The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2054 A difficult day

More than twenty minutes later, Zhang Chen's phone rang again, but this time it was WeChat. Xiaoli asked for a video call. Zhang Chen turned around and walked over, sat down on the sofa, and clicked to answer. Hui appeared on the screen of the phone. The two faces of Juan and Xiaoli.

"How's it going?" Zhang Chen asked.

"People from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have finished taking samples and left. Our refrigerators and processing workshops were sealed. Another group of them went to the customer's home to take samples. By the way, the customer seemed to have called the police. The police station People are also there." Huijuan said, "I have already said hello to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and they will speed up the progress and give us a conclusion as soon as possible."

Zhang Chen agreed: "The matter has come to this, and we can only wait for their results."

"Mr. Zhang, there is another troublesome thing now." Xiao Li said.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"So many orders have been cancelled. Tomorrow's orders here in Hangzhou have also been temporarily stopped. However, we always have to give customers an explanation. Some customers called and sounded very bad, saying that we had canceled their plans. It’s all messed up,” Xiaoli said.

Yes, many people are having a treat at home today, and they are all important guests, or it is an important family reunion. Today is Saturday, everyone must have made arrangements, and many invitation calls have been made. Suddenly, he said Order cancellation, isn’t this a joke? It is natural for the guests to be angry.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and asked Huijuan: "How many private rooms are there at Tuxiangyuan in the evening? Don't book any private rooms from now on, just leave them to these guests. If there are not enough private rooms, the lobby can also do it. Tell all the canceled orders If our customers are willing to move the banquet to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel, we will give them a 50% discount on tonight’s meal.”

Huijuan said yes, and I would inform her right away, "But Mr. Zhang, I still need to give an explanation here. It can't be so unclear."

Zhang Chen nodded. Indeed, I must give everyone an explanation. Zhang Chen said:

"Let's just tell everyone the actual situation. If we hide it, everyone will have different opinions. I think they will be passive."

"No." Huijuan said, "Our explanation must be published on the website of 'Food and Drink', including the method of transferring orders and giving a 50% discount. We must also publish it together with this explanation, so as to win the trust of customers.

"However, the customers who visit our website are not just customers from Hangzhou. They are found all over the country. Even if it is suspected, everyone will see the word food poisoning. When customers from other cities see it, they will definitely..."

There was no need for Huijuan to say any more, Zhang Chen also understood. In that case, the impact of this incident would definitely spread across the country immediately. It was a small matter that customers would cancel their orders one after another. The signboard of "Food and Drink for Men and Women" had only been erected for more than two months. , I am afraid that I will fall because of this.

They couldn't bear this consequence. Although Zhang Chen wanted to confess, after Huijuan reminded him, he understood that confessing at this time was really not a good idea.

Honesty requires paying a price, and many times, the price you need to buy is probably a bill you shouldn't pay, or a bigger bill.

Zhang Chen also felt that he was at a loss. If he couldn't describe the facts, what reason would he have to tell the guests why they wanted to cancel their orders?

It would be easier if it was the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. The switch would be pulled and everyone would be informed that the line was faulty. Everyone knows that the kitchen cannot cook anything without electricity. Even if there was a way to cook it, no guests would be willing to do it in such hot weather. , went to eat in a hotel without air conditioning.

But "eating men and women" do not have these problems at all.

"Can you say there is an equipment failure?" Xiaoli asked.

"What's wrong with us? It's not just the gas stove and microwave oven, but it's someone else's. You can't say that even the chef can't cut vegetables."

Zhang Chen said that Xiaoli sighed, she was about to cry, and muttered: "Why is it so unlucky that something like this happens?"

Huijuan comforted her and said, "It doesn't matter. That's how running a hotel is. All kinds of accidents will happen... By the way, can we be more ambiguous?"

"What do you say?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I just said that I found that there are some quality problems with the ingredients purchased today. It is almost three o'clock now and it is too late to re-purchase. In order not to delay everyone's meal, I suggest that you cancel the order or move to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. We will compensate you. ." Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, and although this statement was still a bit far-fetched, there was nothing he could do about it. This was already the best way to explain it.

"Okay, let's just say that, Xiaoli, guests who agree to move to Tuxiangyuan Hotel will receive a 50% discount on their meals. If they cancel the order directly, we will compensate them with 10% of the order amount. This part of the loss will be It's up to us 'food and drink men and women' to take on the responsibility."

Zhang Chen told Xiaoli, and Xiaoli hurriedly agreed. She was about to leave when she was stopped by Huijuan, who said:

"Also, the people below should tell you that before the conclusion is drawn, you must not tell anything about today's events, which will cause people to panic, especially don't talk nonsense on the Internet. You are not allowed to speak even in internal WeChat groups and QQ groups. Be careful of being screenshotted.”

