Winter nights get dark early and quickly. When Zhang Xiangbei and the three of them got on the car in the company parking lot, it was still bright. By the time they got on the Hangjin-Quzhou Expressway and drove on the Qiantang River, it was already dark outside. It started to get dark, and there was a cruise ship on the river with bright lights, moving slowly like a bright caterpillar.

Only twenty minutes later, darkness had fallen.

After dark, there are more large trucks on the highway, as if everyone is waiting to get on the road after dark. The large trucks not only block the second and third channels, but the traffic flows at a speed of 60 to 70 yards. Moving forward, there were also large trucks, so they simply ran into the passing lane.

Gu Gong was cursing while driving. When he was cursing, he was really knowledgeable about both China and the West. It was an eye-opener for Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu. They did not expect that this Gu Gong was still suffering from road fever on the highway. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu listened and laughed non-stop.

Zhang Xiangbei thought to himself that it was lucky that it was Xiao Wu who drove with him across half of China, not Gu Gong. Otherwise, his ears and heart couldn't bear it, and he would faint from laughing.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "I don't know how many of our vegetable trucks are on the road at this time and are being scolded like this."

Gu Gong said: "That's right, I can't criticize others as much as myself. I can't scold them anymore."

Sure enough, he shut up, but not for five minutes. He was about to pass a large truck, but the truck suddenly turned on the turn signal and changed lanes to the passing lane. Gu Gong couldn't help but cursed again. This is a big truck. For a car with a Liaoning license plate, Mr. Gu started to scold Zhang Xueliang.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu listened, their stomachs hurt from laughing. The more they laughed, the harder Gu Gong scolded.

It was completely dark outside, but there was a bright light on the highway, and it was dazzling. The car coming from the opposite direction had its high beam headlights on and did not change the low beam headlights. Gu Gong scolded him again. This time he I moved out "My Country, My People" by Lin Yutang and "The Ugly Chinese" by Bo Yang.

Xiao Wu reminded: "Gu Gong, you also turned on the high beam and did not change the lights."

"Yes, yes, it's just that there are too many ugly people like me. They see others as reckless and see themselves as saints, which is why they become like this. Otherwise, everyone would not break the rules, and this society would be in order." Gu Gong cursed.

He even cursed himself, and Zhang Xiangbei and the others didn't know what to say except laughing.

When we got off the expressway at the Pujiang exit and drove west, the car plunged into the rolling mountains. Market towns appeared on the roadside and passed by in a flash. The market towns were also surrounded by mountains, and the distance between them was , also began to grow longer.

The further you drive, the darker the night becomes, and there are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road. Gu Gong no longer curses, and the mountains and forests outside are silent. You can't yell at them.

The car went up and down the winding mountain road and reached a relatively open area. Gu Gong stopped the car and said he needed to urinate. When Zhang Xiangbei opened the car door, the biting cold air hit his face and he couldn't help but shiver.

Three people stood on the roadside to urinate. Through the car lights, they saw that the grass on the roadside had already formed a thin layer of frost.

After restarting, the car began to climb up the mountain. It was quiet outside the car window, but my ears began to buzz with tinnitus.

They drove in the mountains like this for nearly an hour, and after passing a ridge, a bright light appeared in the mountain col ahead. There were about six or seven houses, one of which was particularly bright. The other houses had lights on in their windows. This house It's the lights on in the yard.

Gu Gong and Zhang Xiangbei said, "We're here, this is Baojiawu."

"That's not right." Xiao Wu said, "I remember that Baojiawu is on the top of the mountain. There are about a hundred families there, and there is a big camphor tree at the entrance of the village."

"It's up there." Gu Gong said, "After the roads were built here, some people built new houses. However, the big camphor tree you mentioned is gone."

"Dead?" Xiao Wu asked.

"It was bought by a developer in Hangzhou. Which community is it probably in now?" Gu Gong said.

Gu Gong turned left and drove the car directly towards the house with the headlights on in the yard. The courtyard door was wide open, and the door in front of the hall was also wide open. Someone was playing cards, and there were seven or eight people surrounding it. Looking on the side, I saw Gu Gong and his car turning in, and someone shouted:

"I'm coming."

"Don't fight."

The standing owner of the house reached out and took the cards from someone's hand, threw them on the table, and then went out to greet the guests. However, the people at the card table started arguing, and everyone collected the change in front of them. , while saying that his hand was very good and he would have won.

Gu Gong parked the car and the three people got out of the car. The owner of the house had already walked up to them and shook hands with Gu Gong. Gu Gong introduced Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu that this was Lao Bao, and then told Zhang Xiangbei and Xiao Wu, Also introduced to Lao Bao.

Zhang Xiangbei stood there and took a look. It was a newly built building with three floors. There was also a large terrace on the second floor. The exterior walls were covered with ceramic tiles and the cornices were installed with glazed tiles. It looked quite impressive. The yard was poured with water. There is a cement floor and a bungalow on the side, which should be their kitchen or utility room.

