in this area? Watching you slowly make this area bigger and stronger in five or ten years? Of course it's impossible. They will definitely invest in similar companies, with dozens and hundreds of 'food and drink men and women' If you know how to get up, you are still the leader. If you slack off, develop not fast enough, and let others get ahead of you, you will soon find that you are lagging behind."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. Xiaofang's words were very direct, but when he thought about it, it would really be like this.

"Dear, do you still remember the day when Beibei first talked to us about 'fresh home delivery'? That day I told Beibei that we couldn't expand one community after another as he said. If that happened, he would not even be able to expand the entire Hangzhou." Before Johto is captured, you will find that a similar company bigger than his has already started up.

"'Home Delivery' is also an industry with a very low entry barrier. For an industry with such a low barrier to entry, you either don't do it, or you must scale it up if you want to do it. Use your scale to raise the threshold for this industry. To keep competitors away, I told him that if we want to do it, we need to launch it in at least three cities at the same time. This is what I mean.

"Now, it's time for 'Food and Drink' men and women. It's time to suddenly grow up like blowing up a balloon, and use your scale to block other competitors. No chicken can compete with KFC, just because they can't do what KFC does." scale.

"This is the move that the 'Food and Drinks' must take to firmly establish their position as the boss before the Hundred Regiment War at the Shopless Hotel comes."

Zhang Chen listened to Xiaofang's words, and he suddenly remembered what he and Xiaoli said that day, that you should be domineering when doing big things, and be gangster when doing small things. He was thinking, is it time to show your domineering power now?

Thank you Yishu Chong for the reward! Thank you ZHAO1017, the flat tire Mars rover for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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