Zhang Chen said that he was right. He felt that Huijuan's reminder was right. Xiaoli nodded and walked over to write an explanation. Huijuan and Zhang Chen said:

"When the people from the CDC left, I had already discussed it with them. They would not express any opinions to the outside world until the conclusion was made."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Also, Brother Zhang, I want to go to the hospital immediately on behalf of the company." Huijuan said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I checked and found out that this customer is an old customer of our original Tuxiangyuan. I know him. I want to appease them first and prevent them from making trouble. At the same time, I also want to remind him strategically that if things don't go well, Before the investigation is clear, if any reporters hear the news and interview them, I hope they will not speak out.

"If you make a random statement and the investigation concludes that it has nothing to do with our company, we will also pursue the losses caused to us."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "Speak nicely."

Huijuan smiled and said: "I know, I don't even know this. People are already very angry, how dare I provoke them? However, this matter is indeed very strange. If it is a problem with the ingredients, we made so many orders at noon, How could it be that only one of them has a problem? I have told the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before, and they agreed and said that they would ask colleagues who go to the guests’ homes to take samples in a wider range.”

Zhang Chen told Huijuan his previous thoughts and asked her whether there might be something wrong with the seasonings our chefs brought there. Each family uses different ones.

Huijuan thought for a moment and said it was impossible, "Our seasonings are all delivered in boxes. The seasonings in the same box must be from the same batch. If there is a problem with the seasonings, it will not be from the same company. It is impossible to say that it is the same." There’s something wrong with the bottle I brought.”

Zhang Chen was right when he thought about it, it should be impossible.

"Okay, Brother Zhang, I will go to the hospital first, and then go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to keep an eye on it. If there is still time, I will go to the police station to have a look. They are also conducting investigations at the same time." Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you for your hard work.

"Whatever hard work is, isn't it all about your company." Huijuan said and hung up the phone.

After a while, Xiaoli sent the written description to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw that there was no problem and asked Xiaoli to post it on the "Diet Men and Women" website. He said to Xiaoli:

"When canceling an order, you must call each customer and explain patiently to them, no matter how angry they are."

Xiaoli said okay, I understand, I will go and watch by myself.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chen and Zhao Xin had arrived at the buffet party of the French Consulate General in Shanghai. Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. It was Huijuan. Zhang Chen hurried to the corner to answer the call. Huijuan said to him , it was pretty good. Except for two tables of guests who agreed to cancel their orders in the evening, everyone else came to Tuxiangyuan, and I have already made arrangements here.

"Where are the family members?" Zhang Chen asked.

"They were very understanding and said that we certainly didn't want this to happen, and they agreed to wait for the results of the investigation to come out," Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

But this breath is only a temporary relief. It can only be said that the urgent problem at hand has been solved. This matter has not been completely solved. Everything will have to wait for the conclusion of the investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the police station to be settled. Still, Zhang Chen felt like he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with a bright knife hanging above his head.

On the way back to the hotel, Zhao Xin asked: "Boss, what's wrong with you today? You look absent-minded?"

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said to her: "There is some trouble in the company."

Zhang Chen didn't say what the specific trouble was, and Zhao Xin couldn't ask any more questions. The two of them arrived at the hotel in silence.

After entering the room, Zhang Chen called Xiaoli and asked her how she was doing.

Xiaoli sighed and said to him: "Mr. Zhang, we have done everything we need to do. Now there is nothing we can do but wait. I can't even answer when people below ask me if I want to go to work tomorrow. What a coward.”

Yes, everything that needs to be done has been done. Even if it is a lamb to be slaughtered, you must continue to wait. Zhang Chen once again felt that sense of powerlessness. Things are developing in a terrible direction, but you are helpless.

This night, Zhang Chen was restless, tossing and turning without falling asleep. He watched the sky outside the window light up little by little. If it hadn't been for nine o'clock in the morning, he would have attended the "Impression of Paris - Camille Pissarro Painting Exhibition". During the ceremony, Zhang Chen had to stand on the podium and watch two Frenchmen and two Chinese cutting the ribbon for the exhibition. Otherwise, Zhang Chen would have returned to Hangzhou long ago.

This is a major matter related to cultural exchanges between China and France, and it is the current overall situation. In the face of the overall situation, his "eating and drinking of men and women", even if it is urgent, is a trivial matter.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Zhang Chen got up and went to the bathroom to wash up and put on his clothes. He looked at the time and saw that it was already 7:10. After not sleeping all night, Zhang Chen's head felt as heavy as lead. He picked up the phone on the bedside table and called Zhao Xin. Tell her, you go down to have breakfast alone, I'll come back and call me at 8:10.

Zhao Xin said yes and asked, "Do you want to bring it to you?"

"No, thank you." Zhang Chen hung up the phone as he said it, wondering where he still had appetite.

He fell on the bed fully clothed.

Thank you for your monthly passes to Snacks, Lemon Stone Spring Hodgepodge, and Windiwing! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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