A temporary wire was pulled out in the yard, and a two-hundred-watt light bulb was installed on the lamp holder. It was hung on the horizontal branch of a loquat tree. Under the light was a pig-killing tool that was one meter long and fifty centimeters wide. The chopping board of the chopping board is very thick, eight or nine centimeters long. The chopping board and legs are made of hardwood. They have never been painted. After years of tempering, they look even more unrecognizable.

However, this unclear appearance gives people a very heavy feeling.

On the edge of the table, there is a large wooden basin with a diameter of one meter and waist height. On the edge of the wooden basin is a small wooden foot basin.

There was a wooden ladder placed against the wall near the door of the house. Zhang Xiangbei didn't know what the ladder was for and why it was placed here.

The consultant asked Lao Bao: "Is the pig butcher here?"

"We're here, rest inside, I'll be waiting for you. Come in, sit down, and have a sip of tea."

As he spoke, Lao Bao led them in and moved them toward the table. The people who were originally sitting playing cards saw them coming and automatically gave up their seats.

Zhang Xiangbei looked around. Different from the majestic appearance outside the house, there was no decoration inside the house. The four walls were painted white, and even the floor was a bare cement floor. Although it was built not long ago, there was already a layer of concrete on the cement floor. There were layers of oil stains, and the entire spacious hall was empty. There was no furniture, except for the Eight Immortals table and four benches on the side.

There is also a recliner at the foot of the wall. There is a person lying on the recliner, covered with a shiny cotton coat. Although there are so many people and noisy people around him, he is sleeping soundly. .

It can be seen that this family must have spent all their savings on this house. Once the house is built, they will have no financial resources or energy to take care of the inside and turn the house into a beautiful one. shell.

Lao Bao shouted to a woman and asked her to serve tea to Boss Zhang, Boss Gu and Boss Wu, and then said to a young man:

"Go and wake up your master."

The young man walked to the recliner and pushed the person lying down. It turned out that the person who was sleeping soundly was the butcher, the pig butcher that Gu Gong said. He must be exhausted after killing pigs for a day. Sleep wherever you go.

The pig-butcher looked at the young man with squinted eyes, and the young man said, "Everyone is here."

The pig-butcher's Adam's apple moved and his eyes closed again. Zhang Xiangbei thought he was going to sleep again, but he saw him take out his hands from under his coat and slap his face twice. Then he sat up and looked this way, his eyes a little confused.

The butcher is not tall, but very strong. After the coat that covers him is opened, he is left with only a shirt. Only the bottom two buttons of the shirt are buttoned. The top is open, and a tuft of thick black chest hair is exposed. come out.

Lao Bao walked over and asked, "Has it started?"

"Start." The Pig Killer said and stood up. He untied the cloth belt tied around his waist and tied it tightly again.

Then he walked to the door, took off a long rubber apron from the nail on the wall, and put it around his neck. The apprentice quickly tied the belt behind him.

The butcher then took off his walking shoes and put his feet into a pair of high rain boots at the foot of the wall. While he was doing this, the apprentice took another long rubber apron off the nail and put it around his neck. There was no one to help him tie the straps, so he reached behind and tied them with his hands, and then put his feet into another pair of rain boots.

The two people walked out, and everyone in the room followed them.

Even before the tea was served, Zhang Xiangbei and the others stood up again and followed them out. Lao Bao looked at them and said nothing. He seemed to have forgotten about serving tea. The woman came out from next door with an empty tea cup. , as soon as she saw everyone had gone out, she quickly put the cup on the table, ran out, and ran to the house on the side, which had a large wood stove.

The woman shouted to an old woman sitting at the mouth of the stove: "Add more firewood and boil the water quickly."

The water in the big pot was almost boiling. The old woman added firewood, took the bamboo blower and put it into the stove. She puffed up her cheeks and blew air. After a while, the stove was filled with blazing fire. The old woman's face turned red.

The butcher picked up his butcher knife and scraped the blade with his thumb to feel the sharpness of the knife. This was just a habitual action. In fact, the knife had already been sharpened and tried. Zhang Xiangbei looked at it, It felt like he was experiencing the murderous aura coming from the blade.

The butchers who kill pigs are very murderous. It is said that when they walk at night, even ghosts will run away from them when they see them.

The butcher then pointed the butcher's knife backwards and inserted it into the belt on his back.

The second thing he held in his hand was an iron hook polished with steel bars. The hook was about half a foot long, and an eight or nine centimeter long handle was welded horizontally to the other end. The pig man held the iron hook and waved it twice.

Lao Bao asked: "Shall I drive the pigs out?"

The butcher nodded.

Lao Bao walked around the bungalow and walked to the back. After a while, he held a bamboo pole in his hand and drove a pig out. The pig grunted all the way and looked confused. It probably didn't know that he was sleeping. Dezhengxiang, why was he woken up?

Seeing it so bright and with so many people in the yard, the pig seemed a little scared, and turned around to go back. The bamboo pole in Lao Bao's hand immediately hit its buttocks, and it could only bark twice in a low voice. With small steps, he hurried forward.

It doesn't know that this is the last part of its life and that its death has come.

The pig-killer who decided whether it lived or died yawned, then wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers and flicked away a piece of eye droppings.

Thank you book friend 854***974 for the tip! Thank you Yuanxi for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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