The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2011 Serious and Serious

In the evening, Liu Ligan took Teacher Liu away. He didn't tell Zhang Chen or Liu Yun where he went. He just said that he had made an appointment and tonight was the final blow.

Shit, Zhang Chen thought to himself on the side.

Fortunately, Aunt Hu finally calmed down. After receiving the money, she would not harass Teacher Liu. However, Zhang Chen was not sure whether Teacher Liu would continue to tease others.

After the two people left, the two people still stayed in the hotel. They were eating in the hotel. Liu Yun asked Zhang Chen:

"Do you men all have two faces? They say marriage is a besieged city. You have one face in the city and another face outside the city?"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, "That's for sure. When Xiao Zhao was here, I felt like I was complete. When Xiao Zhao was away, I felt like I was empty. Now, it's hard for me to believe that I'm not there anymore." Xiaofang, what will happen to me?

"I don't know about other people, but for me, I think marriage is a kind of sublimation. When two people are together, it is upgraded once, and when they have children, it is upgraded again. How to put it, it makes you feel very worthwhile. Whatever you do and live, it’s all worth it.”

"That's great." Liu Yun sighed softly, "You make me feel that some things still exist. Otherwise, the whole world will feel gray."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It's not that pessimistic. Liu Yun, you are also very good. You don't know why everyone missed you during the time when you were gone. You are also a worthy and unworthy person. No one will miss him." .”

"Thank you." Liu Yun said, "I have been thinking about my mother and father these past few days. The more I think about them, I feel that I don't understand them better, but I understand them less. They are simply a mystery to me. , like my father, he should have been submissive for so many years, but he did not show this submissiveness before.

"I always thought that he would be happy to be my mother's follower, but I didn't expect that he actually had such a big resentment in his heart. In my impression, my father has always been a cowardly person who dared not even say a word against my mother. , but you said, Zhang Chen, how determined and resilient a person must be to be able to endure this for decades.

"But to say that he is a tough person, I am confused again. I can't figure out why he doesn't resist? Is it so difficult to resist?"

"It's very difficult. When I was a kid, my dad told me a story. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese came and everyone in our town fled to the mountains behind the town. My dad was eight years old at the time and followed me. How many people, grandparents and the others, fled together? There were more than 3,000 people who fled to the mountains that day.

"What was the result? Eight Japanese soldiers came, and there was an interpreter among them. There were only seven real Japanese soldiers. These eight Japanese took more than 3,000 people down the mountain. They followed them obediently. Eight people left.

"When I heard this story when I was a child, I would still laugh at my father and the others. I said it was useless. More than 3,000 people met eight people. You each stoned them to death. Why didn't you resist? I despised it. My dad thinks that even children should be Zhang Ga or Pan Dongzi, but now, I don’t think so anymore. I think it will be the same if I am present.

"People's bravery is often imagined by ourselves. So many Jews were killed by the Germans. Even when they arrived at the concentration camp, they knew they were going to die, so why didn't they dare to resist? I think it's fear and the unknown. Before they even started to resist, fear and unknown had already defeated them.”

Liu Yun nodded and said: "Indeed, actually, if you think about it, my father is resisting, so what can he do? The worst is my mother's roar, the worst is divorce. He can live alone after the divorce. Yes, they have already been there." It was possible to get divorced, there was no need for it, and it was only after my mother died that he looked like he had finally been liberated.

"Zhang Chen, you are right. He is actually mentally broken. Fear has defeated him, leaving him without correct judgment."

"Actually, many times, we are not much braver than him." Zhang Chen said, "We are more cowardly than we think. The simplest thing is, for example, when we are with others, when they say something, we are obviously We disagree, but most of the time, we don’t express our disagreement.

"In the work unit, when the leader says something, don't we just accept it? We don't even dare to refute the leader's words. How much courage do we have?"

Liu Yun laughed and said:

"I remembered one thing. After Stalin's death, the Soviet Communist Party held a conference. At the conference, Khrushchev kept criticizing Stalin and listed all his crimes. At this time, someone handed a note to the podium. , the note said, while Stalin was doing these things, Comrade Khrushchev, what were you doing?

"It means that at that time, you were already the secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee and a senior leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Since Stalin was so wrong, why didn't you object at the time and now you are doing it in hindsight?

"Khrushchev read the contents of the note, then raised the note and shouted down, who wrote this? The person who wrote this note, please stand up. At the venue There was silence, and of course no one dared to stand up. Khrushchev told everyone, I want to tell the person who wrote this note that I was just like you now.

"Haha, Zhang Chen, is this the same as what you said? Times have changed, or it is easy to judge from the perspective of a bystander. At that time, we can show our bravery and justice.

"Just like many people on the Internet now, at a glance, wow, the entire Internet is full of brave and righteous people. They are typing on the keyboard and are almost moved to tears. But in fact, we leave the computer and look around , even if someone spits or smokes in public, or cuts in line, few people dare to stop them."

