Zhang Chen walked into the ancestral hall and saw a straw pile in the corner, so he walked over and lay down.

The stage manager and props ran over and asked: "Zhang Chen, do you want to dismantle this set?"

Zhang Chen said angrily: "Ask Lao Yang."

The drama manager said urgently: "Old Yang has escaped."

Zhang Chen woke up and remembered that the group leader had escaped, so Zhang Chen said, "Then ask Teacher Li."

"Teacher Li went to town to make phone calls." the stage manager said.

"Then wait until he comes back." Zhang Chen turned over on the straw pile, "Or wait until I get some sleep."

"Damn it, this one won't be dismantled until midnight again." The prop cursed, "I don't care anymore."

Several young actors assigned by Tan Shuzhen to look for Captain Yang came back one after another. They said that they had searched all over the town and could not find Lao Yang. Tan Shuzhen saw a person cowering behind the crowd and hiding from her. Tan Shuzhen walked up to her and asked:

"Where did Lao Yang go?"

The girl shook her head like a rattle: "I don't know, Sister Zhen, I, I didn't see him."

"Say!" Tan Shuzhen raised her eyebrows and shouted sternly.

The girl cried "Wow" and told them that Lao Yang, Captain Yang, went to a factory in the town that made self-adhesive labels and became the deputy director.

Liu Ligan perked up as soon as he heard this, and after asking which factory it was, he quickly called to a few martial arts students and said, "Come on, bring a rope, and let's tie this bastard back!"

A group of people booed and followed Liu Ligan away, but no one thought they should find the rope by themselves. After walking a short distance, Liu Ligan asked and found out that he didn't take the rope.

"What the hell, Lao Yang is just like a chicken, and he's just carrying it back." someone shouted.

A group of people continued to cheer.

Tan Shuzhen walked back to the ancestral hall, and the children were still helping her hold up her skirt. When she saw Zhang Chen sleeping on the straw pile, she wanted to go over and kick him. After thinking about it, she walked behind the stage and started using it together. In the dressing room enclosed by a curtain, the children wanted to follow them in, but she kept chasing them away.

She walked in and took off her outer costume. She was wearing a pair of poplin bloomers underneath and a red T-shirt on top. She sat down and was about to take off her makeup when she heard Feng Laogui, who played Xue Dingshan, shouting:

"Teacher Li is back."

Tan Shuzhen stood up quickly, still wearing Fan Lihua's makeup, opened the curtain, and almost bumped into Xue Dingshan.

"Where is Teacher Li?"

Tan Shuzhen asked Feng Laogui. Before Feng Laogui opened his mouth, Teacher Li came in from the outside, followed by a large group of people. Tan Shuzhen hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"how's it going?"

"After several bureau chiefs failed to find it, we found Director Ding. He asked us to stay on standby and said we would ask the bureau chief for instructions tomorrow." Teacher Li said.

"Are you still going to Pingyang?"

"Director Ding just said to stay put."

Someone shouted: "The pole is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Ligan led someone in from the outside. Before Tan Shuzhen and the others could ask, he shouted:

"Lao Yang, that bastard, has already taken a long-distance bus to Sichuan."

"Did he really become the deputy director of that factory?" someone asked.

"Yes, the deputy director in charge of supply and marketing. People say he can speak Mandarin and speaks well. He is a rare talent and was hired with a lot of money." Liu Ligan shouted.

"Mom, what should we do?"

"Yes, are you going to Pingyang tonight?"

Everyone was talking in different directions.

Teacher Li raised his voice and told everyone: "Just now, I contacted Director Ding from the County Cultural Bureau Office. Director Ding ordered us to stay where we are."

"You fucking idiot, if you want, let him come over, dismantle the equipment, load the truck, and let's go!" Zhang Chen woke up at some point and shouted loudly.

Everyone was stunned. Zhang Chen shouted at the stage manager and the others: "Don't you think it's too late to dismantle the stage? Why don't you do it? Dismantle the stage and load it into the car. Ask the driver to call a car for us."

"Where to go after loading the car? Pingyang?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Go home!" Zhang Chen glared at Liu Ligan, "The captain has escaped. If we don't go back, we will wait here to die!"

"Are you crazy? More than six hundred kilometers? Long distance?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Yongcheng is in the mountainous area of ​​western Zhejiang, and Wenzhou is on the southeastern coast of Zhejiang. The two places are more than 600 kilometers apart. At that time, there was no expressway from Wenzhou to Yongcheng, and they were all national highways. When passing through Qingtian County, it was still jammed day and night, and there would be traffic jams every day. The traffic jam lasted for several hours. It basically took more than ten hours to walk from Cangnan to Yongcheng, but it was still smooth.

