The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2050 The first meal of

Everyone has arrived. Zhang Chen told everyone that today everyone is welcome to eat and drink. If you drink too much, someone will take you back later. Don't worry. However, there is one thing, and that is, all opinions must be left behind.

Everyone applauded and took their seats one after another.

The dishes came one by one, and everyone applauded loudly every time they tasted them. Not only were these dishes beautiful and delicious, it was hard to believe that they could be made at home, and the combination of ingredients was unexpected. Unexpected ingredients can be used in one dish. Gu Gong said that this is the realm of doing whatever you want.

Everyone feels that the four words "do whatever you want" are really used appropriately.

For example, there is a dish that is braised stinky tofu yellow croaker. This yellow croaker tastes stinky, similar to stinky mandarin fish, but more delicious than stinky mandarin fish. When everyone eats this dish, they all say that they have never heard of it, and they have never seen it before, but it is too delicious. Delicious, yellow croaker and stinky tofu taste so good.

There is not one such dish, but every dish is like this, which makes people look strange. Fatty Fu, Huijuan, Xiaoli, Du Tao and others said that when you enter a family, you have home-cooked dishes, and they all look strange. It's the same, but it tastes different, so that people will feel that it's worth setting up such a table at home. It's the right thing to invite us.

I can't say that this dish is similar to what their nanny cooks. If that happens, there will be no next time. You only eat home-cooked dishes when you go to a big hotel. When you enter someone else's house, you have to eat fresh and different dishes. If you still If you feed someone home-cooked food, the host will feel that you are losing face and want to kill you. What is home-cooked food? It’s a dish that everyone has seen and imagined.

Shark's fin was originally a high-end ingredient, but now it is served in any hotel and can be made into shark's fin. Shark's fin has become a home-cooked dish, a popular commodity, and it tastes just like vermicelli.

Gu Gong said that doing whatever you want is the highest level of a chef. Only by throwing away all the rules and regulations in your mind that your master has passed down to you, what you have seen, can you reach this level.

"What you said is interesting. Can you elaborate on it? This is very good material." Lao Tuo and Gu Gong said.

"Many things are deeply ingrained in each of our minds and are difficult to let go of." Gu Gong said, "By the way, Lao Mo, show me your palm prints."

Lao Mo stood up, left his seat, walked to Gu Gong's side, spread his palms, and put them in front of Gu Gong's eyes. Gu Gong looked at him seriously for a while, nodded, and said:

"Show me your nails again."

The old mop turned his palm over and showed his nails to Gu Gong. Gu Gong said it was OK.

He then said to Liu Ligan, who was sitting next to him, "Show me your palm prints, too."

Liu Ligan spread his palm and showed it to Gu Gong. Gu Gong said, look at your nails. Liu Ligan turned his palm over and showed Gu Gong his nails.

Gu Gong then said to Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, who was sitting on the other side of him: "Your Majesty, show me your palm prints too."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, laughed and said, "Okay, let me show you my portrait of the emperor."

Gu Gong looked at it and said with a smile: "Your palm print is not like Liu Bang, but very similar to Zhao Kuangyin."

Everyone laughed, and Gu Gong said, "Show me your nails again."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, turned over his palm and showed his nails to Gu Gong.

After reading it, Gu Gonggu took a sip of wine. Everyone at the table looked at him, ready to listen to his speech about everyone's palmistry.

Gu Gong stretched out his hand and spread it out. He said to everyone: "I told you to show me your palm prints. You are all like this. I will tell you again, show me your fingernails." you……"

As he spoke, Gu Gong flexed his five fingers and asked, "Why don't you do this? If you can see the nails this way, why do you turn your palms over?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. It was true that if Gu Gong wanted to look at his palm prints and then his nails, he would turn his palms over like Lao Tuo and the others, instead of like Gu Gong did. Just bend the five fingers and you can still see the nails without turning the palm.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Lao Mo shouted loudly.

Gu Gong smiled and said: "Isn't there someone who said this is not allowed? But why are we all used to looking at the palms and the backs of our hands? Think about it carefully. This action is actually taught to us. This is what our parents have asked us to do since we were young. If your little hands are not clean, show them your palms and then the back of your hands.

"When I got to kindergarten, the teacher asked for it the same way. When I got to elementary school, the teacher asked for it too. This is what I mean by the rules and regulations in people's minds. These rules and regulations have become a subconscious reaction of people, so I said look at the palm of your hand. If you have tattoos, you will show me your palms, and then I will ask you to look at your nails, and you will naturally turn your hands over.

"When it comes to a craftsman, like their chef, there are more rules and regulations that are so ingrained and become subconscious reactions. It is difficult to break through. For example, if I give you a handful of green vegetables and ask you to stir-fry them, everyone will definitely think, heat them first. Make a pot with oil, then add garlic or mushrooms to the pot. When the aroma comes out, add vegetables.

"Why don't you put the vegetables in directly and then add the oil? Because I don't know. This is how I learned it from my master. I saw others doing it this way. Do you know why you had to heat the oil for cooking in the past? The oil in the past was not defatted. The tepid oil is raw and has a strong smell, but now, the oil has obviously been degreased. It is actually the same whether it is hot or not, but no one can change this.

