The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1985 The Destruction of Idols

On December 8, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan went to Tianjin together. The headquarters in Hangcheng was guarded by Li Wei. In the following month, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were outside. On December 10, It was the day when users of their Beijing and Tianjin “fresh home delivery” units were officially launched. They stayed in Beijing for three days and then flew to Guangzhou.

December 15th is the day when their "Home Fresh Delivery" unit customers in Guangzhou and Shenzhen are officially launched. On the 17th, they are scheduled to fly from Shenzhen to Beijing.

We already have experience in the three cities of Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing. This time we have shortened the time for unit customers and community distribution to come online. This shortened time is mainly left for the sorting workshops and distribution personnel to adapt.

Ten days later, on December 20, "Zhai Xian Delivery" community delivery in Beijing and Tianjin was officially launched.

Then on December 25th, it was the day when the "Zhaixian Delivery" community delivery in Guangzhou and Shenzhen was officially launched. They had to fly to Guangzhou and Shenzhen again, and when they returned to Hangzhou, this month and this year... It has passed in a hurry.

At the same time, "Home Fresh Delivery" will be launched successively in units and communities in Ningbo, Suzhou, and Wuxi. Branch offices in these three places have long been established, and the renovation of workshops and personnel recruitment have been completed. What is missing are fresh-keeping cabinets.

The fresh-keeping cabinets are currently being given priority to Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Once their community distribution goes online, the fresh-keeping cabinets can be sent to these three cities.

The branches in these three cities are affiliated to the Hangcheng and Nanjing branches respectively, and the managers in the three places are also responsible for training and dispatching by these two cities.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan arrived at Tianjin Binhai International Airport. Wenwen and Gu Gong came to pick them up at the airport. Gu Gong had come to Tianjin a few days ago. The warehouse at Banmutian Beijing Logistics Base was relatively tight, so they "delivered fresh food to their homes". The food factory in the Beijing-Tianjin area has been built in Tianjin. Starting from the evening of the 10th, the food factory here will also officially start operations.

When Zhang Xiangbei saw the two of them, he said, "The preparations are so busy, why did you come to pick us up? We can just take a taxi there ourselves."

"How can that be done? The two of us here are temporary staff. If the preparations here make it impossible for both of us to leave, what does the general manager here do for a living? He can die."

Wenwen stretched out one hand to shake it with them as a welcome gesture, and held up her mobile phone with the other hand. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan knew that she was still broadcasting live.

"Come on, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wu, say hello to my babies." Wenwen said, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan smiled and waved to Wenwen's mobile phone.

"Okay, dears, the master and the old lady have received the call. The live broadcast is over."

As Wenwen said that, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were stunned for a moment before they came back to their senses. They knew that the old man and the old lady were talking about themselves. They laughed, and Wenwen also laughed. She said:

"I didn't say it, it was just my fan who asked me if I was going to the airport to pick up the master and the old lady?"

When they returned to the Tianjin branch of "Zhai Xianshui", it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan had already eaten on the plane, but here, Wenwen still prepared a meal in the conference room. Four of the dishes were brought from the canteen, and two were cooked by Gu Gong himself. The dishes were already cold, so Gu Gong heated them up in the microwave.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were so enthusiastic that they couldn't resist. Looking at the food on the table, Wenwen pretended to refuse to eat and they couldn't even see the general manager of the Tianjin branch. He said, eat first, and then ask Mr. Bian to come up and report after eating. He is busy now.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started eating. Wenwen and Gu Gong sat across from each other and watched them eat. Wenwen had a walkie-talkie in her hand. When she came back here, the walkie-talkie came into her hands at some point. On the walkie-talkie, someone kept shouting and someone answered.

Wenwen and Zhang Xiangbei said that this thing is very good. I just listen to them screaming, and I can know what is going on below. Although they are not screaming at me, but themselves and themselves, but I can listen. Yes, I have liked to use this since I started building a half-acre field base. I don’t like using mobile phones. This is just rude.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both laughed, thinking that it was a good idea to use the walkie-talkie as a monitor.

Wenwen not only monitors, but also gives orders through the walkie-talkie. However, the orders she gives are simple, clear and concise, which makes Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan understand what it means to be direct and rude.

Someone called Mr. Bian on the intercom, saying that the leafy vegetable cleaning machine was malfunctioning and was running around. Mr. Bian called the manufacturer:

"Is Mr. Hu here? Is Mr. Hu here?"

Hu Gong replied, yes.

Wenwen frowned, grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Aren't you embarrassing me in front of the two bosses? Get it done right now. If you don't get it done when I get there, you will be dead."

"I know, boss, I'll be there right away." The person who answered this was the manager of their Tianjin branch, and then Mr. Hu also replied, "I've already passed, boss."

The food on the plane is always so unpalatable, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan just ate a little. By this time, they were really hungry, and they ate with gusto, especially the food made by Gu Gong. Of those two dishes, most of them were gone in a short time.

Wenwen asked: "Is the food this guy cooks particularly delicious?"

Zhang Xiangbei had learned about it earlier, and Wu Huan tasted it for the first time. She said yes, it was so delicious.