When Liu Yun said this, she felt sad in her heart. She thought of herself and how well she spoke about her father, but in fact, had she ever truly resisted in so many years? I didn't just accept it, it just took a different form. I went to Beijing to study, but I didn't dare to tell my mother my true situation for so many years because I was afraid that she would come to find me.

I have been avoiding my mother and never dared to truly face her. In this way, I am actually more cowardly than my father. My father at least has the courage to face his mother every day.

Liu Yun sighed heavily.

It wasn't until about one o'clock in the evening that Liu Ligan came back. Both Zhang Chen and Liu Yun were surprised that these two people were out for so long. They called their mobile phones and their mobile phones were turned off. Liu Yun made several calls to Zhang. Go to the room in the morning and ask him if something will happen?

Zhang Chen comforted her and said, "It's okay, it's okay. The pole is here. This guy is on the side. What will happen?"

"Yes." Liu Yun said and hung up the phone.

When Liu Ligan returned to the Hilton Hotel, he rang Zhang Chen's doorbell. Zhang Chen opened the door and asked, "Why is it so late?"

"Deal with things."

"The phone doesn't work either?"

"It's not convenient to pick up."

"Is the matter settled?"

"Of course." Liu Ligan said and walked in, sat down on the sofa, and shouted: "I am exhausted from dealing with three energetic old comrades."

"How to deal with it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Just deal with it this way." Liu Ligan said.

Okay, let’s change the question. Zhang Chen asked: “Where did you have dinner?”

"In a roadside shop, each person has a bowl of red oil and two braised eggs." Liu Ligan said.

"Is this all it takes?" Zhang Chen opened his eyes wide.

"It's a beautiful thought. It was just to satisfy their hunger. Of course, they were just following their favorites. I took them to the KTV. The three old comrades hugged the little sister and drank while they cleared up their old grudges."

Liu Ligan saw Zhang Chen staring at him and laughed:

"Don't worry, those two old men are now Teacher Liu's old friends. Not only will they not make trouble for Teacher Liu, they will also help Teacher Liu fight. Didn't you see the three of them, holding each other's shoulders, singing a chorus? The scene of "We Workers Have Power" won unanimous applause from the KTV girls."

"It's unreasonable." Zhang Chen shook his head, "Have you always had strength until now?"

"Of course not. At about eleven o'clock, I called a car to take the two satisfied old men home. I took Teacher Liu to solve the itching problem down there." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was startled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I found a hotel, then called the sauna center and asked them to send a girl to serve the room. I have already agreed with Teacher Liu that next time I feel itchy, I will go to this hotel. The same operation, but he can only do it by himself. Go alone." Liu Ligan said.

"I'll go! It won't take long for Liu Yun to receive another call from the police station." Zhang Chen cursed.

"No, Teacher Liu realized it faster than me and was more courageous. He has promised me that he will never tell the police Liu Yun's phone number and just let them call the school. He said, I have been retired for many years. Teacher, so what if I just call the school? Who will take care of it? Awesome, Zhang Chen, this is so bold.

"I think even the police can't do anything about this. An old widower can solve his physiological needs. What can he do, fine him a little, criticize and educate him.

"Moreover, Teacher Liu promised me that he will never flirt with the old lady again, and he will not even go dancing again. Teacher Liu has a higher vision. He now thinks that Aunt Hu, Aunt Li, and Aunt Wang are too old."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he sat there overjoyed and laughed non-stop.

"Damn you, Liu Yun will kill you if he finds out." Zhang Chen cursed.

"You should thank me. Otherwise, what should you do? This is the safest solution. Have some sympathy, okay? Zhang Chen, don't treat the elderly as human beings. Teacher Liu is in good health and has no heart bridge. There is no high blood pressure or diabetes, hormone secretion is still very strong, and people will have normal physiological needs.

"What should I do? Let him continue to flirt with other old ladies? This time I met Aunt Hu. As long as his three thousand youth loss compensation is still good, if he really meets a liar, he might really give her house to her. If a third party gets involved again, it will be really dangerous, and maybe someone's legs will be broken.

"It's better to get a room when he's itchy than to destroy other people's families or go to a roadside shampoo room and get blackmailed. The hotel I took him to was also a five-star hotel, and that's the Ding Dong there. They also have professional ethics and will not mess around.”

Liu Ligan kept chattering, and Zhang Chen was speechless by him. However, he finally found a way. A way is better than no way.

The next day, the three of them sent Teacher Liu home. They were also going back to Hangzhou. Teacher Liu sent them downstairs. He was particularly affectionate with Liu Ligan, holding his hand all the way and saying goodbye. While doing this, he winked mischievously at Liu Ligan.

After getting in the car, Liu Yun asked Liu Ligan: "What happened between you and my father? Why do you feel that you are his son and I am not his daughter?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Yes, we can talk very well."

Zhang Chen said: "They cherish each other and feel like old friends at first sight."

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Ermao, drop the book bag, bill0906, frivolous, civilized reading, book friend 20180906233204934, good person 000001, the sky is crooked, giggi, and the monthly ticket for the flat tire Mars rover! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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