The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1981 Here we go

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen got up early in the morning, had breakfast, left Tonglu Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel, drove to Yongcheng, and met with Vice Mayor Li.

They were all old acquaintances. Needless to say, Vice Mayor Li did not bring his secretary or driver. Instead, he got into Zhang Chen’s car and took them to see three places. One was on the mountain across the river, where the weather observatory turned out to be. A weather station is abandoned, and the other is on the riverside, at the edge of the Jiangdong Development Zone.

They confirmed the third place on the spot. It was a piece of land in Shibawu in a mountain valley beside Qiandao Lake. To get to Shibawu, you had to go through the Xin'anjiang Forest Farm and pass through a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel, you would reach the Qiandao Lake cruise ship. The dock, Shibawu dock is just across an inlet from the cruise ship dock.

This is a depression covered with lush aquatic plants and willow trees. When the water level of Qiandao Lake is high, it will be submerged by water, so it cannot be used as farmland. However, if it is used as a B\u0026B or villa, as long as the foundation is raised by more than one meter, it can be used as farmland. There will be no problem. The land is more than five acres. Liu Ligan thought it was too big. Vice Mayor Li rolled his eyes at him and cursed:

"The land by Qiandao Lake is still too big for you? No one else wants this land, and it's only after you, Liu Ligan, come back that you get the green light."

Liu Ligan quickly said: "Thank you, leader, thank you, leader."

In the past few years, Yongcheng's secretaries and mayors have been changing like a revolving door. Zhang Chen was dazzled by it. After a while, the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office or the Municipal Government Office will bring someone to visit him and introduce him as the new one. Everyone was polite to each other, whether it was the secretary or the mayor. Before they had time to get to know each other, the mayor and secretary had already been transferred back to Hangzhou.

The deputy positions of Sun Jin and others are quite stable. They have not moved in Yongcheng for several years. Sun Jin is no longer the deputy mayor of Yongcheng City, but the propaganda minister. He has been promoted by half a level because he is the deputy mayor in charge of culture, education and health. The Chairman is not a member of the Standing Committee, but the Propaganda Minister is.

Vice Mayor Li is also a cadre born and raised in Yongcheng. He has worked his way up from deputy township chief, township chief, town mayor, director of the municipal government office, deputy mayor to executive deputy mayor. When Liu Ligan was in charge, he was The director of the Municipal Government Office, who leads the newly appointed mayor, often visits Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, and it is difficult for them not to know them well.

They were old acquaintances, so they talked casually. They hadn't seen each other for several years. When they met again, Vice Mayor Li and Liu Ligan hit it off immediately. Li didn't ask where Liu Ligan had been in the past few years. He knew it was a scar and couldn't be uncovered, but he determined that it was a scar. Liu is a capable person, so when he heard that his "Renjia Tourism" was going to return to Yongcheng to build a B\u0026B, even though it was just a small project, he welcomed it with both hands.

Although the new secretary and mayor are not from Yongcheng, everyone knows that Liu is the founder of "Splendid China". Although the current leader of "Splendid China" is Tan Shuzhen, only cadres from Zhejiang , I still vaguely remember that Liu Ligan appeared in the media from time to time and made big news.

At the municipal government office meeting, the mayor heard Deputy Mayor Li introduce the situation of "Renjia Tourism" and Liu Ligan, and said, "Good guy, is this a tiger coming out of the mountain?" Everyone present laughed, and the matter was over, moving on to the next topic.

It was already noon when he came back from Shibawu. Liu Ligan said that he wanted to invite Vice Mayor Li to Yongcheng Center for dinner. The other party quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't dare, don't dare. Who dares to eat and drink now? You want to harm me?"

"Can I treat you to KFC?" Liu Ligan asked.

Deputy Mayor Li said: "KFC can do it."

When they arrived at the Cultural Square, the car parked in front of KFC. Liu Ligan asked Vice Mayor Li whether to eat in or in the car.

Li said: "Just get in the car."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, today's cadres are really careful, as if they are all Li Yong and Liu Chengcheng.

Liu Ligan got out of the car. When only Zhang Chen and Vice Mayor Li were left in the car, he asked Zhang Chen:

"Where has this guy Liu Ligan been in the past few years?"

