The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2017 Recruitment

After the two of them took a bath, they were still not sleepy, so they sat on the bed and smoked. Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan:

"You are so honest, you didn't think of going to Zhuan Wenwen and Qianqian?"

"Go away, you father and son are on guard, how dare I?" Liu Ligan said.

"I'm not that boring and don't care about you." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile: "Do you dare to say that you didn't come here just to keep an eye on me?"

"I was trying to make Tan Shuzhen feel at ease." Zhang Chen said, "Didn't you see how excited you were when you heard about Ning Yuan?"

Liu Ligan sighed and said: "No way, the hair down there is almost turning white, why can't I control it? Besides, if I still can't control it, I will not only cause harm to myself, but also to Beijing." I'm not that confused about Bei's matter. I came here mainly to see Liu Wenqian. I really took her up in buckets of shit. In this way, I can understand Nan Nan's feelings for Lao Gui. ”

"Yes, you finally have someone to call you daddy." Zhang Chen said.

Although Xiang Nan accepted Liu Ligan, she never called Liu Ligan his father. She called him Grandpa Liu and his mother and grandma. But when she came to Liu Ligan, she just couldn't call him daddy or out loud.

For so many years, the father she called had always been Feng Laogui. The word father seemed to have become one and inseparable from Feng Laogui. It was too difficult for her to change her words. She accepted Liu Ligan only intellectually and also Be considerate of her mother, rather than accepting it emotionally, which is not yet complete.

As for Zhang Xiangbei, he has always been accustomed to calling Liu Li Uncle Gongzi. Even if he marries Xiangnan, he will probably still call him Uncle Gongzi. He is used to it, just like he is used to calling him Aunt Xiaofang instead of "Uncle Gongzi". Like mom, this has nothing to do with feelings or not.

Zhang Xiangbei has followed Liu Ligan since he was a child. Liu Ligan does not regard himself as an adult. Zhang Xiangbei is also very casual. This kind of casualness is the result of Liu Ligan's connivance. Zhang Xiangbei saw Liu Ligan Rod, I have never had the kind of awe that children have for adults. If we talk about their true role positioning, they are more like brothers.

"You are right, this is also the first time for me to love someone with a father's attitude." Liu Ligan said.

When Liu Ligan knew that Xiangnan was his daughter, Xiangnan was already an adult. The adult Xiangnan was different from Liu Wenqian. She no longer needed Liu Ligan to care for her like a father again. She had to rely on her shoulders. , it is already Zhang Xiangbei, not Liu Ligan.

There was a continuous crowing of roosters outside, and Zhang Chen called out: "I'm going, it's been a long time since I heard the crowing of roosters. Go to sleep."

At 9:30 in the morning, the phone in the room rang. Zhang Chen picked it up. It was Qianqian. Qianqian said to Zhang Chen:

"Tell that pig to get better. Didn't he come to see the county magistrate? The county magistrate and others have already left the county and will be here in forty minutes."

Zhang Chen stretched out his foot and kicked Liu Ligan, who was sleeping with his head covered on the bed next to him. Liu Ligan stuck his head out from under the quilt in confusion and asked:


"They're already out."

Zhang Chen said nothing and went to the bathroom to wash up. When he came back, Liu Ligan fell asleep again. Zhang Chen raised his foot and kicked him again. Liu Ligan sat up and stared. Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen picked up the cigarettes and lighter on the bedside table, Liu Ligan shouted:

"Give me a sober cigarette."

Zhang Chenli ignored him, took the cigarette and lighter, and walked out.

"Holy shit!" Liu Ligan yelled as he chased him from behind.

Zhang Chen arrived downstairs and saw Wenwen Qianqian and Zhang Xiangbei sitting on the sofa in the lobby. Seeing Zhang Chen come down, Wenwen stood up and said:

"Brother Zhang Chen, go to the restaurant to have breakfast."

"I won't eat. I ate too much last night and my stomach is still bloated. I'll go for a walk outside." Zhang Chen said.

"Leave him alone." Zhang Xiangbei said to Wenwen, and Wenwen sat down again.

Zhang Chen walked out of the hotel door and walked to the top of the embankment outside. There were already many people here. Everyone was sitting on the sloped lawn and basking in the sun. The sun was shining on the water, and it was jumping and shining. It's a bit dazzling up there, and there are many people sitting and lying on the balconies of the houseboats surrounding the reservoir to bask in the sun.

Zhang Chen sat down on the lawn. The sun had made the lawn warm and fluffy. Zhang Chen simply lay down. They talked about their affairs. Anyway, he had nothing to do. Zhang Chen covered his eyes with his arms. Then he fell asleep.

Zhang Chen was awakened by the ringing of the phone. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was almost twelve o'clock. The call was from Liu Ligan, asking where he was. Zhang Chen said he was sleeping on the embankment.

"You're really good at finding a place." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Come over for dinner, box number one."

Zhang Chen stood up, patted the grass clippings on his butt and walked towards the fish restaurant. Zhang Chen walked to the No. 1 box. The waiter opened the door for him. One person inside saw Zhang Chen stood up, and the other four people Seeing him getting up, he also stood up. The one who stood up first shouted:

"Professor Zhang, right?"

Zhang Chen nodded, and Liu Ligan asked the man, "Do you know him?"