"It has become a collective subconscious action for everyone. It is difficult to drown a person who can swim, because he will struggle subconsciously. Once he struggles, he cannot sink or die. Like Lao Fu, not only people who can swim, He can be said to be a swimming champion. For such a person, it is more difficult than anything else to change the rules and regulations in his mind.

"Unless he sublimates and reaches another realm, what realm? It's like what is written in Jin Yong's martial arts novels. When martial arts reaches the highest realm, there is no way to win. But when the chef reaches the highest realm, he has no ingredients in his mind. There is only taste and texture. He knows that this is the taste and texture of this, and that is the taste and texture of that.

"He uses his imagination, just like a chemist or a perfumer. In his mind, it's not what is the main ingredient or what is the auxiliary ingredient, but what will happen when this flavor and that flavor are combined. For the new taste, there are no ingredients in his mind, only the taste and the combination of flavors. Only then can he do whatever he wants without being limited by the ingredients themselves.

"I don't think about whether this and that can be fried together. There is no such thing. There is no question of whether it can be done. There is only a question of how the taste will be and whether it is tempting or not."

Gu Gong kept talking, and when he finished speaking, Lao Tuo cursed: "Damn it, it's very confusing, it's getting more and more confusing, but it makes a lot of sense, I've learned a lesson!"

Everyone nodded frequently and felt that Gu Gong's lecture was very reasonable. Liu Ligan said: "Gu Gong, you are just a philosopher delayed by pickles."

"Shit, pickles are the highest philosophy. Human beings have had so many philosophers for thousands of years, but they are useless. Can they calm a war or make people full of food? Are these people useless? It also confuses and complicates people's thinking for no reason, and makes no contribution to mankind at all." Gu Gong said.

"What about pickles?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Pickles are different. Pickles can solve people's big problems."

Gu Gong looked at everyone and said to them:

"In the past, pickles were a stupid way that people came up with because they had no way to preserve vegetables and meat. Now that we have refrigerators, preservation and preservation are no longer a problem. If you still pickle vegetables according to the original method, you are a fool. You must pickle them. Taste and value matter.

"The simplest thing is, for example, give me a piece of meat and I will pickle it into bacon. It must be more attractive and valuable than fresh meat. Otherwise, there is no need for bacon to exist. Just put the meat directly in the refrigerator to freeze."

Gu Gong laughed as he spoke. He said: "There will be a steamed ham with preserved vegetables. When it comes, take a look. If a book of Hegel is placed in front of you, would you choose to read Hegel or steamed ham with preserved vegetables?" Ham."

"I'll go, if you give me a fried dough stick, I'd rather eat the dough stick than look at Hegel." Lao Mo said, and everyone laughed.

Gu Gong talked eloquently. At other times, Gu Gong was very silent. He brought a notebook with him. He would taste every dish that was served, then open the notebook and start writing seriously. Everyone saw his notebook. It was densely written, but it was hard to see what he was writing. Liu Ligan leaned over to read it, but Gu Gong told him not to read it, as you would interrupt my thoughts.

"After you've written it, can you show it to me at the end?" Lao Mo asked out of curiosity.

"No." Gu Gong said, "This is not for you to see, it is for Fatty Fu. There are some who praise him and some who scold him. It is too private. How can I show it to you? He can only see it. , if he wants to show it to you after reading it, fine, that’s his freedom.”

"Fuck, can I buy your book for 10,000 yuan?" the old man asked.

"Not for sale," Gu Gong said.

The steamed ham with preserved vegetables that Gu Gong mentioned was served, with a layer of bright red ham spread on top of the green Shanghai green. Everyone was surprised how the color of this ham could be so bright even though it was steamed. Zhang Chen asked Gu Gong:

"Added coloring?"

"No." Gu Gong said proudly, "Only fools would add coloring to the meat. This is the color of ham when it is cured and sun-dried."

Everyone's appetite had been aroused by Gu Gong's words. At this time, the steamed ham with preserved vegetables was served. Everyone quickly took off their chopsticks. Zhang Chen put a piece into his mouth. He felt that it was salty and fragrant. It was so delicious, but the salty taste was not that great. It's heavy, not like bacon or ham.

"Did you soak it in water or blanch it before cooking?" Zhang Chen asked.

"None of them. This is lightly salted ham. If the salt is too heavy, the color of the meat will be dark, which will not look good, and it will be a little bit sour and taste bad. But if the salt is too light, the meat will be spoiled. It must be just right." Gu Gong said, "This ham can be eaten raw, and it will taste the same when eaten raw."

Everyone was full of praise and said they had never tasted such delicious ham.

Gu Gong said: "I have prepared a piece for each of you. Take it away when you leave. Eat it raw and drink it with red wine. It will definitely be no less than Spanish ham."

When everyone heard this, they all became excited. Lao Mo shouted: "Yes, yes, that's great. With this ham, I don't even want to read your book."

Thank you, Boss, I’ll get my monthly pass today! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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