The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2031 The legendary old demon

Xiaoli and Huijuan stayed in Sanya for three days and came back. Zhang Chen drove himself to pick them up at the airport. On the way there, he remembered that he was going to drive to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel in Xiasha for the first time to see Huijuan off. When he went to Sanya to study with Fatty Fu, he was the one who picked Huijuan up at the airport when she returned from her studies. Now, when he picks up her and Xiaoli again, it really feels a bit like that before.

It seems that "Eating and Drinking Man and Woman" is really going to hit the road.

After signing the agreement for the Yongcheng Logistics Base, Zhang Chen has a lot to do. Although the second cargo will send people over for the subsequent handover of the site, the second cargo will also handle all the procedures for starting construction, including the planning of the entire logistics base. And construction, Zhang Chen is not good at it, second-hand goods are experts. Logistics bases across the country are similar, the drawings only need to be copied, there is nothing special.

But together with the Yongcheng Logistics Base, Zhang Chen has to design the factory and office building of Banmutian Clothing Company himself. After all, he is returning to his hometown, and he still needs to spend some time on the design. At least, he needs to design it as The most awesome project in Yongcheng Industrial Factory Zone, a model and benchmark.

Small places have the advantage of being small, that is, you can easily excel as long as you put some thought into it. Unlike in big places, where you have to compete with those multinational companies, small places don't have that.

Most business owners here are living a tight life. They build factory buildings here and there, without an overall plan. Many of them build an emergency building first, then build a little more if it is not enough, and then build another one if it is not enough. At one point, the entire factory area looked like a platter of illegal buildings.

It is easy for companies like Zhang Chen and others to stand out in Yongcheng. After doing so, not only Zhang Chen himself felt that his face was bright, but the local government, including the officials who brought them in, also thought that he looked good.

This is a visible political achievement. Under the leadership of superiors, local government officials like to take companies like this to visit.

Zhang Chen doesn't like to be in the limelight by nature, and he doesn't like to have too much involvement with officials, but after so many years of running a business, he finally understands that this is actually a good thing for you, me, and everyone. Looking back, Looking at what I have come through over the years, at which point have I ever left their support?

Without Liu Chengcheng in Hangzhou, Xiaoding in Sanya, and across the country, without those people who call him Professor Zhang or brother, or even Li Yong, Sun Hou and Huang Jianren, would he be where he is today? It's a bit pretentious to want to be so clear about it now.

After the shareholding reform of Banmutian Group, many times when Zhang Chen thinks about problems, he must consider the overall interests of the company, rather than based on personal likes, dislikes and temperament, like at the meeting, in front of Liu Chengcheng It would be impossible for Zhang Chen to get angry again.

You can say that he has become more sophisticated, you can say that he has become cowardly, you can even say that he is old and no longer as brave as an ordinary man. Anyway, Zhang Chen now knows that he has to earn his own face, but many times, Face is relative. When you give face to others, you give yourself face.

Especially for these local government officials, when dealing with the issue of face, in many cases, it is not just face, but actual interests. As Deputy Mayor Li said, this piece of land, other people can only benefit from it. It's impossible to be so big, but if Zhang Chen wants it, he can. This is face, and this face is accumulated by him.

Make a difference in that place, allowing leaders to have a place to lead larger leaders to visit, get praise, and feel that they are proud of themselves. Don’t worry, the leaders will not only remember you at this time. Many good things will follow. They will also be thinking about you, such as what kind of competitions, what commendations and awards, what kind of high-tech enterprise declaration, etc.

This is indeed real support for the enterprise. Zhang Chen can look down on it, but "half an acre of land" cannot.

In addition to the design of the clothing company park in Yongcheng, Zhang Chen also has to consider the second-phase transformation of the "Sky City" after the relocation of the clothing factory. It turns out that the entire e-commerce industrial park was designed by Zhang Chen himself. Since it is the second-phase transformation In the first phase, we have to consider how to coordinate with the first phase, and Zhang Chen still has to do it himself.

Including the Jinxiu Design Institute, revised drafts of the "Renjia Tourism" project are coming out one after another. After positioning it as a high-end B\u0026B, Zhang Chen's entire thinking will also need to change. The design needs to be more delicate and thoughtful. Zhang Chen one by one Projects must be re-examined and revised.

Of course, the most important thing is "food and drink". Although Zhang Chen has opened a lot of hotels and has accumulated some experience in hotel business, and Huijuan and others will help, but as Xiaofang said, " "Eating and Drinking for Men and Women" is a new business, something that has never been done before. It is unknown how well it will be done, and there are no role models to learn from. They have to start everything from scratch.

Many times, Zhang Chen even felt that his original experience of Tuxiangyuan and Sanya Hotel should be discarded. Otherwise, his own ideas would not be open, and it might actually restrict the development of "food and drink men and women".

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen felt a little trembling.

Zhang Chen parked the car in the parking lot of the airport and looked at the time. The plane would arrive in ten minutes. The sun was just right. Zhang Chen squatted in the parking lot, smoked a cigarette happily, and put out the cigarette butt on the ground. Throw it into the trash can and then walk to the pick-up hall.

