The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2033 Miscellaneous Dishes

"Today's chefs, not only can't they master the heat on the gas stove at home, but also on the wood stove. When he was an apprentice, he learned it in the kitchen of the hotel, and the master only taught him these, even The recipes are all written according to the stove in the kitchen. If you ask him to use the gas stove at home, he will not win. It is because he has not learned that if it is not the stove at home, he will not be able to cook good dishes.

"When I first became a chef, the kitchen in the unit still used a briquette stove with a blower. As an apprentice, you must first learn to operate the stove, and seal the stove with wet coal ash every day after get off work. Don't restart the stove the next day. If If the furnace is shut down, it's very annoying and the master will beat you.

"As for the seasonings, there are only a few kinds in total, oil, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar and MSG, just soy sauce, and no light or dark soy sauce. The first time I was sent by my employer to study in a hotel in Guangzhou, I was stunned when I saw it. It turns out Cantonese people use so many seasonings when cooking, such as light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, black soy sauce, and soy sauce. There are so many kinds of soy sauce, and I can’t even figure out how to use it.”

When Fatty Fu was talking, Zhang Chen remembered the time when he went to a hotel for an interview in Haicheng. Only then did he realize that not only could he not be able to tell the difference between light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, but even a professional like Fatty Fu could not tell the difference. Chefs have had such embarrassing moments.

"It was the first time I saw XO sauce. It was rare. I dipped my fingers in it and tasted it in my mouth. It was delicious. I couldn't help but dip it in it and taste it again. After tasting it for more than a dozen times, my brain was covered with chestnuts. There was no trace of it. This method has never been seen before."

Fatty Fu said, everyone laughed, Fatty Fu continued:

"Can't you cook without so many seasonings? Can't you cook with a briquette stove? Of course you can. There are so many cooking utensils in people's homes now, including gas stoves, rice cookers, microwaves, ovens, and air cookers. They are much better than we used to. There are more kitchens in the back, so of course we can also cook well.”

"We can also bring a fierce fire single stove to supplement." Huijuan said.

Fatty Fu nodded: "Then it's better to cook. There is no dish that can't be cooked well, only bad heat control. If you master the characteristics of these cooking utensils and the heat, the dish can be cooked well, so you have to study, We need to learn. This hotel is quite new, so our recipes need to be new and have something of our own, so that the chefs below can learn and start cooking."

"Master is planning to make a cookbook, which is made using these cooking utensils. Master said that you can't just transfer the hotel's recipes there, otherwise it will definitely fail." Xiaoli said.

"This is the basic recipe for our future 'Food for Men and Women'. Master will help us make this set of recipes and write down every step clearly. Chefs who come in in the future will all be required to master this set of recipes." Huijuan and Zhang Chen explain.

"Great! Thank you, Master Fu!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Awesome, Fu's cuisine! Fu's cuisine can only be eaten by hiring chefs from 'Food and Drink'. This is a golden sign." Liu Ligan also shouted after hearing this.

"Don't call it 'Fu's cuisine', it's disgusting. I've eaten food called "Fu's cuisine" before. Do you know what it feels like?" Fatty Fu said.

"How does it feel?" Liu Ligan asked.

"They're just like charlatans. I hate those chefs who are my apprentices." Fatty Fu said, "If you really want to call them, just call them Zajia Cai."

"Miscellaneous dishes?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, miscellaneous dishes." Fatty Fu said, "Being a judge in the God of Cookery Competition has the advantage of meeting good chefs from all over the country. I can see the essence of each cuisine."

Fatty Fu stopped here and stopped talking. Everyone else looked at him. Fatty Fu picked up his chopsticks, took a few bites of food, put his chopsticks down, and picked up his wine glass. He had no intention of clinking glasses with them. After taking a sip alone and putting down the cup, Fatty Fu looked at them and then said:

"Do you know why there are eight major cuisines and four major cuisines?"

"It should be formed by history." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, it was formed over many years. But think about it, now that there are more and more ingredients and more and more dishes, why haven't new cuisines been formed?" Fatty Fu asked, "Here in Hangzhou, there is a For a while it was called Hangzhou cuisine, and for a while it was called local cuisine in Shanghai, but why couldn’t it become popular?”

No one here has really thought about this question. Liu Ligan became curious and asked:


"The conditions for the formation of cuisines are gone, and there will be no new cuisines in the future." Fatty Fu said, "The formation of these cuisines is determined by two factors, one is the ingredients, and the other is the taste.

"In the past, everyone lived in the same place and had the same taste. For example, in Changsha, when we sit down at a table of ten people, they are all Hunanese. Everyone likes spicy food, so if it is spicy, the chef will stir-fry it. In Shanghai Suzhou people like to eat sweet food, so chefs add sugar to everything, even stir-fried vegetables.

"That's it. The characteristics of a cuisine are determined by the tastes of the people in this place. Cuisine is like a gang. It is a very closed product. If you still emphasize authenticity and non-authenticity, it will be more like a gang. I It's quite annoying to see those with authentic dishes. That means you are just resting on your laurels and not working hard.