"I know Professor Zhang, but he doesn't know me. I listened to his lectures in Changsha, but at that time, I was just an ordinary cadre of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission." The other party said.

Liu Ligan introduced them to each other. Only then did Zhang Chen know that the other party was the county magistrate of Chu in Ningyuan. The other four were: one was the director of the county office, one was the director of the Development and Reform Bureau, and the other was the director of the Rural and Agricultural Bureau. There is also the director of the Market Supervision Bureau. With such a big battle, it seems that the other party really attaches great importance to cooperating with "Zhaixian Delivery".

When the food arrived, Wenwen poured wine for everyone. She told County Magistrate Chu, County Magistrate, it is still the Spring Festival holiday. You should all have a rest, and drinking does not violate the rules.

County Magistrate Chu smiled and said: "Okay, today we are all welcome. I'm happy to see Professor Zhang and Mr. Liu. I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be Professor Zhang's son. He is really a master of the house."

The office director smiled and said to Wenwen, "You really know the rules."

During the meal, Zhang Xiangbei introduced the situation of Henan, Shandong, Ningxia, Guangdong and Yunnan to County Magistrate Chu and others. County Magistrate Chu and the others nodded frequently. County Magistrate Chu and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"We also know that the economic benefits of growing vegetables per unit of land are definitely higher than growing rice. We also want to become a professional vegetable growing county like several counties in Guangdong next door. However, they have access to roads, and we do not. We are worried about the loss of sales due to large-scale planting. It will be a problem. Whatever is abundant and abundant will be dumped and rotted. We have not never encountered the problem of low grain prices hurting farmers.

"It's okay now. We heard about the cooperation model between several villages in Hongling and your 'fresh home delivery'. We were very inspired. We have visited your website and the sales volume is there. Through your platform , In the future, our vegetables from Ningyuan will be sold all over the country, and we dare to do this."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and said:

"Next, when we cooperate with more cooperatives, companies, farms, and farmers, we will issue a planting guide internally, which means we will give planting guidance before planting. The main purpose is to prevent everyone from rushing in. Grow a certain variety of vegetables and produce them out of order, causing the price of that variety of vegetables to plummet due to the large volume."

"This is good. Targeted production is the real protection for farmers." County Magistrate Chu agreed with Zhang Xiangbei.

After eating, County Magistrate Chu and his party were ready to leave. Zhang Chen, Wenwen and Zhang Xiangbei sent them down the embankment to the parking lot below. Standing at the door of the car, County Magistrate Chu held Zhang Chen's hand and talked to him explain:

"Professor Zhang, next time you come again, I will not let you go. You must give lectures to all the cadres in our county. Listening to your lecture is a brainstorming session that can liberate everyone's minds."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I haven't been on stage for a long time."

"I know your professor Zhang's ability. It is said that as long as you go on stage and I am given a topic, you can give a lecture. This is the same on TV. It is even more casual in normal times. Don't be humble." County Magistrate Chu explain.

Zhang Chen could only say: "Okay, there will definitely be a chance next time for us all to communicate together."

After seeing off County Magistrate Chu and his party, the four of them walked back. Zhang Chen asked Wenwen, has your matter been finalized?

"It's settled." Wenwen said, "Beibei will send someone over when we return. If we are here, the county will call together the heads of townships and towns. They will first hold a mobilization meeting, set up a working group, and send a county official. The deputy director of the government office and a deputy director of the Agricultural Bureau are specifically responsible for this matter, and all departments in the county will give the green light all the way."

Zhang Xiangbei, who had been walking by with his head lowered, interjected: "Aunt Wenwen, I'm thinking, I don't want to send anyone else here. If the entire county in Ningyuan can do it, the scale will be similar to Shouguang, Hunan. It is an important supply base for us, Aunt Wenwen, how about you becoming the general manager of our Hunan branch?"

When Zhang Xiangbei said this, Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and he said yes, I think this is okay.

Wenwen still wanted to refuse, but Liu Ligan also said that Beibei's idea is very good. Here in Hongling, you can leave it to Qianqian and Guan Kai. They can take care of it. You can take Wu Fool to set up "Zhai Xian Delivery" "Hunan Branch.

Wenwen had no choice but to say, "Then Qianqian and I will discuss it."

After saying this, Liu Ligan turned around and looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Okay, I didn't expect Professor Zhang's flag to have national influence. It's a pity that you didn't turn your influence into productivity."

As soon as Zhang Chen heard this, he knew what Liu Ligan was planning, and he hurriedly scolded: "Don't try to trick me, I won't be your wet nurse."

"Then you must have that function." Liu Ligan said, Zhang Xiangbei and Wenwen laughed.

The next day, Wenwen went north to Hangzhou with Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen. She wanted to see how the "fresh food delivered to home" worked. They brought Liu Wenqian with them. She has grown so big. Liu Wenqian had not left the Hongling Reservoir, and Liu Ligan said it was time for her to go see the outside world.

Qianqian and Wu Shazi drove them to Chenzhou and took the high-speed train to Hangzhou.

Thank you for the reward for the two fish one above and the third from top to bottom! Thank you for the chair in the world, the sinful orchid finger, Sichuan Forest, on the road - every day, robingranite, flat tire Mars rover, frivolous, no future, only remember the original intention, Nan Ke Yimeng 79's monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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