The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2025 Hotel without store

Xiaofang sat down on the sofa and watched Zhang Chen walk over. When he came close, Zhang Chen said:

"I want to start a business."

"Start a business?" Xiaofang almost burst into laughter, but seeing Zhang Chen's serious face, as if he was not joking, Xiaofang asked:

"What business do you want to start?"

Zhang Chen put down the ashtray and cigarette lighter on the coffee table and sat down. He said to Xiaofang, "I want to open a hotel."

"You want to open a hotel?"

Xiaofang opened her eyes so wide that they almost popped out. You have opened so many hotels, including the Banmutian Resort Hotel, World Tropical Botanical Garden Resort Hotel and Banmutian Hotel in Sanya, as well as Hangzhou and Shanghai. There are more than a dozen Tuxiangyuan Hotels in Ningbo, and "Renjia Tourism", which is now cooperating with Liu Ligan, is also a hotel.

You want to open a hotel, and you open it every year. If you want to open a new one this year, just go ahead and open it. You still need to tell me this, do you still call opening a hotel a business?

Xiaofang stretched out her hand, but Zhang Chen turned his head away and said immediately: "Don't touch it, I don't have a fever. I really want to open a hotel."

Xiaofang smiled and said: "Okay, dear, tell me, what hotel do you want to open? If you want to open a seven-star hotel like the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, you will need me. You can open other hotels if you want." Yes, as long as the shareholders meeting agrees, that’s it?”

Zhang Chen waved his hand and said to Xiaofang: "Now I am not your dear, and you don't know me. The two of us are just strangers. Just listen to whether my idea is feasible from the perspective of your investor."

Xiaofang couldn't help but burst out laughing. She said, "Even if someone comes to talk to me about a project, it can't be a stranger. You have to introduce yourself first..."

She glanced at Zhang Chen, held back her laughter and said, "Okay, we are just two strangers now. Please tell us about your project in detail, Mr. Zhang, by the way, I remember your surname is Zhang, right?"

At this time, Zhang Chen couldn't help it, laughed, and cursed: "Oh, you have ruined the atmosphere."

The two of them were swaying with laughter on the sofa. Xiaofang sat up straight and said:

"Don't worry, even if you are my dear, when I listen to the introduction, I will make a judgment from an objective perspective. Don't worry about my sanity and professionalism."

Zhang Chen agreed, and he said: "The hotel I want to open is a hotel without a store. It is a hotel that has no actual business premises, does not need to rent a house and decorate, and does not cause waste of raw materials. You know, like When opening a hotel, the hotel's store rent will be the hotel's main cost. It doesn't matter if it's not in a busy area, or if the business area is too small.

"Now, if you don't have enough parking lots, people who come to eat will have no place to park. So now hotels are concentrating in large shopping malls, because only they can have large underground parking lots. But In shopping malls, rents are very high, and it’s difficult for hotels to maintain profitability, so I thought about opening a storeless hotel.”

Xiaofang nodded. She said it was interesting. How to open it? How can a hotel have no stores? Come on, my dear, convince me.

"I haven't finished what I said before." Zhang Chen said, "In addition, now, everyone's housing and economic conditions are very good. For example, in Hangzhou, how many people live in villas and big houses? There are many banquets for these people. , everyone hopes to hold it at their own home. The closeness and distance between people are completely different at home and in a hotel.

"In addition, now, there are still many people who don't dare to go to hotels to have banquets, but if they go to other people's homes for family banquets, that's a different matter, right? There are also some companies that need dinner parties and banquets, etc. Many people also hope to hold it in their own companies. Isn’t there a huge demand in this area?”

Xiaofang nodded and said, "Yes, there is demand in this area, and it will get bigger and bigger. I used to be on Wall Street, and the company would often hold buffet parties, but they were all arranged by professional public relations companies."

"It's somewhat similar, but not entirely. By the way, you haven't seen Chinese food do this, have you?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang thought for a moment and said: "There is no Chinese food, so we can only order takeout for Chinese food."

"Those are two different things. You can fill your stomach with takeout, but the taste is completely different. No one would be stupid enough to order takeout as a treat, right?" Zhang Chen said, "As I said before, there is a market demand, but why do people I still have to go to the hotel to eat, because I have no choice but to cook it myself. Even if there is a nanny at home, all the nanny can do is make a few special home-cooked dishes.

"For high-end ingredients, such as butchered lobsters and geoducks, and shark fins and bird's nests, the nannies know how to make and butcher them? They can't make them, including seasonings. We have more than 100 kinds of condiments in Tuxiangyuan. How can we prepare such things at home? There are many seasonings, even if they are prepared, some of them are only used a few times a year. These are the differences between a hotel and a home.

"My plan can solve these problems. It is equivalent to moving the hotel directly to your home. You can place an order at my hotel, and my chef will bring the prepared, pre-pickled and loaded ingredients and Tableware, etc., a cold chain truck drives directly to the customer's home or designated place.

"I have processed the ingredients that need to be processed in advance in my processing room. After arriving, the chef will go into the guest's kitchen and start cooking on site. All dishes are made on site and served one by one. If you are a discerning guest, , if you still need waiter service, our waiter will also come to your door, wait until you finish your meal, pack the tableware and leave.