"When I was a judge, if a contestant said that what he was cooking was authentic, he would be removed. A cuisine has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. How do you know how people cooked it hundreds of years ago? There was no chicken essence at that time, and the oil was not skimmed. Do you know that the taste at that time was the same as yours now?

"In addition to cooking, a hundred chefs can produce a hundred flavors. Which one of these one hundred people do you think is the authentic one? Which one of these one hundred people did you learn from, or from a ghost? Learned?

"Then there's the ingredients. At that time, transportation was underdeveloped, and you couldn't even think about ingredients from five hundred miles away. So Hunan cuisine consisted of mountain products and local products, and there was no seafood. There were few people on the seaside. Seafood is the main focus, which creates restrictions and limitations for each cuisine in terms of materials.

"All cuisines are formed under such conditions, but now, it is different. Everyone sits down to eat together, and there are people who have a southern accent and a northern accent. This taste has also become a southern accent. I will start to give you the spicy food. Don't eat spicy food, everyone eats their own food. Later, you eat mine and I eat yours, and the tastes become mixed.

"Now even if you belong to the same family, the husband may be from Hebei and the wife is from Guangxi. The two people's homes are not in Hebei or Guangxi, but in Shanghai or Hangzhou. It's impossible to win. They are all mixed together. , people are already mixed together, the taste is not mixed yet?

"The same goes for the ingredients. Not to mention the seafood from Zhoushan, you can buy it in Xinjiang as fresh as Ningbo, including oysters from France, lobsters from Australia, sea urchins from Japan, and arctic shrimp from Denmark. You can't just fly there, let alone It is said that vegetables from the north are now going to the south, and vegetables from the south are going to the north. In the past, there were goods from the north and the south, but now they are gone, not even the local specialties.

"Wherever you are, you can eat food from all over the world. In one place, people's tastes are mixed, and the ingredients are also mixed. How do you divide them into different cuisines? I'm talking about home cuisine. It's absolutely true that he is a liar.

“It’s like today’s people write articles in classical Chinese, but as a result, they themselves are not fully versed in classical Chinese. They are half-full, and half-full comes out to deceive people. What is it if it’s not a liar?

"We chefs cook food for people to eat, not people who write articles and draw pictures. You can read it yourself when you write an article, and you can hang it at home if you draw a picture. We who cook food are what people like to eat. We Just cook something for him to eat. Nowadays, people are mixed and their tastes are mixed, so we will make a mixed dish for him to eat.

"What is miscellaneous cuisine is that you don't care what kind of cuisine it is, whether it is authentic or not, you don't care what cuisine it is made from, whether it is French or Portuguese cuisine, it can be used as long as the guests Just eat it if you like.

"Just like this spicy stir-fried lobster, the ingredients are commonly used in Cantonese and Chaozhou cuisine. When cooking, I also used seasonings from Chaozhou cuisine, but when cooking, I also used Hunan cuisine. Do you think this is Hunan cuisine or Chaozhou cuisine? Food? None of that, just food. As long as the guests like it."

"Wisdom!" Liu Lipole slapped the table and shouted.

Zhang Chen and the others listened and nodded frequently. He was very touched by what Fatty Fu said about the changes in taste. Not to mention the current mixed population, even for the same group of people, their tastes also changed quite a lot.

For example, people from Hangzhou, although Hangzhou is rich in Hangzhou pepper, did not eat spicy food in the past. Some people even couldn’t stand the spiciness of the mustard mustard in the wontons and asked the boss to wash it off. He put it into the bowl after washing it. He and Xiao Zhao had just returned to Hangzhou and had noodles at Kuiyuan Restaurant. When the waiters saw that they were so good at eating spicy food, they regarded them as monsters.

But now, there are very few locals in Hangzhou who can’t eat spicy food at all, and it is still limited to older people. Young people should not be too fond of Sichuan hot pot and various spicy foods. Even KFC and McDonald’s The best sellers are spicy chicken wings.

"This cookbook of ours is to combine the advantages of all cuisines. There is only one premise, which is to let the guests eat fresh food. It seems that they have not eaten it often, but they like it and want to eat it. If they want to eat it, they can only eat it. Ask our chef to come over and cook it again.”

Fatty Fu said: "Our hotel needs to be new not only in terms of form, but also in the dishes. With such a cookbook, after the chef below learns it, he will be able to master all the cooking utensils and cook them by himself. This allows us to continuously create new dishes. On the other hand, it will be difficult for other hotel chefs to learn from our dishes.

"This is what I said. You can't move the dishes from Tuxiangyuan here. It would be very annoying to move the dishes there."

"Okay, okay, that's the 'Miscellaneous Cuisine' led by Fu Yaozong. This one is also awesome." Liu Ligan said.

Thank you to reader 1297873838407110656 for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes to Tianying 1978, offensive player, book friend 20181130105305944, book friend 20180508205547324, Yuan Xi, Li Ruijin, Silent Heart, My Coward, and Fantasy in the Wind! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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