The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1977 Born from sorrow

After the "Zhai Xian Delivery" community distribution system was officially launched, the number of corporate customers and household customers has been increasing every day. Shentu Hongyan and several other factories are delivering fresh cabinets to Hangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing every day.

Shentu Hongyan and Zhang Xiangbei said, I have stopped all other orders, and I have not done any foreign trade orders from Qiaoxin. I will just make your product. Otherwise, it will be too late when Beijing and Guangzhou start to develop. .

Zhang Xiangbei said okay, thank you Aunt Hongyan, I will leave it to you for the fresh-keeping cabinet.

They develop city by city. Every time they develop a city, they need a large number of fresh-keeping cabinets. If they don't have enough vegetables, they can increase their purchases. If they don't have enough delivery personnel, they can add more people and vehicles. These are all very fast. Only this fresh-keeping cabinet, It must be made one by one. As long as the fresh cabinets are not ready, they will have no way to carry out community distribution.

The fresh-keeping cabinet has indeed become a bottleneck for them. Fortunately, the Yiwu people themselves are very hardworking. Shentu Hongyan and Zhang Xiangbei have an unusual relationship. They completely regard Zhang Xiangbei's affairs as their own business. Xiangbei was anxious. She was even more anxious than Zhang Xiangbei. She tried every means to expand production. Not only her own factory, but also the factories of her ladies were activated.

Shentu Hongyan called Xu Qiaoxin and asked Xu Qiaoxin not to send new orders to their factories. Xu Qiaoxin asked why. Shentu Hongyan told her the matter, and Xu Qiaoxin said:

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you. We're all from the same company. We still have shares in the company called "Zhai Xianshui"."

"You still have your husband there?" Shentu Hongyan laughed and hung up the phone.

Xu Qiaoxin had no choice but to transfer the foreign trade orders in their hands to other factories.

Zhang Xiangbei asked Li Wei and others to conduct a survey online. He found that 21.5% of their new customers became their members through introductions from relatives and friends. This ratio is not low. Zhang Xiangbei felt relieved, knowing that not only their advertising had an effect, but also word-of-mouth.

For platform companies like them, customer recognition and stickiness are the most important. Online customers gather quickly, but they disperse very quickly. No matter how awesome a website is, if it collapses , it doesn’t even take a year, no matter how glorious you were a year ago.

And when everyone starts to stay away from your website, he will ruthlessly delete your APP from his mobile phone. He feels that when he opens his mobile phone and sees you, he is offended and annoyed.

This trend will also be like an ulcer wound, the damage will expand rapidly, and it will be too late to stop the loss. Zhang Xiangbei feels that he is walking on thin ice every day.

He looked at the bustling factory below, the office with people coming and going around him, and the orders that were flying in like flakes, but he didn't feel any sense of success at all.

When he was not running a business, he could be carefree every day. After running a business, his mind was not so stable. He always had a vague feeling that there was a thunder not far away, waiting for him to eliminate it. If he did not eliminate it, It will explode at any moment.

And where exactly this thunder is, Zhang Xiangbei can't see or touch it.

Although Gu Gong is more than ten years older than Zhang Xiangbei, the two of them get along very well. When he is not on duty at night, Gu Gong is often not in a hurry to go home after work. He says that his son has his wife to take care of his homework anyway, so there is no need for him. Guan, as for Zhang Xiangbei, he has no concept of commuting at all. When he goes home, he always feels panicked, but when he stays in the office, he feels at ease.

Gu Gong often goes to the canteen, cooks a few dishes with his own hands, and then comes to have a drink with Zhang Xiangbei. The dishes he cooks are indeed delicious. Gu Gong himself said proudly, I think the most valuable thing in me is not my brain, but my brain. It's this mouth.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and said: "Dishes are made by hand, you should praise your skill."

"That's right, food must be eaten." Gu Gong said, "Who can't cook? Anyone who can pour things into the pot and know the difference between salt and sugar, vinegar and soy sauce can cook. If you can't, you can still cook." There is Baidu, where you can search for recipes for any dish. It’s not unusual to make a dish. The difference is whether it tastes good or not.

"To cook delicious dishes, you must first have a sensitive mouth that can taste good and bad. Then, by trying again and again, you can find the most delicious one and learn how to cook it. Then, you can improve your skills by drawing on analogies. I My mouth is very sensitive and tricky."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Okay, that makes sense."

It was starting to get a little cold. What they drank was rice wine brewed by Gu Gong himself. It was very mellow. They poured the wine into an electric kettle, heated it up a little, and started drinking. As soon as they drank the wine, the two of them forgot about their age and age. In the relationship between superiors and subordinates, almost everything is discussed.

Every time, on the coffee table in front of them, there will be vegetables pickled by Gu Gong himself, which he brought from his own home. The vegetables from their food factory have not yet arrived and are not delicious.