"Fortunately, he is about to leave, otherwise I would almost fall in love with this fat man. Damn it, I used to hate fat men the most." Wenwen said.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said, "I know you like frogs."

Wu Huan said: "You can do it now."

"No, he has a wife and a son." Wenwen said, "I don't want to buy one and get two free."

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both laughed, and Gu Gong said, "Do you think I will want you? I am as immovable as a mountain."

"Whatever, you can continue to be your mountain." Wenwen continued to talk to Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan, "It's very exaggerated. This guy knows where I am from, and he can actually cook the dishes we have there. My mom is delicious."

Gu Gong said proudly: "What's the matter? I've been to your place for more than a month. I've been to every village. Maybe I even went to your house for dinner."

After visiting for more than a month, I was able to cook more than one dish from that place. Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan still found this a bit magical. Gu Gong told them that it was not surprising. In fact, I had mastered the memory password. .

"Memory the password?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Gu Gong nodded and said yes: "Memory password, our human memory can actually remember a whole, not a point. For example, sometimes we think of things from our childhood. What you can think of is definitely not an abstract thing. Instead, the past appears in your mind in the form of images, sounds, and smells.

"Do you still remember those notebooks I showed you?"

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both nodded, and Gu Gong said:

"That's the memory code, or a switch. I know where Wenwen's home is, and I can find the things I recorded there at that time. These records are like a switch, turning on that period of experience. I looked at When you record these, you will naturally recall everything there.

"I think the person who was the first to say that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen must have a deep understanding of this. This is the power of words. Many times, words do not represent the words themselves, but each word, just like each word. The nails have imprisoned many things and years in these words.

"'Every time I have an understanding, I happily forget to eat.' This understanding is to read out the things locked in the text. 'Every time I understand the reasons for the excitement of the past, if they are combined into one, there will be no regrets in the text.' Yes, that's why it is said that 'there are a hundred Hamlets for one hundred readers', everyone reads different things from the same text."

Zhang Xiangbei felt that what Gu Gong said was very reasonable. Wenwen sighed longly at the side. Zhang Xiangbei asked: "What are you sighing for?"

"It's so tiring to listen to this fat man talking. It's better to listen to the strong man talking." Wenwen said, and everyone couldn't help but smile.

"When we used to do fieldwork and find people to do oral history, we had to do a lot of homework. This homework was to find a way to find the most critical point from this guy or this incident. This is the switch. The key point has been found. When we chat face to face, you don't need to ask too much, he will remember a lot of things by himself, and the so-called past events come flooding in.

"He will tell you endlessly that the 80-year-old gentleman lying on the hospital bed, struggling to breathe, can actually chat for two or three hours, with his face glowing..."

"If I go, my face is still red. Isn't that the same as an aphrodisiac?" Wenwen interrupted Gu Gong.

"Yes." Gu Gong said, "Human memories are really like an aphrodisiac to people, so there are so many people who like to write memoirs."

"I understand, there are women in the memoirs. Reminiscing about them is like watching a Category III movie."

Wenwen said that Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan almost spit out their rice. Gu Gong looked at her and praised:

"You are amazing, and your words always hit the point right away. It's true that when many old men talk to us, they accidentally talk about their previous women, and they immediately light up. But after they finish speaking, they quickly emphasize to us, These cannot be made public.”

"Tch, what's the point?" Wenwen snorted, "Don't look at how serious and pretentious those people are. When it comes to bed, men are men and women are women. Otherwise, how could they have descendants? Those descendants are all shouting slogans Fucked out?”

The three people laughed, and Gu Gong said: "What you said is completely the destruction of idols."

After Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan finished eating, Wenwen walked to the door of the conference room and shouted. A girl immediately ran over to help clean up. Wenwen picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted:

"Old Bian, where are you? Come up and be trained right away."

Zhang Xiangbei said quickly: "No need to come up, let's go down and take a walk first."

Zhang Xiangbei said to Gu Gong, "Let's go to your place and have a look."

Gu Gong agreed, but no one went to work tonight, so he just looked at the piles of pots and jars.

Wenwen called into the intercom: "Old Bian, is the leafy vegetable cleaning machine ready?"

"Come on, come on, boss, the problem has been found." Lao Bian called back.

"Then just wait there for me to kick your ass." Wenwen said.

Thank you to Dugu Qiuyou wzf for the reward at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for the flame of morality, abc19791205, leisurely glance, Lao Chentang, Xiaoxiao, robingranite, earthling wizard, really annoying, happy152431, no one uses this name anymore, zpengyong1, Changsha Huisheng, animation man, traveler Ye Buzhan, engross11, ZL59, ltself, lulu6717p11, That Year A, Dong Longdong, He Shi Yitan, The Air Is Not Human, Happy Woman, Purple Hao, Yunlong Frog Fish, Cowboy Grandpa, Heartless, Dachuan Dachuan, My coward, book friend 20210814024051886, 20170818213517919, 20170303195839050, 20180906223204934, 20181130105305944, 20210901220543921, 20190612 Monthly votes for 145258714, 1196318977632641024, 20200416214645353, 20171121083237166, 20180621093322406! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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