"In this way, as long as you have money and the need, it doesn't matter if you have a banquet with guests at your own home every day. It's the same as treating guests at a hotel. You can eat happily, privately, and have more face. Moreover, we also have different cuisines. Chef, we can provide you with whatever cuisine you want to eat today. This is something that ordinary hotels cannot do.

"You can ask a Sichuan chef to make Cantonese food? You can't do it well. No one is stupid enough to go to a Sichuan restaurant to eat Cantonese food, but it can be done here. If you want to eat Sichuan food at home today, and Huaiyang food at home tomorrow, it doesn't matter. Yes, we just send different chefs to your home.

"By the way, for some corporate customers to treat guests or have a picnic, it doesn't matter even if you don't even have a kitchen. We can even send you kitchen utensils and gas stoves. You just want to have a feast like Ouyang Xiu in the Drunkard Pavilion on the mountain. It doesn't matter, our chef will fry the dishes for you one by one.

"For us, we only need to train chefs and waiters. We don't need a store at all. This is what I call a store-less hotel. Moreover, because all meals are pre-booked by customers, we will purchase whatever customers need. What, at most prepare some vegetables and let customers add them temporarily, so that we don’t even have any waste.”

Zhang Chen talked nonstop, Xiaofang listened quietly, and when Zhang Chen finished speaking, Xiaofang said:

"There's a problem here."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You said earlier that you have processed the ingredients that need to be pre-processed in the processing room first. It is true that you can't bring live chickens, ducks, or fish to other people's homes to kill them. We don’t have enough time to cook the stew,” Xiaofang said.

"There are also things like shark fins and fish maws. If the water is to be distributed, it must be distributed one night in advance, which is even more impossible." Zhang Chen added.

"Yes, this is one aspect, but also, like seafood, customers will suspect that the ingredients you provide are not fresh enough. The existence of the hotel's seafood pool is to dispel customers' doubts in this regard." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I have thought about this a long time ago. Not only will I ensure that the seafood is fresh, I will also ensure that the vegetables are the freshest. My kitchen, because there is no need for a shop, my kitchen or a processing room. It can be anywhere, the rent is very cheap, and by the way, it can be with Zhang Xiangbei's "Zhaixianxian".

"The ingredients they have are always fresh enough. I purchase them from him and process them immediately in the processing room. There are live videos of each of my positions, including weighing and slaughtering, as well as the segmentation on the pier. , all the way to the loading at the back, there is a live broadcast of each position. If the customer wants to watch, he can see the entire process of order preparation on the website.

"Even a hotel can't do this. When it comes to the safety and freshness of the ingredients, do I make you feel more at ease here than when you go to a hotel to eat? When you go to a hotel, you can also go to the kitchen and keep an eye on every aspect?" I can do it here.”

Xiaofang stared at Zhang Chen. After a while, she sighed softly, and Zhang Chen asked:

"What's wrong?"

"I don't think I need to look for projects anymore. Just keeping an eye on you and your son is enough for me. Well, the investors have spoken. As an investor, I will invest in your project." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I just want to hear your thoughts on this project. I don't need your investment. If it is feasible, I can do it myself right away."

"Stingy." Xiaofang cursed and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I plan to promote it first in Shanghai, Hangcheng and Ningbo, the three places where there are already Tuxiangyuan Hotels. This is very convenient for me. When customers order meals, all the ingredients are readily available in the hotel, so it is very easy to prepare. It’s so convenient, you don’t even need another processing room, just send a chef and waiter directly from the hotel.” Zhang Chen said proudly.

Xiaofang shook her head gently and said, "Dear, do you want to listen to my professional advice?"

"you say."

"If you do this, a good project will fall into your hands. Apart from other things, what will happen to your personnel management?

"When an order comes, who should be sent out, who should not be sent out, and how to distribute the income. If all the chefs think it is cost-effective to go out, or it is not cost-effective to go out, what will you do? What if everyone rushes to go out, or no one is willing to do it? If you go out, can you still do this job well? In the same company, the same type of work, there are two working environments, labor intensity, and two kinds of treatment?

"Although the project you are talking about is also a hotel, it is completely different from your current hotel. From the staffing to the management model, it is all brand new, and it must be very professional. Do you want to combine the old and new business formats? By combining them together, yes, you will save trouble, but I tell you, it won't take long before both sides of you will be in chaos."

When Xiaofang was talking, Zhang Chen remembered that when his wedding dress company and clothing company first got together, the sewing and lathes on both sides had great conflicts and opinions. Everyone felt that they were both lathes, but the other's work intensity was different. Not as good as myself, but with a higher income than myself, it is difficult to manage.

Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong had a headache even over how to get wages. They felt that this bowl of water could not be balanced, which made everyone feel restless. Those in the wedding dress company wanted to work in the clothing company, and the clothing company wanted to work in the wedding dress company, until In the end, the two companies merged together, and the situation gradually improved.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You're not arrogant anymore, you want to listen to my opinion with an open mind, right?"

Xiaofang asked Zhang Chen with a smile, and Zhang Chen nodded.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Lao Chentang, Lao Dibowei, Yuanxi, Xiaoyao·Xiaoyao, ZHAO1017, WEISHIAR, and Xinwusheng for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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