The screen at the exit showed that Xiaoli and Huijuan's plane had arrived. Zhang Chen stood outside the railing and waited. After seven or eight minutes, he saw Xiaoli and Huijuan coming out. To his surprise, the two There were two people on the left and one on the right, and the one holding their arms between them was Fatty Fu.

Although Fatty Fu is over eighty years old, he is energetic, has strong steps, and a glowing face. He looks like he is only in his sixties. Cao Minfang has not arranged for him to stand on the wok for a long time, saying that he will Offer it up.

But it is said that Fatty Fu has itchy hands and still has to stand in front of the wok for a while every day. He told Cao Minfang that craftsmanship can only be developed if you don't touch it for one day, but if you don't touch it for three days, you will be a layman and can't win.

When people live to be over eighty years old, some live to become monsters, some live to become old scum, and some people live to become legends. Fatty Fu lives to become a legend in the chef world.

Fatty Fu was only 41 years old when he became a first-class chef at Changsha Rongyuan Hotel. He was the youngest first-class chef in the country at that time. Today, there are only a few special-class chefs of his generation still alive in the world. There are only a handful of people like him who can still stand on the pier every day and can compete with their peers, and they are even rarer. From this perspective, he has become a monster again.

Fatty Fu came laughing and laughing all the way. Zhang Chen waved to him and shouted: "Master Fu!"

Xiaoli and Huijuan sandwiched Fatty Fu and brought him in front of Zhang Chen. Xiaoli shouted:

"The sandwich is here, boss, do you want to eat it?"

Huijuan said: "It's a steamed bun with meat on it, no no, it's steamed bun with meat on it."

Zhang Chen burst out laughing, and Fatty Fu also kept laughing and said, "Two sisters can't win."

"Master Fu, why do these two people have to make you make such a hard trip?"

Zhang Chen and Fatty Fu said, and Xiao Li immediately interrupted: "Master is here to offer advice. He has many ideas to tell you about the 'Eating and Drinking for Men and Women' project."

"Great!" Zhang Chen shouted, then asked Xiao Li: "What? Are you getting started?"

Xiaoli giggled, and Fatty Fu said, "There's nothing we can do. The two sisters are so annoying, I can't win."

Zhang Chen laughed, knowing that he was being stalked and beaten by Huijuan and Xiaoli, and he would not accept Xiaoli's apprenticeship.

The four of them arrived at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. The guests had not arrived yet, but the kitchen staff had already gone to work. Zhang Chen invited Fatty Fu to sit in his office and asked Huijuan to book a private room and wait. They would have dinner together, but Fatty Fu refused to go upstairs, saying that he wanted to go to the kitchen to see him. He hadn't been here for a long time, so Zhang Chen had no choice but to accompany him.

As soon as they walked into the back kitchen, the little girl at the food serving station at the entrance was arranging her own serving station. When she saw them, she turned to the back kitchen and shouted:

"Master Fu is here! Master Fu is here!"

When the people in the kitchen heard the shouting, they immediately put down what they were doing and turned around to look at them. The chefs standing in front of the pier put their knives down on the chopping board one after another. He reached out and turned off the fire, and gathered around the aisle. I don’t know who it was, but he applauded first. Then hundreds of people in the entire back kitchen applauded together, and the applause was thunderous.

Fatty Fu waved his hands to everyone and told everyone to go back and continue doing whatever they were supposed to do. I was just watching casually.

Fatty Fu then told Zhang Chen, "Go and do your work too. We'll talk about it later."

Zhang Chen said yes. He turned around and said to Huijuan and Xiaoli: "You stay with Master Fu. You will tell me the box number later. You two will have dinner together in the evening."

Huijuan agreed, and she and Xiaoli accompanied Fatty Fu into the back kitchen. Zhang Chen stood and looked at them. He saw Fatty Fu walking around in the back kitchen, looking around with Huijuan and Huijuan from time to time. Xiaoli, and other people were talking about something, Zhang Chen walked out of the kitchen and went back to his office.

As soon as Fatty Fu arrived, even Huijuan and Xiaoli felt it. The atmosphere in the entire kitchen suddenly became tense. Everyone was working seriously, including the senior technicians. Fatty Fu walked up to them and said, Their faces turned a little pale and they looked at Fatty Fu uneasily, just like a primary school student seeing his teacher standing in front of him.

Fatty Fu serves as a judge for the annual National Master of Chef Competition. However, Fatty Fu requires that chefs from the hotels in Sanya and Tuxiangyuan are not allowed to sign up to participate. In order to avoid suspicion, everyone can only watch the TV show , watching the competition every year, no matter how itchy my heart is, there is nothing I can do.

Now, the judges are all standing in front of them, and everyone feels that today is like a big test.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes to lulu6717p11, Flat Tire Mars Rover, Sand Mood, Flowers and Boys, It’s Not an Impossible World, Far Stream, Heart is Silent, Far Not Far Nor Near! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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