Every time Zhang Xiangbei sees Gu Gong coming, he has a little expectation. He wonders what good things he will bring today.

Gu Gong and Zhang Xiangbei said that when people buy a new house, they will arrange a study room. As a master of history, I don’t have a single book at home. Except for my son’s textbooks and extracurricular books, I don’t have any books. I even participated in writing them myself. I don’t even keep a single book at home. I don’t need a study. I built a workshop, and the shelves inside are filled with various jars, jars, and seasonings.

Every time Gu Gong brought something, he cooked it at home. Zhang Xiangbei asked him how many kinds of vegetables he had cooked?

"I don't know, I can't remember clearly." Gu Gong shook his head and said, "I also have a wine cabinet, but there is no wine in the wine cabinet. There are all kinds of cured meats in it. I found that I use the wine cabinet to store cured meats. The best. There should be more than thirty kinds of these marinated meats. Some are salted, soy sauce marinated, and marinated with various sauces. By the way, next time I will bring beef marinated in tom yum sauce. You eat it, it’s delicious.”

Gu Gong's words made Zhang Xiangbei yearn for him, so he raised his cup and touched Gu Gong's cup.

As delicious as the food cooked by Gu Gong are his stories, all kinds of interesting things he heard and saw from the fields and the countryside. As soon as he drank wine, he would talk about them endlessly. , Zhang Xiangbei listened with great interest.

Zhang Xiangbei also told Gu Gong about his uncertainty. Gu Gong said, you have a sense of worry. It is a good thing to have a sense of worry. People who can achieve great things will definitely not be able to do it without a sense of worry. It can also be said to be insight. A person's insight comes from his sense of worry.

Having a sense of worry will make people sensitive. Only by being sensitive can you see and feel things that others can't see and feel. This is normal. Such a big stall is here. On the contrary, if one day you don't If you have this kind of awareness, you need to be careful. It means that you are comfortable and have allowed yourself to hide in your comfort zone.

"If you start dating little celebrities again, then you and this company will be close to death."

Gu Gong laughed loudly as he spoke, and Zhang Xiangbei also laughed, but he thought, Xiangnan is also a little star, why don't I feel this way.

"Be born in sorrow and die in happiness." Gu Gong added.

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "Why do I feel so cool that I can no longer be cool?"

Gu Gong reached out and patted Zhang Xiangbei on the shoulder and said to him:

"When you have a burden, you can be as light as a swallow with empty hands and feet. If you have a burden on your shoulders, can you run easily?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded, feeling that what Gu Gong said made sense.

Gu Gong raised the cup in his hand, clinked it with Zhang Xiangbei, put down the cup, and said:

"Mr. Zhang, you are a good person."

"What's good?" Zhang Xiangbei asked with a smile.

"Not like a rich second generation?"

"Oh, what should the rich second generation be like?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"I don't know. I'm not a second-generation rich man. How do I know?" Gu Gong said. "Anyway, I don't think you are like you. You are not so showy. No matter if you are a second-generation official, a second-generation rich man, or a second-generation star, The biggest problem with all second-generation people is that they take what they get for granted and create an illusion in themselves."

"What hallucination?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"They will mistake these for their own abilities, resulting in a feeling of being puffy and fat. They feel that they should occupy more space than others in this society. Do you know this feeling?" asked the consultant.

Zhang Xiangbei thought for a moment and said:

"I have never felt that I am a rich second generation. I am not pretending. I have never felt that money is such a great thing. Since I was a child, money has never put pressure on me. Maybe I don't feel it. Well, I think, maybe that’s why I make money while studying, so I can be so calm and leisurely.”

"That's right." Gu Gong said, "If you have to earn the money for tuition and food by yourself, you will be scared, very miserable, and have a lot of psychological pressure."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded: "So, at that time, I really regarded making money as a thing. There is a big difference between doing it as a thing and doing it for money. After I finished it, I felt that it was a good thing." It’s the sense of accomplishment after success, not how much money you make, including the fact that I’m doing ‘home delivery’ now. If it’s just for the money, I don’t have to do anything.”

What Zhang Xiangbei didn't tell Gu Gong was that he had never felt that money was important since he was a child. That was because he knew that there were things more important than money in the world.

When he was sitting in the corridor of the hospital, staring at the glass, watching his father drawing a watch for his mother while his mother was leaving him little by little, he felt powerless at such a young age. feel.

He felt that as long as his mother could survive, he would be willing to give him anything in exchange, all the things, the family house and car, all the money, his parents' company, so that he would never play games for the rest of his life, everything, Even if they become three beggars, as long as my mother can come back to life, he is willing.

But my mother left anyway.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Zhongkai727, Huaer and Youth, Book Friends 20170303195839050, Professional Season Formal Wear, Wooden Man, Very Careful 333, Midnight Wu Ge c, Book Friends 20201027033327244, You know whether a book is good or not, Brother Azhu, Qdragon, Qianqian Dad’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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