"Hunan, change your mind in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters." Zhang Chen didn't want to say too much and said with a smile.

"What's going on with him and Tan Shuzhen?" Deputy Mayor Li asked.

"The cultivation has achieved positive results." Zhang Chen said.

Vice Mayor Li laughed loudly and said: "These two people have finally stopped struggling. If they continue to struggle, their hair will turn gray."

Zhang Chen laughed after hearing this.

A traffic policeman rode a motorcycle and came diagonally toward them. He slowed down as he approached the car. Deputy Mayor Li, who was sitting behind him, pressed down the window, looked at the traffic policeman, and then pressed it back down. , the traffic policeman who had slowed down speeded up again, and the motorcycle passed by Zhang Chen's car.

Vice Mayor Li said: "Zhang Chen, your logistics base is good. Have you considered coming back to build one? I will give you the location closest to Hangzhou in Yongcheng. It only takes 40 minutes on the highway from Hangzhou."

Zhang Chen thought to himself that his logistics base in Hangzhou was no longer enough. If he wanted to find such a large area of ​​land in Hangzhou, it would definitely be impossible now. As for the logistics land, on one hand, small and small ones were eliminated, and on the other hand, small and small ones were eliminated. On the other hand, cities have an increasing demand for large logistics bases like theirs.

Zhang Chen even thought that he could even move his clothing factory to Yongcheng. Their clothes are now sold on Amazon and Whether the factory is in Hangzhou or not, it really has no impact at all. The resulting house can be used as an expansion project for the e-commerce industrial park.

Zhang Chen said yes, "I'll think about it, and I'll ask you for help after I've thought about it."

Liu Ligan came back with two Family Buckets and a large bottle of Coke. The three of them were eating KFC and drinking Coke in the car. Liu Ligan asked Vice Mayor Li:

"When will you become a regular employee?"

Vice Mayor Li bit into a piece of finger-sucking original chicken and said vaguely, "I don't know. How about you help me go to the organization department to find out?"

Throwing the bones into a garbage bag and wiping his hands with a napkin, Vice Mayor Li said: "If I become a regular employee, I will leave Yongcheng. To be honest, I really can't bear to leave Yongcheng."

"Hypocritical, you shouldn't be in politics at all." Liu Ligan scolded.

"Then what can I do? Go to your 'travel business' and follow you?" Li asked.

"Okay, okay, I welcome you with both feet." Liu Ligan said, "I'm just afraid that you will become addicted to politics and won't be able to quit."

"Bullshit." Vice Mayor Li cursed, and then said to Zhang Chen: "Let's go, take me back, go to the office to prepare, I'm going on a business trip."

Zhang Chen started the car and drove Vice Mayor Li into the city government compound. He parked in front of the building. The three people got out of the car and shook hands to say goodbye. Vice Mayor Li walked into the building. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan returned to the car. On the road, Zhang Chen was about to start the car when his cell phone rang.

Zhang Chen picked up the answer, and Sun Jin cursed on the phone: "Zhang Chen, I saw you. Is that Liu Ligan the one with you? What do you mean, Zhang Chen, he didn't come up when he got downstairs." ?”

Zhang Chen tilted his head and looked through the front windshield towards Sun Jin's office on the third floor. The sun was dazzling on the window glass and he couldn't see anything clearly. Zhang Chen smiled and said:

"I'm afraid that you have a lot of things to do, so I don't dare to disturb you if you have nothing to do."

"Stop talking nonsense and come up quickly. I'm in the office." Sun Jin said.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan then went to Chun'an and several counties below Lishui, Quzhou, and Wenzhou, and ran from the mountains to the sea, and negotiated more than a dozen projects. With these dozen projects, Liu Ligan said, These are the hens I lay eggs on.

Soon, they will hatch dozens of projects. For projects like homestays, three or four are not too many in a county. A homestay only has a few rooms. As long as the reputation of "people" is established, no matter Worry about tourists.

Different from hotels and hotels, B\u0026Bs are mainly based on self-service for guests. Guests staying in B\u0026Bs are bothered by people disturbing them, and they do not need to provide catering services, or just simple catering services. A B\u0026B only requires three waiters and three shifts. That's fine. Even plumbers only need to recruit part-time workers locally. When needed, just send them via WeChat.

