The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2039 Fresh Delivery in Action

Zhang Xiangbei and his colleagues have several principles for their "Suishou Help" activity. One of the most important principles is the principle of proximity, that is, the farmers in need must be near their branches or purchasing points, and they must be able to come to their homes. If the area where the goods are received and shipped out is too remote, it is beyond their capabilities.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said that if we want this activity to last for a long time, we must be very clear-headed and not do things we cannot do. Such things can be done occasionally but cannot become the norm.

"We must be very clear that we cannot help all the farmers in need across the country. We can only do our best to help one more household." Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said, "In this regard, we must also have a We should not overestimate our own abilities with the attitude of helping as we go.”

Wu Huan agreed with Zhang Xiangbei's statement.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "It's useless to just agree, we have to persist. After this activity is carried out, our pressure will really come, and society will ask us to do more. Anyway, their demands only require typing on the keyboard. Likewise, there will definitely be more and more people asking us for help. At that time, I might drift away and you have to pull me back."

"Standing from the perspective of a company, right?" Wu Huan asked.

Zhang Xiangbei was right: "We can't involve 'Zhai Xian Shou' just because we are doing good deeds. That would really mean killing ourselves and retrieving our own eggs."

Wu Huan blushed and said, "I understand, get out."

Zhang Xiangbei was stunned for a moment and remembered his last inappropriate sentence. He didn't have that thing, only they had it.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I will leave immediately.

After this activity really started, they realized that there were more farmers in real difficulties in the countryside than they thought. Even in wealthy provinces like Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, there are still many farmers in need.

Even in the wealthiest villages, there are always a few households in need of help. The reasons for their poverty vary widely. The highest proportion is due to illness, which means someone in the family has a serious illness, especially one that requires long-term treatment. The illness not only depleted the family's belongings, but also weakened the relationship with relatives and friends, all of which were borrowed money.

Another thing is that he likes to gamble. Even if there is still a load of corn and sweet potato shreds left at home, someone will still gamble with the corn and sweet potato shreds. In the end, the basket and the pole will be lost together.

Such families are not rare among poor farmers.

When farmers encounter difficulties like this, it becomes a headache. They have to cooperate with the village committee and first ask the guy to sign a pledge, promising not to gamble, and promise not to gamble away anything at home, and even specify the piglets and chickens. The property rights of the ducklings and even the vegetables do not belong to their family.

They also have the village committee make an announcement in the village, telling everyone that even if someone wins these things, they cannot take them away, because the property rights of these things do not belong to the gambler, and if they win, they will win in vain. This fundamentally destroys this relationship. The guy has no idea of ​​even finding someone willing to bet with him.

Such families are often so poor that they don't even have money to buy piglets, chickens, ducks, or rapeseeds. Zhang Xiangbei and the others can only use donations to buy these things and borrow them first. Lend it to them and pay it back after harvest.

And poverty is always relative. If these farmers are placed in the western mountainous area, they may not be considered poor households, but locally, they are in need of help from Zhang Xiangbei and others, just like the Baoding village that Zhang Xiangbei went to. Some farmers in Jiawu.

Through the help of Zhang Xiangbei and others, these farmers can earn tens of thousands more yuan every year, especially some farmers who do not have family members working outside. They now have living money in their hands, and they feel that they can finally get over their lack of money. These days can really drive people to death and madness.

A monthly income of one to two thousand yuan from selling vegetables is a small amount of money to some people, but to these families, it is basic income.

The principle of proximity also includes, for example, for farmers in need in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu, to help their urban residents, the system will match Shanghai with Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Suzhou, etc., so that residents of these nearby cities can It ensures that the products produced by farmers are still the freshest when delivered to residents’ homes.

In Ningxia, Anhui, Henan and Yunnan, their "Zhaixian Delivery" has not yet started delivery business, but they have helped many farmers in need in these four places. The reason is that they have well-developed networks in these four provinces and autonomous regions. In the procurement network, there are vehicles transporting vegetables every day, and there are cold chain vehicles transporting beef, mutton, chilled pork and poultry.

The products of these farmers in need can be transported out by taking advantage of them.

For example, the Tan sheep in Pingluo, Ningxia, are originally a popular mutton on their platform. They also raise sheep on their farm in Ningxia and transport mutton to several coastal provinces every day. Xiang Evian is there and has launched numerous campaigns. A small number of poor farmers raise Tan sheep, and the sheep raised by these farmers are subscribed by residents of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places.

Zhang Xiangbei came up with a word, he said it is called hanging one head, that is, as long as they have the ability to collect at the purchasing end, even though the journey is far away, there is still a way to transport the cattle raised by cattle farmers in Henan, Anhui and Hainan. , was also jointly subscribed by urban residents who had already launched the "fresh home delivery" delivery business.

There will always be exceptions, that is, there are two situations where they cannot rely on both. They have no local purchasing point, and there are no nearby cities that have launched the "fresh home delivery" delivery business. No.