Liu Ligan's meaning was very obvious, that is, if there were two cars on such a long journey and the group leader was missing, who would pay for the travel expenses?

Zhang Chen took out a wad of money from his jeans pocket, which was just given to him by the owner of Chunping Photo Studio. Zhang Chen gave it to Liu Ligan and said to him:

"I only have these, all my possessions, not enough for you to figure out your own solution."

"Okay." Liu Lipole took the money and ran out.

Everyone cheered: "Okay, I'm home!"

After everyone ran away, only Teacher Li and Tan Shuzhen were left standing. Tan Shuzhen looked at Teacher Li, and Teacher Li sighed and said:

"It's better to go back. If you keep doing it, don't even lose the travel expenses back."

Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe's three-month tour in Wenzhou has ended in less than a month.

A local drama troupe at the county level. It is said that it is a touring performance, which is really a bit pretentious and a bit reporting. In fact, they are similar to the folk grass troupe. When they go to the place, they will perform everything, weddings and funerals. As long as someone invites them, they will appear. , if there was no suitable play, we would make up lyrics on the spot and incorporate the names of the parties involved into the play.

This is what Liu Ligan is best at. He can force things together that cannot be put together, and he can do it in a very orderly manner. People in the audience can either laugh or cry and wipe away their tears. Or purse your lips, and then see the person involved in real life moving, or the body lying there, it feels like a lifetime ago, and you can't tell the difference between the inside and outside of the play.

Therefore, those who hold weddings and weddings especially like to invite the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe.

The Yongcheng Wu Troupe has activities in the Wenzhou area almost every year. Over time, it has become somewhat famous, especially the three people in the troupe. One is the screenwriter Liu Ligan mentioned earlier, and the other is the artist Zhang Chen, the set designer and the dead man. The portraits (portraits) are well drawn, and as soon as his scenery is put on the stage, the difference between the Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe and those grass-stage troupes becomes apparent.

The last one is the leading actress Tan Shuzhen, who not only sings well but is also beautiful.

The performance market is sluggish, and the daily life of the troupe is very difficult. When they arrive, they can't even afford a hotel. After the performance, they clean the stage or underneath, and put a piece of cloth in the middle, with men on one side and women on the other. Make the floor.

Now that I heard that I could go home, everyone was naturally very happy. Although life at home was difficult, at least they had a bed to sleep on and hot food to eat. Almost everyone came over to help dismantle the stage and load the truck, roll the curtains into bundles, and props. The costumes and costumes were packed into large wooden boxes and loaded into the truck. Half of the truck compartment contained props and scenery, and the other half was for people.

More than 600 kilometers and more than ten hours, sitting in the back is not only exposed to the wind and sun, but also the buttocks must be able to withstand long-distance bumps. If it is not going home, no one wants to endure such torture.

After loading the car, everyone stood under the car. Liu Ligan arranged for Teacher Li and an older piano player to sit in the cab of the second car, and arranged for Tan Shuzhen to go to the cab of the first car, with Xu Jianmei beside him. When I saw it, I couldn't help but snorted.

Xu Jianmei and Tan Shuzhen came from the same student class, but they were always overshadowed by Tan Shuzhen. The small theater troupe did not have any A or B roles. Anyway, if they acted in "The Legend of White Snake", Tan Shuzhen would definitely play the role of Bai Suzhen, and Xu Jianmei would definitely play the role of Xiao Qing, unless Tan Shuzhen I can't go on stage because I'm sick.

Everyone watched with envy as Tan Shuzhen climbed into the cab. Someone thought that in addition to the driver, a cab could also accommodate two people. The man followed and wanted to go over, but Liu Lipole grabbed him.

The man was about to get angry when he saw the cab door open. Tan Shuzhen jumped out, her face flushed. She walked up to Liu Ligan, raised her hand and slapped him, cursing:


Everyone laughed.

Tan Shuzhen walked to the back compartment and climbed in.

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan, who smiled bitterly: "Don't you have enough money? I promised to arrange for a beautiful woman to sit in the cab."

Zhang Chen knew it was not that simple and asked:

"What else did you promise?"

Liu Ligan hesitated for a long time and muttered: "I promise to let him touch me once, just once."

Everyone laughed, Zhang Chen shook his head: "You deserve it, you deserve a beating!"

Liu Ligan looked at the truck compartment. Tan Shuzhen had already sat down among the props. Liu Ligan looked at the crowd again and shouted:

"Which of you still has money in your pocket? Take it out."

Everyone stepped back, and someone shouted: "Who will have money in their pockets if they haven't been paid for several months?"

Liu Ligan became anxious: "Damn it, then we won't be able to leave today."

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