In this way, the daily expenses of B\u0026Bs are very low. In terms of the revenue ratio of a single room, they are much higher than five-star hotels. Many five-star hotels, especially those in county towns, are somewhat bloated. It feels like a fat person. With their occupancy rate, it is very difficult to maintain such huge personnel expenses.

Therefore, many five-star hotels, while still open, become half-baked.

Old comrades had already contacted Liu Ligan for these projects, so wherever they went, people basically gave them face. In addition, most people, when they saw Zhang Chen or got his business card, Immediately I remembered who he was.

I don’t know about Professor Zhang, and I have eaten at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel in Hangzhou more than once. I know that he is the owner of the largest hotel in Hangzhou. After I return to Hangzhou, I will have to deal with him. Everyone is welcome. Be polite.

Things went smoothly. After returning to Hangzhou, Zhang Chen was about to start helping Liu Ligan with the design. There was no need to hire Jacques or Jason for such small projects. Zhang Chen still had this confidence. He put I also take this as a challenge for myself.

It had been a long time since he had carried out such a systematic and intensive design. He decided to regard this time of helping Liu Ligan design a B\u0026B as a periodic summary of himself, treating each project like he was preparing for a fashion show in his early years. In that way, a project is a clothing style, and products of different styles are brought together to create a grand spectacle.

He only needed to draw renderings one by one. In fact, when looking at the pieces of land on site, Zhang Chen already had a hazy feeling. He needed to dig deep into this hazy feeling and finally put it on the paper. , the renderings were handed over to Tan Shuzhen and the design institute under "Splendid China", who would then do the structural design.

They ran outside for more than a month and returned to Hangzhou for two days. Zhang Chen took out a pen and paper and was about to start working on it. When he took out the dozen projects, Liu Ligan came to call him and said I want to go around Huzhou and several counties and cities below Jiaxing.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Can't you just fucking let me go and let me work hard? I feel like an escort."

"No, no," Liu Ligan said, "Professor Zhang's flag still needs to be held by me for a while."

Zhang Chen threw the pen in his hand onto the pencil drawing paper and asked, "Do you still want these projects?"

"Don't be in a hurry, the land has been taken, just work slowly. Didn't I tell you, I want to make each high-quality product, and high-quality products require slow work to produce fine work." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was helpless. He felt that he couldn't hide. This guy would stalk him. Even if he wanted to paint well, it would be impossible. This guy would keep making noises around him.

Zhang Chen sighed and said okay, can we leave tomorrow?

"No tomorrow, leave right away. I've already made an appointment in the afternoon." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen glared at Liu Ligan, who laughed loudly and said, "Zhang Chen, I discovered a problem."

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I feel that when we work together, we work well together. It's perfect. How about you come and join our 'Renjia Travel Industry'?" Liu Ligan said.

"Go away." Zhang Chen scolded, "If you don't have enough money, come and get it. If you want to drag me down, there's no way."

"I don't want to drag you into trouble, I have other motives." Liu Ligan said.

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I want to kiss each other." Liu Ligan said, "When Bei Bei and Nan Nan are together, they think of their fathers. Do you think we are two pioneers in their eyes?" What does it feel like to be a warrior?”

After Liu Ligan said this, he was overjoyed, and Zhang Chen also laughed. Really, he felt that he and Liu Ligan really looked like Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhao's father, the two land reclamation warriors. The only difference was that those two When the pioneer warriors were together, they were never so noisy.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Tianying 1978, miss zzzzz, for whom Fenglu Li Zhongxiao, so 160403163531329, Fang Xiaoluo, still don’t understand, come and take a look, Donglongdong, traveler Ye Buzhan, book friend 20190927194256391, book friend 20171122204203851, Book Friends 20180906223204934, The House Cat with the World in Mind, Yuanxi, Lijiang Misty Rain* Chonglou, Niushan No. 1, Forgot Password and Come Again, Yunlong Frog Fish, Xu Yuenian, Captain Jim, End丶Hao, Romantic Sakura Qinqinchu, Don’t Too Seriousness, ogyo, wanderer Xiaoliu, are not monthly tickets for the impossible world! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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