In several impoverished counties in Guizhou and Yunnan, the local governments and poverty alleviation offices learned about their "Suishoubang" activities online and came to negotiate with "Zhaixianshuang", hoping to join their "Suishoubang" activities. To this end, special organizations have been established to organize farmers in need and rationally arrange production and breeding.

The local government is responsible for short-distance dispatch in the county and concentrates all products in the county. Although there is no local purchasing point for their "fresh delivery", Zhang Xiangbei still asked their Yunnan branch to send a special vehicle to deliver these products. Shipped out by the carload.

The first batch of "Suishui Help" identified more than 48,000 households in need. When Gu Gong heard this number, he said it was amazing. Such a large number of households was almost the total number of households in more than 100 villages.

There are even more families in the city who are willing to participate in their "Handout" activities and extend a hand to help these farmers in need. Within a week, more than 700,000 people signed up online, and many people signed up. But there is no help at all, and farmers in need cannot be matched, so they can only wait patiently.

Wu Huan and the general managers of their branches said that there are too many enthusiastic citizens now and there are not enough farmers in need. You must speed up contact and screening and launch the second batch as soon as possible. Zhang Xiangbei and others decided to release the second batch The number of farmers in difficulty is set at 100,000.

Their "Suishoubang" activity has aroused widespread social repercussions. The media and the majority of netizens have given them another term, called "Zhai Xian Shou in Action", saying that this is an unprecedented large-scale poverty alleviation operation. Everyone praises them and says they are a conscientious enterprise, so we can rest assured about the food delivered by a conscientious enterprise.

Such a violent response from the media and the Internet is equivalent to a free public relations activity for "Zhai Xian Delivery", which immediately established their "Zhai Xian Delivery" image. More people and units have become Their customers, of course, also have more farmers and local governments contacting them.

There are also many local governments in cities that have contacted them, hoping that "Zhai Xian Delivery" can settle in their cities, and the government will definitely support it.

"What a fucking profit." Zhou Ruoyi shouted, "The city waiting for us to enter is also queuing up now."

The donation campaign they launched online also received enthusiastic support from everyone.

For the first time, Banmutian Group, Splendid China Group, Qu Tianlin’s three-color printing, Lin Shuwan’s LinkedIn Education, Han Emperor Liu Bang’s Black Forest Food, Liu Ligan’s Renjia Travel, Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang’s Beautiful Express, Liu Yun Pioneer Investment, Xiaofang’s Youth Capital, Xiaohu’s Fubon Investment, and Qianfang’s real estate company all donated money.

The number of donations from these units alone has reached more than 28 million. Wu Zhaohui and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"Beibei, if there are places that are inconvenient for you to go to, you can leave them to us. We can also help with logistics."

Yes, Meili Express is more complex than their "Home Delivery" service, and their network is more developed.

There are many units and individuals on the Internet who have donated money and materials. Some companies that make computers and cameras have specifically contacted them and donated a large amount of materials that have been eliminated by upgrading and have been backlogged in warehouses. These products , can no longer be sold in the market, but for Zhang Xiangbei and the others, it is enough.

Zhang Xiangbei and others have established a special department within the company. This department also cooperates with the Hangzhou City Charity Federation to take charge of the "Suishui Help" activities and has set up a special account. All money and materials donated by the society will be collected every day. All expenditures are announced in the "Suishibang" channel of the "Zhaixianshui" website, and the public can check them at any time.

When everything was looking very good, some voices began to appear on the Internet, saying that their "home delivery" was a show, free advertising for themselves, and earning political capital and traffic.

Some people even say that since "Zhai Xian Delivery" is already so profitable and has reached such a large scale, why can't they directly spend money to help these farmers and also mobilize social donations?

"Yes, there are advertisements for 'Home Fresh Delivery' everywhere. Just donate the advertising money to those farmers," someone said.

"If you don't donate, don't donate. We pay for them to gain fame and fortune. This calculation is really accurate. Who is Zhang Xiangbei deceiving?"

Some people even pointed at Zhang Xiangbei's nose and scolded him online.

Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei said: "It's okay, there will always be this kind of troll. He doesn't do anything, but he is not satisfied with what others do. Justice is in the heart of the people. Now there are constant trolls from citizens every day. Applying to join this event is proof of that.”

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said, "I don't care, but you have to be mentally prepared. This may just be the beginning."

Thank you book friend 854***974, the sky is blue after the rain, and the reward of two fishes! Thank you to book friends 854***974, Shi Yitan, Zonda-RR, Guandian Electromechanical, Xu Yuenian, Xixi Zi, Humorous Tribe, Sanddust Mood, Wandering Mayfly, book friends 20180223220024420, book friends 120622101009159, book friends 20190203103026617 , monthly votes from readers 1297873838407110656! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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